Any Modules Available For Circuit Calculations? (Voltage / Resistance)
Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to develop a module that calculates voltages in a circuit based on setting for certain components. Is a module available to handle circuit calculations including parallel paths.
my circuit board is connected to a power supply(those laboratory DC power supply used in schools) and the circuit is connected to the computer via a RS232 Serial cable port.Through the serial cable port, a voltage level is sensed and is displayed on the "Voltage Level in Volts(V)" i am able to display a Dial Voltmeter with a needle. -- Coding for the dial voltmeter with needle is also attached for reference, just in case if it is needed.But currently, the dial voltmeter's needle does not point according to what is shown on the textbox. Therefore, i need guidance on how to allow the dial voltmeter's needle to point according to what is shown on the textbox. [code]
Basically, my circuit board is connected to a power supply(those laboratory DC power supply used in schools) and the circuit is connected to the computer via a RS232 Serial cable port. Thru the serial cable port, a voltage level is sensed and is displayed on the "Voltage Level in Volts(V)" -- See attach image
>> But currently, the dial voltmeter's needle does not point according to what is shown on the textbox.
>> Therefore, i need guidance on how to allow the dial voltmeter's needle to point according to what is shown on the textbox.
[[ Dial Voltmeter with needle ]]
Code:Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
I have this light sensor circuit that will return positive voltage or negative voltage. I want to plug it into the 9-pin D-Sub port on my computer. I already have a male connector. How do I connect the circuit to the D-Sub connector, and how do I read the value and convert it to a Boolean in a program? How do I set up the cables? It only returns one 1 or 0 value. Is it possible, even?
Yesterday I opened Visual Studio (2008 v 9.0.30729.1) and all the winform classes in my project display with class module icons with the little 'VB', instead of form module icons with the little form icon!
When I double click on a form module, the form designer doesn't open, just the code module.
When I run the project, it runs fine. There are no errors. The project builds fine.
I did Project --> show all files, and I can see the designer and resx files below the form module which doesn't look or act like a form module.
I am trying to make a simple resistance calculator for practice. I use text boxes to let the user input the current and voltage, and then a combo box for the units and then a list box to display the results. For some reason no matter which units I select it doesn't convert at all. For example 1/2 will always show up as 0.5 in the list box no matter which units are selected from the combo box. Here is my code.....I know that there is more cases but I only put one to see if it works before I write all of the cases.
Public Class Form1 Dim unitsA As String Dim unitsV As String
Currently, one of our assignment for Physics are to create a program that can calculate series, parallel and combined circuit, with any number of capacitance. We are using Visual Basic.
1. How to make that when we click the 'Enter Capacitance', a pop up show and tell us to enter number of capacitance, or to enter value for a number of capacitance?
i want to build my own electronic circuit simulator which is use mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. Simulating a circuits behavior before actually building it can i do that with is there any library that deal with simulation or something
We had a Nullable object must have a value error today on this line of code:list = From x In Me Where x.FooDate.HasValue AndAlso x.FooDate.Value.Date >= barDate
Funny thing is that I feel sure this used to work fine (and there has always been a sprinkling of null values in the underlying data). And logically it looks fine to me. The check for HasValue and the AndAlso look as if they're going to shield us from any Null danger.But it seems suddenly they're not. Am I missing something?OK, we can correct it to this, which eliminates the error:
list = From x In Me Where If(x.FooDate.HasValue, x.FooDate.Value.Date >= barDate,False)
But this looks to me less readable. In simplifying the above code to shorten the line I left out a crucial chunk of the code. The original problem should have read something like:
list = From x In Me Where x.FooDate.HasValue AndAlso x.FooDate.Value.Date >= fromDate And x.FooDate.Value.Date <= toDate
Because of the rules of shortcircuiting and operator precedence (as outlined in an answer to a long ago question of my own) I needed to add brackets round the second part of the instruction in order to stop LINQ evaluating the second x.FooDate.Value.Date:
list = From x In Me Where x.FooDate.HasValue AndAlso (x.FooDate.Value.Date >= fromDate and x.FooDate.Value.Date <= toDate) LINQ really does obey AndAlso and force me to look more closely at the original problem.
I implemented a serial communication between a PC and a circuit based on ATMEL mP, managing the submission of correct / incorrect reception of commands ... The following code works, I wanted a block on the performance and reliability as it is for me very important part of this project that I'm doing.
Public Class frmTrattamento Dim IsStart As Boolean = False Dim inputData As String = "" Dim Stmp As String = "" Public Event DataReceived As IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler [Code] .....
It titled E-Speech Door Access System. It security based system which user need register before use it. Now im using Visual Basic 2008 Express. I have use VB6 code it show error. Now i need the coding which when password spoken then signal need travel trough my laptop port. My laptop oni hv VGA port. So I plan 2 by USB parallel port.[code]...
I have written a programm with visual basic 2008 express edition and I'd like to use the parallel port to communicate with my self-made circuit. I want to controll 120 LEDs with the parallel port but I don't get it how. I know how to activate the databus but not how to activate the controle lines of the parallel port.
i have to write a program for my VB class that consists of a resistance checker program. I've searched like a madman to help me through this and I have found nothing >. The program consists of 2 combo boxes, the first one is the nominal resistance drop down list of the numbers :100, 150, 220, 330, 470, 680, 820 and 1000. The second list is of the tolerance numbers; +/- 0.4%, +/-0.6% and +/-0.8%. Now what i want to do is select a number from the first combo box and select the tolerance level of the second combo box and i input the resistor of said value into the text box. when i click the check resistor button it should display a message saying if the resistor is in or out of tolerance. For now I have the form all laid out and the values inputted into both combo boxes and i can go to run the program i am able to select said values. Now my problem is trying to get the right code so that i can check the resistors value.
