Setup RegEx To Grab The Link Of <IMG> SRC Tags?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to setup my RegEx to grab the link of <IMG> SRC tags.

Right now my code doesn't do anything when I have it setup this way.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Regex: Take Text & Some Special Characters Between The Xml Tags Using Regex On

Feb 23, 2012

I want to take the text and some special characters between the xml tags.. My input file contains:


now i want the Regex to take text and the special characters between the tags <line>,<inline>..

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Grab Text Between 2 Tags?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a textbox called textbox1. My problom is grabbing text between two tags "<UL>" + "<UL>"

I want it to search textbox1 for the two tags, and make textbox2.text the text between them (if that makes sence)

Or if possible, to remove all text from textbox1 thats not between the two tags ( including removing the 2 tags )

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Facebook Regex Id Grab

Aug 29, 2011

Would like to display the ID of your Facebook friends.but it fails. [code]

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C# - Regex To Get The Tags?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a html like this :

<h1> Headhing </h>
<font name="arial">some text</font></br>
some other text
In C#,

I want to get the out put as below. Simply content inside the font start tag and end tag

<font name="arial">some text</font>

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Grab Every Link On A Webpage That Has The Following Class?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to grab every link on a webpage that has the following class:


<a class="post-title"

Here is what I have but I just cant get the href's

Dim HyperLinks As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In HyperLinks
Dim controlName As String = curElement.GetAttribute("class").ToString


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Grab Link Generated By Script?

Nov 25, 2009

Grab a link Generated by a javascript.[code]...

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Regex, Everything Between 2 Html Tags .net?

Feb 17, 2012

i'm trying to get some information of a webpage via regex on visual basic 2010

it's something like this:

<SPAN CLASS="clear"></SPAN>
<h2> blabla </h2>
<h2> blabla </h2>
<b> blabla </b>


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Open Link Automatically And Grab Text?

Apr 21, 2009

make a quick app that will create 3 random letters, and search google with it which i can do. It is then ment to open the first link, and grab a sentence, or a group of words randomly.

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[2008] For Each Loop To Grab A Piece Of Data From A Regex & Variable

Feb 28, 2009

I use a simple for each loop toi grab a piece of data from a regex like:


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.net - Regex Expression Get All The Text Between The Tags

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to get all the text between the following tags and it is just not workind


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Regex - Get Html Tags Content?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to get tags content in a string with regular expression. I wrote it for just one line. When the content changed into some lines from one line, Regex will never do pattern on the tag. I choose RegexOptions.Multiline + RegexOptions.Singleline for finding options.My pattern in low level: (>)[ a-z A-z 0-9 ]*(</)

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Regex To Delete HTML Within <table> Tags?

Dec 21, 2010

I have an HTML document in .txt format containing multiple tables and other texts and I am trying to delete any HTML (anything within "<>") if it's inside a table (between <table> and </table>). For example:

other text
<other HTML>
<b><u><i>bold underlined italic text</b></u></i>


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Regex To Remove All Html Tags With NO Data Between Them?

Mar 21, 2012

I wan't a Regex to remove all html tags with NO data between them...

sofar i have got:

but this will obviously only work for all span tags ... how can i make it work for ALL tags?

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Clicking Text Link - No Name Or ID For Tags

May 1, 2012

First, let me clarify that the links call on javascript/jquery functions. The href="#" for ALL links and can not/will not be changed (it's not even my website that I'm grabbing it from). There is no name or id for the <a> tags, so I'll be needing to InvokeMember("click") on the link based on the text that is between the <a></a> tags.

For example:
<a staticrndstuff="stone" customrndstuff="waffles" href="#">TextForTheLink</a>

I've tried every method I could find on google and even consulted /g/ to no avail. The 'staticrndstuff' is the same for all links, but the 'customrndstuff' is unique to specific text/links. Usually, for something with an id you can simply use WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("ElementID").InvokeMember("click"),
But how can I have a forms application click a link on a webpage based on the text between the <a></a> tags or on the static/customrndstuff?

This is the hardest thing I've encountered, which is a bit sad for me.

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VS 2008 - Regex Pattern To Get File Names From HREF Tags?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm working on a program that get's a file list from an FTP server and it's getting it as one giant html string, here's what I'm getting:


Alternatively, if anyone knows how to get an ftp file object using .Net 2.0 instead of an html string that would be even better.

