Color A Certain Column Of Cell?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a DataGridView named grid_LivingBenefits which ReadOnly Property is set to false.

Then I have to set a certain column Readonly and set a different backcolor.

I have successfully made just one column readonly but I can't change its backcolor to make it different from the other columns.[code]...

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Display The Column Header And Cell Value Of The Clicked Cell In The Data Grid?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to display the column header and cell value of the clicked cell in the data grid. For example if I click Argentina from the country column, the text box will display country = Argentina.So far the code I have is, please help me figure out the code for displaying the information in the text box

sender As


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Select A Record (A Cell) In The Column 'Dog And Have The Text Of That Cell Appear In A Textbox?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using something call ultragrid in my program.The program works as a mini-record keeping area (Like any datagrid, really). Well, I am adding a history to it and it allows the user to see the last 50 records searched. They get a grid showing the records. This, thus far, works perfectly What I want to do is this: I want to select a record (A cell) in the column 'Dog and have the text of that cell appear in a textbox. This is what I've tried with no success.

Private Sub HistoryTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HistoryTextBox.TextChanged
If ugHistoryButton.ActiveRow.Cells("Dog").Selected = True Then


It just doesn't seem to want to transfer over when I select the cell in the 'Dog' column.

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Gridview Cell - Goto To Cell Which Row = 3 And Column Is 4?

Oct 17, 2011

using code, how can i goto to cell which row = 3 and column is 4?

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Update An Excel Cell By Using The Cell Name - Not The Row And Column?

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to update an Excel cell using the cell name, such as "A1", instead of using the row and column, such as (3,2). I haven't been able to do it. Here is the code I used to update the cell by row and column. How would this code be updated so that it updates the cell by cell name instead?


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Putting A Value In A Cell Via The Column Name When The Column Is Added At Runtime?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a datagridviewrow and add data to it at runtime. I want the row to have the cells correspond to the columns in a datagridview, so that when I add data to the cells i can call the column name (the columns are likely to change around, so i think the name is better to use then the index).I create the row using the following code:

Dim row As New DataGridViewRow

and the column using the following code:

Dim col As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
col.HeaderText = "Reference"
col.Name = "Reference"
datagrid.Columns.Insert(0, col)

I would like to add data to the row via the following code (or something similar that uses the column name instead of the index:

arow.Cells("Reference").Value = Detail.Reference

However at runtime I get the exception Column named Reference cannot be found. Parameter name: columnName I have a sneaking suspicion that the cells cannot be accessed with the column name because the row isnt really attached to columns yet (the row hasnt been added to the datagridview yet. (I tried cloning the cells of a row and then adding them to the row but no success)?

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Control Datagridview Selected Row Color And Selected Cell Color?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to have my current row stand out as the current row by virtue of the background color.I also want my current cell stand out from the row color.

in other words i want to controll the background of the current cell as well as the current row, and have these colors different from each other as wel as the background from the non current cells.

I am getting confused with the notion of the current row vs the selected row.I have tried messing with the default row style.selectedbackgroungcolor as well as the same for the default cell style, but cant get it to work the way i want.

i can almost get it if i set the selection mode to full row, but then cannot get the current cell to have a different background color.

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How To Get Datagridview Cell Value That Has Color

Sep 10, 2011

im working in visual basic .net,i have a datagridview like this:[URL]...I want that when the user selects a whole row, only the values of the cells that have colors will be saved to textboxes, something like Textbox1.Text = cellwithcolor1, and so on with other cells that have color. Like, if we see the image, in row 3, 'AS' will be saved in textbox1, and 'CR' in textbox2.

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InvalidOperationException On Trying To Color DGV Cell?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a loop that will determine if a certain value is within the specification limits that I assign. The problem is, when the loop starts, I get the following exception:system.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message=Cell provided already belongs to a grid. This operation is not valid.

