Change Richtextbox Text Size Without Modifying The TextStyle

May 19, 2009

I want to change the text size in a richtextbox without changeing the font style (whether it is bold, inderlined or in itallics.) I have used this code, but it wont work, it just changes the font style to normal:


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Change Size Of Each Word Within RichTextBox?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to change the size of each word. [code]...

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Automatically Change Richtextbox Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

How can I make a richtextbox automatically change the font size when the text exceeds the length of the textbox. So basically the text is always visible without moving left or right.

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C# - Disable Font-size Change For Richtextbox

May 29, 2011

In my application I am using richtext boxes with readonly property set to True
but still its font size can be changed using mouse wheel and default windows keyboard shortcut for fontsize change (ctrl+shift+ >/<). So how do I disable richtext box font-size change?

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C# :: Disable Font-size Change For Richtextbox?

Mar 22, 2011

In my application I am using richtext boxes with readonly property set to Truebut still its font size can be changed using mouse wheel and default windows keyboard shortcut for fontsize change (ctrl+shift+ >/<

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Change Only Font Size In Richtextbox, Not Colors

May 23, 2009

i have a richtextbox and when i paste code from vb, it shows in color but it's a different size than my set font size. how do i change only the font size and not the font colors as well. this code changes the colors to normal black font color.

RichTextBox1.Font = New Font("courier new", 9, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point)

how can i fix this. so much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

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FontCombo Using With Richtextbox - Change The Font From Combobox It Changes The Windows Size As Well

Jul 13, 2011

I am using the following code to change the selected code in richtextbox, but when I change the font from combobox it changes the windows size as well. Whats the problem,


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Find Selected Words And Change Their Font Properties Without Modifying The Rest Of The Text

Apr 16, 2009

i want to create a html editor. to get started, i want the app to be able to find certain words, and change the font/color/size/etc. as for <a href=""><b> and so on, without changing the rest of the text after the selected text was modified. i'm sure that it has something to do with RichTextBox1_TextChanged for text that is being typed and just a button click for modifying selected text.

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RichTextbox Blinking Text Cursor (claret) Size Too Small?

Sep 20, 2009

Anyone know how to make the text cursor (claret) wider in a RichTextBox control? It seems to ignore the setting in Vista settings and does its own thing instead. I wouldn't describe my vision as being seriously impaired - just middle aged!

On a high resolution screen it is a real chore trying to find the text cursor position. I've ended up doing a heavy kludge of putting a little image of an arrow on the screen attached to a timer control to track and point to the cursor position!!! This is a very silly work around. It must be possible to make the text cursor wider somehow? It is only one pixel wide and I can barely see it. I can't be the only one who struggles with these narrow cursors?

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Pan/change/move The Text Appended To A Richtextbox Control So The Text Itself Scrolls In Addition To The Scrollbars?

Jul 11, 2011

My application appends incoming report data onto a RichTextbox control. As more text arrives from an external device, the thumb initially fills the trough and as times goes on, the thumb diminishes in size. This is expected behavior.A modal dialog box allows the user to cancel the file download but since it's modal, the user can't scroll down to see what the last text that was appended.Is there a property/event/method that will show the most recent/last text in the RichTextBox control, rather than the initial text as I have it displayed now? The user would be able to see the text drawn real time without having to use the thumb to accomplish

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Change Textbox Text Size And Position Of Text In Winforms?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a normal textbox which multiline property is set to true and now I need the text written in the textbox should have a large font size.So is it possible with the normal textbox.[code]...

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Change Controls Size And Location Based On The Change Of Font Size?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the Context Menu Options like ( Small Font , Large Font ) based on the selection I want to change the size of the Font in the Controls,Control's Size & location(x,y,height,width). The resize of the controls should not affect the look and feel of the forms.

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Change A Text In Richtextbox But Keep Image In It?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a richtextbox with images and text. I want to change specified text but i want to keep my image. How can i do that.

I use :

Dim aLines() As String = rtbDisplay.Lines
aLines(i) = aLines(i).Replace(str, "")
rtbDisplay.Lines = aLines

but do not work.

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Change Color Of The Text In RichTextBox

Apr 10, 2009

Trying to change the color of more than one of the same text within a RichTextBox. [Code] The above code searches for, and changes the color of all "Boat"s found in the RichTextBox. There are a few problems, such as: If you were to go back to edit the RichTextBox and place your cursor in front of the, now blue word, "Boat" and type then all of your text would be blue. Also, the text you wish to change the color of in the RichTextBox MUST be Exactly the same as: "Search1", aka "Boat", capital letters and all.

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Change Richtextbox Text Colors?

Mar 21, 2011

I have another application that i'm currently building...

It basically is a "check list" for installed program's, and files. I image machines on a daily basis, and me making this application will save me hours, and hours of time.


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Change Text From Textbox / Richtextbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to ask how to change text from richtextbox/textbox ?[code]...

