.net - Modify Strings Using A "For Each" Loop?

Jul 21, 2010

'Why doesn't this work?

Dim myStrings As String() = New String() {string1, string2, string3,}
For Each s As String In myStrings
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then


If string1 contains "foo", my intention is that string1 contains "-foo-" after the loop executes. How can I make this work?I'm guessing that this code makes copies of my strings and modifies those. How can I modify my strings in a loop?Update I've modified the code to use array indexes:

' It still doesn't work.
Dim myStrings As String() = New String() {string1, string2, string3}
For i As Integer = 0 To myStrings.Count() - 1


The result of this code, referring specifically to the array and index for each element, modifies the array, but my strings still have the same old values. Apparently, initializing an array like this simply copies my values into a new array. How can I modify my original values in a loop?

Emphasis: The array is just for looping purposes. I need to modify string1, string2, and string3 similarly, but once this loop is thru, there is no more use for the array. Oh, and my real code has more than 3 strings.

Let me just say that if I were using a language with more pointers and references, I think I would simply have an array of pointers that point to string1, string2, andstring3`. It seems redundant to copy these strings into an array.

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ToolStripMenuItem - How To Modify Loop

May 6, 2010

I have this:
For Each oToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem In oToolStripMenuItemMain.DropDownItems
First line produces an exception because it runs into a ToolStripSeparator. How to modify this loop so it won't?

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VS 2010 Splitting Strings In A Loop Wont Work

Dec 2, 2011

I have two textboxes (TB01 and TB02) and one button (Button1).Then i have written the following [code]I made a loop to get each line and append them to TB02. The strings should be split in three parts (cutt off at the |) so i can later recall them. However it just wont work. I played around a bit but just cant get it to work.

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Way To Concatenate List Of Strings Into A Comma-separated Strings, Where Strings Are Members Of An Object?

Oct 16, 2009

Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?

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Evaluates Loop Condition In Do...Loop Statment To Determine Whether Loop Instructions Should Be Processed

Mar 14, 2011

Makes the following statement about the code below:

**"The computer evaluates the loop condition in the Do...Loop statment to determine whether the loop instructions should be processed. In this case, the inputsales <> String.Empty condition compares the contenst of the input sales variable to the String.Empty value. As you know the String.Empty value represents a zero length, or empty, string if the inputsales variable is empty, the loop condition evaluates to True and the computer process the loop instructions. *If on the other hand the inputsales variable is not empty, the loop condition evaluates to false and the computer skips over the loop instructions.

Based on the code I think it is the opposite: ...that while the inputsales value is not empty it should evaluate to true and process the loop and if it is empty it should evaluate to false and skip the loop?

See below.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Globalization


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VS 2008 Send An Object Instead Of Strings Which Includes Multiple Unsigned Integers And Strings

Aug 13, 2009

I am working on a UDP Client/Server, and currently i have them sending back and forth strings, which i convert to bytes, and then open the bytes to read. I want to now send an Object instead of those strings, which includes multiple unsigned integers and strings.

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Prepend A String To All Strings In A List Of Strings?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a list of strings. For each string in that list, I want to prepend another string. I wrote a method to do it, but I was wondering if there was something already in .NET I could use to do this. It seems like something that could be built in, but I was not able to find anything.

Here is the method I wrote:

Private Function PrependToAllInList(ByRef inputList As List(Of String), ByRef prependString As String) As List(Of String)
Dim returnList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
For Each inputString As String In inputList
returnList.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", prependString, inputString))


It works, but I would rather use built in functions whenever possible.

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VS 2008 Using List Of Strings Or Array Of Strings?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm migrating from VB6 to VB.NET, in hence my questions below:

I have to write a function that returns array of strings.

How can I initiate it to empty array? I need it since I have to check if it's empty array after it returns from this function.

Is list of arrays better for this purpose? If I use a list - Is it empty when it firstly defined? How can I check it it's empty?

View 3 Replies

Find Strings Inside Strings?

