CLR Languages Called "visual"?

May 25, 2010

I understand visual programming languages to be those languages that allow the programmer to to manipulate graphical--rather than textual--objects onscreen to build functionality.

The closest thing I see in C#, VB, etc. is RAD controls, but that is just composing UI and the very simplest functionality -- it has nothing to do with the language itself, even.

Why, then is C# called "Visual C#", Basic .NET called "Visual Basic .NET," etc.?What is "visual," or what is the rationale or history behind the nomenclature?

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Win32 Development Using Visual Basic And Other Languages In VS2010?

Feb 12, 2011

Quick and straightforward (I hope) question, but it it possible to create old-style Win32 applications in Visual Basic- or indeed any other language aside from C++ - using Visual Studio 2010?Yes, I understand that VB 6 and VB.Net are significantly different, I can access pre-.Net COM objects and the like via VB.Net, but I was wondering if it's possible to create an "entirely" non-.Net program in VS 2010.

accept my apologies for any ignorance, as my knowledge of *any* Windows programming is limited.

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C# - .NET Languages The Mainstream Languages For Windows (standalone) Applications?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm an inquisitive .NET student without any commercial working knowledge and I have been puzzled by what exactlty are .NET languages meant for? Q1.If you look on job websites, .NET seems mainly used for web applications, not much for Windows applications? (My dream job is to develop standalone small Windows applications.)


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Case-sensitive Languages Vs Insensitive Languages?

Nov 27, 2010

visual is case insensitive so it allows the coder to write without caring or remembering the casing of variables. it also relieves from the 'undeclared variable' errors if you use the variable in another case than the one used in declaration. The fact that its line termination is a line feed makes it even more readable unlike C# or c++ that need good care in the casing and contineous war with following up with the {}, matching them and figuring out which is for question is what are the advantages of c# over vb knowing that both get compiled to MSIL so there is almost no performance difference between the two languages?

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Have A Column In The Datatable Called Amount And A Textbox Acting As The Filter Called Say Maxamount To Set It?

Feb 9, 2011

i was wondering if it possible to have a condition where lets say you have a column in the datatable called amount and a textbox acting as the filter called say maxamount to set it so the rowfilter when filtering the table will sum the number in the amount column until the number in maxamount is met, then stop and only return the rows where the total sum of the amount column is equal or less than the maxamount value, so i guess if the next row takes us over the maxamount it discards this row and returns the rows previous to it. is this possible using datagridview rowfilter or should i be loooking elsewhere to achieve this?

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Combo - Sql Table Called Stock With Two Fields Called StockID And StockCode

Jun 5, 2011

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but dont know how to compelte the rest.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class cbo2
Private Sub cbo2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Called FrmPracDetails Which Is Built Up With A List View Called LvwColProc

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmCol Processing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form. [code]

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Properties - Default Property Set Being Called Mysteriously Called?

Apr 2, 2012

I have the following line of code in my program:


This JCL_History object is basically a Generic.List encapsulated in a wrapper and has the following method:

Public Sub Enqueue(ByRef value As String)
If Members.Contains(value) Then


In my testing I have 2 items in this JCL_History list. When I call that first line of code I posted (the one that invokes Enqueue) with I = 1 I expect the first item to be shuffled to the bottom and the second item to be shuffled to the top.

After the thread returns from Enqueue I notice that this is exactly what happens to my list, HOWEVER if I hit the "step_in" button after the execution of Enqueue I go into the Default Property's set method where Index = 1 and value = and it screws everything up, because the item that got shuffled to the end (index 1) gets overwritten by the item value shuffled to the top.

So basically the set method on the default property is getting called at what I think to be a completely ridiculous time. What gives? By the way I'm running VS2005 on XP.

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.net - SSRS Report Called From ReportViewer Control Displays No Data In The Report When Called With A Parameter

Apr 11, 2012

Can you look at my coding and let me know what I'm missing or doing wrong?I have a SSRS report that is called from a ReportViewer control and the ProcessingMode for this control is Remote. The report also has 1 parameter in it's DataSet.In the code I placed a MsgBox to make sure the code is finding the parameter and returning the parameter name. I am trying to stick the value of 10 into the parameter for playerID 10. Data for this player does exist.

