Bind Textbox To ObservableCollection?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to get bind a textbox text property to an observable collection, and report changes back to the collection. The ContactLog property gets set from the calling page.[code]....

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Wpf - Bind An ObservableCollection To A ComboBox?

May 10, 2012

How do I get even basic binding to work between a ComboBox and an ObservableCollection? I can't get anything but error messages.


Class MainWindow
Dim Units As New ObservableCollection(Of String)
Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As System.Object, e As


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Wpf - Bind More Than One ObservableCollection In XAML

Feb 4, 2012

How can I implement both of these ObservableCollections in my xaml? I want to have a listview with all my students, and another listview with all my teachers.For now I just made an example student and teacher object. Am I going about this the wrong way. Eventually I will pulling from a datatable, not sure how I would implement it to the ObservableCollection though.

Public Class PersonalViewModel
Public Sub New()
Dim obcollection1 As New ObservableCollection(Of Student)


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Bind ObservableCollection To A DataObjectProvider In XAML?

Sep 14, 2011

I want to bind data to an objectdataprovider.[code]...

View 1 Replies - Bind To Textbox's Events?

May 8, 2009

I am populating a textbox (txtFileNature) with a value from a popup window. The textbox has an onfocus handler set to


The problem is that I want to do some calculations based on the value of txtFileNature and want to display the result below it. In which event can I can use my VB code. I can't use the textchanged event since I am not typing in the textbox.

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Bind A Textbox To A Datatable?

Dec 15, 2011

I try to bind a textbox to a datatable but i cant.. I checked if the datatable is filled (it includes the results of a sql query)and it s ok.. i can depict the result in a combo box but not in textbox. I wait for only one result that s why i need textbox instead of combo.. that s my code..


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Bind Combobox To Value In Textbox?

Mar 15, 2012

how do i change the display member of a ComboBox after i have entered a code in a textbox that it represent the combobox value?example

Code: 02-001 Combobox: Provider X

if i change the code the provider combobox must change and if i change the provider combobox the code should change!..

if e.keychar = chr(13) Then
combobox.valuemember = textbox.text
combobox.displaymember = me.stockdataset.selectprovider(@textbox.text)
end if

this code change the combo box display member but if I change the comobox by clicking it the code on the textbox doesnt change, to its corresponding code...the combo box is bound to the provider tables....

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Bind List To Textbox?

Oct 18, 2011

I'm creating a mindmapper application (as a test) and have a difficulty to manage created mindlabels and their childlabels.

So I thought of binding a list(Of textbox) to a textbox. But how can this be done?

Here is the code I have so far for the application:

Public Class Main
#Region "Methods"
Private WithEvents labelMap As TextBox


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Bind Textbox To Dataset?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a module where i have specified the connection string as below:

Public Function Connection() As String
Return "Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=test;User ID=sa;Password=123456"
End Function

Then i have a form which has two textboxes. What i am trying to do is bind the two textboxes to a dataset in the following way:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Bind Two Sources To Same Textbox?

Feb 17, 2010

Ive already created a connection to my database and by using databinding can retrieve data from the database and display it in a textbox. However i want to keep updating the same textbox at certain times, such as when a button if clicked, with different data but once i try to overwrite the text in the textbox i get this error message. [code]...

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How To Bind TextBox Programatically

Dec 26, 2011

Me.StuDetComboBox.DataSource = StudentsDet.BindingSource
Me.StuDetComboBox.DisplayMember = "StuName"
ComboBox Bind Programatically Like Above Right ?

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Using Bindinglist As Bind For Textbox?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a bindinglist. i am using a textbox to show its itemsWithEvents xBind As New BindingList(Of Emp)

I added items this way
xBind.Add(New emp("alpha0", "B"))
xBind.Add(New emp("alpha1", "B"))


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Allow Nulls When I Programmatically Bind A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I was thinking I should just change the value to "" when a null value has been read from the datasoure. But then I thought maybe there is a property that allows this. is there?

txtComments.DataBindings.Add("Text", rowEquipItem, "Comment")

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Bind Data From Datagrid To Textbox?

Oct 16, 2010

my code below doesn't work Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs)


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Bind 2 Fields Data With One Textbox?

