Activated Event

Jun 2, 2010

Hello, everyone! I'm having problems with the Activated Event in Visual Basic. When trying to click my btnNext, IF THE DATA ON THE PAGE IS NOT SAVED YET, then a message box is to appear and alert the user that the data is not saved yet. When clicking the OK button on the MessageBox, it is supposed to return control back over to the main form. HOWEVER, I can't get past the Activated Event on the main form. It crashes the program. I've tried global flags, but it still does not want to work! Can anyone please help? Any thought in the right direction will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, y'all!

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VB 6.0 To .Net Conversion - Form Activated Event

Jul 9, 2010

We are converting a Visual Basic 6.0 application to 2008 and are having an issue, while executing the code under form activated event. There is a difference in behavior between form.activate in Visual Basic 6.0 and form.activated in In Visual Basic 6.0, the Activate event was raised only when switching between forms in the application; in Visual Basic .NET, the Activated event also is raised in case of showing messagebox and when switching from other applications.(by msdn)

In vb6 application the purpose to use form activate event is, to execute some code when forms become active. In our application forms are loaded, hide and show in different flows. So whenever this form is shown from hide state or any of its child form return focus to it, we need to reflect different changes in the application to the specific form controls.

* For example user changes its application preferred language. * As the application is huge, so shifting logic to other place with respect to the current scenario might solve the problem for the current form but then I have to re think it for all other forms (which is very hectic and more or less not feasible). In the migration process it is required to make as little changes in the existing code execution hierarchy. So we need a similar behavior like form.activate in vb6.0 with some other event or restrict some functionality of Activated event in

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Activated Event In TopLevel=False Forms

Jan 19, 2010

I'm having problem to get the Form.Activated (and .Deactivated for that matter) events to trigger for a Form with Form.TopLevel=False.

The reason why the form is TopLevel=False is because I need to put it in a tabcontrol.

Is there any other ways to detect when the Form is entered/activated?

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How To Do Faceboook Notice - If It Came A New Message Is Activated - Particular Event

Jun 8, 2011

How do I do code a notice to Facebook. If it came a new message is activated. A particular event. I can use webbrowser?

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VS 2008 : Override Form's Activated Event?

Sep 8, 2009

I have to two forms. Form one has several check boxes and when a button is pressed, a second form is opened and certain functions are ran based on which check boxes are selected.The problem is that the second form doesn't show until all of the functions are done.I decided to use the Form's Activated event, which works fine. However, the event fires every time the form comes into focus.Is there anyway to override the event and make it only fire once?

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Raise Activated(Sender, EventArgs) Event Of An Active MDI Project?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a MDi project , I want to raise the activated(Sender, eventArgs) event of activeMdi Form

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Form.activated In .net?

Jun 30, 2010

I am trying to migrate a vb6.0 application to I have a major issue while executing the code under form.activated and form.deactivate. There is a difference in behaviour between form.activate in vb6.0 and form.activated in How can I simulate the behaviour of vb version in

I have read that the form.activated fires even when the control goes to a different application and comes back.

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Get The Timers To Get Activated?

May 31, 2006

I recently upgraded an application from VB 6.0 to VB.NET. This application contains a timer in its form (only one form is there). But after upgrading, the timer is not getting activated. Form is using DefInstance as follows: frmMain.DefInstance.Show()


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Maintain An App Activated?

Jul 21, 2011

I need to create a program that when it is opened, Focus will be always in that program until someone with any way will close it. I've tried to add Me.GetFocus() in the LostFocus event but nothing happens, I've tried to add Me.activate() when the Deactivate() event raises and when I debugged the program worked but when I run the biulded .exe file nothing happens again! how I can manage this Function?

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Display Text When ComboBox Is Activated?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a combobox and a rich text box. When I select different items in the combo box, I want some text to appear in the rtb next to it. Such as, selecting "Dog" in the combobox puts "Golden retriever, lab" and etc in the rtb.

1) I don't know what kind of event handler would trigger the combobox. I tried a click event but it's crashing so I want to know if there's a different way

2) How do I find what the user selected in the combobox, so it can display stuff in the rtb accordingly? I thought it was .Items.IndexOf but nothing seems to be working so.

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Form Activated And Deactivate Events

Apr 3, 2011

This is a non-MDI windows application. I have a home form containing a panel named Panel1 and two buttons btnForm1 and btnForm2. Clicking btnForm1 and btnForm2 opens up Form1 and Form2 respectively in Panel1. Before a form is opened in Panel1, all opened forms in Panel1 are cleared. The code follows:[code...]

