Combining Two RTBs Before Printing Loses BOLD

Mar 13, 2011

Some time back I posted some questions concerning printing a RTB. I got some great answers and have a RichTeckBoxPrintCtrl based on KB811401 and lots of from this forum. It works great. I can enter text and changed fonts in any selected portions and it prints just like it looks. But my form also has some plain text boxes for the user to fill in some required fields. The RTB is for additional comments. I want to print the plain text boxes in a formatted method followed by the data in the RTB using my RTBPrintCtrl.

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Combining Font Styles - Bold With Italics?

Aug 13, 2010

How do I combine fontstyle.bold with fontstyle.Italic? I tried simply adding them together but no go.
Dim MyFont as New Font ("courier new",12,FontStyle.Bold + FontStyle.Italic)
Evidently font styles are not constants.

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Bold Some Dates The Program Doesn't Show Bold Dates On Month Calendar?

Dec 15, 2009

I have one more problem with MonthControl.And when I bold some dates the program doesn't show bold dates on month calendar.When I move on next or previous month and get back to currently month the program normal displays bold dates. What's the problem?

View 22 Replies

Stop Printing And Paper Feeding In The Middle Of Printing In Dot Matrix Printer?

Jul 1, 2010

I need stop printing and paper feeding in the middle of printing in dot matrix printer.(Like a POS Printer - When wrote 'End Doc' on POS printer can stop paper feeding)

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Printing On DotMatrix Printer (Ascii Printing) - Print Wont Come Right

Dec 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008 & Access Databases for creating WinForm Applications. Also i am using Crystal Reports for Report solution. my question is How do i created reports such a way that they can be printed in faster Ascii Format on any DotMatrix printer. The default true type fonts make printing very slower.

I tried to use "Draft 10 cpi" font which come to available me after i installed a correct driver for my Epson printer. which also helped me overcome this problem. however it wont be the scenario with all my clients i.e. they might have different printers having different Make with different drivers installed. i have tried to open such project on there PC but the printing wont come in Draft instead the fonts get expanded too much & the print wont come right.

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Variable That Never Loses Its Value?

Jun 22, 2010

I sometimes need to retain the values of my variable for a very long time as the same value will get used over and over again until it gets referenced again somewhere down the line and then it changes it value.

So is it possible for a variable to never lose its value even when a form is closed or a sub finishes?

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Schedule Printing And Check First If There Is Pending Job Before Printing?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm creating an application which has an scheduler to print and it checks if there is a pending job on the print queue before it prints the next file. I use a timer which checks if there is any file to be printed on my database. Example, the timer ticks and selected 10 files to be printed, it should print the 10 files 1 at a time, if there's no print queue, that's the only time the next file should print. I think another timer is required which will keeps on checking if print queue is done. How will i do this?

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Combobox Loses Text Value

Mar 1, 2011

I am using VS 2008 to develop a VB application which has a tabcontrol. On the 3rd tabpage is a combobox, set with DropDownStyle as "DropDown" to allow free text to be entered as well as selecting from the loaded items. My application allows for values to be saved to disk and reloaded.

What I'm finding is that when then application is 1st started, if the tabpage containing the combobox has not yet been accessed, and a value is loaded from disk by the application into the combox's text property ( I have verified this using by Debug.Print statement, and using a Watch), when the tabpage containing the combobox is selected (I add a break on the "TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged" event to check the text value) the text value is cleared to equal "".


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USB Device Loses Connection?

Apr 19, 2011

Working on supporting a application that connects a digitizer pad to a application. The client said that when the screen saver activates on their computers the digitizer pad looses connectivity and when the screen saver is turned off the pad will not re-sync.Where might i find how to resolve this? We are using the USBAPI provided in visual should we build in consideration for this, or should the API understand connectivity?

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AcceptChanges: DGV Loses Selected Rows

Aug 19, 2011

I've got a DataGridView that has a DataTable as the DataSource. If the user has rows selected in the DataGridView, calling AcceptChanges on the DataTable will clear the selection (highlight) from those rows. Can this be prevented?

