.net SQL - Listbox On Select Fill Textbox?
Dec 10, 2009
I don�t want to use built-in data binding through Visual Studio, I would like to learn and code directly. I have created a form with a listbox on the left side and several texbox on the right side. I have code working that populates a listbox from my data reader (MyReader). The listbox works fine. There are two (2) buttons over the listbox to select All Active records or All Inactive records that queries the field �Status� in the �tblAdvocates� table.So the listbox works fine. Problem is trying to setup the SelectedIndexChanged function. I can�t figure out how to take the selected record from the listbox and use that to fill the textboxes. Do I �re-query� the database using the ID field from the table? Do I use the MyReader from the form load code and pull the data from that?
Here is my code:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
View 14 Replies
Feb 16, 2010
How could I link a Listbox to a Textbox? So each Listbox item holds string data, and when I click that Listbox item, it shows it's string data into the multiline Textbox. For example
I have a listbox item names "Numbers". It holds this data:
So I want it to when I select this item in the listbox, it display the number data into the multi line textbox.
View 5 Replies
Aug 13, 2011
I'm trying to make an aplication in wich you'll use the textbox to select an item form the listbox If the listbox has:
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May 28, 2011
Can I let my program select an item in a listbox based on a string (f.e. textbox.text)?So basicly, if an item in my listbox containst a certain string (text from a textbox), it should select that item..
I've been searching for a while, but nothing is doing the job.. Could anyone give me an example of this?
View 5 Replies
May 28, 2011
Can I let my program select an item in a listbox based on a string (f.e. textbox.text)?
So basicly, if an item in my listbox containst a certain string (text from a textbox), it should select that item..
View 2 Replies
Sep 23, 2009
I just want to display data of a single column from an oracle table into a datagridview or a listbox for readonly with no requirements to make changes to it. Simply display the information.What is the best way forward... To used DATAADAPTER or DATAREADER.s DATAGRIDVIEW SLOWER TO FILL THAN a LISTBOX.i am using the following code to fill datatgridview but for some odd reasons at time it is slow to display the data. I want to use listbox instead
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim adp As OracleDataAdapter
adp = New OracleDataAdapter("select customer_name from customers")
View 7 Replies
Aug 7, 2010
Is it possible to select an item in one listbox and then display the data of another listbox with the same indexed position? I am planning a project and this is something I would like to attempt but I haven't figured out how to do it.[code..]
I tried doing the above code but instead of displaying the listbox text the message box just returned false.
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Mar 30, 2009
How do I fill the variable in my SELECT statement?
Private Sub TabPage2_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage2.Enter
strTenantPin = tbxTenInfo_Pin.Text
View 4 Replies
Jun 16, 2010
I have a question here.. pls kindly advise.I need to design a simple form that allow user to choose the value from Listbox A to Listbox B. For example, in Listbox A, have value A, value B and value C, then user can choose (or highlight value B and value C) and copy into the listbox B.
May i know how can i do this in vb.net? Any reference link?
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Apr 17, 2009
I am currently trying to develop a program where you click on a datagridview row and then at the bottom of the window there is a button called "Modify."Once you hit this button, another window will pop open to where the user can modify the information on that specific datagridview object.I want the program to fill in what has already been entered so the user can go back and make changes if need be.I understand that datagridview has it's own update commands, but when I created by table adapters and everything, it did not create them.I am not sure if there is a way to create the update command manually, but this is the best way to explain it.
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Dec 11, 2009
I have 2 linked DB tables, Artists and Albums using ArtistID as the primary/foreign key.When I want to add a new Album, I have a new form open and I can fill a combobox with the list of Artists to choose from and edit all the details then save to the database.
However, when I want to edit the Album info, I can't seem to get the Artist associated with the Album, as well as all the rest of the Artists from that table, (in case I need to change the Artist associated with the Album).The information required comes from 2 linked tables, so that's where I'm getting lost.An example of this is when a person edits their profile on a webpage, for instance, a list of countries is usually listed in a combobox and the one selected is the country they selected when filling out the form previously, however, they still have the option to change it.
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Nov 27, 2011
I am working on a Windows forms project that connects to a Microsoft Access database, reads the the file, does some math and then provides some basic statistics back.I am teaching myself VB and I know the code below could be more efficient.However, right now I am just trying to make it functional.The program filters the data it needs via sql, and there are several sql statements.I separated the code for each of the sql statements and into a subroutine so that I could call each one when the form loads and also when the user clicks a button to update.The program works fine on the form load, however, when you click the update button you get the following error on the 'odaCalls.Fill' in subroutine Count(): "The select command property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill'.[code]
View 1 Replies
Dec 17, 2009
VB.Net 2005 SQL server 2005
I have a project I have a dataset that contains tables In the dataset designer, each table has a defaiult FILL command set. I have draged and droped my table as a grid onto my form VB automatically sets up the table adapter, and binding source to make it all work.
in my code, is placed in the form load routine, a tableadapter.fill(dataset.datatable)
Here is my dilemma. The data in my table may have 100's of thousands or rows.
I have presented the user with a front end that allows for filterring and selecting based on several columns. reguardless of how many rows the result set contains, there will always be the same columns in the dataset.
Because there are so many combinations of select query, i do not want to make 20 or 30 custom fillby's in the dataset. I want to make an addhoc select query and have the binding source and table adapters work as expected. I have created a query called "FillByCustom" in the dataset designer attached to the DataTable Adapter section.
My question is this.
If i build a select query that returns the desired rows, how do i place it into the adapter in place of the FILLBYCUSTOM select command, such that it all works as expected?
