How To Modify Image Color
Jul 14, 2011
I am using VB2008. I have an image (black with transparent background). I would like to replace the black color of the image to another color (blue or red). Suggestions on how I could go about this will be very much welcome.
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Jan 12, 2009
I can't figure out how it is possible to change the color for aero glass (which is blue by default).I want to change it to yellow (or brown) if the battery level (only for laptops of course) is low, to red when its critical. I have read a lot and was able to read the color (registry and api) and I was able to get notified when the color changes (wndproc) but there is no api call to set the color. I am able to set the registry key. That works, but requires a reboot, which is (in my case) not a solution. I have tried to simulate the wndproc message as broadcast, no result...What does the control panel applet do? If I change the color there it will be instantly applied, even the setting is not saved to the registry (which will be the best solution for my case). Programming language is vb9, vista is required by the application itself, so no other checks are required.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have an image
Here is my code
Dim PictureLoc As String
PictureLoc = list.SelectedItem 'list of picture paths
Me.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(PictureLoc)
Dim NewPic As New Bitmap(1, 2) 'Make a new image
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May 17, 2010
Ok lets say i have a image with a black back color and a circle that is white. How do you change the circles color in vb? Is there a code for it?
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Feb 19, 2012
I'm in search of a simple algorithm to replace a color in an image with a different one like in this one-> [url]. I'm using VB.NET. Can a "flood fill" algorithm be applied for this purpose?
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Jun 30, 2009
I am trying to create a function that would take 2 images. 1 of the images is a grayscale image and the other is a normal image. What i want to do is apply any of the R or G or B of the grayscale image (in grayscale image r=g=b so it makes no difference) to the Alpha of the second image. i DID succeed on it. However the code is EXTREMELY slow. It takes 1 second to perform it. And i have to perform the function atleast 30 times a second (it will be outputting to a Decklink card). Here is the code:
public function createOverlay(ByVal Main as Bitmap, ByVal Key as Bitmap) as Bitmap
For index as integer =0 To (Key.Width*Key.Height)-1
Dim crntX= index Mod(Key.Width)
This function will have to run infinitley until the user presses stop and keep updating the output buffer. How can i make it faster? ( i need at least 30 executions per second)
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Apr 2, 2010
I need to read a bitmap generated with paint or similar programs and interpert the picture to detect straight lines of black, larger squares in red and smaller squares of yellow, green or red. Which one of the Visual Basic environments are is best suited for this? WPF or Forms or..The lines represent walls and for start we have square objects as obsticles. I would like to create a maze and allow a dot to travel between obstacles leaving a trace of pixels and not hit any of the objects untill it exits.
I like to write the logic for it but I do not know how would I read a 500x500 pixel picture and decode the colors of each pixel. I like to assign a byte for each pixel's color (256color) but only use 4 bits of it to for start.
I am doing this as hobby. So please forgive me because I should only look at your answers during my free times.It will take some time before I could see it and mark your work as Helpful or Answer.
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Dec 7, 2009
How can i change the depth of color of an image using Program's Options Are: Convert To: 1 Bit, 4 Bits, 8 Bits ,16 Bits?
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Sep 5, 2011
Any way to run through an image and check to see if the image contains a red pixel.
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Oct 17, 2011
[code]This code finds a certain coloured pixel in an image but I also want to be able to know how to search for a smaller image within bmp.But it doesn't work and Im a newbish coder.
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Jan 4, 2010
Does anyone have a VB 2008 code example to save a bitmap in 256 color (8 bits/pixel) PNG format, using the default Web palette? (I keep getting 32 bits/pixel).Note, this is not for icon use, but for images.
Dim bm As New Bitmap(1024, 1024)
bm.Save("test.PNG", ImageFormat.Png) seems to save with 32 bits/pixel
View 17 Replies
Jan 28, 2011
Suppose i have an image and i extract each pixel color and store it in a color array, is there any way by which i can save the color array along with the image? I was thinking about converting the color array to string and then integer and then append data to a text box, but then again i must store the text along with the image....and i dunno how to do that?
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Mar 19, 2012
I would like to change the highlight color of listviewitem... My desired result is something like in VisualStudio... I have looked at these links yet I am failing to see how I would still incorporate the image.
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Feb 9, 2012
I started off with a VERY simple form and added a picturebox item to it. The code I was following used a procedure in the Form1.vb to override the transparent color of the image:
bmp was defined in the Form's "Load" section.
Now things are different. I have more than 20 picturebox items now, each created in the Form1.Designer.vb code as follows:
Me.Tile020.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("Tile020.Image"), System.Drawing.Image)
Me.Tile020.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(922, 297)
Me.Tile020.Name = "Tile020"
Me.Tile020.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 64)
Me.Tile020.TabIndex = 3
Me.Tile020.TabStop = False
The image is referenced from the resources. When I run the program, I'd like all these images to have their backgrounds transparent. None of these controls is currently referenced anywhere in the code at present. What's the best way to get them to display transparently, other than recreating them as transparent .PNG's?
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Mar 11, 2009
Toolstrip1 has toolstripdropdownbutton1 and some dropdown items are added with this.Now, Iam looking to set the color or marigin part of image dispalyed in toolstripmenuitem.Anyone can show me the details?
