Change Dialog Heading Font?

Aug 30, 2011

How can I change the Font of a Dialog Heading.

I have triyed setting the Font in the properties window, but that changes the font all the controls on the Dialog, not the Dialog Heading.

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Font Dialog - Application Allowing Users To Change Font Details Within Application

May 10, 2010

I use a fontdialog box in my application allowing users to change the font details within my application. This works fine but unfortunatly I don't seem to be able to set the values in the dialogbox as they are read only.

Basically if the user has Bold Wingdings set and wishes to change it to something else then when they open up the fontdialog box I would like to be able to set the font to wingdings and bold so the user can see what they previously selected. Word seems to do this so why cant I?

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Font Dialog To Change In RichTextBox?

Oct 25, 2009

I am using visual studio 2010 and I put a font dialog to change in a rich textbox. I tried this code:
richtextbox1.Font.Name = Fontdialog1.font
and it didnt work I dont know why.

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[2005] Font And Fontsize - Change Selected Font In List Accordin Font In Combobox?

Mar 7, 2009

How to list all font in combobox, and how to change selected font in list accordin font in combobox?

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Capturing And Keeping RTB Font Values Via Font Dialog?

Jul 27, 2010

everything tests well but when I evoke the function the dialog values default to selections other than what the text was originally/last set to (e.g., color, font, size, etc. in the dialog/menu is not what is shown in my rich text box).how I can set the above values per the text being recalled in the RTB? That is, in the above scenario if I hit the cancel button I lose the original text formatting.

Public Class frmComment
Private Sub FontDialog1_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontDialog1.Apply
If Not RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.SelectionFont Is Nothing Then


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Change The Text In A DATAGRIDVIEW Column Heading?

Jan 15, 2010

How do I change the text in a DATAGRIDVIEW Column heading? (bound grid) DATAGRIDVIEW.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "my text" gives me an error?

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Capture And Keep RTB Font Values Via Font Dialog?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a scenario to resolve using the font dialog code below. In brief, everything tests well but when I evoke the function the dialog values default to selections other than what the text was originally/last set to (e.g., color, font, size, etc. in the dialog/menu is not what is shown in my rich text box). [code]...

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Cannot Change Font Size, Font Name And Color In Dhtml Editing Control?

Aug 25, 2010

I can't change change the font size or font name or color of the text in the DHTML Editing Control. I have 2 listbox controls FontNameList containing all of the installed fonts on my PC and FontSizeList containing some numbers to be used as fontsize and I use the execommand and build my App but the font did not change instead it grew bigger but when I tryed to change it back it stayed the same. The Code for that was:

Design.ExecCommand(5044, False, Font.Name)

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Printing Barcode 39 - Change The Font Of The Label1 Into IDAutomationHC39M Font From IDAutomation?

Feb 10, 2009

printing barcode 39 truetype from idautomation i already try their integration guide but it didnt work....i want my project to

1. Label1 changes to what i type in the textbox1(the label1 is a barcode i change the font of the label1 into IDAutomationHC39M font from IDAutomation)...ive already done that...

2. print the barcode(which is the label1) when i click my button named btnprint..but it doesnt print...

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Change Font Size Without Creating A New Font?

May 28, 2009

Is it possible to change the size of a font in .net winforms without having to create a new Font with the new size?

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Add Font Dialog On A Text Box?

Mar 1, 2009

I want to add the font dialog on a text box

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Creating A Custom Font Dialog?

May 17, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble with my project here... and Google isn't helping very much. To put it briefly, I'm currently making a sticky note program (one fairly similar to Sticky Notes, for those of you familiar with Windows Vista or 7). It's relatively simple, as the "note" itself is basically a glorified Rich Text Box.

My problem is this: I obviously want to allow some for some customization with the font, however I don't want to use a standard full-on Dialog Box. So I designed a small form with 2 Combo Boxes--one for font and the other for size--and 2 buttons, "OK" and "Cancel". What I'm attempting to do is program this form (named dlgFont) to more or less be recognized as a Font Dialog Box. I've got some of it figured out I think, but I can't seem to put the pieces together in a way that actually works.In the code for my main form, I have this within the Class... stuff:

Friend WithEvents dlgFont As System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog

As for the Command Button that pulls up the dialog box itself, well, it's actually a Context Menu Strip Item... I'm not really sure what to put. So far I've only tried this:


And for the Apply event, I've got the generic stuff:

Private Sub dlgFont_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dlgFont.Apply
If dlgFont.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Font = dlgFont.Font
End If
End Sub

That's all I have for the main form. This is what dlgFont looks like: 'A limited-ability font dialog box.

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Friend Class dlgFont


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Expose A Font Dialog Similar To The Following?

Sep 12, 2010

I am attempting to do something which isn't particularly obvious (to me at least). Digging around on the web I located the following sample (notice the font sample appears in the list on the left?).[URL] Now I know how to use the font dialog from VB.Net, but don't know the appropriate property to set to get the example to show in the listbox/listview? I set the same properties as the author but it shows a plain text font. I am basically attempting to save my users from having to click through every font to see what they each look like.


