Add Xmlns To Node?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using the following [code]...

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Cannot Read A XML Node When Xmlns Is Present?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an XML document that starts like this:

<GMRCTranDS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="">


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Linq Adding Xml Node Produces Unncessary Xmlns=""?

May 4, 2010

I have done edit and remove and create xml but there is one problem adding.

Public Sub Add()
Dim xLabResults = New XDocument()
xLabResults = XDocument.Load(frmMain.xLabResultXmlPath)


It does add but there is unnecessary xmlns="" on the add node, and ofcourse error reading it thus ignored when I read the xml.

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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How To Add :ds To The Xmlns

Mar 22, 2010

im using the .net routine signedxml to sign my xml document and it produces the xml <Signature xmlns="[Code]"> i want to add :ds after xmlns to give me <Signature xmlns:ds="[Code]">

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.net - Removing Xmlns From Xml File

Oct 1, 2010

I am Appending new Elements into XML file which is creating additional xmlns attribute and cannot be removed. i tried most of the common options here's my code


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C# - Remove Xmln:xsi And Xmlns:xsd From Xml Dictionary Serialization?

Jul 16, 2010

I use a serializable dictionary class, found at [URL], to serialize a dictionary. It works fine with the example class below.

<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRoot("ccl")> _
Public Class ccl
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElement("name")> _


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VS 2008 XMLWriter WriteAttributeString Errors XMLNS?

Jul 17, 2009

I am writing out an xml file that has the folowing root element:

<TileSet xmlns="D:ProgramminganimationClassLibraryanimationClassLibrary"
xsi:schemaLocation="D:ProgramminganimationClassLibraryanimationClassLibrary tileSetContentsV3.xsd"
Width ="100">


how to write these attributes correctly?

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Empty Namespace In Inline Xml Literal - How To Remove Xmlns

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to use xml documents to store data for a movie database, but am having an issue

here is the code I am using

Imports <"...movies.xml">
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


Why do I get that xmlns = "" in the movie parent node?

Of I remove the parent node from the movieAdd variable it puts xlmns = in all the nodes

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VS 2010 Treeview, Adding Child Node At Runtime To Design Time Parent Node?

Nov 26, 2011

i have a treeview which has a bunch of parent and child nodes preset at design time, there is 1 parent node tho which is called developer, that i want to add child nodes to at runtime.When the form first loads im trying to have it check a text file and for each line in the text file add the text/string from that as a child node tot he 'developer' parent node.

Dim reader As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath() & "ConfigDevs.txt")
Dim strs() As String = Split(reader, Environment.NewLine)
For Each s As String In strs


Thats what i have so far, how can i set it so 'Dim parentNode As TreeNode = ' points at the 'Developer' node?

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Using LINQ To XML With Global Namespace - Xmlns Is Added To Each Non-data Element?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to create an xml doc for a vendor who specifically states they must have their xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
<WMWROOT xmlns="">

I cannot find a way to get LINQ to spit out xml the way they want. Question is, can LINQ do it or do I need to resort to hardcoding the xml the old way before LINQ to XML?

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Delete The Last Child Node From A Parent Node In A Tree View?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a tree view in my project with a parent node and with theoretically speaking infinite child nodes.

Now I want to delete the last child node from the tree view when the user presses a certain button. I thought I could do this trick with this code:

Private Sub Bundo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bundo.Click


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When I Click Any Node, The Image Of That Node Shows Imageselectindex?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a treeview which have a listimage. And it has imageselectindex property (image is yellow ball)My problem is : When i click any node, the image of that node shows imageselectindex . I only want thirth child node will show it. I dont want when i click at first node (rootnode) or child of roodnode , the yellow ballon shows.

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If Parent Node Is Checked Then Check All Children Node

Nov 8, 2009

i need to check all child node when the parent node is checked and i had do research from the internet but it seem that i had a error which is Type 'MSComctlLib.Node' is not i need to import any reference? [code]

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Looping Treeview Node It Alway Give Me The 1st Node?

Nov 12, 2009

i got treeview with some root, parent and leaf node but when i create a foreach loop it alway read the 1st value with is 4

For Each node As TreeNode In Me.TreeView1.Nodes
'Label1.Text += node.Text & "</br>"
If (Not node.Checked) AndAlso (node.Value = module_id) Then


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Xml Select Node Based On Innertext Of Previous Node?

