Clear DrawRectangle In Windows Forms?

Jun 11, 2009

I am drawing a rectangle, sleeping for a few milliseconds--then I want to clear the rectangle (The rectangle is sitting over a graphic so I can't simply cover it up with another rectangle)[code]...

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System.drawing - .NET DrawRectangle For A Table?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to draw a table in my print output using the System.Drawing.Printing's Graphics object. I'm trying to use the DrawRectangle to draw my table cells. This requires drawing several rectangles in a row. It should be pretty easy, right? Well it appears that DrawRectangle four parameters are x, y, width, and height. However x and y are integers while width and height are singles. My rectangles are overlapping because the next cell in a row cannot base its x position on the width of the previous rectangle. In other words, the x position and width are different data types and don't use the same scale. How can I calculate the x position of the next cell based on the width of the previous cell?

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Error 2186 On Clear Forms?

Dec 15, 2011

Public Sub Clear()
Form_Main.ctl_InspName.Value = ""
Form_Main.ctl_ESN.Value = ""
Form_Main.ctl_ToAProcess.Value = 0


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Forms :: How To Clear Datetimepicker Control

Apr 2, 2009

how to clear the datetimepicker control?

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Forms :: Clear Lines Drawn On A Panel?

May 20, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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Forms :: Clear History In Open File Dialog?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to clear the history in an open file dialog, so that previous opened files won't be shown if a user clicks on the drop down arrow behind "File name". I have created an open file dialog and named it "ofd_openen".

Then I 've tried:

ofd_Openen.SafeFileNames = False
and also

but that doesn't work.

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Clear Browsing History From Windows Desktop Application?

Jan 2, 2012

Is there any way to clear Browser History using C# or desktop application.

Browser Name, Starting time and Usage Time and all i got it.But i can't able to delete that particular browser history.[code]...

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

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Clearing Temp Directory - Trust Windows Or Clear It In Code?

Nov 6, 2008

I am creating what could amount to quite a few temp files on a terminal server using the System.IO.Path.GetTempPath. My question is this. Can I trust Windows to clear that directory on a regular basis or do I need to clear it in code?

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Implicit Conversions From 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' To 'System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser'

Sep 8, 2010

I have the code which checks if there is a selected tab

Private Function GetBrowser() As WebBrowser
If TabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
For Each c As Control In TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is WebBrowser Then
Return c


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Forms :: Clear The Dgv When The User Blanks The Combobox Without Necessarily Changing The Selection Index?

Oct 25, 2010

I have just realised that ComboBoxes don't have a Change event. I have a combobox filled with a few items, eg. Bakery, Deli, Fruit & Veg, etc. Choose one of these items, all the related items show in the dgv. However, when I blank the text in the Combobox (press Delete key whilst Combobox has the focus), what event fires so I can blank the dgv? The combobox does not contain a Blank item. Even if it does, the Blank item only fires the ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged when the user scrolls down to, or clicks on, the blank value.

I want to clear the dgv when the user blanks the combobox without necessarily changing the selection index.

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Unable To Clear The Contents Of A Text Box (Visual Studio 2010, .net Windows Application)?

Mar 18, 2011

What I have is on my form there are several text boxes. These text boxes are for user input and attached to each text box is a Private Sub txtBox1_KeyPress function. In that function I have some validation code to check that the user is inputing only what I want them to. And if it doesnt it will pop up a message box telling them so, then it is supposed to clear the text box so the user can try again. But no matter what I try, the text box does not clear it still keeps the last character typed (the invalid one).

Here is the code for one of the text boxes.

Private Sub txtLanIp_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtLanIp.KeyPress
Dim strEmpty As String = ""
If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = True Or Char.IsPunctuation(e.KeyChar) = True Or Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) = True Then
'do nothing


The commented methods at the bottom are some of the other things ive tried to make this work. The txtLanIp.text.clear() is what ive tried from the beginning. I have also tried setting the text to "", I even created an empty string and set the .Text value to it but no matter what it wont remove that character. I have also tried various trim(), len(), Select() functions, most either give me an 'index out of range error', a 'length cannot be less than zero' error or a general ExceptionOutOfBounds error. I am just tearing my hair out as to why the simple way doesnt work, there is no logical reason why and it gives no error it just doesn't clear the box.

I have also tried moving the validation to a _LostFocus but e.KeyChar isnt a valid method or property for that declaration, which doesn't surprise me but I wanted to try everything.I dont see how it would matter in this case but I am running Windows XP Pro SP3, though I also see the same behavior in Windows 7 64 bit ultimate sp1 and windows 7 64 bit pro.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' To Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Apr 28, 2009

I have a panel with some controls in it (several textboxes, a slider, 2 buttons, and a small groupbox).. When I click a button, I want all of the textboxes within the panel to be readonly... So I have this code: [code] When I run it though, I get the following error:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.If I remove a button, it moves on to give me the same error but for a label..

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Create A CLEAR BUTTON Loop To Clear All Textboxes?

Dec 13, 2011

this is currently my code to clear my 5 textboxes

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End Sub

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Basic Application(windows Forms) Doesn't Exit Properly After Navigating Through Forms

Jul 9, 2010

I have a basic three form application. It doesn't seem to close after navigating through forms. If I were to open the application, and the main form is displayed. If I press the X button, the application closes fine(Goes from processes) If I were to open the application, and then navigate from the main form to another form using me.hide &, and press the red X on Form1, the application again, closes fine.


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Forms :: Visual Studio 2010 Windows Forms App Screenupdating Property?

