Chart A Dataset Data?

Aug 17, 2011

How do you plot data from a dataset or datatable. I have loaded a dataset with data from the database and now cannot do the plotting. When I tried: myChart.dataContext=ds("myTable").defaultView, no chart shows. If I replace: dataContext with: dataSource, I get an error. I am using WPF not Windows Forms.

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Chart Control - Bind Data To Different Series From Tables In DataSet?

Nov 30, 2011

I think my subject sums up what I am interested in knowing. I am looking to create a chart where Series1 is from Table1, Series2 is from Table2 in the given Dataset. My code below doesn't throw any errors, but it appears to be grabbing the data for each series from the first table.

Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Public Class Form1
Public Sub New(ByVal ChartData As DataSet)
' This call is required by the designer.
[Code] .....

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Graph - Chart Axes - Connect The Data From The Array And Use It On The Chart

Mar 7, 2011

My requirement is to graph (scatter graph) data from 2 arrays. I can now connect the data from the array and use it on the chart. My question is, how do I set the graph's X- and Y- axes to show consistency in their intervals?


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Print Data Chart The Resolution Of The Chart Changed

Feb 17, 2012

When i'm tryed to print Data chart the resolution of the chart changed as shown:

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VSTO - Excel Chart, Subtitle For Chart - Access Chart Text Box From Code?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a chart in Excel that I'd like to use a subtitle on. There is no SubTitle Property on the chart object, so I looked in the Excel User interface and found that you can only create a sub-title by using a text box. The text box looks like its associated with the chart, not the worksheet, so how would I access that text box from code?

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Read Data Of A SQLite Database File And Chart Data Using Basic Bars, Pies, Lines?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm only getting started with VB.Net, using VB Express 2008.Using the System.Data.SQLite wrapper, I need to read data off a SQLite database file, and chart data using basic bars, pies, lines, etc. Nothing fancy.

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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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C# - MS Chart Customize Value Label And Draw Line Series Across The Chart Area

Aug 25, 2010

I'd like to get suggestion in both C# and VB.NET I created Chart like the following image:


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C# - Make XY Scatter-type Plot Chart Using Chart Control?

Jul 19, 2010

I have X and Y data columns coming from database.

I have to show scatter plot chart with Linear, Exponential, Log, power using chart control.

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VS 2008 Making Chart Form Txt File With Ms Chart Tool?

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying this example but it doesn't seem to work. It gives a IndexOutOfRangeException:I'm using a txt file where the columns are Tab seperated.)

Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Chart From Listbox Data?

Aug 7, 2011

I would like to create a chart into a VB .NET application by taking the data from a ListBox

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Displaying Data In A Chart?

May 21, 2010

Can someone show a beginner how to display data in a chart.I am using VB 2010 and my form displays a datagridview.The Datgridview has 2 fields. Date and numberfield.I would like to show the date along the bottom of a simple bar chart with each number from the numberfield above the relevant date

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Dynamically Add And/or Remove Chart Series From WinForm Chart?

Mar 23, 2012

How do I dynamically add or remove a chart series on a WinForm. To date all my MS Charting experience has been dealing with ASP.Net charts with static sql select statment to a SQL Database. In the new project that I have been assigned I have different cities with different amounts of points that they want monitored. One city might have 3 an another might have 5 or 7 so I can't hard code the amount of series that I need. It needs to be set up so the amount of series can be flexible depending on the city selected and then display those points on the chart.

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How To Make Chart Using Data From Database

May 17, 2011

i am making a window application using visual studio 2010 and i want to make charts daynimacilly using data from the database. how this can be done?

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Reset Data Values In A Chart?

Jun 12, 2011

I can't seem to get this code to refill the chart with new dat. The first time it executes, all is great, but when I change the year(numericupdown1.value) it adds a new set of data points instead of re-plotting the original set.

Private Sub FillChart()
'Fill Chart subroutine
Dim SoldMonth As Date


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Take XML Data And Create A Line Chart With It?

May 18, 2009

I have a program written in VB6/ and its supposed to calculate a set of numbers based on user input. From there the data is saved into an xml file. I want to be able to take the data from the xml file and draw a chart representing all the data. I found a tutorial that draws line graphs based on an predetermined array of data, but I need the program to take the data from an xml file.

Heres the code for the line drawing program:

Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class ViewChart


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Display Data Table For A Pie Chart In Excel?

May 17, 2012

I have an excel data and able to draw an pie chart from

I should be able to add the data table below the pie chart from

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Get Chart Scale To Resize When Data Updated?

Feb 28, 2012

What I have managed to do is currently display a chart with 3 bars on it linked to textboxes what have numerical values in them when the form is loaded. i.e TextBox1 has an initial value set in it's properties of 10, TextBox2 has a value of 20, TextBox3 has a value of 30.

When I run the program the graph displays these values correctly.

I have also got a button, Button1 which when pressed will plot the chart again, (so if I manually change the values in the TextBoxes after the form has loaded), it will display the new values via the bars.

