.net - Determine If A Url Is Absolute Or Relative From VB?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm trying to determine in vb if a URL is absolute or relative. I'm sure there has to be some library that can do this but I'm not sure which. Basically I need to be able to analyze a string such as 'relative/path' and

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Changing Absolute URI To Relative In HTTP POST Header

Apr 5, 2012

I have the following POST request:


Asked here in response to a request at 405 - Method Not Allowed HttpWebRequest

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Determine Absolute Path Of A File

Jun 21, 2010

I created a survey in vb.net where results are stored in an Excel file. Locally I can access and update the data of the file, but if I put online can not correctly access the excel file. How can I determine the absolute url of the file so, when a user submits the answers they can be inserted correctly in the excel file?Currently I use this to determine the location of the file: Dim LocalizacaoFicheiro As String = String.Concat(Server.MapPath("."), "RespostasQuestionario.xlsx")

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URL Getting Absolute Path From Relative Path ?

Mar 7, 2011

Say URL1: http:[url].....
RelativePath: ../../hello.htm

Hence absolute path is http:[url].....

Is there a function that do that?

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C# :: Determine The Relative Complement Of Two IEnumerable<T> Sets In .NET?

Jun 2, 2010

Is there an easy way to get the relative complement of two sets? Perhaps using LINQ?I have to find the relative compliment of a set A relative to B. Both A and B are of type HashSet<T> but I think the algorithm could be made more general (IEnumerable<T> or even ISet<T>)?

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Get The Absolute Value Of A Number?

Sep 1, 2009

How do you get the absolute value of a number in vb.net?

Is there a function built in? I know I can simply code a function myself, but I want to know if there is one already there first. It seems so simple, I could probably make it in three lines, so I would be surprised if there isnt one....

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Asp.net - Getting Absolute URL To Page In Code

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to convert a web application from using hard-coded deployment locations (ie, /base/path/index.aspx) to discovering them at runtime. If I use Response.Redirect(), I can express the path as '~/index.aspx' and, at runtime, ASP.NET will build the correct URL to send the redirect to based on where the web application is deployed.

There are places in the code where Javascript and/or HTML is generated dynamically and sent to the client as part of the response to force a new window. In these cases, I don't know how to get the actual URL that should be opened in the new window. Using ~ doesn't work in this case since the URL is being evaluated by the browser and not the server. Is there a class or method in ASP.NET that will give me the URL I am looking for? I'd look myself, but I don't even know how to properly phrase my question.

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Get The Absolute Path Of Program?

Feb 7, 2010

How can I get the absolute path of program I'm running?

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How To Turn Off Absolute Positioning

Mar 1, 2009

I have a book for VB 2005 and I am running VB 2008 and in VB 2005 they have a layout tab where you can turn off Absolute positioning and in VB 2008 there is no layout tab. So my question is how do you turn off absolute positioning in VB 2008?

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Checking File Exits In The Absolute Path?

Sep 29, 2011

how can i check if the file exist in the absolute path. for example i have images in the absolute path from which i have to check if the image exits I can do it from FILE.EXIST(path)this method is not working for absolute path, even if the file exits its is showing the file doesnt exist.

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DB/Reporting :: Absolute Path Information Is Required

Feb 2, 2009

I get this error on one of our workstations when trying to use program's report. The strange thing is that this workstation was working properly some days ago but suddenly faced with this problem!

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Filesystems - Find The Absolute Path Of The Exe File?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I get the application's path in .NET in a console app?

I would like to find the absolute path from where my exe file is running.

i.e if i run my application/exe from c:my-appmyapp.exe then it should return c:my-app.

My target is to find my database location inside the db folder.

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Find Absolute Coordinates In Pixels Of A Certain Cell?

Feb 12, 2012

How can I find the absolute coordinates in pixels of a certain cell?I am developing an Office 2010 addon (the Ribbon UI) and I add a new button to a new menu in the Ribbon and when the button is pressed, I want to get the screen position of that cell. The problem is that [code]only give the position relative to the A1 corner of the spreadsheet, while I want the position relative to 0,0 of the screen.I found this: How to get screen X and Y of an Excel 2003 cell in C# but it's for Office 2003,

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How To Retrieve The Absolute Position Of An HTML Element

Apr 3, 2008

How to retrieve the absolute coordinates of an HTML or CSS element from the webbrowser control using Visual Basic? I am using VB 2008 Express Edition. I would like to be able to display the control in my application and then using the HTML Document Object Model (I guess?!) get the X and Y coordinates (top, left, bottom, right) of a DIV or other HTML tag.

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GetCursorPos - Read Out Absolute Cursor Position On The Screen

Aug 14, 2009

I am currently trying to read out my absolute cursor position on the screen. I read some threads in the "Legacy Visual Basic (VB 4/5/6)" Forums but this is as far as I get:


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Snap To Grid Or Not / HTML Designer And Absolute Positioning

Jul 1, 2010

I installed VS2008 and just VS2010, both allow me to freely move objects around in the HTML Design View.However, I would like to be able to snap the objects in alignment.It is hard to space text boxes and buttons when everything is free flowing.