Jun 4, 2011

.NET developing and have a simple question, i've been stuck on this for a while and searched many forums first with no solution so i'm posting myself. In VB for excel i've used Screenupdating=false to disable the screen updating however now i'm creating a visual studio 2010 windows forms application and its not showing up as a property. Here's the code i've tried.


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Clear Dataset But Get Error Sometimes If It Is Empty When Try To Clear It?

May 17, 2009

I have a timer that runs every time by itself, and for the code the runs in it I would like to have it clear the dataset before it does anything, the timer runs every 10 seconds, so I tried to do dataset.clear but it would crash if the dataset had no values

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Application That Has Multiple Front Ends Developed Using Windows Forms / WPF / ASP / Compact Framework Mobile Forms

Apr 9, 2010

I have the requirement to create an application that has multiple front ends developed using Windows Forms, WPF, ASP and Compact Framework Mobile Forms.I would like to be able to create a series of obejct representing the business logic and have this logic accessible from the various front ends available. My first thought was to use remoting as I'd like to be able to pass the business objects back and forth between client and server but the compact framework doesn't support remoting and also transferring a full framework business object to a compact framework business object doesn't seem possible.My next thought was to use web services but again the passing of business objects seems to be very hard to accomplish. Without doing this I would have to create individual web methods for each business operation.

Finally my next option is to use sockets and write the whole client/server logic within some classes and expose them to the UI/Business layer. My only problem with this is it is not scaleable should the number of clients increase dramatically whereas using remoting or web services I can host the solution via ASP.Net.Does anybody have an ideas on the best way forward for this or even have any input on how they would write an application that required a windows form, wpf, asp website and mobile device GUI all of which want to use the same business logic?

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Forms :: Startup A Second Windows Forms Inside The Parent Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to start up a second windows forms inside the parent form. Ex: A button is pressed and a new form is showed. I would like to keep that new form inside the parent form, and have it not be able to go outside the parent form.

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Forms :: String Cannot Be Converted To

Mar 31, 2010

I am writing a program for my A-level coursework But for some reason I got this build error this has never occurred to me before, I have no idea why I can't use string for the name of my form.

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Forms :: Windows Forms App Copy A File To A Preset Folder?

Jan 9, 2012

a program and i need to have a button put a file into a folder, i know how the button works i already have it doing some other stuff. i just don't know the code to copy and past it to a folder.

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Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Is Missing In New Forms?

Mar 5, 2012

When I add a new, empty form to my VB.NET VS9 project, the linenherits System.Windows.Forms.Formis missing.What am I doing wrong here?I thought it would be added automatically.I experienced that some thing get weird if this line is not there (Form_Load is not firing, I think).

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Winforms - How To Load Binary To Windows Media Player In Windows Forms

Jul 24, 2011

I've successfully saved video files into SQL server as varbinary. Now, my problem is, how can I play those videos in Windows Media Player (embedded in my Windows Forms).

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Code Works In A Windows Forms Application, But Not In A Windows Service

Jan 19, 2010

I'm porting code that I wrote for use in a Windows Forms application to a Windows Service, but for some reason, the code that worked in the Windows Forms application is now throwing errors in the Service

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Forms :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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Scroll In Windows Forms Treeview Only On Windows Server 2003

Apr 10, 2012

I have a problem with scroll in a treeview in a Windows forms application (Framework version 3.5).

The strange thing about the problem is that on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 the scroll works as excepted, but in Windows Server 2003 SP2 the scrolling doesn't work. Enable/disable Visual Styles doesn't seem to make a difference on Server 2003.

Steps to reproduce the error:

1. Add a treeview to a form and add x nr of root items (and 1 sub item to each item).

2. Expand a number of nodes. The non-standard thing here is that we are changing the node integral height because we display a usercontrol with the treenode (See example of the code below).

3. When you scroll afterwards, you cannot scroll to the bottom node. The scrollbar is all the way down, but we are not seeing the last node.

Public Shared Sub SetNModeHeight(ByVal Node As TreeNode, ByVal IntegralHeight As Integer)
'Create instance of tvitemex structure.


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Forms :: Command Line Args In Windows Forms?

Aug 2, 2010

I was playing a game recently and saw that they could use args in the shortcut, and I decided to try to impliment this into my far, I got: (runs this sub on load)

Sub startup_args()
If Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.Contains("+game") Then
Dim path As Array = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs


just to see what it returns, but the application crashes. I also tried path.tostring(), but that didn't work. When I did:

If Evnironment.GetCommandLineArgs.Contains("+game") Then
Dim path as string = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.tostring


but that returned the value "SString.Array[]"...

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Forms :: Creating A Sub Main In A Windows Forms Project?

Sep 13, 2010

What is the equivalent to accomplishing this?

static void Main()
frmCalcView view = new frmCalcView();


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Sharing Business Logic Between Windows Forms And Web Forms?

Feb 4, 2010

My question is, am I able to share a business logic layer seemlessly between the two presentation layers or is there anything I need to watch out for. I'd really like to not have any duplication of business logic, so any advice would be more than welcome.

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C# - Standard Windows Menu Bars In Windows Forms?

May 6, 2010

I noticed that adding a MenuStrip (from the Toolbox) to my form design doesn't yield a menu bar like many native Windows applications. Instead I get a menu bar like Visual Studio's own. None of the style settings for MenuStrip appear to mimic the much more common native menu bar.Is there a way to add a menu bar to my Windows Forms application that looks the same as the one you see in Notepad, Task Manager and others? (Preferably with the designer, but I wouldn't mind adding it programmatically either.)

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