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Mar 9, 2003
how to get color form a certain pixel from a bitmap image, but i cant find function getPixel in the picturebox object.
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Jul 16, 2009
I've been wondering if converting a color image to grayscale will reduce it's size?
And also wondering how to convert the image to grayscale?
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Sep 2, 2011
In a form I have an ImageList named MainLogoImageList containing a 100x100 pixel 32-bit colordepth image. That is my app logo.
I am too lazy to set up an icon editor and edit an icon of that logo, or convert the image to an .ICO file. (Ergh, well, I am not allowed to install custom utilities.)
To set my forms' icon, I use
Icon = IconFromImage(MainLogoImageList.Images(0))
in the OnLoad event handler to set the window icon.
In my about box, i have a PictureBox with no image. In its OnLoad event, I use
LogoPictureBox.Image = MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0)
Icon = IconFromImage(MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0))
to set the About box's icon and content.
So far, so good, the icon looks pretty good for a being created from a 100x100 pixel bitmap.
Is there an easy "no utility required" :-) way to get the icon that is returned my IconFromImage saved into an .ICO file so that it will keep the color depth when loaded as the app icon? I want to use exactly the icon that IconFromImage creates.
Saving it using
Dim S As New FileStream("MyAppIcon.ico", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write)
in the main form's OnLoad event handler and loading that .ICO file as the app icon in VS's project properties dialog yields and icon that is obviously converted to 16 colors, and looks awful.
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Feb 8, 2012
I want to create an image dot.png that is circle filled with white color.I used followin
Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(64, 64)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, 8, 8, 48, 48)
I would like to obtain following image:
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Mar 17, 2011
I want to draw a rectangle on image where color pixel of image is black
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Nov 22, 2011
I have an image saved in a bitmap (bmp) as a result of some graphic manipulation. Part of it is transparent. And I can save it to a file in bmp, jpg, png, tif with no problem. I also want to fill the image background with a color of choice, which is saved in a PictureBox control (ColorBox1). I suppose I need to draw a rectangle like[code]...
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Dec 13, 2011
I am doing project in vb.netI am using a Rich text box on which i can set different ont(name,size,bold,italic,underline),color to different selected text.I am able to do this in Rich textbox but i want to create bitmap (or assign to picturebox) of this of different text with different font style & color but i am getting not much font as like textbox in image..
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Feb 27, 2009
Ive been working on creating a side scroller game, and the back color of my pictureboxes needs to go. when transparent, it shows through the program and onto whatever is active in your Windows os(usually Visual studios).
I am trying to rip pixel color off of the background image picturebox( the level), and replace parts of the character picture box that show transparency with the level art. there may be poor logic in my code?
Heres my code:
Dim newImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim backImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox2.Image)
Dim ximg As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox3.Image)
not the best idea, but all i get is one color for all the level pixels placed in the new image, which is odd. any poor logic you see in this code that could allow the newImage.setPixel not to be 1 color? when i breakpoint, it is recieving different colors from the backimage.getpixel, but only putting one shade on for setpixel somehow. im not going for an accurate color read from the background yet, just wondering why im getting 1 pixel color for the whole picturebox background when being changed.
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May 9, 2011
How to change a forms background system color schemes to windows default color schemes in
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Feb 15, 2012
I have a question of VB event handler and color picker. Now I have a label, and I want when user click it, it pops up a color picker dialog and let user to change the background color of the label. Not sure how to implement this, can anyone give me a direction?
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Mar 3, 2010
Alright inside of a combo box I have a list of colors and I want to change the background color of the combo box to the selected color...basically this... but im not sure what the problem is here anyone have some advice or is this not possible?
CBLinerColor.BackColor() = CBLinerColor.Items.Item(0)
Basically i want dynamic code that will change the color depending on the items in the box.
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Jun 19, 2009
I want the background of my form to be the same color as the window frame color that the user selects, even if that changes. I selected System->WindowFrame as my background color, but it always remains a dark grey, regardless of what I have my window color set to. How else would I achieve what I want? I assumed I was doing it the correct way. Do I actually need code that gets the system window color and then apply it?
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a array of pixels. And I would like to Quantize them.
For Example
FF00FF,00FFFF stuff like that, but most are custom colors and are not a standard 256 color palette. So I need code to convert a color to a 256 color. I dont have any idea on how to do this, but thats why I came here. I do not want to use System.Graphics.Image.Palette or anything like that as this project uses arrays for images. I would like to if at all possible be able to convert a R, G, B color to 8bit, 16bit, 256bit and possibly use the HSL or NeuQuant method or something close to that, or maybe even some other methods of doing it. I do need to be able to do this for a single pixel, but I will also need a method for a array of them.
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Oct 15, 2009
Right Click drop down menu using ContextMenuStrip. The background color of an unselected menu item is set with "BackColor".The color of the text of a selected menu item is set with "ForeColor".How to set the background color of a selected menu item? Default appears as a dark grey and I would like to change it.
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Dec 31, 2009
How to change the Data Gridview Button Back Color and Fore Color Based on Condition in Vb.net2005. i'm Attaching the gif toooo
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