I'm not sure exactly why I am getting this exception...OF COURSE the cell is already part of a grid! I just want to color it! Anyway, here is the code I am using:

Private Sub ColorAllCells()
For row As Integer = 0 to dgvCurSetLanes.Rows.Count - 1


The exception occurs as soon as I call ColorAllCells

View 6 Replies - Setting The Color Of A Cell Using ExcelPackage?

Oct 15, 2011

I am using and I have an application where I use ExcelPackage. I wanted to know how to set the background color of a particular cell or a row of cells.

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Calendar Cell Color Change?

Oct 22, 2010

So I'm using VB.NET 2005 to create an ASP page. I have a calendar object and I need to find a way to change the BackColor of the cell from a database table. I've tried every way I can think of with no luck so far.This is what I have for code so far which works for some situations but not for all the ones I would like and to hard code it would be very tedious.


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Change Cell Color On DataGrid?

Jan 10, 2007

I'm having problems trying to change individual cells' colors in a datagrid. I saw a few hints which would make things easy, but unfortunately I'm working with Visual Studio 2003, so I don't have access to the newer attributes.

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Change Row Color Base On A Cell Value?

Feb 22, 2010

I'd like to check for the value in a datagridview column (firts column) and if it's "YES" then change its row color to red.The following code is not doing the job for me nor is generating an error, Can pls someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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Change The The Color Of The Text In A Cell?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a datagridview which I would like to change the the color of the text in a cell if the number is negative in the Total column. This is what I have so far.

Dim rowcont As Integer = (TTLGrid.Rows.Count) - 1
For x = 0 To rowcont
Dim Total As String = TTLGrid.Rows(x).Cells(4).FormattedValue


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DataGridView - Change Cell Color If Particular Value?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a bunch of columns in a datagrid view (date, transaction type, amount).If the amount in a row is '150.00', I want to make that cell red.I made a Private Sub and run this after the datagridview is filled.

Private Sub ColorCells()
Dim ColumnCount As Integer
ColumnCount = dgvLedger.ColumnCount - 1[code].....

However it seems to have two bugs. When it is first run the first time when the form is loaded, it doesn't put the rows with 150.00 in it in red.If I have a button on the form and set it to run this Private Sub, then it runs through it again and will color the ones in 150 as red.If I resort the datagridview by clicking on a column, they all return to green again, and it looses the formatting.

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DataGridView Sorting By Cell Color

Nov 11, 2010

How would I sort or filter the datagridview so that only cells that are are viewable? What I have now shows all of the red and not red cells with the values <=0 else But if I were to put this on a button I would want only to see the cells on the gridview.

For Each dgr As DataGridViewRow In dgProducts.Rows
If CInt(dgr.Cells(4).Value) <= 0 Then
dgr.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red
dgr.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black
End If

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DB/Reporting :: Color A Cell On Condition?

Oct 18, 2010

i have a program thats a database that is Sql. im using vb 2010 express. would i would like to know what would be the best way if the date is older than the date in the cell then turn the cell red.

would i use something with Dategridview? i know im lost on this it cell 2 i need turned red if the date is older than todays.

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Change Cell In Datagrid Color Based On Value?

May 20, 2011

I have a datagrid that will get built at runtime. So i don't now how many columns I may have.I know I can do a column count, and get a list of the names. So don't think that will be a problem.What I'm trying to do is change only the CELL color, not the row, or the column, based on the value of the cell.Below is something I started with, but it clearly doesn't work.

' For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.QDGV.Rows
' ' Get the READY value from each row as we loop
' strExt = CStr(row.Cells.Item(4).Value)


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Change Single Cell Color Of Tablelayoutpanel?

Jul 8, 2011

I need to dynamicly write some code to change the colors of different cells in a TableLayoutPanel based on specific criteria. I have search for VB code to perform this but am unable to find any. I have found some C code that does it but I am unfamiliar with C. Is there anyone on this forum that can translate this into code, please? I am using VS 2010.[code]...

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Change The Background Color Of A Cell When Click On It?

