Communications :: Downloading Random Text File From Server

Apr 23, 2009

I'm working a program, which will download files from my server. But I need, program will download random files from text file on server, for example: I have [URL].

In links.txt are these links:
[URL] .....

If I run a program, it will download first link, after finish download it will download fifth link, second link etc. Downloading of one link works fine for me, but I need download more links...

theRequest = WebRequest.Create("[URL]")
So I need: theRequest = WebRequest.Create("RANDOM LINK")

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Downloading A File From A LAN Server

Jul 20, 2009

Been a while since my last posts, so i'm kinda back again ^^ Me & my friends are gonne have our annual LAN party again next weekend, and I'm usually the one in charge of taking care of things, setting up the network etc etc. One thing i've noticed over the past 4 years, is that it usually takes us a day to get everyone set up correctly, all games up to date etc etc.


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Downloading More Than One File From A Web Server?

Jul 30, 2009

VS 2008 SP1 I am using the web client to download a file. Which works ok.However, now I have to download many and the number of files to download will change everyday.I am not sure how I can get the web client to know which files have been downloaded or not? I was thinking of using a for loop to download each file. But I will never know how many there are to download?The web client could download the same file twice?

Private Sub btnStartDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim client As New WebClient()
AddHandler client.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf client_DownloadProgressChanged
AddHandler client.DownloadFileCompleted, AddressOf client_DownloadFileCompleted


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Downloading A File From An Ftp Server To The Browser?

Jan 19, 2012

I am creating a ASP.NET (VB.NET) application that must retrieve a known remote file and return it to the visitor through their browser. I am attempting to use the sample from Microsoft located here: bid=812406 and running into an error 'This stream does not support seek operations'. I'm not sure how to proceed.Here is the code with the error line marked.

Dim ftpWebReq As Net.FtpWebRequest = CType(Net.WebRequest.Create(path), Net.FtpWebRequest)
ftpWebReq.Method = Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile
ftpWebReq.KeepAlive = False


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VS 2008 Downloading More Than One File From Web Server?

Jul 30, 2009

I am using the web client to download a file. Which works ok.

However, now I have to download many and the number of files to download will change everyday.

I am not sure how I can get the web client to know which files have been downloaded or not? I was thinking of using a for loop to download each file. But I will never know how many there are to download?

The web client could download the same file twice?

Private Sub btnStartDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim client As New WebClient()
AddHandler client.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf client_DownloadProgressChanged


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Accessing / Downloading A File From A Remote Server Through FTP In ASP.NET Using VB

Apr 9, 2012

I have been struggling with this but to no avail. But I know I have to get this done. So have come here. I am making a new ASP.NET 'web application project'. I am using VB. The actual task is to access a couple of values from a remote ftp server and store them in variables. But there are a few concerns:


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Communications :: Download File From Apache Server?

Mar 23, 2010

I recently set up an apache server in a small computer (its an ALIX board) and i need to download some files that are going to be stored in that machine. The web server is running and I can create a file called "moo.txt" and if i go to the web browser I can see its contents Now, I need to create a application to communicate with this machine and download that file So far I have tried the following

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Module Module1


This gives me "error accessing site an exception occurred during a WebClient request"

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VS 2005 Text File Reading/downloading?

Sep 23, 2009

I want to make a form, which downloads a textfile from the internet. I found this method on the Microsoft Website:

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile _
(..Adress Here.., ..Output here..)
this works for me


Application.StartupPath & "Data(the name & extension of each file)" I can change the file.txt with other links. But the file have to be in the Data folder.d.

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Downloading A Text File In ASP.NET Is Appending The Webpage HTML?

Mar 3, 2009

For some odd reason, when I download text files, the HTML of the web page is being appended to the text! All other file types work fine!Here's the code that's doing the download:

Public Sub DownloadBlob(ByVal Blob As Byte(), ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Response As HttpResponse)
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", FileName.Replace(" ", "_")))
Response.ContentType = String.Format("application/{0}", Path.GetExtension(FileName).Substring(1))
End Sub


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How Will Change The Label's Text To The Random String Of The Text File On Startup Of The Application

Apr 23, 2011

I have a label that reads a random line from a text file and that string becomes the text for the label.

Now the problem; the label will only work if it is clicked because the event handler is click.What I need is this to work automatically at startup. In other words, it should change the label's text to the random string of the text file on startup of the application.

Here is my code.[code..]

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VS 2010 - Pick A Random Piece Of Text From A Text File?

Jun 9, 2012

How do you pick a random piece of text from a text file in this manner....


I need to pick a random answer, not including the question. let it be the simplest solution. I am only a beginner.

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File I/O And Registry :: Random Access File Larger Than Text File?

Jan 7, 2009

I am writing a program to calculate Pi to several hundred billion decimal places and this will require lots of GB of memory. I wrote a test program in VB2008 that saved the first 16 digits of Pi (without the decimal point) to both a text file and a random access file, just to be sure it was outputting the numbers properly. For reference the first 16 digits of Pi are:

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Downloading Many Files From A Web Server

Jul 30, 2009

I am using the web client to download a file. Which works ok. However, now I have to download many and the number of files to download will change everyday. I am not sure how I can get the web client to know which files have been downloaded or not? I was thinking of using a for loop to download each file. But I will never know how many there are to download? The web client could download the same file twice?


