2010 Connect To MS Access 2010 DB?

May 28, 2012

I was trying to establish a database connection to MS Access but this error keep occurring.

The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. I have forcefully set my cpu to x86 but still no lock below is the code how I open it.

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Connect A Database (created In Access 2010, Saved In An XML Format And Put On Website) To A Login Form In VB 2010?

Jul 16, 2011

it's just for a program registration. i would store all of the registration codes in the access database, then export it to XML, then upload it to my web host. I would then somehow connect it to my Visual Basics login form (Which I have already made). If this can't be done, having them register through the form and having all the allowed codes on the internet (So i can easily edit them)!

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2010 To Connect To Ms Access Database?

Nov 20, 2010

how to connect vb.net 2010 to ms access database to get the data and display it in vb.net application that I am doing right now. My project is that I am doing dictionary application with vb.net so every time i put new word in search box, I want the vb.net to get the definition from ms access and display it in the application.

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Connect 2010 To An Access Database?

Sep 7, 2010

I have connected the database itself without much issue but i want to be able to edit, add and eventually delete from the database using Visual basic interface. This is for an A Level computing course that i teach, i remember a long time ago when i did the course this was fairly simple to do however i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it at the moment. This is further confused by office 2007 and VB 2010 both of which didnt exsist the first time i did this.Connect 2010 to an access database?

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Connect To An MS-Access 2007 Mdf With VB 2010?

Oct 8, 2010

How does one connect to an MS-Access 2007 mdf? Need coding example for VB2010.

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VS 2010 Connect To Access Database?

Feb 17, 2011

I want to connect to a mdb file but i have never did that before. i don't know where to start. heard something about ado.net and some other things.

the file is a 2003 access file if i am not mistaken. and it is shared on network. so multiple users (not too many, max 50) will use it at same time. what is the best connection to use? i have to mention that i don't want to use data controls. i want to use sql commands to fetch data and manipulate data on the form controls myself. i know there are various connection ways like strings and adapters. not sure which one is better.

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VS 2010 Unable To Connect To Access DB

May 30, 2011

I am trying to make a new data connection to an Access DB using the Server Explorer. The connection test OK then when I click on the OK button to finish I get the following error message.

Unable to add data connection. Index was outside the bounds of the array.

I am using VS2010 and the 4.0 .Net Framework. I have found several posts on this but done have worked out.

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Connect Login System To Access 2010?

Feb 27, 2011

how to connect login system using vb.net to Access 2010?.

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Connect To Access 2010 Database Via Code

May 9, 2012

I am using VB 2010 Utimate on a Win7 64bit machine. I have an accdb database created through MS Access 2010 (database has a password). How do I go about connecting to it using codes without having to drag a database control on the form, also is it possible to code my form so that it will automatically detect the path of the accdb database? Also I want to view the whole table using datagrid view as well as perform database actions such as add, edit, del, save, search and etc.

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Connect VB 2010 And Access 2007 Security?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a file accdb with password, now, i want to connect it and a project in VB 2010

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Connect VB 2010 To Remote Database MS Access?

Jan 11, 2011

Client form need an access to the ms access database located at the Server. I've just created a database in MS Access in the format .mdb, 2000 version. Forms created in the platform Visual Basic 2010. Kindly post procedure or source code to do it. I preferred to use OleDB connection since i used it on a stand-alone access to database.

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Make Access Database And Connect It To A VB 2010?

Jun 9, 2011

any one here can help me to make access database and connect it to a visual basic 2010 program and update and retrive information from it

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Cannot Connect To Access 2007 DB Using ADO In VB 2010 Express On Windows 7.

Mar 28, 2011

I am working in Windows 7 Home Premium using MS-Visual Basic 2010 Express. I am having difficulty connecting to an Access 2007 database using ADO. When I try to connect to the database I get the following error:

Error Code: -2147467259

Exception: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

I looked at...


There were several reference to compiling the program using x86.

Go to Project menu -> Properties -> Compile tab -> Select "Advanced Compile Options" -> Select "x86" instead of "AnyCPU"

I followed the path and there was not any option to select x86 in VB 2010 Express.

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VS 2010 Reports - CR9 Does Not Allow To Connect To The New MS Access Database (accdb)

Apr 26, 2012

I just purchased VS 2010 Professional. I was using 2010 Express and i used to use Crystal Reports 9 to create my reports. My problem is that CR9 does not allow me to connect to the new MS Access database (accdb). It only lets me connect to .mdb. I used to use .mdb but i have upgraded to MS Office 2010.


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Error In UPDATE Statement In VB 2010 And Access 2010?

Apr 1, 2012

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '''system time'''.this is the error that appears

this is my code:

Dim sqlCmd As String
Dim x As Date
x = Format(Now(), "General Date")


the fields in the tables are all text fields.is there any way to fix this error? perhaps it is in my query but i really cant find a solution.is there an alternative to get what i want my program to do?it is basically entering an ID number and finding the record with the same idnumber and putting the system time on the timein field for that record.

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If I Use An Access 2010 Database, The User Needs To Have Office 2010?

