Adding The Run As Administrator Menu Item

Apr 2, 2010

i've written a database program which runs fine from the ide (vs 2008). when i install this program, all database operations do not work. i tried running it as an administrator using an admin command prompt, it worked. now for my less tech savvy clients, is it possible that when they right click the programs icon they can use the 'run as administrator' menu item? how can i achieve this. if it's too much to implement, will moving the database from the application path to, say, documents, solve this issue?

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Add The 'run As Administrator' Menu Item For Program?

May 31, 2011

i've written a database program which runs fine from the ide (vs 2008).when i install this program, all database operations do not work.i tried running it as an administrator using an admin command prompt, it for my less tech savvy clients, is it possible that when they right click the programs icon they can use the 'run as administrator' menu item? how can i achieve this.if it's too much to implement, will moving the database from the application path to, say, documents?

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Adding A Menu Item?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that adds a menu item when right clicking files.I got a C# code here:[URL] and converted it to VB.
It's working perfectly but the trouble is, it adds a menu item to folders and not files.

These are the registry entries i added:

Private Const MenuName As String = "FoldershellNewMenuOption"
Private Const Command As String = "FoldershellNewMenuOptioncommand"

convert them so it adds the menu item to a file?

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App Menu Item Adding WinForms?

Feb 15, 2012

In WinForms, is there a way to add an item to the popup menu when you click on the icon in the forms control bar? Apps I can think off that use this is Chrome, and Command Prompt.

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Adding An Item To The System Context Menu?

Sep 8, 2009

How do you add an item to the system context menu? I would like to let my users be able to right click anywhere and launch this program. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere either.

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Adding An Item To The System Menu In WinForms?

Jun 26, 2006

Adding an item to the System Menu in WinForms

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Make A Menu Item On A Menu Strip Link To Another Windows Form?

Jul 25, 2009

How do I make a menu item on a menu strip link to another windows form (like a menu item that links to an about page already created in the project). I know that every coder knows how to do this, but i've read most of the instructions in the world for Visual Basic coding, but can't find ANYTHING I know coding fairly well, so I can modify it, but I can't create it my self.

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Show Context Menu On Drop Down Menu Item Right Click?

Jun 22, 2009

i want to show context menu on drop down menu item right click...As an example,Suppose we add bookmark in mozilla & when we right click on that item..context menu is showing

Private Sub MenuAddToFavorites_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MenuAddToFavorites.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then


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Menu Items  By Making Several Of Them Submenus To Another Menu Item

Jun 1, 2010

I have a MenuStrip with many submenus. I want to rearrange some of the menu items by making several of them submenus to another menu item.[code...]

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Allow Administrator Rights To StartupPath Only, On A Non Administrator O.s?

Nov 26, 2009

i currently have a project that needs to edit a few files in the startuppath folder. on a non administrator o.s., if my app. is installed in ( c:program filesmy crappy little app ), i cannot write to those files. in win7, it does not even ask for administrator approval, just the option to save to my documents.. this can be quite a hassle to work with, specially on closing the app, since i have quite a few files that need to be updated.

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Insert A New Right Click Context Menu Item To The Existing Right Click Context Menu For The Active Window?

May 15, 2010

VB express 2008 .net 3.5 or .net 4.0 VB express 2010?I have written application to convert RTF to HTML. The main Purpose of the application is to copy VS code to the clipboard and covert it then put it back into the clipboard as a HTML Document so that it can be pasted into a HTML document such as Windows Live Mail. I found that code copied and pasted is spaced out in in the wrong positions.

The applications works perfect with no bugs so far. I then asked Myself how to go about doing the copy with the least amount of operator interaction. So I added an Icon to the Icon Tray with a right click menu to use to convert once the Rich Text Format was copied to the clipboard. This works fine except you have Five steps, Select the text, Copy to clipboard, Right Click the icon, Select the Converter and Paste. The normal is three steps.

To this the best solution is to add a context menu item to the active form such as the RTF editor or window. So that when you select the Rich Text to copy and right click on the form to bring up that menu then to Just Select the menu Item such as "Copy RT and Convert" I searched and found about 544000 Items and tried to restrict down to no avail. I read until I finally gave up. I did not find any code examples of this. Almost every thing I found related to the web or some other explicit document like Excel and not to the Various windows that could be active with RT in it.

how do you add a context menu item to the context menu of an active rich text format window such as WordPad or VB?I have test in my application that tests to see if it is a RTF in the clipboard so if it is not the converter does nothing.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Add Menu Item To Another Application?

Jun 23, 2009

GAlwaysIdle is a windows application which will add a menu item to Gtalk context menu.

How can I do this to an application using or

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Adding Own Right Click Menu?

Jul 9, 2009

that's the menu im talking about when you Left Click on your form1 is there anyway i can add my own Menu in there ? so i don't have to put buttons and it saves a lot of space i know you can do it.

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Add An Item To System Menu In WinForms?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm trying to add an item to the system menu of my WinForms application. The following is the snippet of code I'm using. When this runs I can see the separator line added to the menu, but my 'About...' entry isn't added. I'm using VS2008, and running on Windows 7.[code]....

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Add Item To Explorer Context Menu?

Mar 27, 2009

How can add item to Windows Explorer context menu ?

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C# - Listview - Menu For Switching Item?

Jan 6, 2010

I'd like to add an option to my ListView, so that I can change it's view (tile, list, details,...) - just like in Windows Explorer. How can I build such a menu? With PictureBox and MenuStrip?

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Remove A Context Menu Item?

