ASP.NET - ResourceNotFoundException Is Undefined

Aug 7, 2010

I'm working through some Error stuff, and I've tried converting Richard Dingwall's example over to VB.NET. The problem is that I'm getting an error:

Type ResourceNotFoundException is undefined
'<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.[Class] Or AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited:=True, AllowMultiple:=False)> _'


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ADVERTISEMENT - Ext.JS Store Record Is Undefined

Aug 18, 2010

var debtProtectionId = 0
// get the selected id of debt protection dropdown
if (mainPanel.generalPanel.calculationsFieldSet.debtProtection.getValue() != '') {


When I run the code it says 'storeRecord is undefined'.

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C# - Page Methods Throwing Undefined?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to use page methods to call a function and I am getting a "PageMethods is undefinded" error. I have used them before whilst using C# but not VB so I'm wondering if my syntax is wrong as all examples I can find are C#. I am also wondering if it's because my scriptmanager is on the master page?

I've read about this error everywhere but everything I have appears to be correct!

My code:

Part of Master Page

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" EnablePageMethods="true" >


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Create Undefined Count Of Loops?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a program, which would loop trough all letters. I want for example show aaaa, then aaab to aaaz, then aaba and so on to zzzz. The problem is: how to allow user to enter the letter count? Here's my code with only 3 letters:


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IDE :: VB 2010 Express Undefined Objects?

Jan 17, 2011

I opend my VB project and the program was littered with errors concerning Undefined Objects, events not found, system diagnostics is not a member of system, dialogResult is ambiguous, me.close and is not recognized...etc.

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IDE :: Use Streamreander And Streamwriter In VB Programs - Undefined Error

Jul 27, 2010

These objects are derived from System.IO. I am running Visual Studio 2008. When I go to the VB object browser, I see System.IO.Log, but do not see System.IO. When I try to use Streamreander and Streamwriter in my VB programs I get an undefined error.

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JQuery Error On JavaScript Document Null Or Undefined

Oct 10, 2011

I am recieving the following error when trying to execte the java script listed below in the page load event of an aspx web page.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'document': object is null or undefined

Dim scriptString As String = ("<script>javascript: window.opener.document.forms(0).submit(); </script>")
If Not Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(scriptString) Then
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.[GetType](), "script", scriptString)
End If
I am trying to produce a postback.

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Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: 'ShowDatePicker' Is Undefined?

Aug 9, 2006

The textbox (trigger) for the calendar is contained within a control, which is contained within an update panel.I found an article assisting with this issue, and it informed me to do the following

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim tScript As String = "$(function(){


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NET Class Is Recognized In VS Get A 'Type Is Undefined' Error On Build?

Mar 22, 2012

I am working on a VB NET project and had the strangest thing happen.I created a class file(just like a dozen or so I have already created). I wrote in the code to access it. The autocomplete found the class, filled it in and colored it blue, just as it should.But, when I run the app, I get a type is undefined error.

There is nothing in the class yet. And there is really no code to is as straight forward as I described.I tried restarting VS; Deleting and recreating the class; Deleting the class and creating a new one with a different name.

Is there something in the VB NET configuration I can check to see if it is not being added somewhere?

I found the problem. I have 2 projects in one solution. They both share some classes that were trying to use my new classes. When I hit F5, both projects are compiled, and since I hadn't shared the classes with the second project, it errored.

So, now my question is changed; How do I specify to only build the specified Startup Project when debugging?

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Read In Text File With Undefined Upper Bound?

Jul 21, 2010

Alright, so I've got my program and it works, but I have to pump out updates every once in a while. If I can get it so the code will let me have my text file with any number of lines for my array, then I can simply send out a text file and update done.So here's what my code does:

Define a record of arrays, two items, a unicode string (Japanese/Korean text) and then an English translation for the text.I read in the file, it's one item per line, unicode string and then the translation.I have it preset with a defined upper bound for my array, but if I just took out the define and leave the upper bound as limitless, then it would work if I just updated the text file. Problem is, I don't know how to do it with stream.reader (I think that's what it is) because I learned a different way in school. I want to do something like Do While Not EOF with this, and loop it reading lines from the file.

Would it work if I change the array to no upper bound and then simply use Do While Not EOF with stream reader?

View 2 Replies - Error : FredCK Editor Undefined For Proj Visual Web Dev 2010

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying set up the FCKEditorV2 to use in a visual web dev 2010 proj. and receiving an error stating :

Element FCKEditor is not a known element.
enter code here<%@ Page Title="" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="Edit.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication5.WebForm2" %>


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C# - SCRIPT5007: Unable To Get Value Of The Property 'length': Object Is Null Or Undefined

Oct 16, 2011

I have a Javascript function for my select box, but after I included runat="server" to it, the script debugger highlights on this line below:

' for (i = 0; i < sourceTo.options.length; i++) { ' and says:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'length': object is null or undefined

I included it because I wanted to loop through it in code behind and perform some other stuffs?


<select multiple size="8" style="width: 135px" runat="server" id="outletFromBox">
<option value="JP">Jurong Point</option>
<option value="IMM">IMM</option>


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Javascript - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: 'ShowDatePicker' Is Undefined?

Mar 29, 2010

Working around an issue where my jquery datepicker does not display after postback within an update panel.

The textbox (trigger) for the calendar is contained within a control, which is contained within an update panel.I found an article assisting with this issue, and it informed me to do the following

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim tScript As String = "$(function(){ Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(ShowDatePicker); });"
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "async_" & Me.txtAquisition.ClientID, tScript, True)

Then on the ascx I have


Am I approaching this in the correct manner? Any other suggestions to ensure my datepicker remains usable within the update panel?Thinking this may be due to the fact that I have the controls nested within an update panel... several of them in fact.

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Visual Studio 2010 Listing Class As 'Type Undefined" When MSDN States It Exists

Sep 17, 2011

I am currently attempting to create a VB.Net script that pulls up information on installed printers. I am using Visual Studio 2010 SP1, and as my target program needs to run on older machines, is currently built using .Net 3.5.Looking online, there are several methods on how to do this, one from url...the code is supposed to use System.Management as you can see. However, after importing System.Management, Visual Studio throws an error and states that ObjectQuery, ManagementObjectSearcher, and ManagementObject are not defined.a quick look at the MSDN forums shows that ObjectQuery is a class of .Net 4, 3.5, 3.0 and 2.I figured the error might be because I didn't have the .Net 3.5 SDK installed, so I installed the .Net 3.5 SP1 SDK to no avail.just to make clear, I am importing System.Management at the top "Imports System.Management"

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Jquery - .NET Serialization And Weekcalendar - Undefined

Oct 13, 2011

I have been trying to implement the jQuery weekcalendar using .net. What I can't seem to figure out is why weekcalendar states is undefined after I make an ajax call to a webmethod I created which returns JSON. Below is the relevant code:


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