VS 2008 - Display Font Dialog In Richtextbox

Apr 12, 2010

i am having trouble in sending text, when i send the text in textbox2 it sends into a normal way where as i selected my font as bold and size=10, i want the font which i have selected in richtextbox should display according to it if no font is selected then it can display in regular way.

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Font Dialog To Change In RichTextBox?

Oct 25, 2009

I am using visual studio 2010 and I put a font dialog to change in a rich textbox. I tried this code:
richtextbox1.Font.Name = Fontdialog1.font
and it didnt work I dont know why.

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Capturing And Keeping RTB Font Values Via Font Dialog?

Jul 27, 2010

everything tests well but when I evoke the function the dialog values default to selections other than what the text was originally/last set to (e.g., color, font, size, etc. in the dialog/menu is not what is shown in my rich text box).how I can set the above values per the text being recalled in the RTB? That is, in the above scenario if I hit the cancel button I lose the original text formatting.

Public Class frmComment
Private Sub FontDialog1_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontDialog1.Apply
If Not RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.SelectionFont Is Nothing Then


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VS 2008 : Changing Font In A RichTextBox?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to change the font in a RichTextBox without having to select the text I want to change first. I know I can select text and change it like this:

RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Find("working")
Dim tfont As New Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Regular)
RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = tfont

What I want to do is set a font and then any text added to the richtextbox will use that font. Then I want to set another font and all text after that point will use that font and so on. I'm adding text to the RichTextBox with code, but I'd eventually like to add a RichTexBox to an app where the user enters the text and can change fonts like a word processor.What I'm try to accomplish would go something like this:

' Set the font for the header here
rtbPrint.Text = rtbPrint.Text & mHeader & vbCrLf
'Set the font for the body here
rtbPrint.Text = rtbPrint.Text & mBody & vbCrLf

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Capture And Keep RTB Font Values Via Font Dialog?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a scenario to resolve using the font dialog code below. In brief, everything tests well but when I evoke the function the dialog values default to selections other than what the text was originally/last set to (e.g., color, font, size, etc. in the dialog/menu is not what is shown in my rich text box). [code]...

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[2008] Print Out Font's And Colours With Richtextbox

May 12, 2008

I can't find out how to print out font's and colours with the richtextbox. I can just print out small black font... I use the font dialog box.

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VS 2008 Font Kerning Or Letter Spacing In Richtextbox

May 24, 2012

i want to set font kerning in richtextbox to adjust letter spacing with unicode support. is there any way to do so? t-

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VS 2008 RichTextBox Clears Formatting When Changing Font?

Nov 25, 2009

I have a richtextbox with multiple colored text in it. When I change the font, the color table is removed and everything changes to the default fore color. Anyone know of a why to preserve the color table and formatting when changing the font? I know I could build the RTF manually, but I really want to avoid that if possible.

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VS 2008 - RichTextBox Control On Form (Change Font Style)

Sep 14, 2010

I've got a richtextbox control on a form and a menustripitem that allows me to change the font style. What I want to be able to do is to allow the user to type text into the richtextbox control; then if they change the font style using the menu only for newly entered text to change font, and any previously typed text to stay in the previously selected font. The problem I'm getting is that all of the entered text's font style is changed.

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Font Dialog - Application Allowing Users To Change Font Details Within Application

May 10, 2010

I use a fontdialog box in my application allowing users to change the font details within my application. This works fine but unfortunatly I don't seem to be able to set the values in the dialogbox as they are read only.

Basically if the user has Bold Wingdings set and wishes to change it to something else then when they open up the fontdialog box I would like to be able to set the font to wingdings and bold so the user can see what they previously selected. Word seems to do this so why cant I?

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Get The 'Progress' Dialog To Display Immediately After The 'Install Icon' Dialog Disappears?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a simple desktop application that uses a .NET setup project (.msi file) to perform the installation. On the first installation, everything proceeds in a timely fashion with good feedback for the user.The problem occurs when the user is installing the latest version of the application over an old version on their machine.There is an unacceptably long delay of about 60 to 180 seconds from the time the installer's 'Welcome' dialog [It's not the Welcome dialog, I've removed that from the Start section of the setup project and replaced it with a CheckBox dialog to ask if the user wants a shortcut on the desktop] disappears until the 'Progress' dialog appears. The user sees minute(s) of blank screen and thinks the install has stopped or failed.

