Alarm Clock Freezes When Playing Audio File And Loop Will Never End Is

Mar 6, 2009

[code] I am programming a simple alarm clock and the loop never ends the clock stops counting seconds, and I can not click any button as the form seems to be frozen

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Creating An Alarm Clock Application Which Requires User Input To Switch Off The Alarm

May 21, 2011

i am creating an alarm clock application which requires user input to switch off the alarm. I have 3 comboBoxes on the form named day month year. when the user enters the correct date ( Current date) and click the button the alarm is deactivated. the code to check that the date entered in the comboBoxes is the current date.

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MP3 Alarm Clock On Timer?

Jun 22, 2010

I am new to VB coding so I'm trying some easy projects.I figured an alarm clock would be a good place to start. But I'm Having a hard time with the MP3 Part of it all.I want a pre-selected MP3 to start, when my timer2 is = to the time of day.But i Have never really used MP3's in any project. So dose anyone know how i would go about.

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Alarm Clock - Launching App @ Certain Time

Dec 4, 2010

I would like to make an alarm clock application, however I am having some problems in the brainstorming phase.

My main problem is the fact that I dont know how to ensure the application will be able to calculate the time and thus set off the alarm. For example, when the application is closed, how will the alarm go off?

Ideally I would like to make this app a system startup item, so if the system is rebooted, the application will automatically relaunch - but again, I dont know how to do that.

If the system is sleeping, how can I wake it up? These kind of problems.

Another dilema I have, is if this application is always running, how could I have it go to my taskbar hidden icon menu (the right section of the taskbar next to the time).

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Alarm Clock That Changes BackColor Periodically

Mar 15, 2012

I'm making an alarm clock whose form's backColor should change randomlly every 5 seconds. I am not sure as to how to do this. I'm using a timer so after the alarm clock's given time matches the current time, a song will be played. But I do not know how to count the seconds, or milliseconds that pass after starting time.

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VB 2008 Doesn't Set Alarm Clock Off

Jan 16, 2009

im new to the forums and vb. I decided to make a alarm clock and the basic functions work great. But I want to add a button that allows you to set the time you want to snooze till. The button stops the alarm but doesnt set it off. Basically it just does what my stop alarm button does well heres the code. P.S. The last button (button 3) is the snooze button


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Forms :: Custom Ringtone In Alarm Clock?

Jan 10, 2010

This is my alarm clock , I want to publish to the public . So , I want it to be customise alarm clock. Everyone got their own favourite ringtone. So do I . How can I make my alarm clock ringtone to be custom ?

This is my alarm clock. I will give you the source code if you want


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Alarm Clock - Error Occurred Creating Form

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to create an alarm clock. What the problem is, is that when I then the program where the default file is using
wmp.URL="SomeWhere\In\A\Music Folder\song.mp3"
I get this error: An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Exception of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost+InvalidActiveXStateException' was thrown.
When I that line of code it runs, but when the alarm goes off there is no sound. And having a alarm clock go off with no sound is not going to get one up. I do have wmp com control on the form.

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VS 2008 Quick Simple Alarm Clock Program

May 16, 2011

[code] Runs fine for 4 seconds. as you can see tried thread.sleep but did not help.just crashes itself then crashes my entire programs

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Playing An Unknown Selected Audio File

Oct 15, 2011

[code]So basically the combobox1 item which is selected is sent to a string and is then supposed to be played from my resources. The .wav file which is in my resources is named "Sound1" however I have no idea how to reference it.

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Opening A Form Like A "popup" As In An Alarm Clock?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm opening a form like a "popup" as in an alarm clock.The problem is: I don't know if a modal form is open at this moment, and the popup form needs to be a modal (I think but not sure), so I have a potential (and not so potential) crash.

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Playing A Wav File Then Pausing For A Few Seconds Loop

Mar 5, 2009

Is there a way to play a wav file and then pause for 10 seconds and then it will repeat? I know it will be a loop, but the part that gets me is pausing for 10 seconds before starting the loop again.

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Audio Playing In VB 2005?

