Changing ListView With TreeView?

May 3, 2010

I have an explorer skeleton to which I have added roots and nodes in the TreeView. How do I change the contents of the ListView depending on what in the TreeView is selected? In the Code below I have three roots in my TreeView and some default items in the ListView

Private Sub LoadTree()
' TODO: Add code to add items to the treeview
Dim tvRoot As TreeNode
Dim tvNode As TreeNode


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Forms :: TreeView - Changing Download Link For Button

Oct 18, 2011

I am working with buttons I have A treeview that when you click on a node it changes the text in textboxes and I need it to change the command the button does. So when a user clicks a node it changes text in 3 text boxes and changes the download link for the button. As you can see from the code all works fine but I need to use a button to download stuff and I dont know how the download code is

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile _
("[URL]", _

That's what I need the button to do
Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Dim filePath As String
filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Treeview Nodes - Changing Node Names

Feb 10, 2012

Anybody here work with Nodes is a TreeView? I have a tree structure and need to enable editing to the selected Node. I have a String Variable where the enduser can Type in a new Folder name, click ok and the structure gets made. But I need the Node Name to follow suit. The only way I know how to enable editing is:


View 6 Replies - Changing Repeater Label On Treeview Selected Node Change?

May 21, 2012

I have a repeater control with item template like this:

<table width="70%">
<tr id="rowSIC" runat="server">
<td width="10%">


I have a treeview on this page of which each node has and Id and value. on selected node change event, I want to change the text of repeater selected node. I am writing code like this:

Protected Sub TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged
Dim EmployeeRepeater As Repeater = CType(Me.Form.Controls(1).FindControl("Repeater1"), Repeater)
Dim EmployeeRepeaterItem As RepeaterItem


But It is not chagging MyLabel text. How to fix it ? Both treeview and repeater are populated in !Page.Ispostback event?

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Treeview Output To Listview?

Aug 6, 2009

While i'm still trying to debug my treeview code, i guess now would be a great time to ask how to get the information that i click onto a listview.

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VS 2010 Treeview And Listview In One?

Mar 6, 2011

i'm looking for a control that is a listview but also acts like a treeview. What I want is f.e.:

+ Item1 description1 information1
-item1b descriptionb informationb
-item1c descriptionc informationc
+ Item2 description2 information2

By clicking on Item1, item1b and 1c must be hidden or showed...

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Add An Explorer Form with A Listview And Treeview

Nov 20, 2009

I'm trying to add an explorer form with a listview and treeview.My problem is when i select a node on the treeview.I want its child nodes to appear on the listview. They must appear with the images i have in the treeview as well.

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How To Delete Item In ListView And TreeView

Nov 15, 2011

I have a form to manage student. When I add, the data appear on ListView and TreeView at the same time and the same data. Everything works perfectly.

But one proble about Delete button. I choose the line from the ListView and Delete it. The ListView delete the item perfectly. But I don't know how to delete the item on ListView and automatically delete the item on the TreeView.

Note: When you insert the data to ListView and TreeView. When you fill the information into the textbox. Remember after that choose class on TreeView and Click BUTTON ADD.

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TreeView And ListView Click Event

May 10, 2010

I have an explorer-like form with a TreeView and a ListView. I have finally figured out how to populate the the ListView based on the selected node, but when I am debugging, I click on a node, and the ListView doesn't change. I have to single click twice on the node for it to work. What could be my issue? I have included the code from my sub below.

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Dim newSelected As TreeNode = e.Node
Dim subItems() As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
[Code] .....

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Display Selected TreeView Nodes In ListView?

Jul 8, 2011

[URL] for example...when i click the folder in the TreeView, the ListView will display all the items in the folder....but how to write the coding

coding for TreeView
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
GetFolders(Nothing, "c:users", TreeView1)
End Sub


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Find A Control That Combines Treeview / Listview

Dec 14, 2010

after a week of trying to find a control that combines the Treeview/Listview, a so-called TreeListView, I gave up. The ones I found are either buggy or have too many features (making them heavy).The best way for my personal needs is probably to use an ownerdrawn Listview and doing the indentation (expanding/collapsing) myself.There are a few problems:

1) I can't get the Plus/Minus images to show properly. If I expand a 'node' and collapse it, then the Plus image doesn't show. If I expand two 'nodes', then the Minus image of the first expanded 'node' becomes a Plus image again.

2) Clicking the Plus and then Minus image too fast causes weird flashing behaviour of the 'node' expading/collapsing.

3) Somehow I need to be able to update the Listview in real-time. I know I can use ListView.RedrawItems to refresh a single row, but I need some kind of structure to know which 'nodes' have been expanded. When a 'node' gets expanded, then everything below gets a different index.

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How To Display Selected TreeView Nodes In ListView

Jan 21, 2012

for example...when i click the folder in the TreeView, the ListView will display all the items in the folder....but how to write the codingcoding for TreeView

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
GetFolders(Nothing, "c:users", TreeView1)


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Sharing Functions Between ListView And TreeView Dynamically?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a small problem with a list view and tree view. When i click on the first child node a form opens. Because my listview is populated dynamically when i click on treeview, i want the listview itemes to inherit the function of the treeview. For example, instead of cliking the treenode in the tree view to open a form i will click the list view item and the form opens.

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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Populate Listview File From Accompanying TreeView Of Directories

Jul 20, 2009

This is a follow-up questions to the following post: [URL]

Below (Example 2) is working code for populating a treeview with directories only down to 1 level. Note just directores are added- No files. I want to add a Listview control beside my treeview and have the Listview populated with the "files" from the selected node in the treeview. This would fire off the NodeMouseClick event of the treeView. I have used Example 1 (NodeMouseClick) before with other code that I have. However, I cannot get the code to work with the Example 2 code below

how to change the Example 1 code to work with Example 2?