In the setup project properties, I've got the 'DetectNewerInstalledVersion' and 'RemovePreviousVersions' properties set to true. So, I believe that while nothing appears to be happening, the installer is actually removing the old version. The 'Progress' dialog does not appear until the new version begins installation.I've been trying to either:

a) Get the 'Progress' dialog to display immediately after the 'Install Icon' dialog disappears

b) Show another dialog while the Uninstall is running to let the user know that the setup is still running and everything is OK.

I have been unsuccessful with both methods. I'm using VS 2008 SP1?

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VS 2008 - Forcing Dialog Box To Display

Feb 14, 2011

I'm calling one program from another using the shell command. When I call the second program it loads a file and then displays the details on the screen. But when it runs nothing appears to happen and it is only when the file is loaded that anything is displayed. One of the first things that happens is a Resize, so I expect the dialog box to be displayed, I have added a refresh at the start but the dialog box is still not displayed untill the file is loaded. How can I make the program display the dialog box at the start to show something is happening?

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Display A Font/font Colour Selection Box?

Apr 11, 2009

I'm creating a basic text editor and I wish to include the option to change the font, font colour and background colour of the text box. Is there a way I can ask VB to display a font/font colour selection box or do I have to populate a combo box and code it all myself?

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VS 2008 - How To Display Colored Text With Large Font In ListBox

May 14, 2009

I am trying to put colored text into a list box. I use the following

Private Sub ListBox1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DrawItem
Dim myBrush As Brush = Brushes.Blue
Select Case e.Index
[Code] .....

This works fine and dandy as long as I use 8 pt font, but when I change the font to 20 I get the following: How can I get the list box to display colored text in a large font?

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VS 2008 How To Make Disabled Text Box Display Black Font

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to make a calculator program. I would like the display(text box) to have a white background, with black font. So I set the "enabled" property of the textbox to "false"(because I want it to display, not receive input) and then choose the background colour to be white. In the form designer, the text colour is black, which is what I want.But when I start debugging, the text becomes the colour of the form. How can I make the font black?

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Add Font Dialog On A Text Box?

Mar 1, 2009

I want to add the font dialog on a text box

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Change Dialog Heading Font?

Aug 30, 2011

How can I change the Font of a Dialog Heading.

I have triyed setting the Font in the properties window, but that changes the font all the controls on the Dialog, not the Dialog Heading.

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Creating A Custom Font Dialog?

May 17, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble with my project here... and Google isn't helping very much. To put it briefly, I'm currently making a sticky note program (one fairly similar to Sticky Notes, for those of you familiar with Windows Vista or 7). It's relatively simple, as the "note" itself is basically a glorified Rich Text Box.

My problem is this: I obviously want to allow some for some customization with the font, however I don't want to use a standard full-on Dialog Box. So I designed a small form with 2 Combo Boxes--one for font and the other for size--and 2 buttons, "OK" and "Cancel". What I'm attempting to do is program this form (named dlgFont) to more or less be recognized as a Font Dialog Box. I've got some of it figured out I think, but I can't seem to put the pieces together in a way that actually works.In the code for my main form, I have this within the Class... stuff:

Friend WithEvents dlgFont As System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog

As for the Command Button that pulls up the dialog box itself, well, it's actually a Context Menu Strip Item... I'm not really sure what to put. So far I've only tried this:


And for the Apply event, I've got the generic stuff:

Private Sub dlgFont_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dlgFont.Apply
If dlgFont.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Font = dlgFont.Font
End If
End Sub

That's all I have for the main form. This is what dlgFont looks like: 'A limited-ability font dialog box.

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Friend Class dlgFont


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Expose A Font Dialog Similar To The Following?

Sep 12, 2010

I am attempting to do something which isn't particularly obvious (to me at least). Digging around on the web I located the following sample (notice the font sample appears in the list on the left?).[URL] Now I know how to use the font dialog from VB.Net, but don't know the appropriate property to set to get the example to show in the listbox/listview? I set the same properties as the author but it shows a plain text font. I am basically attempting to save my users from having to click through every font to see what they each look like.


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Font Dialog Resetting Fonts In RTB?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm using the font dialog and have noticed that when I select/highlight portions of text and then cancel out of the dialog, the selected text is changed to the default settings (i.e., font type, style, size, color, etc).