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Change Text-style In Richtextbox?

Apr 28, 2010

"This is a test . This is the second test . This is the third test . This is the final test"I know how to do this using SelectionStart etc. However this limits what I want to domagine that the 4 sentences are stored in an array, where array(0) should be always bold,array(1) italic, array(2) underline and array(3) normal.

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Change The Backcolour Of A Text In A Richtextbox

Jul 29, 2010

the richtextbox is cute editor

i want to change the background colour of a specific text in the editor not the entire background colour

i want to do that with code in i ask the support and they dont know...

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Change The RichTextBox Text In A Shared Sub?

Dec 31, 2009

I try to create a simple IrcClient.If i get a Message over the Irc, the Sub OnChannelMessage gets Enabled and should give out, what someone wrotes.The Sub:

Public Shared Sub OnChannelMessage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As IrcEventArgs)
'Form1.RichTextBox1.Text() = "[" + e.Data.Nick.ToString + "]: " + e.Data.Message
Form1.SendText.Text = "Test"[code]....

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Change Text Color While Typing RichTextBox?

Apr 13, 2011

I am attempting to change the color of certain text while i am typing in the richtextbox area my only problem is. because its a selection if i keep typing then whatever is selected will be removed.[code]...

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Change Font Size For Label According To Text

Jul 27, 2009

I had an old program that I upgraded from VB6 to VB 2008. I am creating a program similar to it in VB 2008. There is a piece of code that I tried to enter into the program I am creating now from my old program. It tells the computer that if the label's text is a certain text that is on the clipboard, then the text size will be smaller.

LabelAbsent.Text = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetText Then
Label104.Font = VB6.FontChangeSize(Label10.Font, 8)

When I insert this code into my new program, it doesn't recognize the "VB6" in the code.
How can I get the same result in the program I am currently creating?

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Re-size Form And Re-size Richtextbox At Same Time

Jul 23, 2009

How can i resize the form and resize the richtextbox at the same time...(height)We know tht the difference is 18... if you look from up-to-down...u have 18 pxls of free space and everything else is the rtb... The real size:[code]

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Change Color Of One Word When Appending Text To RichTextBox

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to change the color of one word when appending text to a Rich text box. So if I append the sentence "This is a sentence with a specific word in one color" The entire thing will be in black except for the word "specific" it will be in red or any color I choose. The same thing will happen if the next line appended is "Please be specific in your request". All back except for the word "specific". I don't want the text added then someone has to click a button to change the color. It should happen as it's appended.

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.net - WPF RichTextBox - Iterate Through The Text's Words And Change Their Content And Formatting?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a WPF RichTextBox which contain in its FlowDocument both text and images. I need to iterate through the text's words (those which builds the text which the user see on the screen) and change their content and formatting. For instance, change the word "room" to the word "home", applying to the last a red color.

I need to change words whether they are formatted or unformatted.For instance, if a word is in Italic, colored, or just regular black text, it makes no difference for me.Each word will be replaced with one which have about identical length, so I don't want that this operation will effect the general page layout. All images and other objects should remain at their positions.It is preferred that the process of this operation will not be visible to the user. Only its result should be visible (i.e, no visible selections of text).If this operation can be done either directly on the FlowDocumet or with properties/methods of the RichTextBox, the simple one is preferred (but exmaples for both will be ideal).

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RichTextBox,: Pass Fontname To Function To Change Selected Text?

Oct 14, 2010

I've been trying to convert my VB6 code to VB10, I'm stuck on how I should write it so I can pass a font name to my

function, So far this is what I have and not sure where to go from here. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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User Resizeable TextBox - Change Size Of Text Box At Run Time

Jun 16, 2010

I am running a program that needs to allow the user to be able to change the size of a text box at run time. I know I need to use the MouseDown, mouseMove, and mouseUp events. I just need some help with the coding to send the information.

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VS 2010 Combo Boxes Text Hilighted On Form Font Size Change

Jun 17, 2012

In VB10/win forms project, when I change the forms font size the form and all the controls on the form get larger or smaller, OK great! The problem is the combo boxes then appear with their text highlighted. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong, simple example..


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Will Modifying Shared Methods Change The Class That Reference Them

Jun 4, 2011

I'm wondering what will actually change a class, in the sense that serialized objects of this class will no longer be recognized. If the class has reference to shared methods of another class. Will changing such shared methods also change the classes that reference them?

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IDE :: Font Dynamically Change Size To Be As Large As Possible Without Overflowing The Fixed Label Size

May 3, 2009

I have a label which appears full screen on a projector (VGA 2). In this label I will be sending strings. Some one liner's, some wrapped paragraphs. Some multi-line with carrage returns. My goal is to have the font dynamically change size to be as large as possible without overflowing the fixed label size.

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Modifying Program Means Modifying One Aspects

Mar 16, 2011

Locality Not repeating code..Modifying program means modifying one aspects.

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