Access A "new" Class Or Something Similar At Runtime?

Feb 20, 2012

Is it possible to access a class or module at runtime that isn't part of the initial application. Simplest way I can explain it is this.Application A reads from DatabaseA and gets a list of "classes/functions/modules (what ever you would like to call them)"Grid gets populated with a bunch of data, one col has the above mentioned info User double clicks on the cell and that function is "fired off" Bascially ApplicaionA would have all the classes that would be needed for the instructions to run.line 1 might look something last this

Columns would be (just an example)

last run | instructionFile | path of instructions | some variable use in the instructions

2/20/2012 13:05 | helloWorld.vb | C:Test | userName

When you click on helloWorld.vb the helloWorld code would be "read and run"

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Runtime Classes Similar To System.Resources

Nov 17, 2009

I need to generate a class at runtime similar to System.Resources where you can add a resource eg 'picture.bmp' and it immediatelly is accessible as 'System.Resources.picture.bmp'. I presume I need to generate XLM or/and XLSD at design time and then deserialise at runtime but I cant find a reference on how to do this. Specially without knowing the generic class in advance (as 'System.Resources' doesnt know all the resources in advance).

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Find The The Similar Class From The ClassArray Using The Indexof Method

Feb 12, 2012

As i described below code i am trying to find the the similar class from the ClassArray using the indexof method. How can we invoke name property inside the indexof method

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Polymorphism Constructors Default And Properties Similar Class To Listbox

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to create a class for storing data on People with another class to store their Bank Transactions.Ideally, this all be hidden away and leave only simple statments, declarations and functions available to the programmer.[code]I know this is possible as these exist in the Listbox Class though can't figure out how it's done.

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Adding Dropdown List At Runtime And Access Control And Events At Runtime?

Dec 20, 2010

I have created multiple dropdown list at runtime and populated with data. I also have added an eventhandler to determine the selected value of the drop down list.

The code is as follows :
Dim tbl As New Table()
tbl.EnableViewState = "true"


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Add, Save, Delete, Retrieve Data Similar To Access?

Apr 14, 2009

I am doing a project on creating a database using I need to be able to add records, save, delete and retrieve these data. I am a beginner so far I have created the design I need to be able to link many forms such as order form, find customers, add customers etc. How do i go about this.

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Distinguish Between MS Access Fullversion With Access RunTime?

Jul 27, 2009

My application is built to scan MS Access database in 2005. MS Access DB is opening when Access Run-Time (But no Full version of MS Access) is installed in the system as well. But showing error while scanning through our Tool.Need only Full version of MS Access.To Identify, whether the required application (like here we need MS Access Full version) is installed or not at the time of installing our Tool(Through MSI).Is it possible to identify MS Access Full version with Run-Time while installing the Tool?

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Access To Object Passed ByRef In The Constructor Of A Class Through Another Part Of The Class?

Aug 18, 2009

I have some classes, BsfciFile and StudyFlashCard. Bsfci is the extension to which I save my set of flashcards in an INI format. I am currently working to transform my code from using Windows API calls to access the INI to using a IniFile class that I found on the internet. I would like the BsfciFile to have a Array of StudyFlashCard objects, but I would like the StudyFlashCard class to use the IniFile class object contained in the BsfciFile class. I can pass the IniFile from the BsfciFile class to the constructor for the StudyFlashCard class, but I want it to modify the same IniFile as the BsfciFile class has later on.


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Access Members Of A Sub Class Through A Property Of The Parent Class?

Mar 30, 2010

This is a bit of a continuation from a previous post for which AtmaWeapon was very informative.

A parent class has a sub class with various properties. A property of the parent class is a List(of T) with T = the sub class The issue is how to store data in the sub class of the instantiated parent

Some example code (hopefully formatted correctly):

'=========== Class Definitions =============
Public Class courseClass
Public Class timeTableClass


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Access The Base Class Inside A Derived Class?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I access the base class inside a derived class?

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Can't Access Class From Code-behind. Class Is App_Code Folder?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a very simple class that is located within my App_Code folder in my VS2008 web application project. I am trying to instantiate an instance of this class from my code-behind file. Intellisense does not seem to be seeing my class and I am not sure why. I am using VB.NET which I am admittedly not that familiar with as compared to C#. Perhaps I am missing something. I would bet it has something to do with something I am missing in VB.NET.Here is my simple class (for testing):


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Add Interfaces To A Class Programmatically (at Runtime)

May 7, 2012

I am looking for a way to add an interface implementation to a class at runtime.
Here is a sample code, which I will discuss below.

Public Interface IAction
Sub DoThis(a As Integer)
End Interface


This is related to WCF, where one needs to provide to CreateHost a single class, which implements all interfaces required for the end points. In this scenario, ActionDispatcher is such a class, and IAction is one of the many interfaces to be implemented.

