Linq Adding Xml Node Produces Unncessary Xmlns=""?

May 4, 2010

I have done edit and remove and create xml but there is one problem adding.

Public Sub Add()
Dim xLabResults = New XDocument()
xLabResults = XDocument.Load(frmMain.xLabResultXmlPath)


It does add but there is unnecessary xmlns="" on the add node, and ofcourse error reading it thus ignored when I read the xml.

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Add Xmlns To Node?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using the following [code]...

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Cannot Read A XML Node When Xmlns Is Present?

Jun 1, 2009

I have an XML document that starts like this:

<GMRCTranDS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="">


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Using LINQ To XML With Global Namespace - Xmlns Is Added To Each Non-data Element?

Jan 14, 2010

I have to create an xml doc for a vendor who specifically states they must have their xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
<WMWROOT xmlns="">

I cannot find a way to get LINQ to spit out xml the way they want. Question is, can LINQ do it or do I need to resort to hardcoding the xml the old way before LINQ to XML?

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VS 2010 Treeview, Adding Child Node At Runtime To Design Time Parent Node?

Nov 26, 2011

i have a treeview which has a bunch of parent and child nodes preset at design time, there is 1 parent node tho which is called developer, that i want to add child nodes to at runtime.When the form first loads im trying to have it check a text file and for each line in the text file add the text/string from that as a child node tot he 'developer' parent node.

Dim reader As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath() & "ConfigDevs.txt")
Dim strs() As String = Split(reader, Environment.NewLine)
For Each s As String In strs


Thats what i have so far, how can i set it so 'Dim parentNode As TreeNode = ' points at the 'Developer' node?

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Linq To XML - Can't Remove Node

Sep 5, 2011

I have the following list


I am trying to remove the Car node with ID = 1000, but i can't get it right Here is my Code, note that the debugger never hits e.Remove:


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LINQ To XML When A Node Does Not Exist

Jun 28, 2009

I was writing a generic class to read RSS feed from various source and to consolidate in one collection of object in

Basically the function - using LINQ to XML - is working properly, but I have a problem when the RSS feed I am trying to read does not contain one of the node (as you know, many of them are optional). I would the returned value to be an empty string or nothing, but instead I get a runtime error back. I searched the web for the same problem and I found this post [URL] that apparently explain a workaround, but it does not work with my code.

I am also surprised by the little resources I am finding about this issue, so I am now wondering if I am even putting the question in the right terms...

Following you can find the code:

Dim PostsEnum = From BlogPost In XMLSource.Descendants("item")
Order By DateTime.Parse(BlogPost.Element("pubDate").Value) Descending
Select New Post() With {


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C# - How To Search For Node Using LINQ To XML Query

Oct 14, 2009

Below the xml doc
<section name="A">
<subsection name="A">
[Code] .....

Now I want the property1 whose section name="B" and subsection name="B" and innersection name="B" in one single query using linq to xml.

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LINQ To XML Characters - Cannot Match The Name To The Node Name

Jul 17, 2011

im querying the name of a movie in an xml file contained within the node "name" I have no problems getting the node but i cannot match the name to the node name because of character like : -


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Read An XML Node In Namespace Using Linq

Feb 28, 2012

How do I work out what the namespace declaration is for the Extension node?I want to return all of the child nodes under: GPO->User->ExtensionData->Extension..[code]I get the following error: Sequence contains no elements..Also, the XML sample I have provided is only a small snippet, the ExtensionData->Extension nodes can be nested in different areas, so I was hoping to find the way of specifying the full path.

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VS 2010 LINQ XML - Write To Node?

Jul 2, 2010

After being quite sick of the my.settings-file behavior, I started to create an XML-file (with unique values). Now this works great!!! All my settings, connectionstrings, etc are loaded from an external file and won't be overwritten by the app. itself. But I was wondering how do I save a value/setting? Simple example:



read the XML and node:
Dim readXML = Xelement.Load(Application.StartupPath & "XMLFile1.xml") ' check if the node isn't empty (crash) If readXML.Descendants("country2).Nodes.Count > 0 Then Textbox1.Text = readXML.Descendants("country2).Nodes(0).Tostring() Else


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LINQ-to-XML Selection Based On Node Values?

Mar 8, 2010

Given the following XML, I would like to return all eventtitles where the eventtype id = 23. My current query only looks at the first eventtype, so returns the wrong result.

<eventtitle>Garrison Keillor</eventtitle>

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Add Key While Adding Node To The Treeview?

Mar 30, 2012

I want to add key while adding node to the treeview but I don't see key property in the treenode. I am using following code

objAddSubFolders = New TreeNode
objAddSubFolders.Text = arrListDisplayFolders(intCountSubFolders)
objAddSubFolders.Name = arrListDisplayFolders(intCountSubFolders)

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Adding New Optional Node On XML?

