Changing ToolStripMenuItem Enabled Property Based On Successful Login?

Nov 8, 2011

What I've done so fa

Private Sub LogInToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles LogInToolStripMenuItem.Click


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.net - Bind To The Enabled Property Of A ToolStripMenuItem

May 31, 2012

I'm trying to do MVP where I have a view specific model that the presenter manipulates and the view binds to. There is no other connection between the presenter and view (the view fires off commands to the domain model via a gateway type pattern).

As you can guess, this makes the ability to bind to any property of any object really important.

I'm having trouble finding the correct way to bind to the Enabled property of a ToolStripMenuItem. Most controls have a .DataBindings property, but this one seems to lack it. I haven't found much info online about how to do this. Is it even possible?

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.net - Confirm Successful Login?

Jul 27, 2011

The code i have so far inputs the users username and pas that they inputted into 2 textboxes. Next the user hits login and it submits the info. Here is where i have a problem. Some users are already logged in when they get to the site, this is a problem because i need to make sure they are logging in correctly. Here comes another problem, lets say they log in correctly, how can i know that the login was successful?


1) How can i find out if the user is already logged in so i can log them out.

2) If they are not logged in, and they log in successfully. how can i confirm that?

If there is any other way to login without web browsers?

'Code to enter the user and pass into the webpage
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("Username").InnerText = TextBox1.Text
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("Password").InnerText = TextBox2.Text
'Code to click login on the webpage

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Changing The Color Of All The ToolStripMenuItem On A Windows Form

Dec 24, 2011

How do you change Color of all the ToolStripMenuItem on a Windows form. It seems as though you can't.

Here is the code that fails

For Each a In Me.ToolStripItems Then
a.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(InterfaceColor)
a.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(LabelColor)

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HTTPWebRequest Login - Cookies Not Enabled

Feb 2, 2009

I'm trying to log into a website using httpwebrequest but website tells me that cookies are not enabled. I do have this,
Dim cookieCont As CookieContainer = New CookieContainer
Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL)
Request.CookieContainer = cookieCont

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.NET WinForm - Tab Sequence And .Enabled Property?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a situation with several TextBox controls on a WinForm. "Rules" are processed on the Leave event of one TextBox (TextBox1) which can disable or enable the very next textbox in the tab sequence. It appears that if the "rule" disables the next textbox, focus remains on the prior textbox. In this case, the focus is in the wrong place AND, if user clicks "{TAB}" again, no events fire for TextBox1. I am looking for a solution that does NOT require hard-coded knowledge of the tab sequence to make tab navigation (and events) work properly. See small code sample below that demonstrates the problem:

private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text == "bob") // simulating a "rule"


The problem was first identified because of rules triggered in a class entity that was "bound" to the form controls, but data binding does not seem important to the symptoms.Is this a quirk/limitation of the WinForm event model?Rhino907

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Strategy To Override Enabled Property Of A User Control?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a usercontrol with a picturebox and a few buttons related to it, such as LoadFromFile, Paste and Zoom (that last one pops up a new form). Is there a way to override the basic Enabled property of the usercontrol so that I can keep the Zoom button active all the time, while turning off the other buttons?

I realize there are 2 "obvious" replies. don't do Enabled=False, create a custom method. do everything in the one form, not a usercontrol, so you can pick and choose disabling. Both are less than ideal, given that I'm putting this control into a couple of existing forms, so I'd like to work around how those forms already behave. So is there a way to override the behavior of my usercontrol when it gets disabled? What would be my best strategy?

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AJAX Enabled WCF Service Fails If Date Property Is DateTime.MinValue

May 2, 2012

If a AJAX-Enabled WCF should return an Object with a Date Property which is Nothing a Request to this Service fails.[code]Chrome displays on this call the following error message: "failed to load resource".Has anyone an explanation/idea for this behaviour and how are you supposed to prevent this problem?

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Loop Through Toolstripmenuitem Child Of Toolstripmenuitem?

May 26, 2009

i want to loop through toolstripmenuitem child of toolstripmenuitem but i dont fine yet :

For Each mnu As ToolStripMenuItem In Trangchu.MenuStrip1.Items
For Each mnu2 As ToolStripMenuItem In mnu ( red word is error ) Please show me)

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Changing EXE Name Based On Compilation Constant

Sep 21, 2011

I have a project in VB.NET 2010 (compiling to x86, .NET 2.0 runtime) that I want to compile into two separate EXEs - a "lite" version and a "full" version. Unfortunately I cannot make two separate projects as it uses the Adobe Reader COM control - and sharing a form using that control between two projects seems to confuse the IDE (something to do with COM Interop, I assume - if someone knows how to share a form hosting the adobe reader control, that would solve my problem too).