In which events should the above lines be written? In MDI apps this could have been accomplished by including them in Form_Activated and Form_Deactivate events respectively.

But here neither Activated nor Deactivate events fire when you open forms in frmHome.Panel1. Instead of Activated and Deactivate you can use Form_Load an Form_FormClosed events but they will only merge/unmerge menus if existing forms are closed before opening a new form in the panel.

But as I sometimes need forms to be opened and closed keeping existing forms opened, using these events won't fulfill the task. Even the GotFocus and LostFocus events won't work. So I want Activated and Deactivate events to be fired or some other means by which the menus and toolstrips can be merged/unmerged when the form gains/looses focus respectively.

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Remoting With Client Activated Object

Jul 9, 2010

I am trying to switch from a SingleCall Remoting infrastructue to a client activated object infrastructure. But can't get it to work. Probbaly a setting. On the hosting server (a console application) I have:


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Use Client-Activated Objects In Remoting?

Apr 20, 2009

When we use Client-Activated Objects in remoting ? can any one provide an example on Client-Activated Objects

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VS 2010 : Prevent A Form From Being Activated?

Jun 5, 2012

I'm trying to make it where you can click make a dialogbox lose focus until you input the requested information. I'm trying to create an effect where if you try clicking on the parent form, it flashes and won't let you activate it. You can see this effect in Windows sometimes when an error box pops up and you have to click 'OK' to continue. How would I go about doing this in VB.NET?

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VS 2010 Prevent A Form From Being Activated?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to make it where you can click make a dialogbox lose focus until you input the requested information. I'm trying to create an effect where if you try clicking on the parent form, it flashes and won't let you activate it. You can see this effect in Windows sometimes when an error box pops up and you have to click 'OK' to continue. How would I go about doing this in VB.NET?

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Application Activated But Doesn't Send Keys?

May 4, 2009

I'm trying to make a easy hot key cheat system for a game. I have a timer that checks to see if the game is activated if not then it says game not running in a label box. If so then it says it's running. It detects it running so that's good. I want it to check to see if the numberic key was pressed like 1 and it will type in the cheat code. here's the source.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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MainForm And ChildForm TopMost Activated/Deactivated?

Feb 24, 2011

I have 2 FormsOne is my mainform, one is a "child" form.The childform has no control box.he mainform has a toggle button to show and hide the childform.

Private Sub ButtonShowHideChildForm_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonShowHideChildForm.Click
If ChildForm.TopMost Then


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VS 2008 Redrawing Chart When Application Is Activated?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm drawing my own charts based on values from a db. I'm drawing "directly" on the forms, so to speak. The thing is everytime the application is deactivated or if someting comes in front of the charts, the drawing dissappears. For instance, I have a contextmenu in one chart and whenever I use it there is a "hole" in the chart afterwards where the menu has been. Now I can see the reason for it, but how do I get around it?

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When Modal Form Goes Bad And Lets Its Owner Be Activated

Feb 24, 2012

I am currently converting a 90s VB6 application to VB.NET. While testing I came across something curious.A Modal form by definition will prevent users accessing any other form in the application.This I discovered is not always true as I have a Modal form displayed which allowed me to access its owner form's Menu.Searching MSDN I could find no mention of this feature. So I thought I would share it:Click Button 1 on Form2 and Form1 comes back to life!

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Winforms - .net Activated Fires Multiple Times?

Sep 22, 2011

I want to update a database based on the form that is currently activated. I had originally decided to use the GotFocus event. However I now understand that will not work as the form has controls on it. So I then thought I wouls use the activated event. This works but seems to fire multiple times. I put in the following code:

Private Sub frmNewTicket_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
MsgBox("Form Activated")
End Sub

I select the form and make it activated and the message box appears about 15 times.Why does it do this? How should I handle this. I only want my code to execute once when the form is activated.NOTE: There are several forms that the users will be changing between, incuding forms from other applications.

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.net - Having A File Encrypted To Lets Know The Client Software Got Activated?

Aug 26, 2011

I am facing a rather odd problem right now. If you fellow this : Best place to put key or password used for encryption? i was looking at a way to encrypt data. Using RSA seemed to be a good choice. However we have a problem since my requirements are thoses fellowing...Client must have a file encrypted in order to determine if the software is activated.

That actually mean that the client must read the encrypted file.. but the problem is that we actually need the private key to be there which isnt a good idea since some poeple could start making their license file using that key. The activation server encrypt the data file which are sent back to the client and then the client save that file.

