i have a code where I dynamically generate the columns name and bind it it datatable. now I am iterating thru loop for each column and fill the datatable. My Problem is when I fill for first column row is already added to the position(e.g 0,1). if row at some position already exist in datatable I should not write
Using VB.Net and Sql Server I want to check the user Entry Value.The User is entering the code in the textbox, before saving to the table, i want to check whethere code is already exist in the table or not.
Tried Code
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select code from table where code = '" & textbox1.Text & "' ", Con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() While dr.Read() End While
If value is exist, then message to the user "Already Exist" other wise save to the table.
I had it working at one point now it does not want to work. Im checking the registry for a subkey and I know it exists but vb is telling me it doesnt, which is driving me up the wall, this is what I got[code]...
This code works. i insert 3 string and then check if the database already save this code.if the first string does not exist it works well.but when 1 string "already exist" or found in the DB, all of the next string say its already in db even though it haven't. what should i do?
For count = 0 To strArr.Length - 1 If strArr(count).Contains("=") Then str1 = strArr(count) coun = str1.IndexOf("=") str1 = str1.Substring(0, coun)
I try to integrate Human Resource DB to Active Directory.Once I use sql ,getting all person and department and then write to ad.but if a department built new how to check is exist or new in active directory,also person also computer.
My question is how to check a letter exist in a word. For example this word: 'computer' and I give in a textbox letter 'a' then the result will be false because 'computer' doesn't exist a letter 'a' else if I give letter 'c' the result will be true because computer has a 'c'.
I created a form with a checkbox and my purpose is if data have already existed, the checkbox will show a check when it launch however i am very new to VB( First time actualy). i google to find the answer but the best solution just tell me to use RegQueryValueEx, unfortunately,i don't know axactly how.
what is the fastest way to check if Item ID exist in the database?
From what i have done, i have an excel file uploaded to datagridview, then each itemID is retrieved line by line, then accessed the database to check if ItemID exists.
Is there a way to retrieve the whole column of itemID and then query it to MSSQL2000, then display the itemIDs that does not exist.
Lets See First off i was able to get to insert records(Code Below)Now im trying to get the program to prompt a message when the id or field exists on the key down event and not enter it if it exists and if it doesnt exist im guessing i could use my already existing code to insert it[code].............
Using VB.Net and Sql Server. I want to check the user Entry Value. The User is entering the code in the textbox, before saving to the table, I want to check whether code is already exist in the table or not.
Tried Code cmd = New SqlCommand("Select code from table where code = '" & textbox1.Text & "' ", Con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() While dr.Read() End While
If value is exist, then message to the user "Already Exist" other wise save to the table.
i need to send mail after taking screenshot. If i clicked the mail button first should check whether the file exist or not. Find the code below and tell me how to verify it.
Private Sub SendEmail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SendEmail.Click Dim objOutlook As Object
I'm using custom events activation/desactivation in one of my class. Let's say : AddHandler trv_treeview.BeforeExpand, AddressOf sub_LoadNextLevel and RemoveHandler trv_treeview.BeforeExpand, AddressOf sub_LoadNextLevel In another part of the code, I now need to know "Is there an event attached or not". In my search I found that Vb hold an hidden private variable <Eventname>Event. I've tried trv_treeview.BeforeExpandEvent but with no success. How is it possible, in Vb, to check how many Events are already attached to a method?
Basically I just want to set up exceptions for my program to prevent errors. The problem I am having is that sometimes the field name does not exist. For example, I am setting focus to the username text field named simply "username". However, if the entry does not exist (name=username) then I get an error. So what I need is a simple if statement to determine if it exist beforehand.
If Webbrowser1.Document.All("username").Exist Then WebBrowser1.Document.All("username").Focus() else Messagebox.show("Field was not found!") End If
I looking for a solution for how to check if a connection to a remote computer exist or not using vb.net.
I 'm writing a program which will request data from a remote sql server. I need to check if the connection to the remote server exist, before open the connection or run the the sql command.
When I try to insert a value into table1 it will compare the table values if it is same, It Should throw a error msg "Name and Date Already Exist" otherwise Insert a value. Before Inserting i want to check a textbox value with table value.