Check Valid E-mail Address?

Feb 2, 2011

I am developing client application I store client details with e-mail address. but I give permission to users to entry valid e-mail address of every client, In that case I will check valid e-mail address for that how to check the given valid e-mail address

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ADVERTISEMENT - Check That Email Address Is Valid For System.Net.Mail.MailAddress?

Aug 11, 2011

Currently, to avoid errors from being thrown up due to invalid email addresses, I do the following:

Dim mailAddress As MailAddress
mailAddress = New MailAddress("")
Catch ex As Exception
'Invalid email
End Try

However, rather than depending on Try..Catch, is there a way of validating that the email address will be 100% valid for the MailAddress type?I know there a plenty of regex functions out there for validating emails, but I'm looking for the function which the MailAddress type uses to validate its addresses.

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IP Address Filter Or Mask To Only Allow Valid IP Address Before Pinging Or Testing For Network Connection

Jul 6, 2011

Are there any IP Address filters or masks available in Windows Forms as per following screenshot? A backslash shouldn't be allowed or it should be filtered somehow.

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Add An E-mail Address To A Form?

Feb 28, 2011

Maybe I'm missing something simple, but I want to add a clickable 'To:' e-mail address to a form so that you can click it to loads a blank e-mail with the

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Get Address Book From Yahoo Mail Through NET?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to get friends list (from address book) from Yahoo Mail. How can I do do this in VB.NET?

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Validating E-mail Address In Textbox?

Apr 5, 2010

I would like to know if there is a simple way to validate an e-mail address? I have seen many ways that appear to use functions but I would like to use something simple because currently my error control is done like this:

If txtEmail.Text = "" Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(txtEmail, "You must enter your e-mail address.")
ErrorProvider1.SetError(txtEmail, "")

Is there a way to use the same type of syntax but instead of checking if the textbox is empty, check if it a valid e-mail address? I know the regular expressions can be used, but how in this circumstance?

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Get The Receiver E-mail Address From A MS Access DB's Column?

Dec 2, 2009

I am tring to get the receivers' e-mail address from a Ms access (mdb) database but I am failing. I had another thread but it started to get longer and I decided to open another one. Let's make a summary. Below is my VB code;

Imports System.Net.Mail
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net


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Specified String Is Not In Form Required For An E-mail Address

May 31, 2012

i am read the email address from the notepad using.[code]after that i assign the value to email.from.In debug mode, i traced and found the value assign in to mail.from is an valid email.. but ! the error still come out [code]

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The Specified String Is Not In The Form Required For An E-mail Address?

Apr 9, 2012

i have a problem in this code

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class SendEmail


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VS 2008 Specified String Is Not In Form Required For An E-mail Address.

Feb 18, 2010

i get the above error when reading in an email from a text file.[code]

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Creating New MailAddress Produces 'specified String Is Not In Form Required For E-mail Address'

Oct 6, 2011

I am trying to create a new MailAddress, the email is coming from Request Parameters, that is: Request.Params("fromEmail"). It is actually being sent from an android device through an http request.When I try to create a new MailAddress from this email, I get the error "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address". When trying to create it directly, that it ma=new MailAddress("") using the same coming string, it works, but creating it using ma=new MailAddress(Convert.ToString(Request.Params("fromEmail")) produces the error.

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.net - The Requested Address Is Not Valid In Its Context?

Aug 23, 2011

I have this code that keeps giving me two problems.

first:The requested address is not valid in its context

second , it receives broadcast it sends, i dont want this. I want only the listeneing server app to receive the broadcast....the sending code

Dim sendMessage As New structMessage
sendMessage.Command = Command.IP
Dim byteData As Byte() = sendMessage.ToByte()[code]....

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Added Email Address Validation But It Only Check The Email Address Format?

Feb 9, 2011

In member register page, I added email address validation but it only check the email address format, such as .com, .net, .org.If user inputs fake account such as, how to verify it and return an error?

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Error - The Requested Address Is Not Valid In Its Context

Sep 1, 2011

I get this error.. and I know the ip address is not valid duh! but it's a server it should be based on port only.

Error =

Errors at runProxy @ The requested address is not valid in its context


P.S.> my client I connect to : 7900..I want it to re-route the connection to the txtIP.text : 7900 (txtListeningPort.Text)

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Test If The Characters In A String Is A Valid MAC Address?

Apr 8, 2012

i am trying to test if the characters in a string is a valid MAC Address

but my code

dim getMAC as string = "22:13:35:67:49:ab"
If Regex.IsMatch(getMAC, "/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$") = True Then"is valid")


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C# - Check Mail Attachment?

Apr 9, 2010

I am using to display email from outlook express! Everything work fine but when some message has attachment, i can not display message that email has attachment!


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Program - "The Specified String Is Not In The Form Required For An E-mail Address"

Jul 9, 2010

when i run my program this come up "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address." this is my code. textbox4 is in email address form.


