Application Stops Running When Sent To System Tray

Apr 29, 2009

It's using send keys to click a link which works fine for me. but as soon as i drop it to tray it stops ? then continues when restored.

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VS 2008 Running Application In System Tray Only?

May 3, 2010

i want to write a program that runs ONLY in system tray, and when i click on it it shows a context menu.. everything i already know, but..

My program shows up in menu, when i click Alt + Tab, or Win + Tab.. A made it invisible, hidden, changed the transparency to 0, but still it shows up..

Notifyicon1.visible = True
NotifyIcon1.Icon = Me.Icon


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Running GetProcesses In System Tray?

Feb 16, 2011

VB Project using VS2010.tell me if this will find running processes on the task bar and the system tray

procs = Process.GetProcesses()
For Each proc In procs
if proc.MainWindowTitle = WindowTitle then
Return True
End If

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Forms :: How To Catch Key Event When Program Running In System Tray

Nov 1, 2009

How do catch key event (short cut keys like alt+d,Ctrl+u) when a program running in system tray ?

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Application Just Stops Running - No Flags In Event Logs

Oct 18, 2011

I have a app that crashes after runnung for 6 hours. There is no error message. Application just stops running. No error noted in log. No flags in event logs. Is there a feature in that may cause this. Application uses excel 2003

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VB Application Freezes When Minimized On System Tray

Oct 7, 2009

I have a program created in VS2008, winforms/desktop application. I have it on a timer event so that every 4 hours it rins some actions. When I minimize the application ot the system tray...after a seemingly random period of will not maximize. It acts frozen however the program still runs and the timer events usually fire on time. I just can't get the main form back up to see the menus and interface with the program. I have tried doevents, refresh, getfocus etc... nothing seems to make it refresh.

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VB Application Freezes When Minimized On System Tray?

Aug 10, 2009

I have a program created in VS2008, winforms/desktop application. I have it on a timer event so that every 4 hours it rins some actions. When I minimize the application ot the system tray...after a seemingly random period of will not maximize. It acts frozen however the program still runs and the timer events usually fire on time. I just can't get the main form back up to see the menus and interface with the program. I have tried doevents, refresh, getfocus etc... nothing seems to make it refresh.

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.net - Old Instances Of Application In System Tray Notification Area

Feb 20, 2011

I am having an applciation running in system tray notification area, but the problem is that although I exit the application the icon is still there, when I point my mouse near notification area it's gone as it should be when I clicked on exit. I guess it is because my mouse position makes the area to refresh, if so, how can I do it inside my application to avoid having my useless icon in there?

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Forms :: Create A System Tray Application (service)?

Feb 16, 2009

I'm wanting to develop what I perceive to be a pretty simple application. I want something that runs in the system tray that tests for the presence of a particular file on a network drive. If the file does not exist, the icon in the system tray is a green circle (like a traffic light).If the file DOES exist, then the system tray icon is a yellow circle (caution), until the user clicks it (the yellow system tray icon), and a record is written to another file, then the system tray icon changes to a red (stop) circle until that first file we tested for is gone.I'd also like to create "balloon messages" to go with the changes in the system tray icon.

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Forms :: Place An Application Icon In The System Tray?

Mar 10, 2010

To hide my application, I want to place the my Application Icon in the System tray & not onthe Task bar ... but I have both with the following codes:

Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
NotifyIcon1.Visible = False

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VS 2008 Start Application Minimize In System Tray

Mar 29, 2012

I've created one project where I want to start application directly minimize in system tray,it is there but I can see it also in taskbar. [code]

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Deployment :: Show Program Tray Icon In The System Tray

Jan 3, 2010

my program has a tray icon and i want it to show up in the system tray. so i went into my windows notification area and set it to show icon for my app. But when my app update to a new version with clickonce, it will think its a new app and i have to set it again. Is there a way that it will treat all new version as the same program and i dont have to keep setting it?

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C# - Send Command To A Application In The System Tray To Launch A Form For Input

Apr 26, 2010

This is what I'm trying to accomplish: I have a Point of Sale application that integrates with a credit card processesor. I wan't to remove any user interfacing logic in regards to the credit card processor in the point of sale and add it to a application that sits in the background or system tray. I want to be able to send a command to the background app to popup a form for user input.

For example: User in the Point of Sale clicks a button "Credit Card" at this point it will send a command to the background app say "ProcessCC" which will pass a transactionid and an amount , this will open a form for the user to enter in the credit card information and submit the payment to the credit card proccessor.

Reason: I need to get a padss certification and don't want to submit the point of sale to do it. Rather send the simple background app that will control any credit card processing functionality such as encryption , storing etc. I know it can be done using sockets but was hopping for an alternative solution.

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Write An Application That Would Start Minimized To The System Tray And Then Assign A Hotkey To This App?

Jun 13, 2011

We run a CRM package and one of the features that it lacks is the ability to Date and Time Stamp when someone updates an activity. I was wondering if it would be possible to write a application that would start minimized to the system tray and then assign a hotkey to this app, for example CTRL Shift and K, that would paste a date time stamp into what ever application was focused at the time.

