.net - Regex Expression Get All The Text Between The Tags

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to get all the text between the following tags and it is just not workind


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Regex: Take Text & Some Special Characters Between The Xml Tags Using Regex On C#.net?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to take the text and some special characters between the xml tags.. My input file contains:


now i want the Regex to take text and the special characters between the tags <line>,<inline>..

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Wpf - .Net Regular Expression To Get Parenthetical Text At End Of <p> Tags

Apr 8, 2010

I have a simple pattern I am trying to match, any characters captured between parenthesis at the end of an HTML paragraph. I am running into trouble any time there is additional parentheticals in that paragraph:


If the input string is "..... (321)</p>" i want to get the value (321)

However, if the paragraph has this text: "... (123) (321)</p>" my regex is returning "(123) (321)" (everything between the opening "(" and closing ")"

I am using the regex pattern "s(.+)</p>"

How can I grab the correct value (using VB.NET)

This is what I'm doing so far:

Dim reg As New Regex("s(.+)</P>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim matchC As MatchCollection = reg.Matches(su.Question)
If matchC.Count > 0 Then


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Regex Regular Expression To Remove Lines Which Start With Certain Text?

Mar 24, 2012

I know it may be quite easily for you. i have a text which contains 40 lines, I want to remove lines which starts with a constant text. check below data.

When I used (?mn)[+CMGL:].*($) it removes the whole text , when I use (?mn)[+CMGL:].*(
) , it only leaves the first line.
+CMGL: 0,1,,159
+CMGL: 1,1,,159


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C# - Regex To Get The Tags?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a html like this :

<h1> Headhing </h>
<font name="arial">some text</font></br>
some other text
In C#,

I want to get the out put as below. Simply content inside the font start tag and end tag

<font name="arial">some text</font>

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Regex, Everything Between 2 Html Tags .net?

Feb 17, 2012

i'm trying to get some information of a webpage via regex on visual basic 2010

it's something like this:

<SPAN CLASS="clear"></SPAN>
<h2> blabla </h2>
<h2> blabla </h2>
<b> blabla </b>


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Regex - Get Html Tags Content?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to get tags content in a string with regular expression. I wrote it for just one line. When the content changed into some lines from one line, Regex will never do pattern on the tag. I choose RegexOptions.Multiline + RegexOptions.Singleline for finding options.My pattern in low level: (>)[ a-z A-z 0-9 ]*(</)

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Regex To Delete HTML Within <table> Tags?

Dec 21, 2010

I have an HTML document in .txt format containing multiple tables and other texts and I am trying to delete any HTML (anything within "<>") if it's inside a table (between <table> and </table>). For example:

other text
<other HTML>
<b><u><i>bold underlined italic text</b></u></i>


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Regex To Remove All Html Tags With NO Data Between Them?

Mar 21, 2012

I wan't a Regex to remove all html tags with NO data between them...

sofar i have got:

but this will obviously only work for all span tags ... how can i make it work for ALL tags?

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Setup RegEx To Grab The Link Of <IMG> SRC Tags?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to setup my RegEx to grab the link of <IMG> SRC tags.

Right now my code doesn't do anything when I have it setup this way.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 - Regex Pattern To Get File Names From HREF Tags?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm working on a program that get's a file list from an FTP server and it's getting it as one giant html string, here's what I'm getting:


Alternatively, if anyone knows how to get an ftp file object using .Net 2.0 instead of an html string that would be even better.

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Figure Out The RegEx Formula For Finding The Values Within The Tags Of HTML Mark-up?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm in need of some help trying to figure out the RegEx formula for finding the values within the tags of HTML mark-up like this:

<span class=""releaseYear"">1993</span>
<span class=""mpaa"">R</span>
<span class=""average-rating"">2.8</span>
<span class=""rt-fresh-small rt-fresh"" title=""Rotten Tomatoes score"">94%</span>

I only need 1993, R, 2.8 and 94% from that HTML above.

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VS 2008 Regex - Extract Information Between Two Tags In Some Html From The Source Of A Website

May 24, 2009

what i am trying to do is extract information beween two tags in some html from the source of a website. The contents of the text between the two tags will always be different. the code i currently have is;


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2008 : Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags, Title Tags, Td Class, Meta Tags Etc?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
If curElement.GetAttribute("href").Contains("http://twitter.com/") Then


Try to extract all the keywords from the title, body etc. for this page:[URL] and send it to separate textboxes (title keywords in textbox1, meta tags in textbox2 etc.).

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Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags / Title Tags / Td Class / Meta Tags

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:[code]

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.net - Getting The Regex Expression?

Apr 8, 2011

i have a string similar to this one:

Hi, <<
ame>> <<surname>>, this is an example << est>>.

I what a regex that match and split this string in:

"Hi, "
" "


I tried this one: (<<*.*?>>)|(>>*.*?<<), but doesn't work.

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Visual Basic 2008 Extracting Div Tags, Extracting Title Tags, Extracting Keyword Tags, Parsing Div Tags?

Nov 7, 2009

I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:


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C# - Regex Expression Challenge?

