.net Timer Calling A Process To Stop?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a process that i call, if it doesnt end within a certain time, i want the process to be killed and the loop to only continue after this. if i thread the timer it never tics. If i thread the process it never does as its suppose to.


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form2


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Does Calling The Dispose Method On A Windows.Forms.Timer Call It's Stop Method

Nov 12, 2009

Does calling the Dispose method on a Windows.Forms.Timer call it's Stop method? Or should I stop the timer before I dispose it?

View 5 Replies

Stopping Multiple Timers - Stop Button To Stop Each Timer One At A Time

Feb 26, 2009

Alright, so I'm still working on the slot machine. I have three timers all independently going for my three "wheels" of the slot machine.

My issue, is that I'm trying to make a Stop button to stop each timer one at a time, and I'm not understanding why this code isn't working. The logic completely makes sense, and the first "wheel" stops when I click the button, however, it doesnt appear to stop the other two timers.


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OSK Process Start/stop - PID.Kill() Fails Because It Says The Process Already Exited

Sep 28, 2010

My app starts an On-Screen Keyboard process like this:

Dim PID as System.Diagnostics.Process
PID = Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32osk.exe")


It seems to work 90% of the time. However, sometimes the PID.Kill() fails because it says the process already exited. At this point the OSK is always still there on screen. Yes, I know my code should be testing to see if the process is still running before trying to kill it, but given that the OSK is still on screen..

View 10 Replies

Make Timer Do Its Job And Then Stop?

Jul 19, 2011

How do I let the timer do its job and then let it stop, for example[code]...

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Self-Stopping Timer Won't Stop Itself?

Feb 6, 2012

I've been trying to create a timer that waits for another timer to finish with its coding and, when it's finished, executes a series of code before stopping itself.

This isn't the code for the actual program I wanted to implement this self-stopping timer in, but it's simple and has the exact same problem:

Public Class Form1
Private Synchro As New Timer()
Private Sub MeLoad() Handles Me.Load


The idea here is that it's suppose to (using a timer) show the messagebox ONCE and ONLY once per button click. However, what seems to happen (despite the fact that I have 4 ways of trying to tell it to stop) is that the program creates multiple messageboxes until there are a total of about 49 messageboxes on the screen at the same time. I don't know if I'm using the wrong event (unlikely as Tick seems to be the only timer event) or there's a way of stopping the timer that I don't know.

View 7 Replies

Start And Stop A Timer?

Mar 20, 2010

I have to start a timer when I navigate to a certain web page. I need to start the timer when my urlTextbox text has this in the textbox[url]...

View 4 Replies

Stop A Timer After One Time?

Aug 5, 2010

how can i stop a timer after one time?

View 1 Replies

STOP A Timer Of Mine?

May 6, 2011

I am using Timer Event in "Form1".By Running Timer Event i am getting data.

I want to STOP the Timer by clicking on Stop button.The Stop Button is in "Form2"

My Problem is When i click on Form2 Stop Button,the timer is still running mode.The Timer event is not going to stop.

I tested about Timer How to stop in sample appplication.In sample Application its working fine.When my Project application its not working(Timer not go to STOP)

View 8 Replies

Stop The Timer In The Timer_tick(..) Sub?

Jan 13, 2010

I have started a timer when I press a button

my question is "Can I stop the timer in the timer_tick(..) sub? I try this inside the timer1_tick(..) suib timer1.stop()It does not work.

my timer_tick routine is doing something, when it is done, the timer should stop. How do I do it?

View 5 Replies

Timer About Start And Stop

Jul 23, 2009

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.[code]

View 3 Replies

Timer About Start And Stop?

Aug 15, 2011

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
PictureBox1.Visible = True
If PictureBox1.Top > 50 Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point _


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Timer Doesn't Stop?

Nov 22, 2011

i added a timer for download speed calculation, but somewhere i did an error. After download is complete the kb/s counter still racing and stop debug has to be done by "Stop debugging" and not on close button.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO


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Timer In Class Won't Stop

Jun 29, 2010

I have a class (e.g. see Client class below) that holds details of clients that are connected to a server app of mine. In the class is a timer of type (System.Timers.Timer) which is supposed to act like a timeout notifier. When I send a message to a client I start the timer within the corresponding object. When I receive a message from a client I check where I received the message from and stop the timer in the corresponding object. If I dont receive a message within the defined period then an event is raised from within the object and I resend the message again. I do this a maximum of two times before giving up.[code]...

View 9 Replies

Timer To Run One Interval Only And Stop

Sep 3, 2010

How can I get a timer to run one interval,one interval only, and stop? Until now I have only used timers to keep running until I say to stop. Also I need a timer that will start at the beginning of, and run until any given process is completed.Upon completion it should shut off and tell me how long the process took. Kinda like a stop watch with a Stop / Start "Trigger".

View 19 Replies

VS 02/03 : Stop Timer From Another Class?

Oct 3, 2009

how to stop timer from another class?let say:I have a timer object started in Class A and I want to stop that timer in Class B..how can i do that?