I believe I need to add some more code to make this work but I'm not sure what else to add.

When the code executes the report is displayed but no data is shown in the report.


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Office Automation :: Called "Freemind" That Is Called A 'mind Mapping' Program?

May 13, 2010

I recently found an awesome tool called "Freemind" that is called a 'mind mapping' program. It's similar to MS Visio but way cooler and more automated.I reeeallly would like to integrate this into a Form, but how?

Has anyone seen or heard of mind mapping inside before? Are there programs out there already that work with or anyone have an example they have seen / built that works?

View 5 Replies

Best Way To Have Different Languages?

Jan 25, 2010

Best way to have different languages?

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Get Available Languages In

Jan 10, 2010

i am trying to get the available languages installed in visitors pc's. The problem is that i don't want to get the languages from the internet browser.

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More Languages In Program

Dec 21, 2009

I´ve been tryed to get more languages in my program.I´ve tryed application settings.

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Why Use VB Over Other Programming Languages

Feb 24, 2011

Why use VB over other programming languages?

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C# - Developing ASP.NET Web Site For Different Languages

Oct 7, 2011

I'm building a website which will have a Spanish and Italian version.

In the past, when building a site which must be available in different languages, I've created a SQL Table like follows:

ID int
EnglishTitle nvarchar(200)
SpanishTitle nvarchar(200)


However, I've found this really time consuming (especially if the client later asks for another language option as a second phase).

What is the best practice for doing something like this, allowing scope for extra languages?

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C# - Multiassignment In VB Like In C-Style Languages?

Feb 22, 2010

Is there a way to perform this in VB.NET like in the C-Style languages:

struct Thickness
double _Left;
double _Right;


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C# - Project With Mixed Languages In .NET?

May 4, 2011

I'm not sure if what I am trying to do is possible, but surprisingly VS2008 seems to let me copy a .cs file directly into my VB.NET project. I then thought that I may be able to use the class in this file directly from VB.NET. However, it doesn't see it when I try to reference it in. Is what I'm trying to do possible, or is VS2008 simply treating the C# file as a resource file or something?

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Get List Of Countries And Languages?

Mar 23, 2010

Sometimes, you see a ComboBox in Windows with languages or countries in it. Is there a component like that in VB.NET? Or can I get the list from Windows?

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Multiassignment In VB Like In C-Style Languages?

Feb 22, 2010

Is there a way to perform this in VB.NET like in the C-Style languages:

struct Thickness
double _Left;
double _Right;


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Quickly Switching Through Languages?

Sep 22, 2009

I am currently writing a program and I have all the windows in three languages. Is there any way of quickly changing through the languages? I mean, I can do it manually but the list has like 500+ languages and I was wondering if there was any keyboard shortcut to switch between the used languages, or any way to put a buttom on the toolbar.

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Website In Multiple Languages?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to write a web application that should be available in several languages.

I can think of several way to do this, but I would like some advice on the best method.

1) put a table on the SQL server where each line as a unique ID and a column for the text for each language

2) Do the same as 1 but then use an XML file

3) Put for each language a table on the SQL server with only two columns (ID,text)

4) The same as 3 but in XML files

5) make a DLL with a collection class (read the choosen language from the database and place it in a collection, then use a FIND function)

6) make a DLL with a collection class for each language where the data comes from an XML file in the resource of the project.

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.net - Create Multiple Projects Using Different Languages?

Jan 24, 2010

Is there a way for me to create multiple projects using different languages under 1 solution in VS 2008? If so, how?

View 3 Replies - Create Querystrings In URLs For Languages?

Jan 30, 2012

I somehow managed to make my company's website in 9 languages, using Visual Studio 2010 / VB / ASP.NET 4.0. I believe I'm using sessions. But you can tell for sure if you see the code provided below. I know this message is long, but I really need help.

