Activate A Map's Different Areas So As To Be Able To Click These Different Areas?

Jan 30, 2010

I would like to add a picture on my form, e.g., a map of Europe, and i wanna be able to click on UK or France etc. Each country will be programmed in doing something else. What i wanna do for a start is to make my map active so as to can click on these different countries.

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Declaring Graphics Areas?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a form that I want to draw an image on.I also want this to be an animation so I can't use picturebox.However when I declare the graphics it gives me the error: "Type 'System.Drawing.Graphics' has no constructors"

:I have already import 'system.drawing:
Dim g As New Graphics() 'I get the error here
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Looking On Input For Areas To Improve?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm currently in a programing class for It's my first true exposure to OOP and I'm looking for some advice on areas where I could improve. I was wondering if someone would be willing to look at one of my programs that I have written and offer advice on areas where I can improve and things that I made much more complicated than they need to be. I'm not looking for a line by line critique just a general look at things to improve upon in the future.

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Use A Common _ViewStart In Areas?

Nov 5, 2010

In my "root" Views folder, I have a _ViewStart with the following code:

Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.vbhtml"
End COde


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Placing The Same ASP.NET Control In Different Areas Of A Page?

Feb 4, 2010

I have some code that I've inherited, and it's not the greatest in the world, but it works, with one small exception:

This page is a directory search, it has controls identified by record ID, however there exists a situation where there can be more than one result with the same record ID, thus making .NET barf. I had originally implemented a check that just didn't put the control on the page, if it was already there, but we've been getting negative feedback.

My question is this: Is there a way to put the same control in two places at once, for instance having if a user checks one, the corresponding one checks as well? I'm not terribly well versed in how .NET behaves, but I'll try to provide as much additional context as possible, if needed.

EDIT: Here's the updated code that generates the controls by looping over a datatable of results

Dim cbxSendInfo As CheckBox
Dim strCheckboxID As String = "cbxSendInfo-" & drOrganizer("ID") & "-" & i
Debug.text = Debug.text & "    Loading Checkbox (" &


Where drOrganizer("ID") is the record ID, and i is the result record number.

I know this is a terrible way to do this, at least from my background, but like I said, this is inherited code that's been hacked to pieces.

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VS 2008 With Big Areas Of Text In Database?

May 24, 2011

I need to save in my Database, records that have a big amount of lines, and like we know each text field of Access database, have just 255 caractheres to insert.

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C# - Return Another PartialView That Occupy Different Areas Of My Page?

Jan 14, 2010

i have an Ajax ActionLink which normally just returns a PartialView (which is just a UserControl ascx file) however, my needs have changed and i want to return another PartialView (so a total of two PartialViews) that occupy different areas of my page... of course i can't call " return PartialView("UserControl.ascx") " twice in a row consecutivelly... so my question is what would be an elegant work around for this?

how can i return two PartialViews WITHOUT wrapping these two PartialViews up in a larger parent view? i hesitate to do this because both items are in a different part of the html table which would require me to include practically the entire page in the parent view due to the structure of the table, and in this case lots of html data unnecessarily would be sent to the browser at each request - defeating the purpose of an ajax call/partial update (correct me if i'm wrong).

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Custom TabControl - Move The Tabrect Areas?

Jul 23, 2010

Wondering if its possible to move the tabrect areas? For example:


I can already paint the tabs to the new location, but not sure if I have to override onmousedown or onmouseclick or what to have the tab selection area match up with the new painting. I haven't found any example of what I am wanting to do.

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Setting Differnet Areas Of Form To Be Clickable?

Aug 26, 2009

i have a form that looks like this: i need different areas to execute different code, just as if there were buttons. how do i set areas of the form to be clickable in

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Draw Over A Form, Detect Drawing In Specific Areas?

Mar 27, 2010

[URL] In my Windows Form, I wanted the user to give an option to draw all over the form. But, if the user while drawing, enters the region 1, I want to assign a value to variable, say a=1. Correspondingly, if the user without leaving the mouse button previously enter the region 4, I want to b=1.After the user leaves the mouse button, I wanted to compare a and b. If both of them are equal, then Result=Done else not.