Sep 1, 2009

somebody put a regex expression that will:find a chunk that starts with [% and ends with %] within that chunk replace all xml special characters with:& quot; & apos; & lt; & gt; & amp;leave everything between <%= %> or <%# %> as is except make sure that there is space after <%# or <%= and before %> for example <%=Integer.MaxValue%> should become <%= Integer.MaxValue %>

source:[% 'test' <mtd:ddl id="asdf" runat="server"/> & <%= Integer.MaxValue% > %]

result:&apos;test&apos; &lt;mtd:ddl id="asdf" runat="server"/&gt; &amp; <%= Integer.MaxValue %>

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How To Use RegEx Expression With InSTR

Jan 13, 2011

I'm looking to do is scrub an html file for anything that resembles an IP address or any set of numbers for that matter. Normally what I would do is just using things like string.split to split out the html around areas that I want to search. What I am looking to do is be able to essentially search a large amount of characters for anything that matches this reg ex pattern.

Dim pattern As String = "^(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]):(d{1,4}|[0-5]dddd|[0-5]dddd|6[0-4]ddd|65[0-4]dd|655[0-2]d|6553[0-5])$"

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Select A Sub-expression In Regex?

May 14, 2011

I made an IP Logging application for my friends web site, and he wanted a program to grab the IPs instead of displaying every bit of information in .net, but still have the entire log intact[code]...

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Regex :: How To Write Regular Expression

Sep 14, 2010

My coworker needs me to write him a regular expression for his vb.net app.I do not know vb and he does not know regex.The regex he needs is:/.*web id: ?(d+).*/iBasically he needs to search a string for something like "web id: 345" or "web id:2534" and retrieve the ID.He took what I gave him above and was able to put this together:

Dim strPattern As String = ".*web id: ?(d+).*"
Dim strReplacement$ = "$1"
GetWebId$ = Regex.Replace(LCase$(strNote$), strPattern$, strReplacement$)


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C# - How To Write A Multi-line RegEx Expression

Jan 12, 2010

I have a vb.net class that cleans some html before emailing the results.

Here is a sample of some html I need to remove:

<div class="RemoveThis">
Blah blah blah<br />
Blah blah blah<br />


I am already using RegEx to do most of my work now. What would the RegEx expression look like to replace the block above with nothing?

I tried the following, but something is wrong:

'html has all of my text
html = Regex.Replace(html, "<div.*?class=""RemoveThis"">.*?</div>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

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Ignore Curly Brackets In Regex Expression

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to build an application which does the following :

1) write some text in a richtextbox

2) when user clicks a button, the app will replace the text with another text in {} braces.

what I want is that the next time, the regex searches for any text it should exclude those which are present in {}. for eg : my world is good world and a happy world and will be a better world for everyone. first pass - change word "world"


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Regex - ASP Regular Expression For UK Telephone Format?

Sep 23, 2009

I want regular expression validator for my telephone field in VB.net. Telephone format should be (+)xx-(0)xxxx-xxxxxx ext xxxx (Optional) example my number would appear as 44-7966-591739 Screen would be formatted to show +44-(0)7966-591739 ext?

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Regex - Regular Expression With Specific Criteria

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to type a regular expression that follows the following format: [URL] There are no special characters or numbers permitted for this criteria. I thought I had it down, but I'm a bit rusty with regular expressions and when I tested mine, it failed all across the boards. So far, my regular is expression is:


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Building Regex (regular Expression) - Get Data Out Of String?

May 21, 2009

ok, For the moment I have a string() where each element is in the structure of


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Regex - Capture The Repeating Data Using A Regular Expression In .Net?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to find the right RegEx to capture some (potentially) repeating data. I don't know how many times it will repeat. If I give an exanple of the data and what I want to capture can anyone point me in the right direction? It's the .Net regex engine (Visual Basic)


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Regex - Parsing Excel Reference With Regular Expression?

Oct 14, 2010

Excel returns a reference of the form


("junk" won't normally be there, but I want to be sure that there's no extraneous text.)I would like to 'split' this into a VB array, where



I'm sure it can be done easily with a regular expression, but I just can't get the hang of it.

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Regex - Regular Expression That Requires At Least ONE Digits And SIX Maximum

Jan 21, 2011

I need a regular expression that requires at least ONE digits and SIX maximum. I've worked out this, but neither of them seems to work. ^[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?$ ^[0-999999]$

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VS 2010 Proper Regular Expression (Regex) Pattern?

Apr 24, 2012

It seems up until now I've never used Regex, nor even heard of it. But once I did I realized how extremely useful this is. Having said, it's been 2 days since I've began looking into constructing my own patterns. My most recent being for decimals. Is the pattern I provided below "proper"? and are there also any improvements I could be making for a more efficient patter, which would minimize any possibility of a loophole? [code] So for my use, this is doing what it's supposed to being doing under every test I can through at it. But do mind the 0. and .0, I have a function to normalize these as they are proper, I just pad the left and right accordingly. I found most regex questions asked here..and yes I am doing this in vb.net so it fits. If not, then feel free to move this post somewhere else better suited for the topic of discussion.

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