Oct 15, 2009

I currently have this XML schema :


if user want to add a new option, the final schema will be :


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Adding Node To Treeview

Aug 5, 2009

i want to add a node just above all removable drives from the thread I asked about in before. I decided that I don't want to have "C:" as a node, instead I just want my program to be the node. I've worked with this before but i can't figure it out without messing up what I already have.

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Adding Grandchild Node In Treeview

Aug 13, 2009

I am now trying to get grandchild nodes in my treeview, i have got everything working, BUT instead of the nodes being put 'IN' the child node they are being put 'BELOW' it.


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Adding New Node To Xml File In Program?

Dec 31, 2011

i have problem while adding new node to my xml file in my program

i use this code and the program do not write the node


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Context Menu - Adding New Node To Control

Jan 28, 2010

I've made a Context menu that adds a new node to the control. But it doesn't work.
Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem10_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem10.Click
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....
What I am trying to achieve is for example map1 is already there so if you add a new map it will add +1 to the i and return map2 etc.

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Adding A Node To An Existing XML File Using Inno Setup?

Nov 19, 2011

In my inno setup script there is a [code] section and I need to add some code to:

Open an xml file
then add a single node in a specific place
Save the file back to the hard drive

I need to be able to edit a file called config.xml in the file there is some code like this:

<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

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Reading Multiple Node Attributes And Adding To DataGridView?

Sep 22, 2009

I am currently trying to read an XML file and display the information within a Datagridview. I currently have this working using the below

Dim xmldoc As XmlDocument
Dim xml_nodelist As XmlNodeList
Dim xml_node As XmlNode
xmldoc = New XmlDocument()
[Code] .....

Basically what I want to be able to do is for each <ADVERT> node, so in this case there would be two, I can get the information from both the TITLE and NAME attributes and add them into the Data table which then gets displayed within the data grid view. Currently I can only get the TITLE attribute values to show?

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.net - Building A LINQ Expression To Find Items Related To All Descendants Of A Tree Node?

Mar 7, 2011

I have built a database structure that represents a category tree to help classify some of the data we have stored. The implementation is that each record in the Category table has a nullable foreign key back into the Category table to represent the parent Category of this category (one-to-many), essentially allowing for subcategories within a broader parent level. There is a CategoryMembership table that links a record in the Item table to its respective Category (many-to-many). I have created the DBML for this database, and it has a member access structure that includes the following:


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How To Add :ds To The Xmlns

Mar 22, 2010

im using the .net routine signedxml to sign my xml document and it produces the xml <Signature xmlns="[Code]"> i want to add :ds after xmlns to give me <Signature xmlns:ds="[Code]">

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.net - Removing Xmlns From Xml File

Oct 1, 2010

I am Appending new Elements into XML file which is creating additional xmlns attribute and cannot be removed. i tried most of the common options here's my code


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Search Xml Using Linq - Get All The Node Values Of <customers></customers>

Apr 22, 2010


how to do this. kindly show me some sample code for this

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C# - Remove Xmln:xsi And Xmlns:xsd From Xml Dictionary Serialization?

Jul 16, 2010

I use a serializable dictionary class, found at [URL], to serialize a dictionary. It works fine with the example class below.

<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRoot("ccl")> _
Public Class ccl
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElement("name")> _


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VS 2008 XMLWriter WriteAttributeString Errors XMLNS?

Jul 17, 2009

I am writing out an xml file that has the folowing root element:

<TileSet xmlns="D:ProgramminganimationClassLibraryanimationClassLibrary"
xsi:schemaLocation="D:ProgramminganimationClassLibraryanimationClassLibrary tileSetContentsV3.xsd"
Width ="100">


how to write these attributes correctly?

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Adding Related Records In LINQ?

Mar 12, 2009

Processing an XML file with LINQ to add records into a table in a SQL Server database via a data context. As we are adding records we need to assign the parents in various other tables. Most of the time we can find the existing parent and use it but sometimes we will need to create a new parent.Thought we could do this like this:

Dim defaultPub As publication
defaultPub = New publication With {.name = e..Value}
Dim pub = _Data.publications.Where(Function(s) =


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Linq-to-XML: Adding Enumerations To Objects?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to add an enumeration to an object with Linq. For example:

Dim thingBlock = <Things>
<Thing Name="Ish">


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Empty Namespace In Inline Xml Literal - How To Remove Xmlns

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to use xml documents to store data for a movie database, but am having an issue

here is the code I am using

Imports <"...movies.xml">
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


Why do I get that xmlns = "" in the movie parent node?

Of I remove the parent node from the movieAdd variable it puts xlmns = in all the nodes

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Adding Name And Score Record - Insert With LINQ

Apr 22, 2010

What I have is a database in a Windows Form (via tableAdapters etc., basically the default stuff VS adds). What I need to do, is add a very simple record of a name and score (the "place" is an auto-number). I have not even been able to tackle sorting the table, because I can not even figure out how to insert...

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