Nov 1, 2011

My XML comes in like this:

<Document type="ContentPage">
<Field name="FaqCategory" type="dropdown" title="Select Category:" index="FaqCategory"


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Add A Child Node To Specific Node In Treeview?

Apr 1, 2012

How to add a child node to a specific node in treeview?

Say i have "Item1" in treeview already, How do i add "SubItem1" to "Item1" as it's child node?

I know its probably really simple, but i tried lots of stuff, i just cant get it working.

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Find The Node When The Root Node Contains An Attribute?

Aug 27, 2010

Basically, it refuses to find the node when the root node contains an attribute.


When I do xml.SelectNodes("DataSet") with the xmlns in the root tag, it finds no nodes. If I remove the xmlns attribute, it works fine.How can I make it work while leaving the attribute?

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Finding The Level Of The Particular Node In A Hierarchical Xml Using A Node Value?

Apr 10, 2012

Finding the level of the particular xml using a node value in .Net Experts ! This is my sample Xml.This is a tree structure and T->T.1,T.2->T.2.2,TA->TA.1 - this is the tree strucutre. I know the value of tag . ie 1232,1343.. etc.Using this ID how can I find that 1343 is coming under 1232. or 1490 is under 1090 which is again under 1232.Expected output : if i pass 1490 then I need to know 1490,1090,1232 etc (from that nodeto the top node).I am using .net 2.0



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My.settings - Allow A User To Add A Node As A Favorites Node

Feb 10, 2011

I have a treenode loading and I allow a user to add a node as a favorites node. I am trying to think like the user so I wanted to find out what happens if I deleted the folder form the tree and re-rann the app. Well it comes up with an error:


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Remove A Node From The Treeview Identifying It By The Node's Tag?

Apr 25, 2009

Is it possible to remove a node from the treeview identifying it by the node's tag? if so how?

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Append New Node To Existing Node In Xml?

Apr 20, 2009

Following is my xml file [code]...

What modification i have to make in button click

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VS 2008 Add A Child Node To A Node?

Jul 14, 2011

im working with a project for the IRS here in mexico, i need to add a child node to a existing node, here is the xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cfdi:Comprobante xmlns:cfdi="" xmlns:xsi="" tipoDeComprobante="ingreso" total="359.6" subTotal="310" xsi:schemaLocation="


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Add A Node Next To The Selected Node?

Jun 28, 2011

I need to add a node which should be next to the selected node. Not as child node. It should be in same level but next to the selected node. Provide the sample in with default treeview control.

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How To Add A Node In A Specific Node

Nov 15, 2009

I am using a form with 2 buttons and one treeview in the first button , I can add a node with this code [code]in the second button i can add a node but only in the last node c.nodes.add("World")My question is how to add a node in the third node or a specific node of the treeView

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Search XML Node Name And Then Add A New Node?

Dec 14, 2009

In my previous post I've ask how to add a new xml that im knowlegable at that. but heres a followup question, how can I get the nodes' name and then tell vb to write a child node in that node?

Here my code:
Private Sub Button_Create_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_Create.Click


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Xaml Writer How To Remove Xmlns=""

Sep 17, 2009

I need to use the xaml writer to convert in string some controls. What I get is a string like this for example


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Add New Node To Xml Document?

Apr 5, 2012

I'v been reading and reading on this subject an from what iv got so far, you add a Node and then append elements to that new node which then appends to the parent node. My current schema for my xml document is as follows[code]...

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Add Node From 1 XML File To Another?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an XML file called Items. It has data similiar to this <electric><tbl><itemid>1</itemid><itemnumber>2</itemNumber></tbl> etc etc until </electric> I have another file that has <tony><itemid>1</itemid><partno>2</partno> etc etc until </tony> I want to add the <partno> to each element in the first xm file based on the itemid's else put a "NA" in the unmatched elements.

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Assigning A Node Key?

Aug 18, 2009

If nodes are created in a treeview in the "picture way of coding" i can assign a key to the node. I would like to do this by adding the key to the node in the code as i am using a query to extract the key froma database and want to assign each key to each node as they are created.How can i do this?

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C# - Getting A Certain Node Using DataSet?

Mar 29, 2010

I have the following XML

<ObsCont xCampo="field1">


Is there a way to get the content of "xTexto" inside the ObsCont that has "field2" value for the attribute xCampo using DataSet?It would be desireable to have a single liner like the following:

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//field == "information"

If I use the same method I'm not specifying that I want the one with the desired attribute.

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