Jun 13, 2011

Is it possible to change the background color of a cell when I click on it?

Also, is it possible to set a property so that when a cell is clicked on once it already has the focus that the 'edit' text feature doesn't let the user to change the text?

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Change The Background Color Of A Datagrid Cell?

Dec 1, 2008

I was looking to change the background color of a datagrid cell when the cell value changes

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Changing Cell Color Of Excel Sheet?

Aug 8, 2011

I am writing some data from database to the excel via visual need to change background of some cells and also need to make text bold. I need something like that :

xlWorkSheet.Cells(rownumber, 1).BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow
xlWorkSheet.Cells(rownumber, 1).Font.isBold = True

Of course none of above is works.How can I achieve this?

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Find Weekends And Change Cell Color?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm using the following code to displays the next few days in excel...
xlTemp.Range("A3").Value = " " + String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", DateTime.Today)
xlTemp.Range("B3").Value = " " + String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))
xlTemp.Range("C3").Value = " " + String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(2))
xlTemp.Range("D3").Value = " " + String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(3))
xlTemp.Range("E3").Value = " " + String.Format("{0:MMMM d, yyyy}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(4))
How would I find the weekends and change the cell color to a different color then just regular week days?

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Locate A Datagrid Cell By Color Of Background?

Jun 13, 2011

Is there a way to locate a cell by back color? I have a datagrid, that will populate names, on some of the cells. Some of the cells will be empty.

I have it so if there is a name in the cell, the background color will change to blue. I also can look for a specific value, and locate the value that way, and then change the color the cell or whatever.

The problem is that I have 4 different status for a cell with the same name. So for example, "Joe" name will show up in the grid. That cell background will turn blue.

The next status is "Check-In". So I can return the value "Joe" from my database with a store procedure, and look for that value of "Joe" again, and change the color to red to show he is checked in. The other 2 status I have is In Session, Session over. The problem is what if there is more than 1 "Joe"?

I think the best way is using the datagrids CellPaintings. But I can't find any other value beside a value to locate a cell on that procedure. So I thought if there is a way I can find a cell by the e.value = "Joe" and cell.backcolor =, than I can avoid having problems with multiples names.

I would be open to any other ideas, or a better way of doing this. Oh, is there a way to use tags for a cell value? I thought that might be a way was well.

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Setting Color To Specific Cell In DataGridView

Dec 12, 2011

I want to set Color to specific cell in DataGridView as in this code , but didn't accept BackColor property.

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VS 2010 : Color Cell TableLayoutPanel After Click?

Jun 8, 2012

I want when I click on a single cell of a TableLayoutPanel (containing a control), that cell need to have a color and when I click on another cell, the previous cell color removed and add to the cell clicked.I know it has something to do with the position of the mousepointer, but the only thing I found on google, was pre-defined cells and the than the color.

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Change Cell Background Color Programmatically In A Datagridview

Mar 3, 2010

I have a datagrid view with 8 columns. How do I change the background color for any cell in columns 2-5 where the value equals the value in column 8. For instance:


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Change DataGridView Cell Color Based On Other Columns?

Apr 25, 2007

I have a DataGridView that has been dragged over from the DataSource Tab. All works good.I need to have the background color of some of the cells changed based on other columns in that same row. Such as, have the background color of a cell Red if the Status column (not shown) relates to 90 days overdue. The next row may be different.

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Change Datagridviewcombox Cell Color On Form Load?

May 17, 2012


completely understand what it does, when the cell value is changed the color of the cell changes according to the value selected.

Now, how would i change this code so that it works when the form loads? so cells show the color when the form loads. red for unpaid and green for paid.

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Color A Datagridview Cell Based On Data From Another Table?

May 18, 2012

I am having a loading problem, the problem is my formating code takes way to long to load.

What I have is a datagridview that is loaded by one table and I want to format the cells based on data from another table, the following code works, but it gets slower and slower as I add more records to the data.[code]...

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