My vision is to avoid implementing IAction in ActionDispatcher manually, but have some sort of registration mechanism, where I can say, that ActionDispatcher must implement interfaces IAction, IDoing, INoAction, etc - and have the dispatching methods generated for me.

MSDN says, that any class is compatible with any interface, so I don't need to declare "Implements" in the ActionDispatcher. But I still need to implement the interface and connect the implementing method to the interface definition, so WCF can find it when needed.

The closest thing I found is probably the Automatic Interface Implementer, but it (1) creates a new type, (2) adds dummy methods.

I has also tried to understand CodeCompileUnit class, but so far couldn't see the relation to what I need.

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Class Files / Dll's Load At Runtime?

Aug 16, 2011

I apologize if this is a rudimentry question, but I have an application that makes several calls to several .dll's. I notice that the first time the function is called, it seems to take a very long time (about 10 seconds) for the functions to complete.

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Creating Instances Of Own Class At Runtime?

Sep 3, 2011

info on creating instances of my own class at runtime. Simple project for family recipes but would like the option to add new recipes with new instances of my own food Item class at runtime. Creating my own class,no problem. Storing the data in an XML file, OK on that as well. My issue is creating new instances of different food item class as I use this program over time

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Convert Class Runtime In CType In Second Parameter?

Mar 22, 2010

1. I have three classes. Now I want to know how do I convert object to my class runtime?

for example,
Dim obj as New Object
obj = CType( MyPassedObject, Class1 )

Now, in above code, MyPassedObject can be Class1 or Class2 or Class3 but it is passed as Object. So is there any way that I can convert into CType as per the type of that object, directly to that class? I mean, I can pass object name into parameter and write down CASE statement here to convert to that class but I do not want to write down Case statement for each of my class, so just want to know is it possible anyway?

I mean just for example, Can I do something like obj = CType( MyPassedObject, GetObject('Class1') or any other way?

2. Now for this obj, I am getting properties runtime and setting values and then updating.

for example,

Dim PropertyInfo As Reflection.PropertyInfo() = obj.GetType.GetProperties()

Now, Will it work fine if obj has been declared as Object and then I typeCast it runtime and then I get properties and set its values. Will it work if obj's variable type is Object or it must be that class type itself.

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Define The Base Class Of A Form At Runtime?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm developing a software that handles very specific regional standards. In one part of the country they have different standards for entering this data than they do in other parts of the country. In fact there are hundreds or thousands of possible configurations that would be best in various regions.

The solution I've come up with is to write a program that can load different control configurations with the supporting code to its main form at runtime. I do not know how to accomplish this. Would I use visual inheritance at runtime? Would I use a plugin system? I just need to potentially allow a power user to design thier own interface or to modify an existing interface to better suit thier needs.

Edit: Is there a way to define the base class of a form at runtime? Could I create user controls in a plugin and pass them in to the host program?

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Determine If A Form Class Exists At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2010

I have the name of a form in a string variable, e.g. "frmOptions". I want to:

1) get the fully qualified name of the form

2) determine if the form exists in the application

3) create an instance of the form

4) show the form

I know that using reflection I can do #3 this way, but I need to get the fully qualified form name first[code]...

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Runtime Error - Class Does Not Support Automation

Aug 11, 2011

I created a simple VB 6 executable that runs fine on my computer (Windows 7), but when I deploy it to another Windows 7 PC or a Windows 2003 server, I get the error:
"Runtime Error 430: Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface".

The code
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
Dim rstLogin As ADODB.Recordset
MsgBox ("Before first recordset")
Set rstLogin = New ADODB.Recordset
MsgBox ("After first recordset")
End Sub

The line that generates the error is " Set rstLogin = New ADODB.Recordset". I had a coworker compile it from his Windows 7 pc and run it on other machiens and it works fine. So I believe it's an issue with my pc config.

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[2005] Naming A Class Instance At RunTime?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a little banking console app for a class project. I've created a class (Account). What I want to do is name the instance of the class based on text input:

Dim strFoo As String
strFoo = Console.Readline
Dim strFoo as New Account

Obviously this won't work because strFoo is a String.

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Private Read/Write Access And Public Readonly Access For Variable In Class?

Jan 12, 2012

Is it possible to set a variable in my custom class for Private Read/Write access and Public Readonly access without creating Properties with Get and Set? In other words, from within my class I want full access and from my form I only want read access. Right now I declare my variable as either Private or Public to control Public read/write access. I tried googling my question a bit but I'm not sure what the correct terms even ar

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.net - Create A Variable Of An Instance Object Of A Class At Runtime?

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to create new variables inside a class after creating its object at runtime. The problem is that I don't know the variable names or the value beforehand so I have to create the new variables at runtime.