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Get A Mail To Hidden Mail And A Confirmation Is Send To The User Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

I need a feedback form for my site.i need the user to write there.


And then when they press send then i get a mail to my hidden mail and a confirmation is send to the user mail.I have google the web but cant find any good info about this, i know how to make the form but how do i make the codebehind !?

Do any of u pro. have a link to a great tutorial or have a code that can be used !?

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Smtp - Check If Mail Was Successfully Sent With SMTPClient

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to create an application that sends an email to an smtp-server. The server is not set fixed, but will be looked up according to the domainpart of the email-address where the email should be sent to.


It would be quite useful, to know if the message was accepted by the mailserver and the message was successfully sent. What I am able so far is, that I can get the SMTP-Server error code (if there was an error (StatusCode 5xx) by using the System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient Object and its SendAsync Function. There, if there was an error, I get an Exception-Object in the Callback-Event of the SMTPClient

I'm well aware that not every mailserver will tell me if the mailaccount truly exists and then reject my mail with an errorcode but instead just accept the message and then delete it. Therefore I would be grateful for another Method to check if the mail was sent (note: not read, that would be the read confirmation)

The final purpose would be: Try to send an email to a recipient using it's domains mailserver and if it fails, proceed according to the errorcode (user does not exist -> abort / mailserver did not respond -> use another mailserver if available).

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COM ADD-in - Outlook - ItemSend - Check Some Rules Before Mail Is Send

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to write an Office 2007 COM Add-in which will check some rules before mail is send. Below test code works but I have several warnings in VS2010


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Find Text In Webpage / Check When Mail Is Received

Jul 28, 2010

I am building a program which relies on getting info from a twitter user. My idea was, I could either: A. Search the twitter user's feed for the current time. Or B: Get a email notification when he tweets, and send a sound. If I go with I would need to know how to search a webpage, get the time, and ring a sound if the time is present. If I go with B, I would need to know how to check email, and play a sound if a new email is recieved. Which one should I go with, and how would I do the things that I would need to know?

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Check If An IP Address Is In Range?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a way to check if an IP address is within a certain range without having to iterate through a huge range of IP addresses?

For example, check if is between and

I could also do with this working for IPv6 for futureproof my code.

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Check If The Name Is Valid?

Jun 4, 2011

is it possible to check if the customer input his complete name is valid or not?

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Check Existance Of EMail Address?

Mar 2, 2010

I would like to see program in Visual basic of how to validate existence of eMail address

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Check If A Port Is Open On A Particular IP Address?

Nov 24, 2011

I have an application which need to send data to particular system on specific port. But the application gets hang if the target system port is closed.

I Want to know if a particular Port is open on a specific IP address so that i can continue my next task. PBL (Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)

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Php - Check If Email Address Is Working?

Aug 7, 2009

is there any way to check if an email is active without sending it an email? (meaning that it does not get returned) if i have 20,000 emails in my email list, and i do decide to send all of them an email, how can automatically cross out the email address that got returned?

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Check Date Is Valid?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a txt file with a few settings that get loaded into the Program. These are put into an array. As the array holds different types (int, string, dates etc) its set to object type.

What i am trying to fingure out is how to check the date is a valid format, by returning a false value so i can have a msgbox pupup and say the date in the file is invalid. I cant use isdate() on the string from the file as even if the date format is correct its a string not a date type so i have to convert it first (which is the point it throws an error).

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Check If A Character Is A Valid Key?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to check if a character is a valid Key (type) in VB.NET (I need to turn "K" into Keys.K, for example). I am currently doing this to convert it:

Keys.Parse(GetType(Keys), key, False)

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Check If An SQL Connection Is Still Valid?

Jun 4, 2011

I have an VB.NET application. This Application is permanently resident in memory and minimized to the tray area because we use it very often. The problem comes in when we VPN into a client's site. These VPN connections trash all other network connections to and from our machines.Then every time my VB.NET application refreshes its database, errors start occurring, because the machine has lost connectivity to the SQL server, however, these are not at the connection level, but only when the reader attempts to read.

I am checking for, but because of the SQL connection pooling, I just get a previous connection that was valid before the network was cut. Is there anyway to check if an actual SQL connection is valid, prior to re-issuing a connection from the pool?[code]...

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Check If The Login Is Valid?

Nov 7, 2010

After I send a post request to login to a site (using httpwebrequest), how do I check if the login is valid?

One way to do it is to read the whole html using

dim reader as new streamreader(response.getresponsestream) dim str as string = reader.readtoend and then check the html for any unique string (e.g. "log out"), to tell if the login is successful.

But reading the entire html is too long, so how do I shorten the process?

I tried

Dim str as string = response.getresponseheader("Set-Cookie")
But str is a blank string.

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