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Making Transparent, Unclickable Areas In UserControl/pictureBox

Oct 22, 2010

I have a userControl with a picturebox in it. I need the areas of the userControl to be transparent and unclickable on the main form. After some searching Ive come up with this. [URL] but it doesn't seem to work. I have it set up so the usercontrol can be drag-and-dropped. but I dont want transparent areas to be dragable.

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Stripping HTML Function Within Text Areas Content

Mar 10, 2010

I'm writing a small program that loads a folders contained file names into a list box, you then double click one of the file names listed and it appears within the programs text area where the user may freely edit it. I then have given the users options to export the data contained within the text box to a word template. What I'd like to do is add a button which the user can click in order to strip away all the html within the text areas content. I found a solution but for some reason I can't make it work. There are no errors displaying nor does the program crash out, it simply isn't doing what it should be doing.

The function I'm using is below:
Function stripHTML(ByVal strHTML)
'Strips the HTML tags from strHTML using split and join
'Ensure that strHTML contains something
If len(strHTML) = 0 Then
stripHTML = strHTML
[Code] .....

I've used the below snippet in an attempt to put the function to work in the text box.
Private Sub btnHTMLstrip_click()
' calls function stripHTML, applies to text box
richTxtBox.Text = stripHTML(richTxtBox.Text)
End Sub
So, its not working as it should?

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Trim Images Crop To Remove All Blank Areas?

Aug 21, 2010

To reduce the size of some images I have, I'd like to remove the white padding that some have. The idea would be that if one has large white areas on the borders, then those can be cropped to save some space.

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Ensure That Operator Cannot Accidentally Enter Data In Output Areas

Jan 24, 2010

1.Ihave to produce an application that enables the user to enter an integer rate of pay and an integer nr. of hours. On clicking a button the application should display rhe pay due. Amend the application:rate of pay to be entered as a real number;Employees are taxed at emergency rate of 40%. Amend to display GrossPay and NetPay.

2.Ensure that the operator cannot accidentally enter data in output areas!!!

The application is to be amended so thet the employees are paid overtime at time and a half for working more than 8 hours in any one session and all data enter by user should be checked to ensure that it is in a valid format and that the values are acceptable. [code]

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Multiple File Upload With Input Areas Dynamically Generated

May 28, 2009

I want to create a form where the user can upload as many images as they like with the input areas being dynamically generated. I can't use Ajax for this I need to use ASP.NET controls and the images are being written to a database. Any ASP.NET control that can accomplish this? Here is my code for the dynamic form, its Javascript and its not passing the "PictureSmallLink" value back...and their in lies my problem.

<input id="PictureLinkSmall" name="PictureLinkSmall" type="file" runat="server" size="60" />
<input id="AddFile" type="button" value="Add file" onclick="addFileUploadBox()" />
<!--<p><asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Upload Now" onclick="btnSubmit_Click" /></p>-->
<span id="Span1" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function addFileUploadBox() {
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 - Shading Some Areas Of Clock Image Based On Time

Mar 30, 2011

I have a table which contains the start date and end date, in my db. What I currently do is simply display both the fields in a ListView control. But instead of that approach, I'm thinking about displaying a 'clock' image and shading those areas with some color. This is similar to a Pie Chart. But the only difference is, I'm going to display a clock's image as background and the shading is based on the time.

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Do All Programming Languages Use Static / HEAP & Stack Areas To Store Memory

Apr 9, 2012

Do all programming languages use the Static, HEAP, & Stack areas to store memory? Does understanding this help me with debugging in any way? How do I query or access the memory in .NET would I ever need to do that? Or the memory addresses?What keywords would I type into Google to get more on how the .NET CLR uses memory?I'm learning Java and am trying to compare .NET and Java and how memory management differs and is similiar.

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Click On Button That Makes Program Bar Activate

May 23, 2010

[code] When I click on the Button that makes the Prog Bar activate then when its all full it spams the MessageBox saying "Hai" Unlimited times.