Nov 9, 2011

I embeded many audio file (.wav) in resources. I can inluded the following code to play a audio file My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.testWav, AudioPlayMode.Background)

But this command play only one audio file(testWav) I have two questions

1) Is there any way to play all audio files no matter how many files in Resources included in VB 2005 without typing all embeded audio file name? (using something like For Next statement)

2) Can I pass parameter to My.Computer.Audio.Play( , ), which means that when I choose one of files embeded in Resource, I just pass the chosen audio file to this command not specific file name(like testWav.wav)

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Different Ways For Playing Audio (MP3)?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm new to VB and have over the last week or two been looking at the different ways to play audio (mp3's). Windows Media Player, Microsoft Multimedia Control, Bass.dll, SndPlaySound, MCI SendString and DirectX (including audiovideoplayback, direct3d and directsound.) I originally decided to use windows mediaplayer, mainly because it seemed the logical choice but quickly found out I couldn't get it to work properly.

So I installed the Directx SDK but now I'm completely overwhelmed about what to use and why. I need to be able run the compiled code on a win 2k box, play an mp3 from start to finish then load and play another mp3 from start to finish and so on. Whats the difference between the varied choices and which would be the best for me to use?

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Playing MP3 Audio Files (And Not Using WMP)

Sep 27, 2010

Based on a thread earlier today, and in particular an answer that Cor gave wherein he
pointed to this article, I thought that I'd do some investigation. Many times here the question has come up about playing .mp3 audio files and NOT using the Windows Media Player object. In the article referenced above, he shows how this can be done via DirectX.

I've looked at DirectX before and it seemed ambiguous so I never really dug into it but it turns out to be pretty simple actually! I thought that I'd write this as a step-by-step of what I did so that maybe some of you will find use from it. The whole thing stems around using DirectX and to begin with, you'll need to download and install the SDK for it. If you haven't already,

try this link. Do be aware that it's a large download (about a half gig)! Once that's installed, create a form and add a reference to the class that we need for this. You can do this several ways, but the way I usually do is to right-click on the name in the Solution Explorer, then choose "Add Reference":


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Checking If Windows Is Currently Playing Audio?

Dec 3, 2009

my program is designed to run on windows7. the mixer in the taskbar lets you control volumes per application. is their a way to determin if a specific application is playing a sound? if not, how would i go about checking to see if the system is currently outputting anysound.

my app is currently setup to use a speech to text and text to speech. basicly i want it to be able to wait for the text to speach software to stop talking before my app plays internal sounds (using the My.Computer.Audio.Play)

i don't have any code to provide as i have no idea where to start.

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Circulate Playing Audio With MediaElement In WPF?

Oct 9, 2011

I am developing a video player with WPF.(in VB)I have already created a MediaElement ,ListBox, "Next" button, then start playing through reading ListBox,and use "Next" to skip to next audio/video.In "MediaEnded" event, i just copy all code in "Next" button.Now, problem is coming,

Assume the Listbox has four audios(.mp3), "test1.mp3", "test2.mp3", ......
now playing is "test1.mp3", i push "Next" button, then now playing is "test2.mp3".
However, when i just let "test1.mp3" play completed, my player will not play "test2.mp3",


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Playing Audio Files In The Background?

Jan 29, 2009

I am working on an application in (.NET 2.0) where I need to open a dynamic amount of different audio streams. Normally, for audio files, one would suggest importing the Windows Media Player COM reference and adding a GUI-based element from the toolbox, but since I'll be working with a dynamic amount of these a GUI would be a terrible idea (especially with Tab stops).

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Playing Audio In WPF With Repeat On Finish

Apr 15, 2010

I want to create a audio player class but having some problems like when audio is finished it is not repeating. While playing audio some UI controls are not working.

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My Programs Aren't Playing Background Audio

Nov 12, 2010

Right now I'm trying to make an alarm clock program.I know my coding is correct and I'm not geting errors. Also my sound is a .Wav and was properly inserted into the resources folder. I was wondering if there is just some dumb setting that needs to be changed or if I'm forgeting something in the code.[code]...