Jan 6, 2011

i have a form issue and return form. where Issuer_ID is the primary key, this form uses for boht emp and for student issuing book. at run time the user has to select a radio button for student or for employe. if he select student so after entering the full information when he press submit button so student query is execute and data stored in database, keeping the Employee field null, and when user select the employee radio button and after pressing the submit button, so employee querry executes and stores data in employee field, keep the student filed null. remmber and Student ID and Employee ID or foreign keys in isuee and return table and radiobuttons are not the part of database, its just on form.

now i want that when a user gives his issuer ID and at the lost focus event of issuer id, it is checked that if the record exists so the data is bind on the form, if does not exist so the user has to make entry, but if the data loads on form so how user will find out that this data is of student or of employee?

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Bind TWO Different Database Tables To ONE Textbox In VB?

Mar 20, 2011

I was wondering if there is any way to bind TWO different database tables to ONE textbox in VB? I've spent the whole day going through tutorials and different webpages and I've found nothing at all on this...

Well let me try to explain what I want to do exactly: basically I have multiple buttons on 'Form 1' and a textbox on 'Form 2' asking the user to insert a value which will then go to an Access database. But here is where it gets tricky for me: IF the user presses Button 1, the Value inserted on Form 2 will go to a field in the database whereas if the user presses Button 2 to open Form 2, then the value will go to somewhere else and so on.

This would be easy to do if I was to create multiple forms or multiple textboxes, 1 for each button but what I really need is 1 form/1 textbox that would work for all of them... [URL]

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Forms :: Bind Textbox To Table?

Feb 21, 2010

i want to read the data from the table to textbo.below is my code when i try to run it it shows the error following are error.IndexOutOfRangeException was Unhandled

Make sure that the max row on a list is is less than list size...

below is the code


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Programmatically Bind A TextBox To A BindingSource?

Mar 14, 2009

I am new in VB.NET 2008. how can programmatically bind a textBox to a BindingSource? As I could do that in Vb6 using Adodc in the ff code.


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VS 2010 How To Bind TextBox + DataGridView

Jul 14, 2011

I have a DataGridView where we select a line and a new form appears so I can change the data.g:

edit.txtQtd1.Text = DGV.CurrentRow.Cells(6).Value.ToString
edit.txtProd1.Text = DGV.CurrentRow.Cells(7).Value.ToString
The data is loaded from that line to textbox's. everything goes fine, but when I edit the


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Attempting To Bind Textbox To A Data Value In A DataGridViewRow?

Jun 13, 2011

Given the following code I get error

"Cannot bind to the property or column rname on the DataSource"

Public Class CustomerUpdFrm
Private RowPassed As DataGridViewRow = New DataGridViewRow ' Passed row variable
Private Sub CustomerUpdFrm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Bind Data Of MySql From Datagridview To Textbox Control?

Jan 15, 2012

I created a table in mySql named 'user' where fields are:
UserID,UserFirstName,UserMidName,UserLastName,Username,UserType,AcctPassword,DateCreated, DatLastModified and IsDeleted.


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How To Bind A Column Of Database To Auto-CompleteCustomSource Of As Textbox

May 21, 2011

I want to bind a column of my database to my textbox's Auto Complete I want to know How to do that?

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[2008] Closed: Entity Framwork - Bind To A Textbox In UI?

Jan 6, 2009

I have a application based on the entity framework. I have extended one of the classes (Quotes) wit 'partial class', and within that i've created a method that is completely independant of any database properties. For simplicity lets say it looks like this:


All is good, except i need to bind this to my a textbox in my UI and have the textbox update automatically when the property is changed (like a dependency property). This is proving problamatic, I've tried both invoking the onPropertyChanged sub that the entity framwork exposes and implementing intoifychanged. Both cause errors.

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Bind ListView On Onchange Event Of Textbox (search Operation)

Jun 11, 2010

see i have a form in that i have following controls


the combobox contains all the column names of listview like docid,firstname,surname etc

when the form is loaded the listview is populated with some data from the database.

is there is anyway to autopopulate the listview control based on search term entered on the textbox.i heard about the "onchange event",but i'm not sure how it works .

