Detecting Specific Color In Image

Sep 5, 2011

Any way to run through an image and check to see if the image contains a red pixel.

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Detecting Color And Then Click?

May 19, 2010

I would like to detect a color on the screen... and then move the mouse to the coordinates of the color and then perform click. Is this possible and where do I start?

or - detect a collection of colors and then click?

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Detecting Color Change?

Dec 19, 2009

I want to be able to isolate an area of my desktop (similar to a screen capture snip) and evaluate if it is changing. In this particalr case it is an appliacation I have (not mine) that flashes an icon upon completion

What I want to do is make a small app that will detect change when I am away and perhaps perform a specific action (the action is not relevant really - i can take care of that) Again,this is NOT hugely important, but if someone has an idea or has seen an app that does this, it would be useful for me...

I put this in the VB.NET forum because I write 75% of my code in VB.... so I chose this instead of a general area !!

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Possible To Replace A Specific Pixel Color With A Defined Color?

Mar 12, 2009

In either of these (preferably Vb6), is it possible to replace a specific pixel color with a defined color? For example, if i scan my screen for 100,200,150, is there a way i can replace every instance of that with a specific color?

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.net - Detecting When User Changes Custom Color Settings In Colordialog?

Aug 13, 2009

how do i detect when the user has changed the colors in the custom colors in colordialog?

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VS 2010 Windows API For Detecting A Mouse Click Anywhere Or On A Specific Program

Jan 4, 2011

I need to create a program that can run code each time the user clicks, I can't use windows forums since its on another program. If the code can detect global mouse clicks(system wide) or only on one program it's fine.

I've done some digging and it looks like windows API can solve my problem but i really suck at using windows API and it looks like SetWindowsHookEx() can solve my problem but i don't know how to use it correctly. This is the code from Pinvoke that I modified to hopefully work for a mouse click. i'm having trouble getting this to work.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim t As New MouseHook


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Get Color From Specific Point?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm looking to get the System.Drawing.Color that's applied to a specific point in a Panel or other User Control.

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Specific Color For ComboBox In Toolbar

Jun 14, 2010

I have a combobox in a toolbar on my form. I want each item to have a specific forecolor. The forecolor property for the combobox only sets the forecolor for all items in the combobox. I though of overriding the drawitem event but sharpdevelop doesn't show a draw item event for a combobox embedded in a toolbar, only when i add a combobox to the form.

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Specific Text Color In Richtextbox?

Nov 13, 2010

what i want to do is have a list of string such as

Dim ColorRed as list(Of String)

and if a richtextbox.text.contains(ColorRed) ||| a string from ColorRed then it will color just that some string the color red NOT THE WHOLE TEXTBOX just that word

so basicly i wanta make a texteditor like the one in is that possible? so lets say underlined = red If this code is commanding the some of the number blah the text also yes

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VS 2010 Click On A Specific Color

Jan 11, 2012

I'm currently programming a program with a webbrowser which need to get the position of a specific color when it appears on the webbrowser. It appears every hour. What I have read so far is that I need somehow to capture the screen of the webbrowser and locate the color from the captured bitmap, but I don't know anything about capturing or positions of colors in images. [code]x and y is the location of the color, FFCC66 is the color program is searching for, the last 4 numbers is where the program is searching for the color like between x: 1 y: 1 and x: 405 and y: 371.

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Automatically Click On Specific Color Within Form?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm currently programming a program that should automatically click on a box when it pops up in the form I've made. The annoying thing is that, the box is popping up in different places every time. So the simple question: - Is there any way to automatically or by manual search for a specific color within the form and then get the position of it in VB?

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Changing The Color Or A Specific String In A Textbox?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a project im working on and im trying to change the font color of a specific string basically how vb does while your coding. (eg if i type dim it turns blue).I want to do this with a textbox in a vb application to show a topic of interest. It needs to be dynamic so when a user types it only changes the color of the specified string. I have tried

If TextBox2.Text.Contains("dim") Then
TextBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red
End If

but this changes all the text in the textbox to the color.

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Example Diffrent Color For A Specific Value In A Datagridviewcombobox Column

Dec 23, 2010

I wanted to visualize to the user the diffrence if they opted for certain values. In mycase certain choises would show phonenumbers on intranet.To show how I wil leave the control names default. To recreate the the project. Start a windows form application, place a datagridview, and 2 bindingsources on the form To start we need some data to show and a list to choose from.To make a simple example I chosen to make a person class containing an Id, Name and Position.Id If the Position is a staff position it should be blue others should remain the default style.But lets start with the colorScheme Interface so we can store the colorscheme we want to show for a certain positionitem in the datagrdview It wil need back and forecolors but also colors for teh item whilst selected. To show the Displaymember we want to see I've also added the toString property that should shadow the toString of the object.[code]

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Setting Color To Specific Cell In DataGridView

Dec 12, 2011

I want to set Color to specific cell in DataGridView as in this code , but didn't accept BackColor property.

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VS 2008 Scan The Screen For A Specific Color?

Aug 20, 2009

A way to scan to whole screen, and find a specific color on it - and after that move the mouse over the color.

This is what i would like the process like, so you guys can have a better idea:

1. A timer that scans the whole screen after a specific color every 5 seconds.

2. When the color appear on the screen, it'll move the mouse to the x, y.

3. After that I'll run some code (i'll hopefully find out of that myself)

I actually don't care how the color should be found. If it's a RGB it will be 255, 209, 102 it should look after. Or maybe it could scan the screen after a matching bitmap. And it's not just 1 pixel I want to find the color of, it's the whole screen I'll like to have scanned for the color, and if the color is found - the program should react.

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Change Row Color Of Font In DataGridView Where Sone Cell Has A Specific Value?