Aug 15, 2011

I have been looking for examples to find the string between two strings. This top one works fine;

Public Sub ReadData(ByRef keywordStart As String, ByRef keywordEnd As String, ByVal filename As String)
Using reader = New StreamReader(filename)


Now the first one is fine - Ext_Volume is result of the string between the strings <Volume> and </Volume>. <Volume> and </Volume> are unique so this is straight forward.

However the second one - "^FDExp:" is unique, but "^FS" is not unique. There are occurances of "^FS" before and after "^FDExp:".

How do I get the string to search AFTER the occurrence, not before etc?

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How To Extract The Strings Out Of An Array Of Strings

Jun 24, 2011

Dim str As String
Dim str2 As Array
str = "blabla duhduh"
str2 = str.Split(" ")

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Use Regular Expression To Get Strings Between 2 Strings?

Apr 6, 2012

Say the string is something like

bla bla bla bla (cat) bladfdskdfd dsgdsdksf (dog)
dfdshfdskdskfsdfkhsdf sdkfhdsfkdf (kathy) fdsfhdskfhdsfkd (doggy)

I want a generic.list (of string) containing


How to do that with regular expression in vb.net

Later I want to do something more complicated like getting all strings between "url":" and ", from this strings


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VS 2010 Finding Strings Within Strings?

Jan 8, 2012

Is there an easy way to find a certain string within a string and then return the strings that you find as an array?I have written this:

Public Function FindStrings(ByVal strSourceString As String, ByVal strStartString As String, ByVal strEndString As String) As String()
Dim StringStartposition As Integer
Dim StringEndPosition As Integer
Dim Currentposition As Integer = 1


View 16 Replies

VS 2010 Separate Strings Into Other Strings?

Jan 16, 2011

I have this string called time. It's value is in this format: HH:MM:SS The numbers change, but the format stays the same. I want to separtate the code into 3 strings Hour, Minutes, Seconds.

View 2 Replies

DataGridView - Convert Nulls To Empty Strings And Display It In The Grid As Empty Strings

May 14, 2009

I have a DataGridView that has some columns with dates. It binds to an in-memory Datatable which gets loaded from an string array of data passed back from the backend Some of the rows returned have nulls for the date columns. Solution 1: If I define the Date column in the DataTable as "string" I can easily convert those nulls to empty strings and display it in the grid as empty strings (desired results). However, if the user clicks on the date column header to sort by date, it doesn't order the rows as you want. You get a purely string sort order. Not acceptable


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Countdown During Loop - Label To Show How Many Cycles In Loop Are Left

Mar 9, 2011

I know I am missing the obvious. I would like a label to show how many cycles in loop are left.


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Make Loop In Program And Calculate Time Taken To Complete Loop?

Nov 23, 2011

I am constructing a program, i am new to Visual Basic, but i have past programming experience. I was wondering if anyone knew how to form a loop that could...lets say calculate the answer when two numbers are added together,and it would repeat this thousands of times, etc. And if there is a way, would it be possible to calculate the time taken to complete this loop.

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Getting Loop Through Adding Each Result Without A MessageBox Stop In Each Loop?

May 3, 2010

I have written a function that gets the alexa ranking of a given url, now this function works perfectly but I want to loop through a ListView of urls and grab the alexa rank of each item (url) with my function.The code works great if I put a MessageBox in the loop to test that the function is returning a value but when I remove the MessageBox the loop does not work.I need it to loop through adding each result without a MessageBox stop in each loop.

For Each Item In ListView1.Items
Dim result As Integer
result = GetAlexaRank(Item.Text)


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Create A Loop To Loop The Locations Of The Platform?

May 31, 2010

So I made a simple patform game where the player has to jump quickly while the platforms move to the bottom of the screen, as to not touch the bottom of the screen. But, I need to know how to create a loop to loop the locations of the platform. This means that after twenty or so platforms, the same platforms come up again, so that the player will have an "endless" game. I've declared all the platform's locations relative to the location of the first repeating platform:


View 1 Replies

VS 2008 Program Works Before Loop But Not After Loop

Aug 11, 2009

I assigned an integer as 1, and looped my program using:[code]I can recieve the packets without looping, but once i loop, i receive nothing.