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Figure Out The RegEx Formula For Finding The Values Within The Tags Of HTML Mark-up?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm in need of some help trying to figure out the RegEx formula for finding the values within the tags of HTML mark-up like this:

<span class=""releaseYear"">1993</span>
<span class=""mpaa"">R</span>
<span class=""average-rating"">2.8</span>
<span class=""rt-fresh-small rt-fresh"" title=""Rotten Tomatoes score"">94%</span>

I only need 1993, R, 2.8 and 94% from that HTML above.

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VS 2008 Regex - Extract Information Between Two Tags In Some Html From The Source Of A Website

May 24, 2009

what i am trying to do is extract information beween two tags in some html from the source of a website. The contents of the text between the two tags will always be different. the code i currently have is;


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Web Browser Control Ignore Link Target Tags?

Sep 8, 2011

I am building a .net app that consits of a web browser control that loads up a specific website. However the website, which is a third party site I have no control over, has alot of links that open up to target="_blank". Which causes an IE window to open up with the link. I am wondering if it would be possible in my .net app to ignore the target desgination and force the link to be opened up in the same window, in my web browser control of my app.

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2008 : Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags, Title Tags, Td Class, Meta Tags Etc?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
If curElement.GetAttribute("href").Contains("") Then


Try to extract all the keywords from the title, body etc. for this page:[URL] and send it to separate textboxes (title keywords in textbox1, meta tags in textbox2 etc.).

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Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags / Title Tags / Td Class / Meta Tags

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:[code]

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Visual Basic 2008 Extracting Div Tags, Extracting Title Tags, Extracting Keyword Tags, Parsing Div Tags?

Nov 7, 2009

I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:


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Regex For Link Text?

Jun 18, 2012

i can use Regex matching to find urls in text, html source.But can Regex be used to get the link text (whats shown on screen) for that url it found e.g

<a href="">Visit my site</a>

So for the above I want to return "Visit my site" Or do you just have to parse it.

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VS 2008 Regex Match To Get Link From The Webbrowser?

Aug 9, 2011

I need a regex match to get this link from the webbrowser [URL]

The last part of the link (&c=CP7hx4S4ie6JWBDXpPL2oJjf8iM&hl=en_GB) changes everytime that why i need to use regex


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="description" content="MailCatch: Free, Temporary, Anonymous, Emails"/>


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VS 2008 Regex Match To Get This Link From The Webbrowser?

Mar 30, 2010

I need a regex match to get this link from the webbrowser [URL]The last part of the link (&c=CP7hx4S4ie6JWBDXpPL2oJjf8iM&hl=en_GB) changes everytime that why i need to use regex


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="description" content="MailCatch: Free, Temporary, Anonymous, Emails"/>


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RegEx: Converting Email Address To Mailto Link In A String Using VB

Oct 21, 2010

i have tried various ways to accomplish this, but to no avail. I don't know how to generate the replacement text (mailto link) so I just used a bunch of x's until I can figure it out. Here is what I have (which currently not replacing emails in string): Here is my Code behind:


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Link Calendar Application To Outlook For Appointment Setup?

Apr 2, 2009

I need the 411 on the best way to link a calendar application to Outlook to setup an appointment program in VB 2008???

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C# - Creating A Custom Start Menu Shortcut Link For A Visual Studio Setup Project

Feb 24, 2010

Is it possible to create a custom start menu shortcut link?

The only possibilities I see in the setup project are shortcuts to folders or primary output.


What I ended up doing is creating a custom action on commit that dynamically creates the link using Windows Scripting Host. Then on uninstall, removing the link.

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VS 2005 - Returned Strings To Be Like When Reads Tags Of Mystrings1 And Mystrings2 While Ignore Other Tags

Apr 23, 2012

With my code as I have a trouble with the returned strings that I have extracted from my php source to add the strings in my listview.

I'm reading the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 for each paragraph from the php source. I got the returned strings which it looks like this:


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <a href="http://xfvasfasfasfasf">Link</a> </td> | <a href="delete.php?id=0">Delete</a> </td> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

I want the returned strings to be like this when I reads the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 while ignore the other tags.


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

Here's the

Public Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
timer1.Enabled = False


Do you know how I can ignore the other tags when I get the returned strings of mystrings1 and mystrings2?

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Regex - Extracting HTTP Link(http://) For The String In .NET?

Sep 28, 2011

I have the following column values in my table Sample values:


I want to have 2 variables having the links and content separate - example:


I guess it can be done via String functions or regular expression.

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