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Activate RIGHT MOUSE CLICK To Press A Button On A Form?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a form with some buttons i built in visual studio basic 2010 When I left click a button it uses 1 value...but I want to be able to right click the same button and it use a different value i cannot find anywhere how to activate the right mouse button so it presses the buttons on the form so it use the different value i specify.

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Can Activate The Ctrl+Esc

Feb 3, 2010

Can i activate the Ctrl+Esc ?

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How To Activate Event From Somewhere Else

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating a web browser in VB 2010. I have a search box, and I want to make it so that when I press enter in the text box, it searches. [code] The problem with this is that when I press enter, there is this annoying "beep". I don't know where this comes from. The only thing I can think of doing is making the event activate the search button, but I don't know how to do that either. How can I fix this?

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How To Activate Sqlcmd From VB

Jun 10, 2011

The following code does not work. Shell command executes without execption but nothing occurs. The file DBCreate.sql contains a script building a SQL database.

Dim DBNom As String = "DBEssai"
Dim DBChemin As String = "E:DocumentsDBCréation"
Dim CréationScriptTemplate As String


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Possibility To Activate Sub From Another Sub?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a possibility to activate sub from another sub?[code]if a is 1 then I want my program to run 'sub 2' and if it's not then it should run 'sub 3'.

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Activate The Application With A Serialcode?

Mar 17, 2012

I'm now working on a domainchecking application for about 2 weeks and it is in the final developement phase.There is a my.settings that is, by default 1 to indicate that it is the first time starting the application. If it is the first time, the settingsform will show up to activate the application with a serialcode. This works fine. If I start up the app again, it doesn't show the settingsform again because my.settings.firsttime was set to 0.

After 1 cycle of the timer, which checks all the domains,the line: application.restart is being executed. Then **** happens...It shows up the welcome-message again and asks for activation.By check,I put a button on the settingsform which shows you the value of my.settings. firsttime. and ***... It is 1, like magic, it changed itself from 0 to 1. The same problem is with the indicator of the activation.Is the problem caused by application.restart? Is there alternative code for restarting an application?

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Activate An App That Is In The System Tray?

Aug 27, 2008

I'm using VB 2005, and trying to write a console app that (among other things) activates a different program that is in the system tray.

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Activate Button In Other Application?

Jul 13, 2011

i wan to active start button in other app, i use spy ++ to check the button styles, i c bs_pushbutton. i try to use win api to do it.i tried WM_SETFOCUS and enter key to do it, but fail

these is my code

Dim hwnd As Int32 = apiFindWindowEx(HWND_DESKTOP, 0, Nothing, "Open File - Security Warning")
Dim cwnd As Int32 = apiFindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, Nothing, "&Run")


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Activate Msi File With Code?

Feb 15, 2009

had a quick question that I dont think is too difficult, the solution just isn't too apparent to me.I put an option in my program that will allow a user to redownload a setup file and repair a program installation and I wanted the program to automatically launch the msi file and pass a command line arguent to use the repair function in the installer.This code works perfectly to launch the installer, but the user has to manually click repair.

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Activate Only One Form At A Time?

Dec 27, 2009

In my project i have 4 Forms including main form. Form2 is open through main form then Form2 remain active until user close Form2.Mean to say Form2 not allow any other form active until user closer form2.

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How To Activate A Button With The Ctl And A Key Combination

Feb 11, 2009

i would like to know that is there any way to activate a button with the Ctl and a key combination
we can do it with Alt and the key combination but my client is asking for ctrl & the key combination i have searched a lot but failed to find anything.

secondly :
i have used the alt & key combination for my buttons but the prob. is unless and untill the user presses the alt key the key combination is not highlighted. i have seen progs. where the key that is used for e.g. i have given &Add then the 'A' key is highlighted always with the underline. but when i am doing it by giving the name as &Add unless and untill the user presses alt the underline under A doesnt appear. do i have do more than just giving "&Add".

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RDP Activate On Remote Machines?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a need to activate remote desktop on machines out in the field and have created a VB button that takes a workstation name from a textbox and activates via a WMI call. problem is that it pops back with an "invalid parameter" error.

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