AccessDataSource Date Inserts

Oct 23, 2009

I need to insert a row with a DATE value. How do I set its default value to Now() or similar?

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Compare QueryString To AccessDatasource Column Value?

Jul 21, 2009

When my page loads I want to compare the value of a QueryString against the data in a column from an Access Database. I then want to redirect the user to another page if the value of the QueryString does not exist within the column.I thought something like this....

Protected Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Request.QueryString("ProdID") <> ACCESSDATABASECOLUMN


But I do not know what code I should use above where I have "ACCESSDATABASECOLUMN" to pull in the information from the database.

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Inserts On TextBox1, One Filename?

Sep 10, 2009

The following code works fine. However, it only inserts on TextBox1, one filename. I would like to be in aposition to add more than one filename. Can anyone please tell me how I can achieve that.. code below; Private Sub BtnFolder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnFolder.Click


View 9 Replies - Looping Through CheckBoxList Only Inserts One Record?

Aug 25, 2011

which is that my checkboxes will only insert one record at a time. The modal pops up and I click on 2 checkboxes, yet only one is inserted into my database and displayed on my page. I have to check boxes 1 at a time, and I have many, many checkboxes. Here is the code I have.

<!-- Add a Feature -->
<asp:LinkButton ID="FeatureButton" runat="server">Feature</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:Panel ID="FeaturePanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup" Style="display:none">


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Records Inserts Into Dataset, But Not In Database

Mar 11, 2012

so I have chosen to add the database to my vb project when the connection was being set up in Visual Studios 2010. so the code below inserts it to dataset, but database doesnt seem to be updated, I am trying to add new records to Business and Login tables and have defined two functions to assign the value of text boxes to the fields on the records: [Code]

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Sql - Fetches Record From Csv And Inserts To Sql Table?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a while loop where it fetches record from csv and inserts to sql table. Now csv may contain many rows.What I want is if one row fails just log to a file and continue with next record.I was thinking of try and catch but that will exit the program.

while (csv.readnextline)
'assign csv columns to objects

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Listview Vs Datagrid - Inserts The Value To Textbox TxtColType

Feb 19, 2010

I have the following code which works fine with a listview called LvwColProc;. This inserts the value to textbox TxtColType. TxtColType.Text = LvwColProc.Items(0).SubItems(1).Text

Now I have a datagridview, called DgvActiveProjects..How will change the above code to enter the same value to TxtColType textbox.

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Oracle10g - Optomizing Bulk Inserts Into Oracle

Feb 1, 2010

I am inserting a block of 5000 records at a time, one block right after the other. The commands are created in a seperate DLL and can call anyone of 4 different stored procedures. Is there a bulk insert method that might speed this up. Currrently it takes about 1.5 MS per record and would like to get this down to about .7 MS.


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Windows Service That Reads From One Table And Inserts Into Another?

Jul 20, 2011

I am writing a windows service that will read records from one table and write them to another table. Problem is when i declare cmd = New SqlCommand(l_sSQL) the code stop executing but the service will still be running. I can insert into the other table using the service but i cant read from the other table.

Code Sample:

Private Sub dbcon()
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter


View 1 Replies - Textbox In Modal Popup Inserts Duplicate Entries?

Nov 14, 2011

My textbox is supposed to enter one value and enters about 8 of the same thing.

<li class="item">
<asp:LinkButton ID="FeatureButton" runat="server">Feature</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:Panel ID="FeaturePanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup"


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DB/Reporting :: Inserts Data To A Sql Server Db When It Receives Input?

Aug 25, 2008

I have an application that inserts data to a sql server db when it receives input. The problem is that i see many duplicate entries in the table. I have checked my code and it shouldn't do that:


View 4 Replies - Adding Textbox To Modal Popup Stopped Allowing INSERTS?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a modal popup that allows an admin to choose from a variety of checkboxes to add features to a specific product. If there is a checkbox that an admin believes should be available but isn't because that feature is not in the database, I have added a textbox so that user can add a new feature to the product.

Once I added the textbox, it stopped allowing inserts. At first it was in the same If Else as the checkbox for each loop, but I have recently changed it so the textbox is in it's own for each loop. I have an underline under the words txtFeature.Text that says Value of type 'Char' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControl.Textbox.'

vb code:

For Each feature As ListItem In cbxAddFeature.Items
If feature.Selected Then
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO Marketing


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TableAdapter.Update(...) Inserts NULL Values In All Columns For A New Record?

Oct 22, 2009

TableAdapter.Update(...) Inserts NULL Values in all columns for a new record?

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VS 2008 - 'Insert Snippet' Option - Predefined Code Which Auto Inserts

Mar 20, 2010

So, today I was programming, and then right clicked and noticed a 'Insert Snippet' option. I've seen it before, but never clicked it. I thought this was an amazing thing. It had predefined code which auto inserts. Was just letting some of our other members know, that it does include some predefined things such as 'Write to a text file', etc.