Example 1
Private Sub treeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) _


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Changing Color Of A Subitem In Listview?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a listview that I want to display financial transactions. If the amount is a negative number I'd like to display that item in red.s code I have so far (not all columns displayed yet).

Private Sub LoadTransactions()
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim fdl As New FinanceDataLayer(CONN_STRING)


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Changing Items In Listview From Another Window?

Feb 19, 2010

How do i change the values inside a listview after inputing some values from another window. The window with the list view doesn't close. There is a button where you can open another window that will store a value in a variable. then after closing the 2nd window, (ok button) how will the value appear?

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Changing Listview Column Color?

Oct 22, 2011

Is it possible to programatically change the color of entire listview columns (vertical)? I know it's possible to change the color of entire rows (horizontal): ListView1.Items(priceRow).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(87, 68, 34) Changing the properties (forecolor, backcolor) in the listview collection editor did nothing.

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Forms :: Select TreeView Node By ListView Selected Item?

Mar 23, 2010

I have been playing with, and researching, this all day and can't figure it out. I have a Windows Explorer style form with a TreeView and a ListView. I've populated the TreeView with directories and when a node is selected, the ListView fills with the contents of the directory associated with that node. No problem there, but I want to be able to select a directory in the ListView and automatically select the associated node in the TreeView, just like it works in Windows Explorer. All the information I've found online tells me how to populate the ListView from the TreeView, but I haven't found any good examples of how to populate the TreeView from the ListView.


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VS 2008 Changing Colour To Listview Selection?

Nov 28, 2009

Is there any way to change the default colour to the highlight when a listview row is selected? Apparently the default blue colour causes some problems for some users who have some visual eyesight problems. They didn't tell me what colour they wanted but they did indicated the blue is annoying.

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VS 2010 - Changing Colour Of Certain Cell In ListView Column2

Jul 6, 2011

I am making a diary Form in VB.NET to do this I am using a listview with two columns.
Column 1 consists of a list of time and column 2 is the description
Can I change the colour of certain cells in column 2 only. So when I read in the data from the database it reads in the description and then puts the data in the relevant time slot but I want the recent cells of the description column to be a different colour.

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Inheriting Class Or Control - ListView, TreeView - Distinguish Between Built-in Methods/property/events

May 15, 2012

When inheriting class or control e.g. ListView, TreeView, etc..., what is the best way to distinguish between built-in methods/property/events and mine?

Currently, i start my methods/property/events with "aa" in order to make them at the top of auto complete list.

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Form With A Treeview And A Listview - When Deleting Multiple Files A Confirmation Message Box Pops Up For Each File Selected

Oct 27, 2009

I have a form with a treeview and a listview. The treeview lists the folders on your system and listview shows the files in the selected folder, similar to windows explorer. I have a delete button for deleting files.

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lv1.SelectedItems.Count - 1
Dim csi As CShItem = lv1.SelectedItems(i).Tag


When deleting multiple files a confirmation message box pops up for each file selected. I would like to have it come up once and ask 'Are you sure you want to send these 'x' files to the recycle bin?' where 'x' is the number of files selected.

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Treeview To List Folders Then Display The Folders Context In A Listview?

Sep 22, 2010

I have seen lots of examples with a treeview to list folders then display the folders context in a listview.

But what id like is a checked treeview, that not only displays the folder list, but the actually folder contents as well.

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Treeview - Display The Selected Contents Of Treeview Into The Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a treeviev and listbox.i want to display the selected contents of treeview into the code is working for file but not for folder. means i want, if the all contents of folder ABC(i.e all files) are selected then in listbox i want to show the only path of folder not the seperate path of each file.

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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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Forms :: RichTextBox - Changing Font Size Without Changing Families And Styles

Sep 21, 2010

I'm searching for a way to change the font size of selected text in a RichTextBox (rtf) having different font families (e.g. Arial and MS SansSerif) and font styles (underline, bold...) using the FontDialog, but without changing the families and styles. The following code resets all the font attributes, which is not what I want:


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Adding Nodes To Treeview From Another Treeview?

Oct 25, 2011

i have a treeview say TV1 and another Treeview Say TV2.. Now TV1 Contains all nodes for user rights. and i want to add to tv2 only selected nodes.Like TV1 is

Node 1

....Child of Node 1 (Level 2)

.........Child of Child of Node 1 (Level 3)

what i want is that when i select Level3 Node it should chek TV2 for the parent of this node. if parent exist it should add the node under the same parent. if parent does not exist it should check for Level 1 Node and if it exist it should add Level 2 Node and then Level 3 Node. Otherwise it should add Level 1 , Level 2 and then Level 3 Nodes in order.

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Populating A TreeView From A TreeView Instance

Sep 13, 2010

I have a class, let's call MyClass. In this class, I have a TreeView property let's call myTreeView..In my code, I populate the Nodes of this TreeView so I can use it later on.Then, when it's time to actualy use it, I haven't been able to take all the nodes from myClass and put them in a Tree View Control on my form.[code]The weird thing is that when debugging, the TreeView in MyClass is well populated with the proper values and in the loop, newNode isn't empty, there's actually something but for some reason it's not showing anything.

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VS 2008 - TreeView Populate The TreeView.nodes With The Default Nodes Via Properties

Mar 14, 2010

I'm running out of walls to bang my head against. Okay new windows form with a textbox, button and TreeView Populate the TreeView.nodes with the default nodes via properties


I want to click button1 and have the name of the childnode? Node3? placed in the textbox. Not via selection, I can do that. But via index or item number. The code I have is as follows


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