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Font Dialog Resetting Fonts In RTB?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm using the font dialog and have noticed that when I select/highlight portions of text and then cancel out of the dialog, the selected text is changed to the default settings (i.e., font type, style, size, color, etc).

Is there a way to preserve the original text settings?

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How To Use Font Dialog Settings With Print

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to use the font dialog settings with my print control.My code works fine - it prints. But how do I change the code to use the font dialog settings?Here is an example of my print code:

e.Graphics.DrawString("Date and Time: " & Now.ToString, _
New Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Bold), _
Brushes.Black, 10, 38)


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VS 2008 - Display Font Dialog In Richtextbox

Apr 12, 2010

i am having trouble in sending text, when i send the text in textbox2 it sends into a normal way where as i selected my font as bold and size=10, i want the font which i have selected in richtextbox should display according to it if no font is selected then it can display in regular way.

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Change Controls Size And Location Based On The Change Of Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the Context Menu Options like ( Small Font , Large Font ) based on the selection I want to change the size of the Font in the Controls,Control's Size & location(x,y,height,width). The resize of the controls should not affect the look and feel of the forms.

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Change Font Color In Lv?

Jun 9, 2010

how to change the following lv font color base on the values?

For example: If the values are negative in red color, positive in green.

ListView1.Items(ListView1.Items.Count -

1).SubItems.Add(CDbl(reader("Close").ToString) - (reader("Open").ToString))

Also, I am having a problem on rounding the decimal place value on the above code.

For example:

If the result comes out xx.xx, then the my lv shows the value as xx.xxxxxxxxx. Actually I would like it to display only 2 decimal places.

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Change Font Color Of A Row In LV?

Feb 29, 2012

created a listview with 7 columns, 3rd&4th cols. are StartTime and EndTime. What I want to know is how can I change the entire row's font color from green to blue(when current time is only 30 mins before EndTime) then to red when EndTime reaches Current time and leave it as it is until clicked the stop button.

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Change Font In Two RTB On The Same Form?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a RTB (RTB1). I have a "change font" button which allow the user to change the font of what ever text is selected in RTB1. It works just fine.Now I have added a second RTB on the same form. Of course that original "change font" button does not work because it works on RTB1, not RTB2. I know I could put a second button to change font in RTB2, but I would like a more elegant solution. How can I tell which RTB box I was in when i clicked on the "Change font" button?

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Change Font Of Listbox?

Nov 15, 2011

how to change fontsize of my listbox programmatically? This code does not work

listbox1.font.size = 10


listbox1.font.size = new size 10

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Change Font Of The String

Dec 15, 2011

Anybody have any idea about how to change the font of the string. Suppose Dim strFind as string="Answer" I want to change the font of the string as "Verdana" Purpose behind that, I have an richtextbox1 contains the questions and richtextbox2 contain the answer so while concating i want to append text "Answer" before answer. but these concatenate string then displayed in richtextbox3. But the appended text showing in diff. font while question in different font (question has "Bookman Old style7" font)

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Change Font To Custom

Oct 11, 2009

I need to change the font to this: [code] I know that i can install it in my computer then from the visual studio select each control to have that font but what if i choose to run my program on another computer will this font be compiled with the executable?When i choose to have that font it says that this is not a tru type font although it ends with .ttf (.[t]rue [t]ype [f]ont)

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Change The Default Font To Something Else?

Mar 31, 2012

I am using VB 2010. The default font for forms is Sans with a size of 7.8. Is there a way I can change the default font to something else. I do not see this choice in the options section of the tools menu.

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Change The Font Of The Value In A Textbox?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm working on a project for school. One part of the assignment is to change the font of the value in a textbox, the font on a label, etc. Which I can do. However, I wanted to add a feature that restores the original values. I was having trouble knowing what to call that or how to access that info.

I'm using the FontDialog box. So I can have the user select a font and change whatever I let them. But I want to have a reset button or something that sets it back the way it was. How do I access that value?

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Change The Font On A Pdftable?

Dec 16, 2009

i am trying to change the font on a pdftable and i have this hint in java but put it into

PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
table.AddCell("Cell 1");
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell 2", new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8f, Font.NORMAL, Color.YELLOW)));

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Change The Font Size Only

Mar 16, 2012

How do I change the font size of selected texts without touching the Font type (cmbFontName.Text)? I may highlight a lot of texts with different font types and I only wanted to change its font size. How do I do that? Here's my


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Get Font Colours To Change?

Jan 12, 2010

i cant remember how to get font colours to change, so thought doining it with the hello world would be best

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How To Change Font In ListBox

Oct 28, 2011

In a card game program I can place "5 of clubs" into the list box. How would I replace the word "clubs" with the winging symbol for clubs?

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How To Change The Label Font

Apr 14, 2010

This must be a simple but i couldnt figure out. ll me how to change the font of a label or any control from times new roman to arial

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