View 4 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In VB 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler?

May 8, 2012

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting?I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

View 1 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In Visual Studio 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler

Sep 23, 2010

The title pretty much precisely asks the question, but I shall repeat;

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting? I have used '/resetsettings' already, and other answers to similar questions do not solve my problem. I have reinstalled, gone through every menu I can find (though I may have missed something)I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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SQL Exception On Insert Of Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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VB - Access - Registration Form That Connects To Access Database And Inserts Values In Table

Mar 14, 2011

I'm writing an page with a simple registration form that connects to my access database and inserts the values in the table. So I have my database, my registration page, everything looks fine in my code, but there's a syntax error I can't seem to figure out. When I go on my webpage and click submit, it says : Syntax error in INSERT INTO instruction.

Here's my code:

<%@Page language="vb" explicit="true" debug="true"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>


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VS 2008 (DataGridView) :: Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. You can better see what logic i am trying to perform at the bottom of my code, right after I insert into the database. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnLaserGenerateTicket_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLaserGenerateTicket.Click
'Function declarations


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.net (DataGridView) - Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! :) AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. Here is my code.


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PDF - Takes A 1 Page Existing Pdf That Ispecify And Inserts That Into Another Existing Pdf?

Nov 11, 2010

I need to make a program in vb that takes a 1 page existing pdf that i specify and inserts that into another existing pdf that i specify.

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Ensure That Conversion Of A Date To A String And A String To A Date Will Give The Same Date Format?

Jan 16, 2012

how I can ensure that conversion of a date to a string and a string to a date will give me the same date format.

For example:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim d As Date = Date.Now


I'm actually only interested in the date part as the label text shows so f is more than I want.But also, the day and month are reversed.

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Compare Date - Start Date Should Not Be More Than End Date

Aug 12, 2011

i have 2 datetimepicker which are startdatedatetimepicker and enddatedatetimepicker.. the start date should not be more than end date..thus i need to check these two date.. here is my code...


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Why Date Shows Up As Date Before Date Trying To Parse?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a date time as a string, eg. "2010-08-02", I'm trying to convert it to UTC with the following code snippet..DateTime.ParseExact("2010-08-02Z", "yyyy-MM-ddZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)When I print to the console, I get the following: 8/1/2010 5:00:00 PM.Is there a reason why the date shows up as the date before the date I'm trying to parse? I could just add a day to this to advance to the original day.

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Checking A Date Field - Existing Textbox That Is Automatically Filled With The Current Date?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm fairly new to ASP.NET & VB.I've been asked to take an existing textbox that is automatically filled with the current date and allow the user to either add a "+" or "-" and a number or a spcific number and convert that into a date.I underdstand the basic concept on how to do this, but I'm running into some problems using the proper commands in order for this to work.The Textbox is called txtDate.What I've tried to do is this:

If txtDate = '+' Or '-' Then
DateAdd("d", txtDate, today)
End If

Here is what the whole thing looks like:

sender As[code].....

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Filter The Data In The Date Column To Show Only The Records That Don't Have A Date Entered Into The Field?

May 13, 2010

I have an access form that shows a data table. when the form is opened, I want to filter the data in the date column to show only the records that don't have a date entered into the field.

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Function That Would Return True If Date Provided Was Payday / Date Of Next Few Weeks Paydays

Nov 21, 2011

I need a function that would return true if the date provided was a payday or date of next few weeks paydays.Paydays are every 14 days on a Friday (not twice a month).I tried several attempts, but don't have a clue where to start, except that the function needs a reference date to calculate from. [code]

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Convert Excel Date To Sql Server Date Time Format Using ACE Provider?

Jun 24, 2011

I am attempting to import data in a batch from an Excel Worksheet to a Sql Server database. Everything works except for the one date field in the spreadsheet. The date returned is off by four years from the value in the spreadsheet. Example: The Excel sheet has a date 10/24/2010 14:18, but when I look at the column in my query, the date is 10/23/2006 2:18. This pattern, 4 years and 1 day earlier, is repeated for every row in the worksheet.

The Excel column comes to me as a custom type, formatted m/d/yyyy h:mm. I receive this from an outside vendor and having them change the column is not going to be my simplest solution.

For what it's worth, the relevent part of the query is:

Select [Date Created] From MyWorksheet

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Data Type Is A Nullable Date That Returns A String Value If Date Was Supplied?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently working on a custom data type, and wanted to implement a = operator.

I data type is a nullable date that returns a string value if date was supplied.

I want to allow the variable to be set like this

Dim nd as New NullableDate nd = Today Does anyone know how this can be done, or can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Date Filter Query - Fetch Only The Date Within The Current And Return How Many Rows

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying the fetch only the date within the current and return how many rows Dim dc as new dataclassesdatacontext dim q=from p in dc.worktime where"name") and ).count what I should I put after "" ? And if I want to search for the record which there are record that are insert five days earlier, how to do that ? use ( - 5) ?

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