Change Visibility Of A Frozen Object?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm trying to optimize my WPF/ program, and I'm considering freezing some objects. However, while I know that an object that is animated in any way cannot be frozen, I need to know...can you change the visibility of a frozen object?

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Animating The Visibility Change?

Jun 17, 2012

[URL]I've found this, but I wanted to know if there is an equivilant for Windows Forms?At the moment changing a panel to .visibility = false just doesn't look at smooth as I'd like... so is there a way?

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Change The Visibility Of Controls On Timer?

Dec 31, 2010

How to change the visibility of controls on timer

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Create An Instance Of A Text Box And Given The Name Of Another, Change The Visibility?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a hash table which contains the names of all my textboxes in my program. Then I have a function which takes in a string name of the text box and searches a the list of keys for the name. Once this name is found I would like to use the instance of the text box to be assigned the name of my target and change the visibility. Whereas if it isn't found I would like to ensure that the visibility is set to false with this instance of the textbox.

Private Sub HideBoxes(ByVal strName As String)
Dim thisTEXT As TextBox
For Each objKey In Hash.Keys
If objKey.ToString = strName Then


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Slow Action On Visibility Change Of Textbox/ComboBox/DateTimePicker

Aug 10, 2009

I populate a hash table with the name of a control as the key and the control itself as the value using the following code that loops through my code on start-up:

Private Sub Populate_Hash_Table()
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
For Each member As Control In ctrl.Controls


This method works effectively, but the only problem is I seem to get a preformance hit as it takes a second to set the current control to false and the new one's visibility to true. What way should I modify my code so that it works more efficiently?

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Disable/Change Visibility Of Large Number Of Text Boxes Quickly And Efficiently On Form

Aug 6, 2009

I have a form which contains a large number of textboxes covering numerous panels/tab controls and I would like to have the user only have one text box visible at a given time and when the user clicks on the screen to another label with a corresponding text box I would like that to appear and the other currently open to disappear. Currently I have the following loop that goes through and changes the visibility of the appropriate controls unless it is the name of the control I am looking for:

'This is used to iterate through all the controls in the form and ensure the visibility of all other controls
' than the active control is set to false.


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.net Get Frozen When Try To Create New Table

Feb 5, 2009

I do not know what happen to my program. there is one table, if i want to view its properties, .net get frozen...try to create new also gets frozen..

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Application Gets Frozen With Udp Receive

Feb 2, 2009

I'm trying to make an application that shows the status of hl2 gameservers.I have to send a datagram to gameserver and receive a datagram from it.[code]...

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Frozen While The Application Is Running?

Oct 4, 2011

So I'm writing this VB.NET application, and it's doing things. But whenever I press a button to start some process, it does what it does except I can't click the window until it's finished. Otherwise the whole thing freezes. This essentially stops me from doing more than 1 thing at a time, because if I click another button (or anywhere) when something's running, it just freezes my program.

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VB Form Has Frozen / Locked - Button Didn't Appear

Apr 21, 2011

I'm sorta newish to VB.Net programming, and in the program I'm working on (VB Express 2010, Windows 7) its as if everything has frozen. When I make changes to the code or the designer view, then run/debug the program, the changes don't get saved. For example, I put a random button on the form, saved it, ran it, and when I ran it, the button didn't appear.

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VS 2010 System.messaging Queue Frozen While Message.receive

Jun 12, 2012

This is the first time I have used this messaging library and used some example code to implement it. The first time I ran it it worked perfectly but I abruptly stopped the code since my parsing method seemed wrong. So when I restarted it, the code freezes at the following line:


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Object Scope - Lose The Object In Selected Date Change Event In Calendar

Oct 18, 2010

If I declare my object at the beggining of my page class, and instantiate it in a dropdownlist selected_index change event. Shouldn't this object be available thru out the entire page and also persist thru a postback? I lose the object in my selected date change event in my calendar.


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MakeTextbox Visibility?

Jan 30, 2012

i am trying to do an assignment and trying to figure out the best way to implement it. My problem is i am telling sub-procedures to make this textbox visible and not visible depending on the selected change index. Is there anything wrong? In the form the visble property is set to false, but shouldnt it become visible when the index is changed?

'Developer- John Nelson
'Date- Janurary 30th, 2012
'Application Name- Calculate Your Commute


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Can't Use Picturebox When Visibility Is Set To False?

Mar 30, 2011

I am not sure why I can't use pictureboxes when its visibility is set to false?? While the picturebox is not hidden, as part of my game I want the user to be able to guess where the picturebox is which means by clicking on it, it should trigger an event but even when I set this event, nothing happens. When visibility is set to true then the event triggers.

I want to be able to trigger events even if visibility is set to false,

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IFrame Visibility In Vs2010?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there any way to set the visibility of an iFrame dynamically?

Tried researching on the web but couldnt find any.

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Changing Visibility Of Objects Without Using MDI Forms?

Nov 26, 2009

Currently my program randomly removes words from a set of text and inserts textboxes below the text. The user can then enter his/her answers in the new textboxes. What I would like to do is set the program so the user can have two choices one being Easy and other being Advanced. Then when the user hits either button it brings up everything that is currently on the form. I'd prefer to do this without having to use MDI forms. I've had a hard time using the MDI forms and therefore would like to avoid using them. They way I was thinking this could work is all objects would remain invisible except for the 2 buttons and then when you hit one of them they disappear and everything else appears.

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Checking The Visibility Of A New Form Instance?

