.net - StackOverflow In List (Of T)?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a program that uses Lucene.net in ASP.NET (VB.NET), when you search a term, results are stored in the Lucene.net data structure "hits".I want to read out the hits into an data structure and work with them, after that I display them in a DataGrid.By searching a term with a lot of results, often (but not always) there is an error by following code :

For i = 0 To results - 1 Step 1
Dim tmpobj As New object_hit(( _
hits.Doc(i).Get("title") + _


I checked the server; it's a dwh server and has no problems to execute the program.At first I used a ReDim Array, but now I use a List(Of T).

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C# - Stackoverflow .net Language Representation?

Jun 27, 2012

[URL]notice that the tag topic count for C# is in excess of 8900 while the vb.net tag topic count is sitting at 1019. Does this mean that there is a shift towards c# as a .net language of choice. the only reason I decided to build some applications for work using c# was that I like curly braces - after all vb has the same language support as c#, doesn't it so there should be no advantage to choosing one over the other; other than curly braces;)

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Getting Stackoverflow Exception In System.dll?

Jul 9, 2009

i have identified that the problem here is in the following line:

Tbl_POBindingSource.Filter = Tbl_POBindingSource.Filter & " AND " & Partfilter

Now here is my whole thread:

Do While _filter = 0
Dim POFilters As String = ""


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StackOverflow In SQLite Query?

Apr 2, 2010

I have an StackOverflowException in one of my DB functions that I don't know how to deal with. I have a SQLite database with one table "tblEmployees" that holds records for each employees (several thousand posts) and usually this function runs without any problem.

But sometimes after the the function is called a thousand times it breaks with an StackOverflowException at the line "ReturnTable.Load(reader)" with the message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Data.SQLite.dll

If I restart the application it has no problem to continue with the exact same post it last crashed on. I can also make the exactly same DB-call from SQLite Admin at the crash time without no problems.

Here is the code:


When crashes, the reader has "Property evaluation failed." in all values.I assume there is some problem with allocated memory that isn't released correctly, but can't figure out what object it's all about. The DB-connection opens when the DB-class object is created and closes on main form Dispose.

Should I maybe dispose the mycommand object every time in a finally block? But wouldn't that result in a closed DB-connection?

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VS 2008 - StackOverflow Tips

Nov 28, 2009

I need some advice to make a small application running, i need to calculate a integer prime and i use a recursive function inside a while true loop, first i get a random number with random class and then i call the recursive function that checks if it's prime, if it's prime it exits the while. Sometimes it works others throws the stack overflow exception, what i must do to get rid off this exception?

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Asp.net - IHttpHandler For Images Producing A Stackoverflow In IE?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a directory of images that reside outside the context of my web application that I need to serve to the user. Currently I'm using an IHttpHandler to serve the images and using some javascript to navigate through a set of images (the navigation is primitive for now). I followed examples for using IHttpHandler to serve images closely but when I view the images in firefox the browser hangs and when I view in IE I get a "Stack overflow at line: 0".

Code for the IHttpHandler

Public Class ShowImage : Implements IHttpHandler
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) _
Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest


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Asp.net - Store OpenID Users Into DB Like Stackoverflow Does

Dec 19, 2011

I have made a login system using OpenID using the following code:


It takes the user to Google for authentication. I only want to store the user information like email, full name and sex in my DB. I have written the following code to retrive email from Google but nothing is returned:


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Stackoverflow Error In BackgroundWorker ProgressChanged

Sep 27, 2011

I have a search function in my program that uses a background worker in order to get the results. The Progress changed event is used to update the listview with the new item.[code]

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Xml - Another About Getting Entries From StackOverflow Atom Feed

Dec 18, 2009

I feel like an idiot for asking this question again, as I know it's been asked several times. I cannot for the life of me get this code working even with the answers that have already been provided, so I'm hoping that by offering my current code, someone can help me determine where I'm going wrong:

Dim RSSReader As New Xml.XmlTextReader("http://stackoverflow.com/feeds")
Dim RSSDoc As New Xml.XmlDocument()
Dim NSMgr As New Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(RSSDoc.NameTable)
NSMgr.AddNamespace("atom", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")


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Function Calling Itself, Can't Dodge StackOverflow Error

Oct 7, 2011

I understand that this is bad programming practice and redundant coding but I am curios.

I am simply counting a number up to 9999999 in a while loop. The Add() function simply increases that number and prints it out.

Inside the Add() Function I call the Add() function.

My program successfully prints out 12000ish numbers before I get a StackOverflow Exception.

So my question = Is there any way to ignore this error and keep counting?