View 6 Replies Control Loses Its Property Values?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm writing a custom user control for my site, for storing datetimes. It has two properties:

Private _includeTime As Boolean
Private _value As DateTime = Nothing
Public Property IncludeTime() As Boolean


I call my custom control in this way:

<my:DateTimeInput runat="server" includetime="true" ID="txtWhen" />

This sets the includetime property correctly.In my backend code I also do this on page_load:

txtWhen.SelectedDateTime = now

When I step through with the debugger, I see that the property gets set, BUT when the page_load of the control itself loads, the property value is reset to nothing!

The page_load of the control:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
lbltime.Visible = IncludeTime
If SelectedDateTime().CompareTo(Nothing) > 0 Then


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Database Loses The Stored Information?

May 7, 2011

I am working on login and registration page in vb express 2010. I have connected access 2007 database with my project and when I register as a user, it stores information to the database successfully and I can log in with that id as well. But when I close that project and reopen it, the same exact id won't work and the information in the database disappears.

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Form Loses Focus After A Messagebox?

Feb 13, 2012

I have a form which contains a progressbar and a Listbox which update as the code runs through and performs some sometimes time-consuming calculations.

At one point in the code, it breaks to ask the user to enter a number using :

Usedefault = MsgBox("Do you want to use the default value of " & Default_No & "?", vbYesNo)
If Usedefault = vbNo Then


this works fine but I find that once the data entry is complete, and the code continues to run, the form loses focus and the progressbar and the Listbox updates cannot be seen until the code finished its calculations.

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Graphics.DrawImage Loses Resolution?

Dec 21, 2010

Graphics.DrawImage loses resolution

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Print Dialog Loses Focus

May 4, 2011

I have a form with a "print" toolstrip button. When I click that button I run the code shown below. The print dialog box appears. The title is dark blue seeming to indicate it has focus. The main form is lighter blue indicating it does not have focus. But hovering over the "Print" button (or the cancel button) does not cause it to change color. If you click on the print button, then the color changes and the second click causes the appropriate action. Same with the cancel button. If you click on the dialog label or on the main form the only thing that happens is the print button will then become "active" and a click there then works. If you click on the main form once, nothing happens, but if you click on it a second time you get the "bonk" sound indicating you ae clicking on the wron modal. As if this isn't strange enough, this action just started recently. I made a few unrelated (as far as I can tell) changes, and discovered this action.[code]....

View 15 Replies

C# - Object Being Passed Using Webmethod, Loses Some Values But Not All?

Jun 22, 2011

when calling a webmethod

public Profile synchronize(string MID, DeviceUploadData data)

The object DeviceUploadData has many properties, and a few of them are array's. My question is about the array specifically. It loses it's value once it's received on the webmethod end.This is the property inside DeviceUploadData

Private data() As DataObject
Public Property Data() As DataObject()


So the DataObject is populated with data, then once passed, on the other end, some of the DataObject properties are no longer populated. I haven't included the other properties in this example.

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Call Function Once The Listbox Loses Focus?

May 26, 2010

I have a listbox on a form and when the user selects a value and the listbox loses focus I want to validate the value the user chose. How do I call my function once the listbox loses focus?

I tried using a custom validator but it gives me an object is missing error.

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Form Loses Focus After Clicking Button?

Jul 22, 2010

when clicking on the start button in the code below, the form seems to lose focus and I need to click the stop button twice to stop the count. (First click to activate the form, second to click the button) Can someone please explain this behavior or offer a better alternative?


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IDE :: TabStrip Loses HighLight If Tab's Caption Is Removed

Jun 19, 2012

I'm using a TabStrip control in my VB6 app (mscomctl.ocx).(Annotation: to use the TabStrip control add the component: Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0(SP6) )When hightlighting e.g. the 2nd tab ...

TabStrip1.Tabs(2).HighLighted = True

and removing the tab's caption

TabStrip1.Tabs(2).Caption= ""
.. tab2 loses its hightlight !!