I have found this thread: C#: VS.NET: Change name of exe depending on conditional compilation symbol however I don't have any MSBuild experience so I need more explicit instructions. On the "My Project>Compile" tab there is a "Build Events..." button. I was wondering if anyone knows how to set a conditional compilation constant and use that to determine the EXE name (or change it after build). If all else fails I can rename the EXE manually I suppose, but I'd prefer it to be automated.

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Changing SQL Queries Based On Various Conditions?

Apr 16, 2012

deal with ever changing SQL queries based on various conditions? i am using Cmd.BindByName = True so it doesn't need to be in an ordered way when adding parameters. Just that this is the hectic way of doing the update SQL ..or even worse insert SQL/I favor doing parameters instead of using stored procedure bcoz i find it faster by using parameters .

SQLStr.Append("Update Table set col1 = :time ")
Cmd.Parameters.Add("time" , OracleDbType.Varchar2)
Cmd.Parameters("time").value = "xxx"


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C# - Show Text Based On Login?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a login page and I am capturing not just user's username and password, I am also capturing whether the user who has visited us has voted or not.I have put all of this into session variables:If the user is successfully logged in, the user is taken to a menu page.So far so good.On the menu page, I have a link that says, Please click here to register.I have been asked to show the link only if the user has not registered.So, my initial approach is to have this bit on the page_load() event of menu page.If session.Item("voted") = "1" Then 'User has voted Show the user the message that says, Thanks for your vote" Else 'otherwise show the user the registration link end if?

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Get The User Name Based On Login Id From The Same Database?

Apr 10, 2012

how to display the user name based on successful login id i have one database table name: UserMark in the table:


i have login.aspx page which required me to enter login id and password, if sql success, it will redirect the page to home.aspx however, at the home. aspx page required to display the full name based on login id.i place the code on login button

Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
strSQL = "SELECT LoginID FROM UserMark WHERE LoginID='" & oCommon.FixSingleQuotes(txtEmail.Text) & "' AND Pwd='" & oCommon.FixSingleQuotes(txtPassword.Text) & "'"


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Changing A Label Value Based On Selection In A Listbox?

Dec 11, 2009

Just wondering if someone can at least point out where I'm going wrong here. I've already got the code to populate the listbox by a button click from the user and am just trying to figure out how exactly to alter the text of a label based on what the user selects in the listbox. From what I have the Label will display the case else selection but nothing else despite my best efforts to get it to change. Here is what I've tried. I realize it is very trivial, but I am only a beginner to programming.


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Changing Band Color In DGV Based On Column Value?

Aug 29, 2011

Attempting to set a color on a data row in my DGV if the value is True. As of now it changes all rows.


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.net 1.1 - Start-up Window Changes Based On App.config Setting - Changing ?

Feb 24, 2009

I have this VB.Net 1.1 project that I have to make some changes to. There is a flag in the App.config file. If it is false, the page just loads a splash screen and runs the program normally. If it is true it first opens a login window. VB.Net is not something I've ever worked with before. I can't for the life of me figure out where the logic for the picking the startup object is. In the property pages, Main.vb is always set as the startup object, but that's not even the window that loads up when the flag is false, it always comes after the splash screen.

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Changing TextBox Text Based On Selected Value In Listbox?

Oct 12, 2011

When a SelectedIndex in a ListBox is changed I would like a textbox below the listbox that gives a description to be populated with the value from a description field in SQL.I have the following code so far, but I get an error that says "Must declare the scalar variable "@ReportName"


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Dynamic - Changing The Value In A Different Text Boxes With 1 Function Based On Name?

Jan 1, 2012

I have done this in Php with a function before. I just don't know how to do it in VB.I have a character sheet creator for a game I am making. What I am wanting to do is write a single function, where in you click on a button and it will pass the text box name (so that it knows which text box to edit), as well as the value inside of the text box (to make sure that the new character stat ceiling is taken into account).

Private Sub Button_Click
End Sub[code].....

Essentially, I need to know what to put for noidea, and noidea2, like, byval or byref or what?

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How To Handle Login/logout With Role Based Access

Jun 29, 2011

I have the membership provider setup and its currently pointing to a SQL database on my machine. The role based access works and I have a menu that is security trimmed. The user can only get to pages that they have access to.When an anonymous user tries to get to a page that they dont have access to it brings them to a login page so that they can login. That is fine. But when a logged in user tries to get to a page they dont have access to(Usually by typing in a URL) it brings them to the login page again asking them to login(except there already logged in. I'd like to either take them to a different page or somehow tell them they don't have access.

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Login Form Update Textbox Based On Combobox?

Mar 30, 2011

i have a login form that works ok. but i need to insert a textbox in it that has to be filled with the real username based on combobox selection. following the code for the login window. That code works OK.

Dim conn_login As SqlClient.SqlConnection
conn_login = New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
conn_login.ConnectionString = "Data Source=SQL;Initial Catalog=orcamento;Persist


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VS 2008 - Changing Mouse Position Coords Based On Form?