It's a multilingual site, and I managed to put flags on the homepage. When I click a flag, the page's text changes to that language. When you click the French flag, it gets the information from the "FR" .resx resource file in my apps_GlobalResources folder. It stays on that language for the end-user's entire session. Great! Well, not so great.

The URL, for instance, about.aspx, remains about.aspx. Granted, the text changes to French, but I've been told that it's recommended to make it look like, if the client chooses French, for example, [URL] (For reference, if anybody is kind enough to delve into this issue, which may be a simple one, all of my files I've used in this are included below -- and they're kinda lengthy)

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton6" runat="server"
CommandArgument="de" OnClick="RequestLanguageChange_Click"


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C# - Webservice - Make Compatible With PHP And Other Languages?

Mar 23, 2011

I am currently creating a web service in and I would like to ask the community what is the best way to make this compatible for PHP users and other languages.An example of my code is as follows:

Public Shared Function GetBasketInfo(ByVal sessionid As String, ByRef ds As DataSet, ByVal attributes

As String) As DataRow
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(attributes) Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Please supply a manufacturer")[code].....

My question is will this method be compatible with PHP consumption.

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C# - Case-sensitive Vs Insensitive Languages?

Nov 28, 2010

visual is case insensitive so it allows the coder to write without caring or remembering the casing of variables. it also relieves from the 'undeclared variable' errors if you use the variable in another case than the one used in declaration. The fact that its line termination is a line feed makes it even more readable unlike C# or c++ that need good care in the casing and contineous war with following up with the {}, matching them and figuring out which is for which.

my question is what are the advantages of c# over vb knowing that both get compiled to MSIL so there is almost no performance difference between the two languages?

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Foreign Languages Typed In A Textbox?

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to allow the user to enter data in any foreign language, (Cyrillic, Arabic,etc.) by entering the data into a textbox.Unfortunatly when I change the language of the test machine it still fills in the US standard ASCII characters instead.

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Forms :: Switch Languages In VB And Strings

Sep 1, 2010

I've seen quite a few posts regarding changing cultures, localize cultures, etc... but I couldn't care less about all that auto-stuff.I'm developing this GUI to connect with one of our production machines that will be used by the ppl who will be servicing the machines. Which might well be anywhere around Europe and soon enough Japan and US. Therefore, it was asked already to have language options, cause the guy servicing is likely to be a local.

As I said, auto-stuff doesn't bother me, all I want is the option to go to File -> Preferences and change a drop-down box to whatever language the person fancy and put a My.Settings.Save() I'm planning to create a few simple xml files called "en", "fr", "sp", etc which will be something like: <Frm_Main.Label1>Text of the label</Frm_Main.Label1> The actual problem is: I know the coded strings will have to be manually set, but: Is there a way to cycle through all the UI items (labels, toolstripmenu, buttons, group boxes) to set those .text ?? I'm trying stuff like


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How To Convert English Letters To Other Languages

May 12, 2011

Is there any way to convert to english words to any other languages as it typed.for example, if i type "sekar" in a text box it should be converted to "tamil" language.

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Launch Forms Across Languages Without Compiling?

Mar 21, 2011

how to launch forms across languages without compiling.

I have a solution with 2 projects. One is VB.NET and the other is C#. The solution will never be compiled. I am using it as a repository of examples on working with the DevXpress grid. I have a few VB.NET examples and one in C#. The demo runs the C# executable. I was wondering if there was a way to show the C# form from VB.NET in the same solution without going to the executable. This is how I am doing it now:

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
Dim info As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo


I tried linking it but either I did something wrong, don't know how to access it or it doesn't work across languages and didn't generate an error.

P.S. If anyone else uses this grid I can post the code, it is mainly for working with combobox columns. I just don't think anyone here uses the grid.

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Project Open-source If Use .NET Languages?

Sep 22, 2009

I know VB.NET and i want to develop a program. Which i think later will be open-source if i fail to keep updating it. My question is : Is it possible to build open-source project by using .NET languages ? Or do i have to build open-source projects only using open source languages like Java,Ruby, Python etc ? ( I mean is there any restriction from microsoft on building open-source projects using their langauge and tools ?)

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