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VS 2010 - Disable Absolute Namespace Reference On Autocomplete

Aug 9, 2011

When I'm coding in Visual Studio 2010, say that I have some interface:
Namespace Some.Huge.Terrible.Namespace.Adhering.To.Company.Standards
Public Interface MyInterface
Property SomeThing as String
End Interface
End Namespace

And a class:
Public Class CoolThings
Implements MyInterface

When I hit Enter after MyInterface, Visual Studio will put
Property SomeThing as String Implements Some.Huge.Terrible.Namespace.Adhering.To.Company.Standards.MyInterface.SomeThing

I would like it to, instead, simply put:
Property SomeThing as String Implements MyInterface.SomeThing

It does the same thing for all methods, etc. that I have to implement and it's mildly annoying to either have to look at a stupidly long reference, or clean it all up since I'm importing the namespace at the top of my class anyway. Is there a setting in Visual Studio that I can use to switch that?

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Navigate To Relative URL?

Nov 22, 2009

I need help navigating to a local Url. I know how to navigate to a web site on the internet with webBrowser1.navigate (url...) BUTto navigate to a relative URL? Let's say I want to navigate a file called "index.html" or "index.aspx" and the file is local to the Web Browser Control.[code]...

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Relative Path Name In .NET?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to open a text file in a program I've created but it won't work unless I specify it as an absolute file path. I can't seem to make a relative path name.

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Calculate The Relative Humidity?

Jul 19, 2011

I wish to calculate the relative humidity with 3 known params which are: moisture(Absolute Moisture Content (AMC) in g/kg dry air), AirTemp(in degree c) and AirPressure(in kpa).

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Calculation Of Relative Humidity

Jul 20, 2011

I wish to calculate the relative humidity with 3 known params which are: moisture(Absolute Moisture Content (AMC) in g/kg dry air), AirTemp(in degree c) and AirPressure(in kpa).

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Get Another Application Relative Coordinates?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm writting a small program to send data to another application.Have not probs with that, my only problem now is to get the coordinates relative to the screen of that application so I don't need to move it, when I start the application, or to avoid probs if the customer moves that application on the screen.Currently this is my code to find if the other application is running or not, and if running then move it to the left upper corner of the screen.

Dim nWnd As IntPtr
Dim ceroIntPtr As New IntPtr(0)
Dim Wnd_name As String
Wnd_name = "thisname"


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Relative Path To An Image?

Sep 19, 2010

i am trying to create an application with with a tree view on the left and a list view on the other (which functions like a explorer )but i need a folder icon in both tree vies and list view it is only working as complete path C:Documents and Settings6025DesktopAccessProviderclose.jpgbut when you deploy this application the location always changes where shall i copy my images? and how can i locate itPlease see my code

Private Sub AddAllFolders(ByVal TNode As TreeNode, ByVal FolderPath As String)
Dim imageListSmall As New ImageList()
TreeView1.ImageList = imageListSmall


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Set The Relative Path Of A Exe File In .net?

Feb 11, 2010

set the relative path of a exe file in .net?

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Calculate Relative Time Offset?

Oct 13, 2010

I was reading this article about relative time calculation

The problem is that the results are wrong due to the time offset. My webpage is Greek.So how should i modify that function to work correctly, including the GMT+2 or GMT+3 hours offset?

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Deployment - Relative Project Folders

Jul 24, 2009

PROBLEM #1: I have a program that accesses several XML files that are located in a subfolder called "xmlfiles." This folder is a sub-folder in my project. I am using "Application.Settings" to store the locations of the XML files. For example, I have an entry for "JobsXML" that has a string with the file path of the XML file to load. To get these files to load, I had to use relative references: The path settings for "JobsXML" is "......xmlfilesjobs.xml"

I have to go up 3 directories because the files are in "debugin" during design. This will not be the case at runtime. This arrangement works fine in the editor, but when I make a "ClickOnce" package, the relative path will no longer work for installed applications. The directory will be different.

How can I setup my code so that the "xmlfiles" subfolder will be correctly used at runtime? I need to be able to run this from my project folder under "My Documents/Visual Studio 2005/Projects/etc..." and also, I need it to work from the runtime directory that the user installs the program to. So if the user installs the package to "C:temp" then the code should use the setting for "JobsXML" by going to "C:empxmlfilesjobs.xml."

PROBLEM #2: There is an attribute in some of my XML files that is also, a relative file reference. I have another subfolder called "images" that also resides in my project. This folder contains images that are loaded at runtime. In my XML file, each node has an attribute, "filepath" that has a value of "......imagesfilename.jpg". I also need to be able to access this relatively, just like the XMLfiles I mentioned in PROBLEM #1.

I have tried different combinations of StartupPath, Path.Combine and a few others, with no success. I am new to this so I could use some sample code to put this together correctly.

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How To Point To Relative File That Would Be Same On All Computers

Aug 15, 2011

I am wondering how to point to a relative file that would be the same on all computers. How would I go about this.

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Location Of DOS Window Relative To Form1?

Mar 31, 2010

I am calling a program that runs in DOS screen.Is it possible to position this screen to always open exactly same cordinates relative to my FORM1 screen?Or is it possible to run the FORM1 to start at same screen cordinates all the time?

The Code:

Sub Install1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Install1.Click
instance = Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "Driver.exe")
End Sub

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Make A File Path Relative?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a file path like this:

C:Documents and SettingsusernameMy DocumentsProgram NameFormDataGForm1Music.mp3

I need to change it from that to this:FormDataGForm1Music.mp3

The only problem is, that the rest of the file path could change but that.

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Mouse Position Relative To Form?

Jan 7, 2009

I've used the search function but couldn't yield any solutions. Sorry if I didn't look hard enough. Anyway, it's just a quick question. How can I find the mouse cursor X and Y co-ordinates relative to the form itself and NOT the screen?

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