View 29 Replies

Modify A VB6/asp App To .NET?

Dec 22, 2009

I have an existing application written in html/asp that calls routines from a standard dll (written in VB6), and (3) COM+ components (also written in VB6). The db is MS SQL.

This is a very small and benign application that does logic processing. It is becoming increasing difficult to find shared hosting sites that allow registration of standard dll's (using reg32) and the COM+ components (using the IIs tools).

On the other hand, I was told by one hosting service (goDaddy) that they can host apps that are written in .NET>>>

"DLLs written to the .NET Framework specification can be run automatically from the /bin folder of your ASP.NET enabled website."

What does this entail and can it be done? i.e., can I convert the older VB6 components (and the asp/html code?) to .NET?

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How To Modify Contents In Xml

Oct 1, 2009

i have xml file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>


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How To Modify Key Presses

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to create an application that will enable me to type in my local language. For that I need to modify the key presses. For example when I press key A it should change it to ”. Also I would like to know how to detect double and triple key presses e.g. shift + W and ctrl + shift + J and remap them to a different character. Also I would like to know how to detect a text string like and replacing them with other string like member. I have found a code that modifies key. But when I tried to change key A to key B it produces AB. I am including the code below. Hope I have made myself clear.


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How To Modify The Program

Sep 28, 2010

I am attaching a working program. But in this program i need to do some changes

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Modify Avi File On The Fly?

Sep 2, 2010

I have (with help from you) got 'full' control of Canon image capture and processing with feature recognition, and USB cam capture including frame modification on the fly. I now want to read an avi file and modify it on the run. I have found several C# and C++ routines as a good basis, (Especially the steganography example) if only I could successfully convert them. Unless I understand what I am doing wrong I don't stand a chance. So - start with the absolute basic Open/Close avi - This fails - Protected
memory eror


I can hardly think about streams til I can open a file, but when it is functional to the access to frames I'll submit a final copy for othersto use

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Modify The String So That The New Value Is 'B'?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a variable holding a string that is set to the value of 'B Recipes'. I need to know how to modify the string so that the new value is 'B'.

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Get Dispensary Software And Modify It

Jan 7, 2012

Do any1 have software for dispensary or something related which we can modify and use it for dispensary .

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How To Modify Image Color

Jul 14, 2011

I am using VB2008. I have an image (black with transparent background). I would like to replace the black color of the image to another color (blue or red). Suggestions on how I could go about this will be very much welcome.

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How To Modify Location Settings

Sep 4, 2011

Im making an application that uses Google Maps Mobile (maps.google.com/m) and it uses a location sensor to give you results. How can i set that up? I would also like to try it with Google Buzz Mobile (m.google.com/app/buzz).

Dustin_K "There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't."

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How To Modify Numeric Values In Row

Aug 28, 2009

If I have a column say "price" that has for arguments sake 800 rows and I want to use a textbox and button multiply every row by the number entered in the text box when I press the button. So lets say I want to raise the price 8.5% I'd put 0.085 hit the button it would loop through the rows and multiply each value in the "price" column accordingly.

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Iterate Through String And Modify

Mar 5, 2010

I've done some VB Script and I know C++ fairly intricately. I'm having trouble understanding, and making for loops with if statements perform as expected. What I'm trying to do is iterate through a string and turn all of the "a"s into "c"s "b"s into "d"s and "c"s into "e"s? Here's what I've got thus far and I'm keeping the old string intact.

For i = 0 To first_string.Length - 1
If first_string(i) = "a" Then
second_string = first_string.Replace("a", "c")
ElseIf first_string(i) = "b" Then
[Code] .....

I can do this for loop in my sleep in C++, but it seems that the increment counter i is never what I expect it to be. It should start as 0 (first letter of string) replace whichever of the three it finds, then change to 1 (second letter of the string) and replace whatever it finds there right?

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