To prevent tab losing focus I fixed it with the following code:

For Each e In TabStrip1.Tabs
If e.HighLighted = True Then
e.HighLighted = True
End If

Is it a known bug? Here is my vb6 sample project showing how the tab loses the highlight if the tab's caption is removed.

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Load A Certain Gif Image When The User Wins Or Loses?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there anyway to put some code in to load a certain Gif image when the user wins or loses? i currently have this in place


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Text Property In Custom Control Loses Value?

May 25, 2011

I am making a custom button control and am having some difficulty with my Text property. Anything I type in only stays while the form designer window is open. When I close the form designer and reopen it, my Text property resets to "". Also if I run the program, it loses the value entered at design time.

I also have an Image property for my control which is working just fine.

Here's some of my code:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Using .Net XmlSerialize For Strings With Embedded <cr><lf> Loses <cr> When Deserializing?

Oct 13, 2009

The following (abysmal) code demonstrates how standard serialize/de-serialize in VB loses the CR when on de-serialize. This can be overcome by applying 'XmlAttribute(DataType:="string")' to Description. Why does it do this? I would like to fix this without applying a 'LF' -> 'CR''LF' in every affected class. This is fixing a bug in existing XML files generated without the XmlAttribute!

Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO


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Way To Have A Richtextbox Display Highlight When It Loses Focus?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a richtextbox, when I leave it for example to go to another panel where I want to manipulate the selected text I can no longer see the selected text. Is there a way to make it still show the highlight?

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Combining Two Wav Files?

Aug 18, 2010

i have to combine 2 wav files in my project.

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Drawbacks Of Combining C# And .NET?

Apr 28, 2012

I'm a long time VB.NET developer and has recently switched to C#. I found out that some of the built-in VB.NET functions (which predates .NET back to 6.0 and BASIC itself) such as the String.Left, or Right, or advanced functions like saving to the registry (SaveSettings and GetSettings) are noticeably absent. What I did was create a new project in the same solution with VB.NET as its language and recreate basically all the functions I need that are available in VB.NET. And then I just call that to the C# code I'm writing.Since compiling the code in .NET pretty much boils down to the same CIL, it shouldn't matter performance-wise what language I wrote the code in or whether I mix C# with VB.

View 4 Replies - Dynamically Created DropDownList Loses ListItems On Postback

Mar 8, 2009

I have a page that contains some dynamically created controls (TextBox and DropDownList). When a postback occurs, the TextBoxes keep their values, but the DropDownLists lose their ListItems. This is quite confusing, since the page level DropDownList also keeps its ListItems.

<%@ Page Language="VB"%>
<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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ASP.NET - Fill/update Row In Gridview When A Textbox Loses Focus?

Apr 22, 2012

I have the following gridview that is inside an updatepanel:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="ButtonAdd" runat="server" OnClick="ButtonAdd_Click" Text="Novo Artigo" />


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Back To Previous Page Loses Request Object?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a need for a button to take the user back to their previous page.Because of how this page is accessed, the only way to do this is with javascript using history.back()

This part works perfectly apart from the fact when a user goes to click a button on the page they have gone to back to, I get the error that Request.QueryString is not supported in this context.I'm guessing the Request object is lost when javascript is directing the user to the previous page.I cannot use Request.UrlReffer either because the the nature of the back button. (it causes a loop at times).

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C# - MailMessage.Body Loses CrLf With Encoding.UTF8

Feb 24, 2011

I had an interesting bug today when sending plain text emails from our system. We format messages like this: -1st something happened blab bla. -2nd something else happened blab blab blaa bla. Today we had an email that looked like this: -1st something happened blab bla. -2nd something else happened blab blab blaa bla $1000.00 -3rd Something happened. So above, we see that we lost the CrLf but only on the message that didn't have a period and ended in 0. I went through the code and found the CrLf is intack up until we send the email. I tracked the code down below, I am guessing it applies to C# as well:


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