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Loop Through Child - Bind Textbox To Field Of Parent Table

Mar 22, 2010

First I have 2 tables, for example Customer and Orders, and in the database there is a foreign key relation between both. For clarity Orders have a foreign key field to the primary key of Customers, thus Customer is the parent and Orders is the child table of the relation. My application is a Windows Form application, and I add a dataset to the project, in which I drop the 2 tables, and the relations between the 2 tables is automatic added. Now I will om a form loop through the Orders table (witch is the Child table) and show in a textbox some fields of the Orders table and also the Name field of the related record of the customers table. Regarding binding a textbox fo a Orders field I do it this way,

Dim myDs As New DataSet1
Dim myAdpCustomer As New DataSet1TableAdapters.CustomerTableAdapter
Dim myAdpOrders As New DataSet1TableAdapters.OrdersTableAdapter
Dim myBindingSource As New BindingSource
myBindingSource.DataSource = myDs.Orders
myBindingNavigator.BindingSource = myBindingSource
TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", myBindingSource, myDs.Orders.OrderIDColumn.ColumnName)

But now I can't find how to bind a textbox to a field of the Customers table witch is the Parent table of the relation.

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Bind StudentCombobox To The StudentbindingSource Of The Main Form And To Bind StudentDataGridView?

May 7, 2010

I have a form called studentForm which has a studentCombobox, studentTextbox and a studentDatagridView

In the constructor of the studentForm I need to bind studentCombobox to the StudentbindingSource of the main form and to bind studentDataGridView to appropriate binding source in the mainForm.So that this datagrid view displays all the bookings for the studentID currently selected in studentComboBox

studentComboBox.DataSource = MainForm.StudentBindingSource
studentComboBox.DisplayMember = "StudentID"
studentDataGridView.DataSource = MainForm.StudentDataSet
studentDataGridView.DataMember = "Names "

This is the code I wrote in the constructor

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Bind SQL Parameters Query To Bind To A Table?

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to bind my SQL param's qurey to bind to a table. My problem is i get this error "Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized."

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then
Dim connectionGrid As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=BST;Initial Catalog=dsfs;uid=dfsdf; pwd='dsfsf'")
Dim commandgrid As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()


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.net - Missing ObservableCollection(of T)?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm doing an experiment on WPF and MVVM, and while coding the ViewModel on I noticed this red wavy lines under my ObservableCollection(of T)s T_T

Anyway, the application is in WPF & VB.Net, under the .Net Framework 3.5 (I checked) and I have an 'Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel' on top of my class. Intellisense shows the other classes on System.Collections.ObjectModel except ObservableCollection.

Here's a screenshot.

So, why is ObservableCollection(of T) missing and how do I make it appear?

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How To Sort An ObservableCollection

Jul 8, 2009

I have a WPF app which binds a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection to a listbox. This ObservableCollection contains instances of my own class (named DataContractsUserObject) and at runtime when I add an object to this collection it automatically appears in the listbox because of the binding. The problem is that it always appears at the bottom of the list and I would like it to appear alphabetically sorted as the existing items in the listbox are.So I tried to sort the collection by doing this after I add an item to it:[code]but of course that is not actually sorting the original collection is it, its just sorting a new instance that is in a Generic.List format. Whilst I probably could just do that and then set that new list instance back as the source of the listbox binding, that will cause all of the items to be reloaded (and when each item in the listbox is loaded it animates in, so it would look stupid having all items animate in again just because one has been added).

The ObservableCollection class itself does not have a Sort method and although I know how to implement my own comparison class (using IComparer) I dont know how to make this work on an ObservableCollection without doign ToList or ToArray etc.[code]Just found this that looks like it might be of some use url...

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Serializing An ObservableCollection(of T) In .Net?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying out MVVM in VB.Net for a while now and started out with some of my entities using List(of T)s, which I xml serialized to disk. Now, I updated the classes used by the Lists to implement INotifyPropertyChanged so I also changed the List(of T)s to ObservableCollection(of T)s.After which, the XML serializer stopped working :'( A colleague told me that ObservableCollections, unlike generic Lists, are not serializable.If so then how can I make them Serializable?

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