I have tried On Error Resume, Try/Catch, and throw

My code is as follows.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
While number1 < 9999999


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Oop - .NET Class Properties Ends Up In Circular References And Through StackOverflow Exception?

Jan 9, 2012

I have 2 classess. Role and User like this

Public Class Role
Public Property RoleID As Integer
Public Property CreatedBy As User


The situation is like when we create roles, we will save who created this role. So i have a CreatedBy Property of type User. Similarly when we create a User, we will mention what role the new user belongs to .So i have a property called "Role" of type "Role". This circular reference giving me StackOverflow exception as its recursive when i create an object of User class.How do i handle this ? should i restucture my entties ? how ?

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Stackoverflow Exception Thrown When Calling Me.close() On Main Form

Apr 3, 2009

I have done some reading and it seems that this error comes from recursive calls but I have not done anything in my form_closing handler except for call me.close, that's it.

So I don't understand how this exception has entered my project. All of my data and functionality is still working as I expect. It just seems to throw this exception when I try and exit my project.

what I could check to prevent something like this from happening?

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Create A Toggle Button That Switches A List To A Range And Then Back To A List If Needed?

May 14, 2009

II am trying to create a toggle button that switches a list to a range and then back to a list if needed. I am able to get it to do both but when I add an item to the list, convert to a range and then convert back to a list it leaves off the last items I entered.I tried to work in a code to select all cells but I must not be putting it in the right place.This is what I have so far:

ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$3:$AE$7"), , xlYes).Name = _

I realize the problem is the $AE$7 (the $A$3 is correct)

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DB/Reporting :: ODBC To SQL Server 8 Shows List Of Procedures But Not List Of Tables Or Views?

Oct 27, 2009

In VS 2008, VB.Net, I am successful connecting to a local SQL Server (version 8) and seeing all tables/views/procedures in Server Explorer. The local OS is Win XP Pro SP3. I created an ODBC data source to a remote SQL server (also version 8) with a database of the same structure as the local one. The connection tests out ok. The remote computer runs Windows Server 2000 SP4. In the VS 2008 Server Explorer I add this ODBC source. When I click on the plus-signs to expand items, neither the tables nor the views show anything, whereas the full list of procedures appears. Is it the old SQL Server version? Is it the old Server OS version? Something else alltogether?

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VS 2008 Student List Views - List Boxes And Data Fro Access DB Tables

Dec 30, 2010

This is what I'm sure will be the first of many noob-ish questions from yours truly... I'm studying as a mature student for a Computing Degree (encompassing web design, hardware, programming and systems analysis). The programming seems to be my weak spot this year. I enjoyed C++ last year, doing basic console applications, but progamming visually with VB in Visual Studio 2008 I'm struggling!


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C# - WCF Serialization And Interfaces - Error: List(of Object) Cannot Be Converted To List(of IMyInterface)

Oct 16, 2009

Does link text mean I have to return a concrete implementation? Even though I am using svcutil with the /r that includes my entites(where IMyInterface is defined). I get no errors but it changes all List(of IMyInterface) to list(of Object) and I cannot deserialize it on the client

Error: list(of object) cannot be converted to list(of IMyInterface).

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Determine If Property Is Generic List<of T> Via Reflection And Loop List Items

Oct 1, 2009

I'm looping all the properties in an object via reflection:

For Each p As PropertyInfo In values.[GetType]().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead Then
'Do stuff
End If

how to determine whether the property in question is a generic List(Of T)? If it is I need to loop the list itself.

I've experimented with GetType and TypeOf but have not managed to get anything working.

To clarify, I want to keep this generic. I do not want to specify the type of T, I need to loop the list items and call the ToString method on each item. T could be one of a number of different types (application specific reference types). Is it possible to do this without specifying types?

(VB.NET 2005 with .Net 2.0)

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Generate A List Of Random Integer With A Click Of The Button And Put The Results In A List Box Using .Net?

Nov 18, 2009

If I can generate a list of random integer with a click of the button and put the results in a list box using VB.Net but how do I randomly change several integer number generated by button 1 by clicking button 2? How I retain the results of button1 and change the results when clicking button2?I try before but the two button function code cannot relate to one another.

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Get Type Of Derived Generic List Class From List Item Method?

Mar 23, 2011

Public Class notifierMain
Public Class Contacts
Inherits List(Of row)
Public Sub New()


When I debug this winforms application I get curType = "notifier.notifierMain+Contacts+row" I want to the Validate function to know it is in MyContacts. How do I do this?

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IDE :: ODBC To SQL Server Shows List Of Procedures But Not List Of Tables Or Views?