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 - How To Stop Sub With Timer

Aug 31, 2011

I have a sub routine that connects to a database. If the database is unavailable it takes about 45 seconds to timeout, even though I used connect timeout=10 in the connection string.

So I figured I would try using a timer. This is how I have it
Private Sub SQLConn()
Private Sub Timer2_Tick
(this is where I need to put a command to stop the sub SQLConn)

I have the timer set at 10 seconds. Unless there is a better way to do this what command can I use to stop the connection or the sub?

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Calling A Program In A Timer In Vb?

Jul 8, 2011

I am facing a lil bit of problem and my problem is I am calling a function in a timer device, and that function reads the data from the data base what it actually does is, first the timer capture hotkeys pressed from the keyboard and then calls a function Readit() and in Readit() it actually compares if the key has some data associated with it if it has some data it reads that data into a a variable buff and sends it to the active window whichever window is active.Main problem is my function won't stop reading and sending the same data to the active window,


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Stop Displaying Messagebox In Timer

Aug 17, 2009

i hv task to perform in timer which includes msgbox of type YesNo it should stop to get the response (Yes or No) but it is showing msgboxes continously. i want the apllication to stop for response (Timer also) as it does in vb6.0 i hv attached the file(see it to get the exact idea of problem)

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Stop Timer At A Random Time?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm working on a reaction time program where I'll be testing... well, reaction time of a user. For this program I'll need a timer to stop at a random time interval, say somewhere between 3 and 10 seconds. Anyone know of a technique to do this. I've done some research and it seems there are a bunch of different ways of generating a random number just not sure how to assign that number to a timer.

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Timer - Stop After 1 Minute

Dec 20, 2009

I have a timer, and I want it to stop after 1 minute, and to have a message box pop up saying that it's done.

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Vb Calling Vbs Script Need To Stop External Cmd Window Showing?

Feb 21, 2012

How can i stop it from showing external cmd window.this is my code

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim mac As New Process


it calls a vbs script i wrote which was converted to 1.exe file.when i press the button it calls it and send keysin external window i don't want this external cmd window to show was trying to get this command to work with fail?

.UseShellExecute = False

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Continue Timer So That It Will Not Stop Even The Voice Is Talkin?

Feb 24, 2011

I used this code to read my question Dim objVoice As New SpeechLib.SpVoice objVoice.Speak(question.Text) how can I not stop my form from pausing when the reading started because it will stop my timer and continue after finishing reading it. I want my timer to be continuous while the the voice is reading it the timer will not pause but will still run.

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Stop A Timer When A Mouse Moves Over Listview?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a timer, named timer7, which adds items to my listview, named listview2

what i want to do is stop timer7 anytime the mouse is over listview

and then restart timer7 if the mouse is not over the listview2

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Stop Timer Once 'OnTimedEvent' Happens And Message Box Is Clicked?

Mar 22, 2011

How do I stop the timer once the 'OnTimedEvent' happens and the message box is clicked? [code]

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VS 2010 Stop A Timer When ListBox Empty?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a ListBox with proxy and a webbrowser, the webbrowser has a timer for navigate to some urls. I want stop the timer when the listbox(proxy) is empty.Example:1-I got 10 proxy in a listbox and 20 Urls in other listbox: I want to stop the webbrowser when the last proxy was used.

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Calling Object Event Sub - Timer Procedure

Jun 3, 2011

I'm developing this procedure using a timer object. The thing is the procedure is not in the timer's event procedure but I want it to depend on the timer's interval when executing, it's just not calling the timer procedure. How can u declare objects and use their event procedures in code.

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Timer Control - Calling Function At 8 To 11 Seconds

Apr 15, 2010

I have successfully set up a timer in visual basic, see the code below. My timer uses case statements and at specific case/time it calls a function, 'ShuttleA'. 'ShuttleA' function, is a function that 'getskeystate', which inturn from the user interface tallies a response in a text box. My problem is that the program runs fine when calling the function at eg; at 10 seconds, case 10. But I want to be able to call the function e.g., at 8 seconds to 11 seconds. Or create a tolerance of e.g., 1 second either side of e.g., 10.

PrivateSub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim secondsAsInteger
seconds += 1
Label1.Text = seconds
SelectCase seconds
[Code] .....

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Get A Start, Stop Timer To Work To Keep Track Of Computers

Dec 8, 2009

at the minute i am trying to get a start, stop timer to work to keep track of computers being used in a shop, i messed with some code i found on here and it works, but i am looking for hours, minutes and seconds also if you could say if i am on the right track with the code i used, also if i wanted 10 computers would i need 10 timers to code or can 1 run a few apps.

Public Class Form1
Dim time2 As Date
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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Stop Timer After Selection In Liatbox Reaches 10 Automatically?

Jun 12, 2011

I have listbox and have set timer for auto selecting...

i want to stop the timer after selection in liatbox reaches 10...or you can say that after running that timer 10 times....

and after 15 min i wanna that turn on automatically....

finally what i want is :

a timer stops for 15 minutes after running 10 times ..

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