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Pick A Random Name From A Text File?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a file that has names of competitors. I want to write a VB code that selects a random name from the file.What I need is show the names moving quickly once I press enter it will select the name.

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Random Access Text File?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm doing a Program for a Friend of mine, He Want to have a Console Program Running on his Computer.OK the problem i am having is With Stream Read, I have 3 test users inside Test File, if User 1 logs in his information is store in logged file with time and data.but if User 3 logs on user 1 2 and 3 are all saved on the logged file

i dont have read to end of file in my Code.i dont have my Program with me, so i going off the top of my head i have something like this what i want to be able to find out how to do is Right from any part of the file and out put it, I take it i need to use Random Access but how to i code Random Access for this type of file. All i can find is how to Randomly place Words in a text file with Length and size.


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Random Read From Text File?

Jan 21, 2010

Im reading User/Pass from a text file. It has multiple user/passes in it and I want it to randomly select one to use. How would i do this? Here is the code im using now

Using parser2 As New TextFieldParser(filename2)
While Not parser2.EndOfData


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C# - Specify Custom DNS Server When Downloading Using System.Net.WebClient?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm trying to filter submitted web sites by attempting to browse them while bouncing the request off of OpenDNS. If the page received is the OpenDNS page, I'll assume the page shoudld be blocked.

How might I accomplish this task using the System.Net.WebClient class?

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Play A Video From Web Server Without Downloading It To The Host PC?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a file on an FTP and would like to stream it to Windows Media Player or some sort of media player without having to download it first. Is this possible in VB .NET?

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Getting Random Words From Text File Or String?

Jan 8, 2010

I am using VB2010 and currently have a random letter and number applicaation but for some reason students dont seem to have the ability to type these in correctly!Does anyone have some code to put words from text file or string into a text box.


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Grab 10 Random Words From Text File?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a text document. i want to click a button and 10 random words out of the 196000 words shown in a textbox or listbox.

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Open Text File Of First Name And Grab It At Random?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a text file that includes a list of first names, each on their own separate line.

What I am trying to do is to find a way to click on my button and have my app open the list and randomly grab a name and place it into a textbox.

I would include some code but I'm not even sure where to begin.

I'm thinking that I will need to code the button to use the openfiledialog..create an algorithm to use a random copy line and return it into the textbox.

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Open Text File Of First Name And Grab Name At Random

Sep 3, 2011

I have a text file that includes a list of first names, each on their own separate line.What I am trying to do is to find a way to click on my button and have my app open the list and randomly grab a name and place it into a textbox.I would include some code but I'm not even sure where to begin.I'm thinking that I will need to code the button to use the openfiledialog..create an algorithm to use a random copy line and return it into the textbox.

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Random Lines Fom Text File Into Richtextbox?

Jan 31, 2010

basically ive tried a few different methods which i have come accross by searching but none seem to work.

code so far after removing everything that didnt work is as follows

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

im makng a spelling test type application so that each word is on a different line and that are displayed in a random sequency.

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VS 2008 Getting A Random Line On A Text File?

Dec 5, 2009

getting a random line on a text file then assigning it to a variable?

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VS 2010 : Select Random Name From Text File?

May 9, 2012

I basically have 1x text box and 1x button. I also have a text file set out as follows:

Fred Alston
Samuel Takahashi
Toni Tyree
Tonya Engel


Except there are about 60 names.When the button is pressed, I want a name to be selected at random and placed into the text box.

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Webclient Getting A Internal Server Error When Downloading A String?

Nov 12, 2011

My program takes user input, replaces all spaces with "+", then inserts it into a search url for a specified web host. For example, the user enters:"How long is a foot?"

The generated URL (in this case I'm using is:


This method has worked before for me, but now I just get an Internal Server Error every time the code is executed.

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Program That Generates A Random Line Of Text From A .txt File

Nov 26, 2009

I got a little program that generates a random line of text from a .txt file and all is working well, at least for the most part.

On occasion I get an error message popup saying "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: Index."

Here's my code:


The last bit is where the random number is generated, which I am guessing where the problem itself is, but am unsure as to how to fix it...

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Select Random Number Of Lines From A Text File?

Jan 15, 2012

Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box.[code]...

First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. The code needs to work out how many lines have a matching text to the 4th array then randomly select lines from that total no need for a maximum limit to that number.The same line must only been show the once at a time, but It can then be shown again on a different button click.[code]...

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Communications :: Basic TCP/IP Server

Dec 6, 2006


The &H30D? i know its a hexadecimal value and may represent a message but i cant find anything about why someone would need to use one, and not just "As Integer = 703". I've found nothing in the VB.NET library or windows messages/functions docs.

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Communications :: Limitations Of A Tcp /udp Server

May 27, 2010

For my next project i'll have to create a TCP or UDP server based application. I know how to program a server but i am interested on the limitations of such servers.

how many connections a server may be able to handle at the same time. I suspect that this limitation is based on the type of transfer and how much data or how often it is send to the server.

I also read somewhere that a windows program is limited to 25 threads (connections) per core so if i would have a quad core i can have a maximum of 99 connections granted that the server itself is also a thread. Is that correct?

If the above is correct i wonder how to handle let's say 200 users at the same time. There must be some form / way to handle bigger request loads.

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