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Playing Audio While MenuStrip Items Highlighted

Jul 5, 2011

I want to do a software for blind user. How to play audio while menustrip submenu item highlight (without using mouse hover)?

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Show Picture Before Playing Audio Clip?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm working on a program that allows a person to click on some text and it will read the text (play a wav file) using My.Computer.Audio.Play. The program calls a procedure called PlayAudioClip which uses AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete because in some cases two wav files will be played one after the other(two languages). During the playing of the wav files I want to show a visible indicator that there is audio. I've got a picturebox called "AudioPic" who's image property points to a picture in my.resources. THe visible property of AudioPic is set to false when the form loads When the user clicks on the text my program should display the image (Visible=true), play the clip (or two) and then hide it again.

It seems that the picture is not completely loaded before the wav file plays and since I have it set to WaitToComplete it stops the loading until the wav file has played, at which time the program hides it.

How can I force it to finish showing the picture before playing the clip?[code]...

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Directx Audio Stops Playing When Change Window?

Sep 15, 2009

So I have a wav playing using DirectX in VB6. If i switch to another window, it stops playing. If I click back on the VB6 window it resumes play. How do I make it continue playing when I change windows? Another problem I cannot load wav files larger than 50 megabyte. It says Out Of Memory. How can I increase that?

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Playing Audio Clip From Windows Service For Notification?

Apr 22, 2009

I am creating a windows service that will do things behind the scenes without any GUI needed, thus the need for a Windows Service. The problem is though I would like to notify the user when certain events happen by playing a short audio clip. I know Windows Service's create a virtual Desktop, in which, Audio messages are not sent to the users Desktop.

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VS 2010 Cannot Dispose DirectX Audio Object After Playing?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm playing an audio file like so:

VB.NET Dim audio As New Audio(Application.StartupPath & "est.wav", True) audio.Balance = 10000 audio.Play()

Which works great. But if I need to change that file, I get an UnauthorizedException because the I haven't disposed of it. But, if I add a dispose after .Play, it won't play.

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How To Loop Through Audio

Apr 23, 2009

I would like to loop through audio in VB.NET.
Here is my code:
While blnAlert = True
End While
But it freezes the app.

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Audio Management System - Allow User To Add Audio Files Itself Into Database Together With Audio Information

Jan 28, 2010

I'm developing a standslone system for my school project. I'm developing an audio management system which allow user to add audio files itself into database together with the audio information such as artist name and album year. I just started it few days ago and face some problems.. my song in the playlist wont continue to play after 1 finished and i need some idea on how to store the audio files into database ... in blob types may be?

Heres the screenshot and codes

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_add.Click


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Shuffle 10 Audio Files And Play In A Loop?

Dec 11, 2010

I have 1-10 audio files that were selected by the user using an "openFileDialog" (with a button and textbox for each). Now, I want it to play all of the files that they selected in a random order when the user clicks "Button12." After all the files have been played, I want it to start over and play all of them in a random order again. I don't want it to stop until the user clicks "Button13." When the user clicks "Button 12" again, it should start playing them in a random order again.

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Synchronising Clock With System Clock?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm a totally newb to VB and I want to do this. I want to do display system clock into a textbox. The trick is that I want it to be synchronized with the Windows XP clock. I want to have something like +/- 100 ms accuracy.

Each 'second' change will trigger an output pin to ground into the parallel port. This is very important that the 'second' change in the same time the Windows XP second change. Do not care about the parallel output thing, I'm nearly there. My main concern is the synchronisation with Windows clock.

In my code, I've added a counter that increment +1 at each 'second' change. So, when the 'n' value will reach a determined value, it will trigger another event.


I searched on the net and I found a thing about NIST time server.. Maybe this could be an otpion, but I have even no idea about how using it... I'm a total newb, but I'm ready to learn. So, please use simple language, no hard to understand acronym etc.

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VS 2008 Downloading File, App Freezes?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm downloading a file using this y.Computer.Network.DownloadFileplication reezes while the file isd ownloading, I read that I should use threads to fix this problem but I dont really understand how I should do,

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