Oct 18, 2011

Basically I want to move my mouse to the coords that is received based on the location of a certain coloured pixel. I can get the coords of the pixel but when using them on mouse position, the mouse position is based on the entire screen rather than the form. How could I change the position coords based on the form rather than the entire screen. E.G. If a certain coloured pixel is 2,2 in a form and I put that as the mouse position, it would go outside the form but I dont want that. I want it to hover of the pixel coords

This is my
Dim bmp As Bitmap = DirectCast(PictureBox1.Image, Bitmap)
For x As Integer = 0 To bmp.Width - 1
For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
If bmp.GetPixel(x, y) = (Color.FromArgb(108, 90, 60)) Then
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position =
End If

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Changing An Unexposed Property?

Dec 16, 2009

I am using a custom built driver to communicate via Modbus TCP with a Windows CE Controller.

There is a property declared in the driver as a SHORT. I need this property declared as a LONG. I have tried everything I know of to change this programmatically but I am having no luck.

' Declared in the class
Dim dev As vHMIModbusMaster.CDevice 'this is the Modbus Comm Library
Dim WithEvents MBSerial As vHMIModbusMaster.CModbusSerial
Dim WithEvents MBEthernet As vHMIModbusMaster.CModbusEthernet


Address is sent to the event from a timer event. It is the .Memory_StartAddress that I need to be a long.

I come from a VB6 background and have only recently started using .net. The developer of the driver has been very slow to respond and I am having a hard time convincing him that the problem is with his code. The thing is that it works fine as long as I send an address less than 32767.

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Changing Name Property Of A Button--Already In Use

Feb 3, 2011

I have a form which has ONLY three buttons. Somehow they got named Button5, Button6, and Button7.

When I try to rename them Button1, Button2 and Button3 to match code, I get a Dialog box which, if I look at Details, says the Button name is already in use.

Is there something I can do to enable the renaming?

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Create A Login Screen Based On A Table In An Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I have made an Access database complete with a report/form UI, however I am now looking to take this further to Visual Basic. In my Access database I have a log-in form to access some secure reports. I am now trying to do the same thing in Visual Basic, with no luck. I have created the UI elements i.e. buttons and text boxes, but am now stuck at how to implement the code.What I want to do is make the login button check what's in the username/password boxes with a table in my Access database.

View 1 Replies - Listbox.SelectedIndex Is Not Changing After Some Asp Property Changes?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form with a dropdownbox two listboxes and two buttons on it. I removed a "select" button as I just used the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged, but the event would not fire until I used the suggestion from:Why DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire?

It involved changing the AutoPostBack='true' and EnableViewState="true" properties

So now the DropDownList works but with the two listboxes, the SelectedIndex stays as -1 and does not change even when selected.


I think it has something to do with post backs, page_load or the selectedindex changed event of the listbox, it worked perfectly before I made the modifications.

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Changing A Specific Property For Several Controls At Once?

Apr 24, 2012

Let's say I've got a TableLayoutPanel with 50 cells in it. Inside each cell is a separate text label. If I want to change the color of each of those 50 labels at run-time to the same color, is there an efficient way to do it? (so that I don't have to write 50 lines of LabelX.ForeColor = X, etc).

Not that I would mind writing 50 lines of code for this, but I would like to figure out the most efficient way to do this sort of thing, for future reference.

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Scroll Bar's SmallChange Property Not Changing?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to use a Vertical Scroll Bar to scroll through some controls (an array of checkboxes to be precise) on my form. Their number changes depending on the user's requirement during program execution so I need to change the Maximum value of the scroll bar in my code. Also, the SmallChange property needs to be modified depending on the set maximum value (other wise scrolling through the controls will take ages ).

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Assigning Value To Property In Login Form

Apr 11, 2012

I've got a property in my class that I have given the task of holding the username of the person that logged in and I would want to access that username in another form another time. How do I go about this?

This is the code for my property:
Private _LogInUser As String = String.Empty
Public Property LogINUserName() As String
Return _LogInUser
[Code] .....

This is how I am assigning my value to the property in my login form
'Private comm1 As CommManager = New CommManager' the new instance of the class
Dim sql As String = "SELECT reference,UserName,UserPassword,UserCompany FROM Users WHERE UserCompany = '" & cmbCompany.Text & "' "
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable
[Code] .....

How I expect to get my value
Label11.Text = comm1.LogINUserName

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C# - Showing Only Specified Property Based On Configuration?

Mar 2, 2012

Here's a question the popped in my mind: Is it possible to show only property(ies) based on what the user has passed parameter in the contructor? To make this question more clear, I'll illustrate a simple class with some properties.


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Changing Default Value Of A Property Of A Control (DataGridView)

Jan 12, 2012

I am inheriting my own datagridview (say MyDataGridView) from the standard datagridview control. What I want is that certain properties of MyDataGridView should have a different default value than what its base have. For example, AllowUserToAddRows,


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