I'm working on a webpage automation project. I want to use Webbrowser control to select an item in the dropdownlist. Now,how do I programmetically select an item from the HTML snippet below. I would like to select,say for example,"2009" from this HTML code :
<select name = "yr"> <option value= "">Year</option> <option>2009</option> <option>2010</option>
I'm working on a webpage automation project. And I am very new in this. I want to use Webbrowser control to select an item in the dropdownlist. Now,how do I programmetically select an item from the HTML snippet below. I would like to select,say for example,"2009"from this HTML code :
<select name = "yr"> <option value= "">Year</option> <option>2009</option>
I want to select one item in drop down list in ASP.NET written with VB.NET - I have values and texts in listbox like this: Volvo Audi etc... But values coming from other place in upper case... VOLVO, AUDI..
This code: dropdownlist.FindByValue("CAPITAL") Is not working and giving null for Volvo..
I want to take a drop down menu. It will contain LastName, FirstName. I want that to select a record from a table. First Name and LastName are two different columns
Im trying to autofill a html form and all textboxes and textarea is working ok.. I now have a problem with a combobox1.I added the items below to the combobox1. So whenever i choose one of those items it needs to choose the same value on the website dropdownbox.[code]
I have a dropdowncombobox in m� navigatorbar, I have added the column customerName from my customertable as displaymember and the CustomerID as the valuemember.
Beneth the navgatorbar I have 4 TextBoxes bound to the Customer table.
How can I select a customerName from the dropdown, and fill the 4 boxes automaticly based on that choice?
I am trying to select a dropdown and populate about 10 textboxes with information. The information is in a database. I know one option would be to write a stored procedure and pass the value of the dropdown box to the sp and then use SqlDataReader to readthe values to populate the textboxes. I am new to VB and was wondering if i should attempt this using LINQ?
Application: Arrays are to be used for this. When button Add Student is clicked it should add all the information for a student and when Show Student button is clicked it should prompt the user for student's last name and student's information in a message box. Class ranking list box has an enum function to it and has to be stored be show along side other answers.NOTE: FindItemIndex if from the last application I did, i am suppose to use it in this one,so you can modify it the way you want.
I am not sure how I could achieve this: allow the user to select a value (string) from the dropdown list of a ComboBox and display another value in the editable text. The user can modify this displayed value as well. In VB6 I had a combobox where the list property contained a two dimensional array. When the user selected a value from the dropdown list, the displayed value was set using the second dimension of the array. Something like this:
I currently have a few comboboxes in my project that on the 'Dropdown' event, I have them show items from a database that I have bound to the Combobox, I have tried this on several other events too with the same result.The problem i'm having is when the user clicks the dropdown but doesn't select anything, it automatically defaults the first item in the combobox although nothing was ever really selected so what I want is the combobox to remain blank UNTIL they click on an item in the dropdown, is there a way to avoid this? Is there some code I can place in the combobox's selected indexchange to prevent the first item in the list from appearing unless it was actually physically clicked?
I have a Generic.List(Of ImportedVehicle) - ImportedVehicle being a simple class as below.There is an enum property which is marked as public.When I serialize to XML using an XMLSerializer, the enum's value is just set to it's default value (which is NotAllocated) and doesn't actually represent the value that is set in code.[code]
net/watin application and I am trying to select and item from a combobox on a client's website. I can use watin to drop the list down and select (highlite) an item from the list but the selected item will not populate the textbox above. It seems like watin's .select() is not triggering an event to fire.I can work around this by writing in the first letter of the item in the combobox and use the hypertext feature to select the item but this is not ideal.
ControlCommand("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "ShowDropDown") ControlSend("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "This is my default value (TEST) - First")
or ControlCommand("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "ShowDropDown") ControlSend("Test Form", "", "[NAME:ctlMsgQueueCombo]", "select", "This is my default value (TEST) - First")
It selects the combo box but not selecting the desired "this is my default value (TEST) - First" from the list. Basically what it is doing is selecting any value that starts with t . e.g first value is "TMP". So instead of exactly matching it is selecting any first character match.how to force it to select the exact string from list.Also tried using the following code but nothing seems to work
a table of addresses and a bindingsource for the table a enum list of address type: 0 = "Mailing", 1 = "Physical", 2 = "Shipping" etc...
I would like to bind the datasource of the combobox to the enum so it displays "Mailing", "Physical" etc. Then I would like to change the bindingsource position of the address table based on the user selection of the combobox.
Here is what I have so far:
cbxAddressName.DataSource = New BindingSource(ApplicationEnums.GetEnumList(GetType(ApplicationEnums.CompanyAddressType)), Nothing)
I created a Windows Form application that used a Webrowser control to automate the process of entering data into a website. One of the tasks included selecting a server name from a dropdown menu (SELECT tag). I was able to get a collection of all of the OPTION tags and use HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") to select the server I needed.The website recently went through a redesign and now there are no OPTION tags. It appears that the values for the SELECT tags are added by JavaScript dynamically. I have tried using HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") directly, but I am unable to select what I need.
I'm trying to declare an enumeration and one of the names I'd like to use for an item is not usable apparently. Where I am declaring 'STEP = 3', I get this error message in visual studio: "Statement cannot appear within an Enum body. End of statement expected." Is it possible to use STEP as an item name somehow? [Code]
How can i make a dropdown list with checkboxes ? I have a windows app ( vb.net) and the checkboxlist control is not real an option with the available space on my form.
I have a web form in which i have droped 6 dropdownlists and each dropdownlist have previous seven dates to open files from a specific folder concatenated with date at the end of file name.Problem is that when i select first dropdown list it opens file fine but when i select a date from anyother dropdownlist to open file then it open the same file which was opened from the first dropdownlist.Please see the code and make correction in it.