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Event Type Clr20r3 P3 4a5c12c0 Exception And Application Crash On Some System While Running Well On Others

Aug 3, 2009

Event type clr20r3 p3 4a5c12c0 Exception and Application crash on some system. while running well on others. i go thorugh many forms and search a lot on google but not able to resolve the issue.


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Send An Application To The System Tray With Visual Basic In Visual Studio 2008 Professional?

Sep 26, 2009

I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional and I'm trying to make it so I can click a button to send the application to the System Tray and then click the icon in the System Tray to make the application come back.

Can anyone provide me a method or sample code to do this?

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Application Not Running On Client System

Jun 21, 2010

I have developed a database application(desktop application with sql 2005).I managed to create setup files(.msi) which is running on my pc.but when i install this application on my client system the application is running but all database operations fails.

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Running Application Before System Start Up?

Aug 8, 2011

From my understanding, it is possible to have programs run before system start-up (e.g. Login screen) with a Windows Service. I'm using VS2010 and I need to be able to start a server with my program that can be managed from the login screen. Is this possible? If so, how would I do it?

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Install OracleClient In The Client System For Running Application?

Mar 4, 2010

I have developed a windows application which connects to Oracle Database and upload and retrieve data (using System.Data.OracleClient). It is working fine in my developement system. When I build a setup and deploy in another system, it is giving error that Oracle Client is missing.

Do I have to install Oracle Client in the client system to run my application?
(When I visit Oracle site for Oracle Client, it is asking me to download a 200 MB file)

Is there any other way to do this with out installing Oracle Client in the client system?

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VS 2008 - Program Running At Startup / Minimize Down To Tray

Apr 16, 2009

1) Is it possible to allow a vb 2008 program to run at computer startup. Meaning, one the computer is turned on, it will load up with all the other startup programs so that it is ready to use.
2) I also would like to know if it is possible to have the program minimize down to the tray where all start up programs usually appear. So that instead of it cluttering up the task bar it will be in the tray and when they clcik or double click it, it will open back up.

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Activate An App That Is In The System Tray?

Aug 27, 2008

I'm using VB 2005, and trying to write a console app that (among other things) activates a different program that is in the system tray.

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Formless System Tray App?

Jun 23, 2010

I im trying to find out if it's possible (using 08 Xpress) to create an application running solely out of the system tray, no forms - Just the icon and popup notifications.I have been considering building a tray based monitoring system for some time, and while I can get the code to work fine, I still need the thing to start up silently. Using Me.Hide() on Form load doesn't work, and I really don't want to work around using the start-up form as a splash page.I have also looked at making a module, but standard code just aint doing the job.

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Get All System Tray Icons?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a problem: I have got an application that is mainly control by a tray icon and I can't show the window unless I click the icon, but the client computer has set the system not to show the icons in the tray area. So can I write a small app to act like a hand-make system tray? That means I have to get all the icons in the tray area and be able to send the mouse events to the icons and let them response to their own program.

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How To Minimize To System Tray

Jun 27, 2009

I have created a program that i want to be able to minimize to the system tray in stead of the task tray... Dose anyone have a code on how to do this?

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Minimize To System Tray?

May 31, 2008

I've looked all over the internet and did a search on but I can't find anything on minimizing to the tray for Vb 2008.What I want to achieve is if the user hits the "X" button at the top, the application should minimize to the tray. When I right-click on the icon, a context menu strip should appear.

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Startup In System Tray

Aug 25, 2009

i only want my app to load in tray if it loads on windows startup.[code]it works any other time, the resize event. just not onload.

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System Tray And Driver?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm working on a security type program that has a system tray that starts with windows and a driver to prevent it from being closed. Any ideas where to start?

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VS 02/03 Exe Icon In Tray Of System?

Feb 28, 2010

I want a simple .exe's icon in system tray (with an image) and when user right clicks that it should show some options like

1) add two numbers when user clicks this it should open a running form of addition of my exe.

2) negate 2 numbers Same like above but for negation.

I am using VS 2003 framework 1.1

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VS 2008 System Wide Hotkey Stops Working?

Oct 11, 2010

Has anyone used a system wide hotkey and notice it no longer works? But the program is still running fine. When I run my program and it starts the hotkey, sometimes it will work fine all day, other times within 15 minutes I press the keys and the program does not react to it. I am using the keys Control-F2. Here is my

Public Sub SetHotkey()
Select Case ComboBox2.SelectedIndex


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Balloon Tip In The System Tray Has Closed?

May 28, 2009

I have an application that uses a NotifyIcon in the tray to hide/restore the application, as well as pop up notices to the user of application events. My application has a notification queue, and I use the NotificationIcon.BalloonTipClosed event to determine when to reset the balloon and show the next notification (if there's one in the queue).

This method seems to work great in both usual causes (user lets the balloon close itself when it times out, and user clicks "X" in balloon to force it to close), but there's a third case where BalloonTipClosed doesn't get called:Notification balloon pops up While it's visible, user right-clicks on notification icon to bring up context menu, causing the balloon to disappear

The BalloonTipClosed event doesn't get triggered in this instance - I figure it's a bug in the framework (I'm using 2.0), but does anybody have an idea around this? If I don't get this event, my application always thinks there's a balloon visible (I have a boolean that prevents it from displaying multiple balloons at once), and it will never show another icon again, as long as it's running.

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