May 21, 2009

how to delete a item from the context menu.. i can add a item with this code:

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
ContextMenuStrip4.Items.Add("delete file")
End Sub

no problem there. and to delete this item, i figured since it is the 4th item in the contextmenu (and i can't type the "delete file" either w/o error) it would delete it by index, with this code:

Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
End Sub

the (3) is giving me a error "value of type 'interger' cannot be converted to ''".. i think that means that the context menu does not support indexing.

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Run Menustrip Menu Item From Code?

Jun 11, 2011

I have code which runs in a menu item (StartToolStripMenuItem_Click).Later in the project i want to code clicking this menu item but if i just use the StartToolStripMenuItem_Click sub it wants the 'e' argument passed to it. I simply can not work out what i should be passing.....

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VB 2010 - Menu Item Which Is Set To Be The MdiWindowListItem

Apr 6, 2011

I have a menu item which is set to be the MdiWindowListItem. If I open several child windows, they appear in the Windows menu on the MDI Parent as expected. If I minimize one or more of the child forms they appear along the bottom of the parent and are still in the list. So far so good. If I select one of the non-minimized child forms which is behind another, then it comes to the front, which is what I expect. However if I select from the Windows menu item one of the minimized child forms, the it's title bar is activated showing it is selected, but it doesn't restore to its previous state. How do I get the minimized child form to automatically restore (to normal or maximised) when I select it from the Windows list.

I have tried using the Activated event for the child, but it has undesirable effects (ie restores at times when you don't want it to!)

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VS 2008 Menu Item For Each File?

May 20, 2010

So what I want to do is for each text file that is in a folder, my application makes a menu item to load them. Can someone give me some example code on how I would do that please?

So like in my textfiles folder is


I want my application to make menu items for each of them and when clicked, it loads the text file.

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Adding Separator Into Main Menu

Nov 12, 2009

i have a main menu and when the program and launched the contents are cleared then a few items are added before loading in all the favorite websites and such. I'm trying to find the code to inset a separator after the items i have defined are inserted.[code]

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Adding Standard Menu Icons?

Jan 10, 2012

know how to insert standard items to a menu strip. And I wonder how I can get access to those standard icons like the ones that are used for New, Open and Save? I know how to place an image on an existing menu command. For instance, how can I place the generic New icon on Export or Exit (without using copy & paste)?

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Add An Item To Windows Explorer Context Menu

Jun 24, 2009

how can i add an item to the windows explorer context menu, that will only be enabled when the user right clicks a .zip file? also, how do i handle that items click event?

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Add Shell Item To Right Click Windows Menu?

Mar 25, 2010

I want to run my application on Windows Desktop when click my Shell Item in right Menu, for example any antivirus application add a menu for Scan item on the right menu of Windows and you can click right button on a file and scan the file via Antivirus Application how can i do this ?

i think i have to add a value on the Registry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryShell)

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Add Submenu To Specific Menu Item At Runtime?

Mar 12, 2012

I have an existing menu structure created at design time. During runtime, I want to add a submenu to one of the already existing menu items created at design time.How do i add a dropdownitem at runtime to an already existing menu item? How do I refer to that existing menu item?All positings I found so far either create a main menu item and directly create the submenus. Apparently, the reference to the main menu item was somehow established.

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Add Text And Integer Value To A Combobox Menu Item?

Oct 21, 2009

I want to manually assign a text and integer value to each combobox menu item. I have tried the following and it doesnt work[code]...

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Automatically Selecting An Item From A Drop Down Menu?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to automate a form process from a previous employee. One of the things that I have to do to achieve this is select a COM port from a dynamically populated list. I've looked around and the closest thing I could come up with is something like:

.cbbCOMPorts.SelectedItem(1) =

While this compiles, the computer does not like this at run-time. It throws an exception out:

"Object variable or With block variable not set."

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Declaring Menu Item Text Dynamically?

Feb 1, 2010

I've been trying to assign text to menu items using a for loop and had no success. I thought this might work but it doesn't:

For i = 1 To 10
Me.Controls("menuItemName").Text = "ladeeda"

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Determine Selected Item From Context Menu?

Feb 12, 2012

I want to add a context menu to a datagrid in VB2008 and I need to find out which menu item the user selected.

I don't want to use the ContextMenuStrip that's available in the toolbox since it doesn't allow for dynamic placement depending on what row is active in the grid (I haven't found a Top and Left property in the ContextMenuStrip)

Here's what I've got so far, I'm aware of the fact that the MsgBox uses a non-existing property, it is meant to show my intention.

Given the available properties in the ContextMenu object, I would think that there would be something like a SelectedItemCaption property but a search of the object tree yields no results.

dim grdContextMenu as ContextMenu
grdContextMenu = New ContextMenu


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Have A Menu Item That Appears When Right Clicking Over A Datagridview?

May 21, 2012

I have a menu item that appears when right clicking over a datagridview. From their the user hovers over a menuitem and a list of other menu items appears, once again this repeats. Giving soemthing like this.

| FOO |---------
---------| BAR |------------
---------| FOOBAR |

There is only to be an event (addressof) handled on the the 3rd tier. With that being said I need to grab the from FOOBAR and the of the said parent (grandparent).Here is where I am at:

If currentMouseRow >= 0 AndAlso currentMouseColumn <= 1 Then
dataGridView_monitorMapping.Rows(currentMouseRow).Selected = True
mainMenu.MenuItems.Add(New MenuItem("Set Monitor(s) Settings"))


And the event handler

Public Sub updateMultiRowSettingChange(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'TODO | Handle selection from right click menu.
End Sub

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