Jul 18, 2012

I am using VB.Net 2003 (version 1.1) and I am attempting to open some forms with:

Dim myform As New FormX
If myform.Visible = False Then
End If

Problem is, no matter what, a New instance of the form opens. How do I check if an instance of myform is already open?

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Control Label Visibility Dynamically?

Dec 7, 2008

I've been working at this for hours, and I'm completely stumped. There may be a more elegant way to do what I want, but I can't find it in my reference books or online. I have a form that has 64 labels corresponding to 64 unique locations on a map. Each of the labels contains one character, a ●. The program determines, randomly, if these is something in those locations.'m using a For... next loop to step through each location and determine if there is something there.My question is how do I turn off the label in the form without resorting to some 64 choice Select Case statement (or something similar).

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Control The Visibility Of Movieclip Property?

Apr 23, 2012

how to control the visibility of movieclip property from


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Databinding Visibility Property Of A Textbox?

Nov 27, 2010

I seem to be having a problem binding the visibility property of a textbox to a database value using the advanced binding property.I found this article (BUG: Inconsistent behavior when you bind the Visible property of a Windows Form control to a Boolean field) stating there is a bug in some ol

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False Labels Visibility For Few Seconds

Mar 30, 2009

I just want some labels' visibility to be false until a few seconds pass, and then be visible.

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Javascript - Toggle Dropdownlist Visibility

Dec 30, 2009

i have a dropdownlist in aspx ( that i have 2 dropdownlists. i want to show the second dropdownlist based on the value of first one. they are data wise interconnected, so if after selecting a certain record in first, if the second one has more than one record, the dropdownlist should be visible, else it should remain hidden. am sure this can be done with javascript, but i just dont know how.

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Label Visibility Not Showing On Textbox

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to add a little functionality to my textboxes by making a label show when the values of the textbox are greater than a certain amount. The method is working, but only works on certain values (between >8 and 10) and I can't figure out why it won't work on values greater than 10.

Private Sub Submit1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit1.Click
Dim sum As Double
If hrs1.Text <> "" Then
[Code] .....
I've also set the visibility of the labels to false in the onload event of the form.

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Set Visibility Of GridView Columns In Program?

Mar 27, 2009

Well i have a list of objects List<UserDC> now i would want to display this in some kind of grid so i tryed the GridView[code]...

this just gives me a exception ArgumentOutOfRangeException how do i make it generate the columns before it displays the list so i can filter out those that i dont want?

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Using Links And Anchors To Toggle Visibility

Mar 3, 2009

I have a page which is used to display numerous forms for the user to fill out and get reports generated. Each of these forms is inside it's own ASP:Panel control so that I can toggle the visibility of the form (so that only those with appropriate permissions get access to the reports they are allowed to).

The client has now requested a "table of contents" like area on the page with hyperlinks pointing to each of the forms (so that they don't have to spend time scrolling the page to find the particular report form they want). This is easy to accomplish using standard <a href="#Area"> and <a id="Area"> tags. What I am now looking for is a way that would allow me to hide the links of reports that the user does not have access to.

I was first thinking of using the ASP:LinkButton control, but I do not want any postbacks to occur from clicking the links (that would be very unnecessary). Are there any other methods I could use to accomplish the same goal? I am looking for something which would make it easy for me to toggle the visibility of the corresponding link at the same time I am toggling the visibility of the panels containing the report forms (done now from the code-behind).

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Visibility Of Static / Shared Members

Dec 30, 2009

I have faced with a situation in VB.NET and C# (.NET2) with the visibility of the static/shared members. It seems to me a little strange in VB.NET:

public class A {
private static A instance;
public static A Instance {
get { return instance; }
} public string Name { get { } }}
[Code] .....
Shared member behaves like a class public one I can repeat it to infinite..

View 3 Replies - Setting A DataBound Items Visibility To False?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a GridView with a load of data in, there is an ID associated to the data that I would not like to be visible to the users. All worked fine when all the cells were visible, but as soon as I change the ID DataBound column to false, when I try to access the item in code I get "" instead of it's actual value (that worked perfectly when it was visible).

Is there a reason for this? If not, how should I be approaching this?

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Changing Visibility Of Picturebox With Timer Tick?

Jun 10, 2012

I have a timer that on tick checks to see the value of a an element in an array using a counter on another form as well. The picture boxes are initially set to false for visible and they should become true when the timer ticks and the element is equal to 1. I know that the pictureboxes have a valid picture in them because if I initialize them as TRUE first, it shows up properly. I also know that I am entering the IF statement because I can put a simple MsgBox with any string in the IF statement and it will display when the requirements are set. But yet the pictureboxes still do not change.

Public Sub test_timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles test_timer1.Tick
If tron.left_arm_full(tron.left_all_on_counter) = 1 Then


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Forms :: Databinding Visibility Property Of A Textbox?

Dec 5, 2009

I seem to be having a problem binding the visibility property of a textbox to a database value using the advanced binding property.

I found this article (BUG: Inconsistent behavior when you bind the Visible property of a Windows Form control to a Boolean field) stating there is a bug in some older versions of the .net framework.

Does anyone know if this has been fixed in 4.0?

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Forms :: Programmatically Setting Controls Visibility?

Nov 9, 2009

I have a panel with 5 labels and 5 listviews in it. By default they are hidden. At runtime I want only the ones shown that are needed. For example, if there are enough players for three tables then three tables should show up. I know how to make the controls visible, but not sure how to control how many are actually displayed. I also think I may have to do seperate loops and seperate the control types?

Private Sub Set_Tables()
Dim tables As Long
tables = Math.Ceiling(NumPlayers / NumPerTable)


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