I was wondering if will it be possible to do the following :1) When a specific voltage is sense and is displayed on the textbox, is there any codes to allow the audio announcement of the voltage ?(a) As voltage levels will usually be in decimal, like for example, (1.23 V) it may be difficult to allow the audio announcement of exact voltages
get sample code by using NI-6009 to measure voltage(Vrms) and Curent (Irms) . Before this i'm trying to make code with using example in National Instrument VB2010.But i still can't display the right values of voltage(Vrms) and Current (Irms) from waveform that I used.The data comes from data acquisition grid in source array i used to plot sinus waveform.But the problem is I don't know how to measure voltage(Vrms) and Curent (Irms) from that waveform. I am also don't know how to start programming between NI-6009 DAQ Card and Visual Basic 2010 Express.
I need some guidance again =)Its regarding the conversion of voltage level to equivalent LUX.As mentioned in prev. few threads, if you have seen it, basically, my circuit board is connected to a solar panel and is connected to a power supply (those laboratory DC power supply used in schools).The whole thing is connected to the computer via a RS232 Serial cable port. Thru the serial cable port, a voltage level is sensed from the Solar Panel and is displayed on the "Voltage Level in Volts(V)" See attach image
Currently, i need guidance on how to convert the Voltage Level into equivalent LUX.I googled and found from this website >> [URL]../ and it states that Lux = 1333 * Vo , so does it mean that i just type:TextBoxLux.text = TextBoxVoltage.Text * 1333 I'm not sure if this is the correct method to convert voltage level from the solar panel into equivalent LUX. If this method is wrong, please correct me.
[Defination of LUX: The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance. It is used in photometry as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye, of light that hits or passes through a surface]
How can i return null values in if statement above. This statement is not working if condtion is false its retruning me 0 value even if condition is false
dim d as nullable(0f Decimal) d=(if(_dr("value") isnot dbnull.value,Convert.toDecimal((_dr("value")),Nothing)
I have been trying to come up with a code to send voltage signals to a serial port using Visual Studio 2010, I found many codes online but since i am not familiar with visual basic, I do not understand any of them.
Basically, my circuit board is connected to a solar cell and also a power supply(those laboratory DC power supply used in schools) and its connected to the computer via a RS232 Serial cable port. Thru the serial cable port, a voltage level is sensed and is displayed on the "Voltage Level in Volts(V)" -- See attach imageAs for now, i am also needed to display the voltage level into another type form intead of just Dial Voltmeter. Maybe to display the voltage level to a waveform like what we see on the oscilloscope ? I came across a suggestion from someone regarding the oscilloscope, but its in C# instead, and after converting, the codes does not work. Hmm.. ?
>> Therefore, i hope to get some guidance on how to display the voltage level into a waveform as what we see on the oscilloscope.
As mention in another thread ( if you have came across it --> Getting voltage from RS232 & allow dial voltmeter to point according to voltage level ), my circuit board is connected to solar cell and also a power supply(those laboratory DC power supply used in schools) and its connected to the computer via a RS232 Serial cable port. Thru the serial cable port, a voltage level is sensed and is displayed on the "Voltage Level in Volts(V)" -- See attach imageAs for now, i am also needed to display the voltage level into another type form intead of just Dial Voltmeter.Maybe to display the voltage level to a waveform like what we see on the oscilloscope ? I came across a suggestion from someone regarding the oscilloscope, but its in C# instead, and after converting, the codes does not work.
using bas files in visual basic 6 because I could write functions or subs that I would just easily use over and over rather than keep rewriting code. Do these work in the same way in .net? If anyone has any good info on modules like how to start writing functions and subs. Assuming of course that they work like vb6 bas files. If I were to make this sub a function how would I do this and I am assuming the benefit of this specific example would be a Boolean to check if if saved the text file or not?
Code: Public Sub SaveList(ByVal List As ListBox, ByVal filename As String) Dim i As Integer Dim w As IO.StreamWriter
During the design of a new application I was wondering if using a module with properties is considered to be a bad practice. Some example code:
Module modSettings public property Setting1 as string public property DatabaseObject as IDatabaseObject End Module
The code above is just an example to emphasize my question. In the past, this structure was used a lot in VB6. In the past I used it as well in my .NET projects.
But nowadays with buzzwords like Dependency Injection, Testability and Separation of Concerns the above structure smells bad. I can't really describe why, but it just feels wrong. I must admit I'm not very familiar with the keywords above, yet.So I'm wondering whether the above code really is a bad practice. If so, what would you use a Module for?
What advantage is there, if any, to using Modules rather than classes in VB? How do they differ, and what advantages/disadvantages are there in using modules? In VB or VB.NET, I use both.
I have finished creating the code for my client/server application although both parts currently execute modules/in console(this was for testing purposes).I am now looking at making both parts of the program completely invisible (they will eventually be executed as a Windows service upon startup). How do i go about this? Does the code need to be copied in to a "Windows Service" project, or is there a way I can hide both of the modules upon execution?