Client must have a file encrypted in order to determine if the software is activated.Client sent user data to the activation server in unencrypted/encrypted form. That doesnt matter. Sure it would be better encrypted at this point.The activation server check that data and then determine if the client can be activated.If the client can be activated then the server send the encrypted form of the license file.. but the problem appear now.. there is no way to deencrypt the file on the client if the private key isnt on the client which would be pretty insecure!

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Display An Image From Directory When A Checkbox Radiobutton Is Activated?

Oct 8, 2010

I am working on a school project to display a photo of a professor when their name is selected using a RadioButton and to display their name, office office hours and so on.

I have their Photos in a directory on my computer

Theonly thing I cannot figure out is how to use 1 picturebox and link the image to display to the radiobutton.

I have tried all kinds of queries on the internet and cannot locate the answer. There might be something with an Image.FromFile command I saw but that might have been from a previous version of VB and I could not get it to work in VB9.

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Select From A ComboBox - Option Selected Is Shown, But Not Activated?

Apr 1, 2011

basically i'm making a webbrowser, and i want it to select and option from a dropdown ComboBox, on a certain button click. I use this code which i found it on these forums as well:

For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")
If element.GetAttribute("id") = "wrapper_opacity"
element.SetAttribute("value", "51")[code].....

The problem with this code is that it just inputs the selected value, but it doesn't really SELECT it.The option selected is shown, but not activated.

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Enable Or Disables The Automatic Generation Of Inactive Button Images - Dim A Button When Not Activated By A Check Box - Ctype

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to get a checkbox to activate and deactivate a button. While the button is deactivated it is dimmed or faded out. While Actvated the Text and button is fully visable. I did use ctype to activate the button from the checkbox.


I found this code in the help section online to enable & disable an inactive button but do not know how to apply this to the button.

Enable or disables the automatic generation of inactive button images.

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VS 2010 - Form.Activated - Refreshing A Form Bound To Different Tables

Feb 4, 2011

I had issues in refreshing a form that is bound to different tables in a database. Various forms allow the user to change and add and update information on the form via the database. I had created a public sub in that form that the other forms could call, after saving the data, that was supposed to refresh the data on the main form. This was not working so I researched the problem. I came across this page which pertains to Form.Activated: [url]

I placed all of the table adapter fills into this event, instead of in Form_Load, and it seems to work now, when the form first loads, and when other forms update data. My question is does anyone have experience using this and what are the consequences, if any, in using this to reload/refresh the data showing on the form?

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Refreshing First Datagrdiview-form From Activated Second Detailview-form?

Jul 8, 2009

I am working on supplier maintenance file. From mainmenu, opening first form shows records on datagridview through databinding. Clicking add new record, i fired a second form as my data entry with detail view through databinding, minus navigational buttons. I left the delete and save button only. Once through data entry, i save it on server. My problem is, how can i reflect the added record on the first form while i am on my second form? I prefer the new record be added only to the first form. I don't want the idea of retrieving the records again from my server.

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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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C# - Difference Between Load Event,Activate Event And Enter Event In The Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I am using VB.NET for Windows applications. What is the difference between Load event,Activate event and Enter event in the Form and in which order the above event is executed.

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Override An Event - TextChanged Event Not To Be Triggered When The CellClick Event Occurs?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to validate a few things in a form I'm building. It has a datagrid with clients info (taken from an access database) and a few textboxes where the user can type some search criteria. The thing is that those same textboxes are used to add new clients to the database and to modify a client's information if one from the datagrid is selected, so I made it that the buttons to insert and modify clients are disabled on load and thenevery time the text on a textbox changes ("TextChanged" event) they become enabled. So far so good. But then I wanted to make it so when a client from the datagrid is selected both buttons become disabled again until the text on a textbox changes (to make sure they're adding a different client and not the same one that was

I tried using the CellClick event from the datagrid to disable the buttons, but since every time a client is selected from the datagrid the info is shown on the textboxes, this triggers the TextChanged event too, and the buttons become available.So, is there a way I can tell the TextChanged event not to be triggered when the CellClick event occurs?

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.net - Event Handler Is Never Called Because The Original Event Is Raised In Another Event Handler?

Apr 18, 2011

The event handlers in my parent class are never called though the events are raised in the child class.

The Code:

Public Class childForm
Public Event checkboxchangedEvent(ByVal checkbox1 As Boolean, ByVal checkbox2 As Boolean)
Private Sub checkboxchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


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