Oct 27, 2009

In VS 2008, VB.Net, I am successful connecting to a local SQL Server and seeing all tables/views/procedures.I created an ODBC data source to a remote SQL server with a database of the same structure as the local one.The connection tests out ok. In the VS 2008 Server Explorer I add this source. When I click on the plus-signs to expand items, neither the tables nor the views show anything, whereas the full list of procedures appears.How can I see the lists of tables and views in Server Explorer for an ODBC source?

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Make A Project Where A Teacher Views A List Box With A List Of Students Of A Class?

Nov 5, 2011

I wish to make a project where a teacher views a list box with a list of students of a class. When he selects a name from the first list box the second listbox would change its data to show the grades for that one student.

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Passing List (Of ChildClass) As Parameter To Method Expecting List (Of ParentClass)?

Apr 12, 2010

I have implemented inheritance for two parent classes called Table and Field. Each parent class has several child classes. In the Table parent class, I created a method that expects parameter List(Of Field).

I get an error when trying to pass in parameter List(Of ChildField) to the method that expects a parameter of List(Of Field). The error message is as below:

Value of type


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Placing Selected/unselected Items In Checked List Box Into List Boxes?

Mar 16, 2011

This program is supposed to allow the user to check items in a checked list box. If the item is checked, it goes into the Completed List Box on the right. The program then adds the unchecked items to the Pending list box on the left. I keep getting placement values (e.g. O,1,2) instead of the strings (e.g. "Key Returned") in the list box results (see photo attached)

Public Class frmCheckOut
Dim i As Integer
Dim cleaning As String = "Cleaning Inspection"
Dim damage As String = "Damage Repaired"


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Shuffling Items Inside A Movie List / Need To Delete Half List

May 16, 2011

Another program I am working on for fun, I am basically shuffling a list inside a listbox, what I want to do is delete the rest but not sure how to go through with that. At the moment I have this: [code] Just contains the code, declarations outside weren't included.So anyway, once clicked, it will call on the function to basically shuffle in a for loop, I was wondering if I should (or how should) create another function and call it in the click button or have just a loop in the click button so it deletes half the list. What I am doing is I have 20 list of items, I want the program to shuffle the items and then deleting the lower 10, meaning, if I had 10 items and wanted 5 top, I'd want: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and deleting 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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VS 2005 Displaying A List Inputted Words And List All The Associated Line Numbers?

Aug 1, 2009

I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.

For example,

"This is a random text
file that I
have just made
up this second"


As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.

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VS 2008 Will Not Need To Update Each Component Variable Of Products List When Components List Changes

Sep 21, 2010

I think (?) this is about object design, and perhaps about structural and/or creational patterns. But a bit hard to say when I only know a couple of patterns yet.[code]But... what if we INSTEAD want each Product instance only to (in some way) refer to one instance of a specific list of Components. So we wan't to save the products list to one file, and the components list to another file. Then would I build the objects the same way, or different? So let's then say we have now Class B as below. [code]

1. Will not need to update each component variable of the products list when the components list changes.

2. If the Product object shall be shown in a DataGridView, for editing properties, it seems easier to implement the selection of the component property.

Is this wrong approach? Is it suitable in some cases, and if so, when? Are there other solutions I perhaps am not aware of that would be appropriate? Is this about structural design patterns? and if so, can the alternatives above be catagorized to some pattern type? I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for.. But I think probably I'm looking to understand whether the object design will be determined by the way the objects are saved.. And if i shall save the objects by serializing to file, vs saving to a database, would I create the business objects differently?

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VS 2010 List(of Class) - System.NullReferenceException Error When Add The Info To The List

Jan 27, 2011

I'm getting System.NullReferenceException error when I try to add the employee info to the Employees list.


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VS 2008 - Fetch List Of Directoies From 1 Special Ftp Server Wich Does Not Support LIST Command

Jan 27, 2011

I have a small problem i'm trying to fetch list of directoies from 1 special ftp server wich does not support LIST command i was try this code and it works for all ftp server i have try exept this special one :

'' Get the object used to communicate with the server.
'Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & txtFTPhost.Text), FtpWebRequest)


I'm getting error 502 which means command is not supported and app crashed. I would just simple said leave it but i have try normal ftp clients like FlashFXp and it works just fine (i can see error in the log but it just pass it and show direcoties)

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.net - Returning A List Using Entity Framework, 'System.Collections.Generic.List Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array

May 3, 2012

i have issue returning a list in a web method. here is the code

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function getTags(para_parents As String) As List(Of getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)()
Dim context As New PPEntities


the error is

Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of SaftyonRoad.getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of System.Collections.Generic.List(Of SaftyonRoad.getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)'

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Convert A List Linq Expression To Defined List Class?

May 26, 2012

y have this class

Private Class MyClass
Public Property propertyOne() as String
Public Property propertyTwo() as String


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