Sep 17, 2011

I programmed an app with an Access 2010 database, I installed the app and the database on a computer with office 2007. The app can't open the database. Do I need to copy some extra file on the user's PC?

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.Net 2010 To Access 2010 DataSet Primary Key?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Access 2010 and VB in VS2010.I have created a DB and have several tables. 1 table in particular called Employers, has the normal AutoNumber Primary key. Everything in Access runs fine. I used Access to develop a basic model application of the full version I am developing in VS.My VB front end contains a dataset linked to the employers table. I have dragged onto my form the "detail" view of this DataSet, not the DataGridView. The usual controls are in place such as the EmployerBindingSource, EmployerTableAdapter, TableAdapterManager and a EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator.On my VB form Scrolling through the record set is fine and all works well.My problem is after I click the "Add" record button on the EmployerBindingSourceBindingNavigator. The form fields go blank as expected awaiting user input. However, the field that is bound to the employer_id field (the Employer table's primary key) shows a value of -1.The insert command works no problem, and having looked at the database the table contains the new record with a correctly incremented PK


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VS 2010 - Access HttpUtility.UrlEncode In 2010?

Mar 9, 2010

Where is httpUtility.UrlEncode in 2010?? From what I read in the forum I need to add a ref to System.Web. But I only see references to System.Web.Application.Services and System.Web.Services, which don't resolve the problem.

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VS 2010 Documentation On VB 2010 MS Access 2007?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to create an application using VB 2010 and an MS Access 2007 database. I've been googling around but was unable to find something focused on this matter.

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VS 2010 Excel / Access 2010 And Connections

Apr 27, 2011

In my application, users can establish connections to one or more databases in order to pull in data, thus a read-only connection is sufficient. I use the following connection string syntax when connecting to an Excel 2010 database:


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VS 2010 Updating Access DB From VB 2010 Form

Apr 8, 2010

I've been working on an app for quite awhile and now am at the point where I have to incorporate an Access DB. Tried many things/variations of what I've found...but now am stuck. So here goes:

I have a Form with this

Public Class Form1
Dim objConnection As New OleDbConnection _
("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|Test.mdb")


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Connect To Sybase 12.5.3 Using VB 2010

Aug 26, 2010

I am building an application that updates a table in Sybase 12.5.3. Here is my situation.

How can I connect to Sybase 12.5.3 from vb.net 2010? In the past, I have used ODA to connect to Sybase and it worked fine.

The problem is that ODA was removed from VB.net in versions 2008 and 2010.

These Visual Basic versions are now using ASE to connect to Sybase but ASE is for Sybase 15.

I tried using ODBC but the drivers that come with VB.net are for Microsoft SQL.

I tried connecting to Sybase using MS SQL drivers. I was able to connect, but the execution did not work that well.

how to connect and how to execute a stored procedure with input and output parameters?

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Connect Two Programs With Vb 2010?

Feb 13, 2012

for example, if i want to create a program that that takes the result of the calculator ( i mean the default calc of the windows ), or the result of any program, and keep these results in my created vb program, or to manipulte these results, is it possible?

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How To Connect 2010 To MySQL?

Jun 13, 2010

im a beginner in visual basic.

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VS 2010 - Connect To FoxPro DB

May 16, 2011

I dusted off VB.net, and now im trying to connect to a local FoxPro DB. Problem is, its not working. Ive been at this for about an hour or so, trying many misc things, but without any luck. [Code]. 'C:aaaCF21000.DBF' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. Suggestions? That path is 100% valid, I can copy/paste that and open up the Database without error. I also tried other code I found on the web, some of them I cant even get them to run.

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VS 2010 Connect To Oracle DB?

Jan 26, 2011

I had an application wich connects to an oracle DB (built in VB 2008). Now..I am using VB 2010 and the oracle client is obsolete. Therefore I want to change my application to connect to an oracle DB the right way.

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VS 2010 Connect To Server SQL And Run

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to write a small app that will connect to our SQL database and run a small query.

However, my first stumbling block is the connection to SQL.

The SQL is on a server called RCSRV01, and RCSRV01 is the name of the SQL Server instance. The database is called NHD

This is my connection code...


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VS 2010 Connect To SQL Database

Jun 4, 2010

Trying to connect to my SQL database.Receiving this error:[code]No idea how to fix this, any ideas?

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VS 2010 Connect VB To Excel?

Feb 1, 2012

I want to create an application which generates random questions. So, initially, I have a form where I choose some options. They're all "Yes" or "No". According to my answers, I want my application to generate 10 random questions which are written in a Excel file.

It's like:

Option 1: Yes (Generate 3 questions / Excel file: Questions 1 to 6)
Option 2: No (Generate 2 questions / Excel file: Questions 7 to 14)

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Connect To It From Vb 2010 Express Project?

Jul 29, 2011

I have created a db in sql server 2008. I am now trying to connect to it from vb 2010 express project. When I try to add the data source, I get the error "You don't have permission to open this file". I have change the Auto Close option to True on the db.

After further testing I found if I opened BV as Administator I was able to add the db.

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