View 4 Replies
Jul 30, 2010
I'm building an application for run in PPC. Is my first for this kind of equipment. At a time, I nedd to fill a datagrid, by one manual select. In VB forms it works perfectly, but I can't convert this for PPC forms. I use this
View 1 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
How to fill a listbox with data from a SQL (OLEDB) so that you can see one row of data with various columns to show the different values for that row,ie. all of the SQL statement as one row.[code]...
View 10 Replies
Dec 9, 2009
I am using a select case loop to perform different tasks, one of the tasks the loop is doing is putting 1d arrays together into 3d arrays. But, when i come to print the 3d array only the 3rd "line" in the array is complete. Is there a way to pass variables created in a select case out of the select case?
Here is some code to try and explain better:
Select Case Int()
Case Is = 13
View 4 Replies
Aug 13, 2010
What it will do:It will go to the penndot website.Fill in those two forms with what the user inputed in the textboxes. Click login Then tick either reschedule, unless there isn't a reschedule then it would tick schedule Click Continue Tick the right DMV(Not going to post this because of my location If there's an error at the top It won't do anything.If there are available choices.Then it would send an email to the email in the email textboxSo.. after writing all this out...
View 2 Replies
Apr 25, 2012
I am new to these forums. I had a VB.net class several years ago and cant seem to find this info in the text from the book used in the class. Here is what I would like to do. I have a 2 forms. One with three buttons and the other with a listbox. When I click on one of the three buttons (on form1), I want to fill the listbox (on form 2) with one of three arrays. is this possible, it seems like it should be.
View 15 Replies
Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to fill filenames from a folder into a listbox. Now what i want to achieve is that if in the folder there are 2 files with same name but different extension for example song.wmv and song.mp3 then i want to show only .mp3 filename in the listbox. This is how it works in VB6. PERFECT! How to make this code work in .net.
View 6 Replies
Mar 5, 2009
i'm developing an application for my graduation.I have a form with one picturebox, one list box and 4 text box and one button.I am tring to do this:the user fill the 2 text box with some values, and other 2 text box with the path to some images,and when user click on the button the list box will fill dinamically with values , and when changing it, the image of picture box will change with associated image.
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm trying to set up a form that I can use to sort names. What I've done is set up a table with with the persons name and info in it as well as one field for a platoon number, and my form is basically 5 listboxes. I want unsorted names to appear in the first box, and sorted names to appear in their coresponding listbox (based on the platoon number in the table). I set up a query through the wizard (from the listbox itself) that will pull the info that I want, but so far it seems to pull it to all the listboxes rather than just the one I want.So far I've figured out how to make the listboxes fill on form load or on a button click (though in both cases all the listboxes are filled with the same data).Eventually I'd like to be able to sort these names in the various listboxes by dragging and dropping, but one thing at a time.So:1. Am I going about this from the right angle or am I making this needlessly complicated?2. How can I get this to sort the data to the correct listboxes on formload?
View 1 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
I have a table and i have a form as belove-studentid:...stuentname:..sex:....dateofbirth:...when i type the studentid if it has late the program select the data to fill all text box on form
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a problem with access database in my vb project. I would like to fill the listbox with objects from my database. I've attached two images. In first image when i'm using command objDataAdapter.Fill(mydataset....) i can select table property(zaposlen). But in second image or in my second app i dont have an option to select table property in my dataset(there is nothing to select). If i select DataTableDataTable i get next error: DataTableDataTable' is a type in 'WindowsApplication1.baza_podatkovDataSet' and cannot be used as an expression.
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Jul 4, 2010
I want to fill an Array and list box from a table, with ALL of the records.
I DONT want to use Displaymember. Like shown below...
This is the code so far, but it is only filling with the first record.
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Apr 23, 2009
As the title suggests I have a ComboBox and 2 listBoxes on a form. I need to fill the left ListBox with items not now asssociated with the ComboBox selection and the ListBox on the right with items already associated with the ComboBox selection. Is it possible to populate the ComboBox and each ListBox using only one query and returning a dataset of ALL the data to do so, or do I need to Populate the ComboBox, then use 2 queries, one for each ListBox?
View 6 Replies
Dec 13, 2011
I want to fill a listbox with file names of the specific extention. This is my code , does not work.
If Not FolderExists = My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(PowerPointDir) Then
MsgBox("This Directory does not contain any PowerPoint files" & vbCr & "You need to load the files now...", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Warning - No Media Found")
If i take away the DIR name and the Exten then it fills with ALL the file names, not what i want.
View 5 Replies
Dec 23, 2009
I'm using one Access Database and DataSet, BindingSource And Table Adapter. My question is: how to fill one listbox on my form with dates from one row from Database.
Look at the picture:
So listbox needs to have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
How to to this, code?
View 2 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
I have a multiple form application with a listbox on each form. I want to be able to select an item in one listbox on one form and then click a button and it show up in a listbox on another form.
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Feb 13, 2011
Quote:Dim con As New MySqlConnection
my code is correct and it displays username in the combox my problem now is i want also display the password on the textbox2. if i choose one of the username in the combobox list. the textbox2 will be automatically fill based on the record on my database??
View 3 Replies
Aug 19, 2011
I have to fill a listbox with the results avaiable by querying windows service using ServiceController.GetServices method.I will list down the code I used.I know using foreach to fill the listbox.But I want to use array.foreach with lambda or delegates.(inline function.My
VB.Net code Public class Form1 PrivateSub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load Dim services As ServiceProcess.ServiceController() = ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices 'For Each s In services[code]....
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