This is a more elaborate explanation of my code. If you observe that in the Eval function I have tried to evaluate Fval(abc). Now the object array abc is not declared in the Test class because it existence is not known beforehand. What I want to do is create an object array abc of length 2 and populate it with some values and when Fval(abc) is called then then the value of index 1 should be the return value of Eval fucntion.

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.NET : Runtime Is Initializing A Variable To An Instance Of The Wrong Class?

Jul 26, 2010

I've got some code that looks like this:

If ediFileGroupAbbr = "NIPDSINV" OrElse ediFileGroupAbbr = "WWPDSINV" Then
Dim p As New PrivateBillingAdapter_ForN(ediFileGroupAbbr, businessLocationID, mode, EDIJobItemLogID, BusinessUnitID)
Return p.ProcessEDI(True, False)
ElseIf ediFileGroupAbbr = "FOPDSINV" Then


to which I'm passing in a value of ediFileGroupAbbr = "FOPDSINV". But the code is executing as if it's dropping into the third condition (p is a PrivateBillingAdapter). So I've stepped into the code and, sure enough, it drops into the second condition. BUT, if I step into the execution of the constructor, the debugger jumps to an odd place in the code - sort of the middle of a method and not on any actual line of code.A couple clicks and it hops back out of the constructor, still in the second block of code. But if I mouse over the variable p to see it's type, boom, its a PrivateBillingAdapter (from the third block).Like I said, something is clearly wrong but I don't know what. I've tried rebuilding several times but with no new results.This is VS2003, framework 1.1 with VB.NET.

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System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Class Not

Mar 1, 2009


I have put the exe which is in bin folder to my client place. I have installed .net framework there. and some forms are working fine. But I 'm getting above error for some forms. it has specially status bar, flexgird. I have copied the AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib.dll and Interop.MSFlexGridLib.dll file in to the same place where the exe is.

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VB 6 Runtime Error Class Does Not Support Auto-mation?

Jul 8, 2011

I created a simple VB 6 executable that runs fine on my computer (Windows 7), but when I deploy it to another Windows 7 PC or a Windows 2003 server, I get the error"Runtime Error 430: Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface"

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Know If An Array Of Lists Contains Similar Items (similar Lists)?

May 20, 2010

I know how to check whether an item exists in a list using (MyList.Contains), But I do not know how to check the whole list. For example (use one button and one richtextbox):


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C# - Dynamically Creating Objects At Runtime That Inherit From A Base Class

Apr 27, 2010

I am writing a game editor, and have a lot of different "tool" objects. They all inherit from BTool and have the same constructor. I would like to dynamically populate a toolbox at runtime with buttons that correspond to these tools, and when clicked have them create an instance of that tool and set it as the current tool. Is this possible, and if so will it be better/easier than creating those buttons by hand?

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System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Class Not Registered?

Sep 1, 2006

I am a *** programmer and cannot make sense of the error message I'm getting. I wrote a program and it runs fine on my development machine and also on other machines with Visual Studio installed. However, when I run it on any other machines, I get the message below.All of my other programs that I write run fine on these other machines; so I know this problem must be due to some control that's unique to this new program. But I can't make much sense of the error report

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Connect Ms Access To .net At RunTime?

Mar 18, 2011

i need how to connect ms access to at run timeand which object can i include.

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Change Connection String From Class Library In Main Application At Runtime?

Jan 16, 2009

You can change the connection string at run-time like this. You make the connection string setting available for writing as a separate property inside the MySettings class:

Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings
Public WriteOnly Property RunTimeConnectionString()
Set(ByVal value)


Then, in some place when the application is being initialized (before using any table adapters of typed datasets), write something like:

My.Settings.RunTimeConnectionString = My.Settings.ProductionConnectionString

Where ProductionConnectionString is a simple String setting. It is a User Scope setting so every user can change it (by assigning a value to it, similar to the code above) and save it by calling My.Settings.Save()This code works well for connection strings which were initially created in the main project and stored in it's settings (= app.config file).

The connection string in the app.config actually has a longer name: MyApp.MySettings.MyConnectionString.When you have a connection string stored in the app.config in a class library project, and reference that project in the main project, the app.config files will somehow be merged, so the class library has it's settings.The thing that don't know how to do, is change a setting from the class library at run-time. I could copy the connection string setting from the class library to the main project's app.config. I must keep the same name, which looks something like: MyClassLibrary.My.MySettings.MyConnectionString.Can the same principle I showed above be somehow applied to this second connection string?

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Runtime Error 1004 : Unable To Get The Correl Property Of The Worksheetfunction Class

Apr 9, 2012

my error code is run-time error 1004 unable to get the correl property of the worksheetfunction class. I read the data from xlsx-files to one dimensional arrays in my vb - program. the essencial code parts are

Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Dim winvyf() As Double, winvx() As Double


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