The problem I have is that if if once the initial values have been plotted when the form loads, i.e. 10, 20 & 30, the Y axis of the chart has a maximum value of 35, so that all the initial values for the bars are shown. But if I change the values to say 15, 30, 80. and then press Button1 to update that bars to thier new values, the bars change but the one that show's 80 can not been seen fully as it goes off the chart, as the Y axis still only shows a maximum value of 35!

Does anyone know how to get the chart to resize to be able to display all the bar values within the chart each time the values are changed and the Button1 is pressed, whether it be reducing the graph for smaller values or enlarging the chart for higher values?

I am not 100% sure I am going about it in the correct way as I have not got any experience in using charts and am having to stuble about the net trying to find basic example code of how to setup and use a chart

My code so far is:

Imports System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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How To Link Data In Excel To Chart Object

Jun 23, 2011

How do I link data in an Excel spreadsheet to a chart object in Visual Basic 2010? Really basic here, I just want to draw a single simple line chart from a single column of data. Is it easier just to read the data into an array (which I can do) and somehow get it into the chart?

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ASP:Chart Control - Databind Pie Chart From Datatable

Apr 16, 2010

I've got a datatable with two columns "Status" (string) and "Total" (integer).

Status Total
Success 34
Missing 2
Failed 10

I want to databind this into a pie chart with each Status per slice but I'm not sure what method of data binder is required?

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Microsoft Chart Controls Runtime Chart?

Nov 5, 2010

I am using microsoft chart controls in The graph data currently comes from my database, but all the series and chart formats were made before runtime. I want to know how to make charts on runtime, being able to select the x axis from my dataset and multiple y columns from my dataset.

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MS Chart AxMSChart1 - Getting Chart To Display Labels

Jul 4, 2009

I can not figure out how to get the chart to display the labels. When I try and add labels, the lines get messed up. Also, if I try and do multiple lines it does not always work out very well. I tried different ColumnLabels and they behave very strange as well. What I want is to be able to have several lines. Each with their own label. And also, I want to specify text for each point at the very bottom of the graph. Let me know what suggestions you have. [Code]

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Pie Chart And Bar Chart Using .net Of Visual Studio 2005?

Apr 21, 2010

i wish to create line chart, pie chart and bar chart using of visual studio 2005.Second question is i wish to copy a few data into datagridview from microsoft office tools such as access or excel using shortcut key 'ctrl+C' and 'ctrl+V'.code to do the 2 functions above without installing additional tools?

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Creating A Excel Chart From Three Rows Of Information Data

Jun 5, 2011

I have this rather stupid litle excel issue which somehow just doesn't go away by itself;I'm creating a excel chart from three rows of information data. Each row has a header, so far so good. The first row exixt of calender data and I planned it to use them as my x-axis labeling. But somehow excel uses them as variables and changes them in to a third bar. Which is not what I had in mind when copied this litle piece of code.[code]

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Datagridview - Automatic Chart Update With New Data Entry

Jul 23, 2010

my chart loads data from a datagridview. how can i automatically update my chart with new data if new values are inserted into the datagridview.


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Generating Multiple Series For Chart From Same Data Source

Jul 6, 2011

I am importing data from an excel file, and it is stored in a dataset. The data is then filtered with a binding source, and that data is outputted into a datagridview. The filtered data in the datagridview contains data for 2 identification numbers. I want to graph each ID number in a chart on their own bar, in either a stacked bar graph, or a double bar graph.

I am having trouble assigning each series to an ID number: I have tried using multiple binding sources, but each seems to override the previous giving too much/too little data. I have tried using multiple datagridviews, however I cannot assign more than one datagridview as the datasource for the chart. The code I have pasted below outputs a double bar graph, however both bars graph the same ID number.

Private Sub dataButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dataButton.Click
Dim cnRange As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"data source='" & strFileName & "';" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0; IMEX=1; HDR=No;"""
'moApp.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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How To Link Data In Excel Spreadsheet To Chart Object

Jun 23, 2011

How do I link data in an Excel spreadsheet to a chart object in Visual Basic 2010? Really basic here....I just want to draw a single simple line chart from a single column of data. Is it easier just to read the data into an array (which I can do) and somehow get it into the chart?

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Reset / Clear An Existing Chart To Display New Data

Mar 26, 2012

I currently have a chart that plots lines of a changing value every time it is called via a timer.

Everything is running as I expected and I am happy, but now I want to be able to press a [STOP] button which will stop the timer and stop the graph from updating, (which I have coded and is now working OK), BUT I then want the code under this [STOP] button to clear everything from the graph, so when I re-start the timer, the graph is cleared and starts plotting fresh points on a clean graph.

The problem I currently have is that when I press the [STOP] button and then press the [START] button, the new lines that get plotted are "added" to the existing lines that are already on the chart, instead of having a new "blank" chart, with no data on it.

So what I am really asking is does anyone know if it is possible to reset a chart clearing everything off it so it is ready to start displaying fresh data?

I was hoping it was something like: "Chart1.Clear" or something simple like that, but I can't seem to find anything that will do it.

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