Is there a way to preserve the original text settings?

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How To Use Font Dialog Settings With Print

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to use the font dialog settings with my print control.My code works fine - it prints. But how do I change the code to use the font dialog settings?Here is an example of my print code:

e.Graphics.DrawString("Date and Time: " & Now.ToString, _
New Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Bold), _
Brushes.Black, 10, 38)


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VS 2008 Display A Text From Database Table In Richtextbox?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to display in my richtextbox1 a text from a table in my database according to some conditions that I decide by filtering. I worte a code for this but I think I am making a mistake because it gives errors all the time with Richtextbox (it does not accept datasource). Could you please help me on this?

Here is the code I have:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


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Changing Font In RichTextBox?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm trying to change the font in a RichTextBox, but it's not working:

RichTextBox.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
this apparently read only
With RichTextBox
.SlectionFont = "Times New Roman"
End With

here I need a System.Drawing.Font class and not a string

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Make A Richtextbox Only Have One Font

Dec 29, 2009

I need to use a richtextbox, not a normal textbox because of the way it keeps the caret position, from line to line. But I need to keep the text at the same font all the time even if it is pasted. At the moment I have it selecting the entire text and changing the font to the original (Lucida Console) but it look horrible when you paste into it as it flashes blue.

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.net - RichTextBox Append With Font Color?

Jun 19, 2012

I need to set the color of the font every time I add text to the RichTextBox

I'm using. RtbResults.AppendText(DisplayPacket)

To add a new line of text, but each line needs to be a set color.I found this on the net but it doesn't seem to work in my VS11b RtbResults.AppendText(DisplayPacket,forecolor,backcolor,font)

Are these the correct overloads? can I do this another way if this doesn't work?I don't want to have to insert the text then go back and select and change its color.

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Adjusting Font Style For A RichTextBox?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm having trouble adjusting the font style in a RichTextBox and I've seen a few different approaches that talk about single attributes (like toggling bold on and off)... but I'm trying to make it so that my font class can adjust any attribute (bold, italic, underline).

I realize that Font.Style is a set of Boolean flags (a bitfield?)... but I'm not sure how to handle the attributes all at once.

Here is the troublesome code:

Public Sub ModifyFontStyle(Optional ByVal Plain As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal Bold As Object = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal Italics As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal Underlined As Object = Nothing)


What is happening to the font? The text should be underlined and in italics not strikethrough...

Is this a logic error or a simple misunderstanding on my part?

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Change Font Color In RichTextBox?

Mar 30, 2012

how change font color for some word in Richtextbox example : when write "The lost" in Rich font color change to blue ...and other word don't change ...other example : same "DIM","AS" and "integer" in VB.NET ,,how i can do it?how to save the word from richtextbox to text file ?

Note : I'm using VB.NET 2008

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Change The Style Of The Richtextbox Font?

Sep 17, 2010

this code does the change, but I noticed a little unwanted effect.if you have some text mark up for esample 24pt, selected. and run this code. you will lose the mark up.

Private Sub Styles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBold.Click, BtnItalic.Click, BtnUnderline.Click, BtnStrikeOut.Click

Static styleValue As Integer = 0 Const bold As Integer = 1, Italic As Integer = 2, UnderLine As Integer = 4, StrikeOut As Integer = 8 'Since more than 1 button is attached to this event, the if statement will sort out what button was pressed to fire this event If TypeOf (sender) Is Button Then


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Get Font From Combobox And Apply It To Richtextbox

Aug 18, 2009

I am building a word pad clone with extra a few extra features. I am trying to get two combo boxes (one with font names, the other with font sizes) to apply their selected attribute to the selected text in a richtextbox. This was my latest attempt, and I think I'm starting to get close, but I still get an error for InvalidCastException - Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.


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Programatically Add Formatted Font To Richtextbox?

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to add formatted text to a rich text box..For instance, I want to add a heading as bold ("HEADING: ") and some data after it as regular ("REGULAR Data")...then a new line and do it all over again.

first name: blah
last nem: blahh

I'd like to have a couple functions to perform the action.When I use the below functions to add txt to a single rtf box, I get lines in either all bold or all regular. It doesn't seem to keep the font formatting after it adds text..


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