Apr 26, 2011

I am filling a DataGridView from a table in SQL Server 2008. There is one column that is a string which contains either "YES" or "NO".When I run and display the DataGridView it displays perfectly. For the User's benefiy, if the field contains "NO" I want to put some emphasis on it by changing the fore color and back coler of the entire row. In the DGV the index for field is (4).I tried this code which threw an error on the word "value" inthe block that fills the DGV.

IF DGV,Columns(4),Value="NO"....

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VS 2008 Change Background Color Of Specific Rows In DataGridView

Dec 20, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of specific rows in my DataGridView. Nothing is happening here.[code]

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Get The Main Color From An Image?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an image


Here is my code

Dim PictureLoc As String
PictureLoc = list.SelectedItem 'list of picture paths
Me.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(PictureLoc)
Dim NewPic As New Bitmap(1, 2) 'Make a new image


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How To Change The Color Of A Image

May 17, 2010

Ok lets say i have a image with a black back color and a circle that is white. How do you change the circles color in vb? Is there a code for it?

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How To Modify Image Color

Jul 14, 2011

I am using VB2008. I have an image (black with transparent background). I would like to replace the black color of the image to another color (blue or red). Suggestions on how I could go about this will be very much welcome.

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How To Replace A Color In An Image

Feb 19, 2012

I'm in search of a simple algorithm to replace a color in an image with a different one like in this one-> [url]. I'm using VB.NET. Can a "flood fill" algorithm be applied for this purpose?

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Red Color Of One Image To The Alpha Value Of The Second?

Jun 30, 2009

I am trying to create a function that would take 2 images. 1 of the images is a grayscale image and the other is a normal image. What i want to do is apply any of the R or G or B of the grayscale image (in grayscale image r=g=b so it makes no difference) to the Alpha of the second image. i DID succeed on it. However the code is EXTREMELY slow. It takes 1 second to perform it. And i have to perform the function atleast 30 times a second (it will be outputting to a Decklink card). Here is the code:

public function createOverlay(ByVal Main as Bitmap, ByVal Key as Bitmap) as Bitmap
For index as integer =0 To (Key.Width*Key.Height)-1
Dim crntX= index Mod(Key.Width)


This function will have to run infinitley until the user presses stop and keep updating the output buffer. How can i make it faster? ( i need at least 30 executions per second)

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16 Color Bitmap Image And Interpert?

Apr 2, 2010

I need to read a bitmap generated with paint or similar programs and interpert the picture to detect straight lines of black, larger squares in red and smaller squares of yellow, green or red. Which one of the Visual Basic environments are is best suited for this? WPF or Forms or..The lines represent walls and for start we have square objects as obsticles. I would like to create a maze and allow a dot to travel between obstacles leaving a trace of pixels and not hit any of the objects untill it exits.

I like to write the logic for it but I do not know how would I read a 500x500 pixel picture and decode the colors of each pixel. I like to assign a byte for each pixel's color (256color) but only use 4 bits of it to for start.

I am doing this as hobby. So please forgive me because I should only look at your answers during my free times.It will take some time before I could see it and mark your work as Helpful or Answer.

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Change The Depth Of Color Of An Image Using .net?

Dec 7, 2009

How can i change the depth of color of an image using Program's Options Are: Convert To: 1 Bit, 4 Bits, 8 Bits ,16 Bits?

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PictureBox Hover Over A Certain Color Of Image

Oct 17, 2011

[code]This code finds a certain coloured pixel in an image but I also want to be able to know how to search for a smaller image within bmp.But it doesn't work and Im a newbish coder.

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Save An Image In 256 Color PNG Format?

Jan 4, 2010

Does anyone have a VB 2008 code example to save a bitmap in 256 color (8 bits/pixel) PNG format, using the default Web palette? (I keep getting 32 bits/pixel).Note, this is not for icon use, but for images.

Dim bm As New Bitmap(1024, 1024)
bm.Save("test.PNG", ImageFormat.Png) seems to save with 32 bits/pixel

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Save The Color Array Along With The Image?

Jan 28, 2011

Suppose i have an image and i extract each pixel color and store it in a color array, is there any way by which i can save the color array along with the image? I was thinking about converting the color array to string and then integer and then append data to a text box, but then again i must store the text along with the image....and i dunno how to do that?

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Change The Highlight Color Of Listviewitem And Image

Mar 19, 2012

I would like to change the highlight color of listviewitem... My desired result is something like in VisualStudio... I have looked at these links yet I am failing to see how I would still incorporate the image.


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How To Override Transparent Color Of Image In PictureBox

Feb 9, 2012

I started off with a VERY simple form and added a picturebox item to it. The code I was following used a procedure in the Form1.vb to override the transparent color of the image:
bmp was defined in the Form's "Load" section.

Now things are different. I have more than 20 picturebox items now, each created in the Form1.Designer.vb code as follows:
Me.Tile020.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("Tile020.Image"), System.Drawing.Image)
Me.Tile020.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(922, 297)
Me.Tile020.Name = "Tile020"
Me.Tile020.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 64)
Me.Tile020.TabIndex = 3
Me.Tile020.TabStop = False

The image is referenced from the resources. When I run the program, I'd like all these images to have their backgrounds transparent. None of these controls is currently referenced anywhere in the code at present. What's the best way to get them to display transparently, other than recreating them as transparent .PNG's?

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IDE :: Toolstripmenuitem Marigin Part Of Image - Color?

Mar 11, 2009

Toolstrip1 has toolstripdropdownbutton1 and some dropdown items are added with this.Now, Iam looking to set the color or marigin part of image dispalyed in toolstripmenuitem.Anyone can show me the details?

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