Communications :: Download An Application That Uses .net Remoting

May 26, 2011

I have downloaded an application that uses .net remoting.

The problem is that I don't know how to configure it to communicate over the internet.

From the blog [url] says to set the tcp . As far as I know this is the intranet IP. My external IP is different. Do I need a server or a Static IP from my provider?

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Communications - Completed Download Notification

Oct 1, 2009

I know that it is possible to download items with Visual Basic [Code], but I was wondering how I could sense that a file had completed its download. (IE: when the download was complete, another event could happen).

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Communications :: Download File From Apache Server?

Mar 23, 2010

I recently set up an apache server in a small computer (its an ALIX board) and i need to download some files that are going to be stored in that machine. The web server is running and I can create a file called "moo.txt" and if i go to the web browser I can see its contents Now, I need to create a application to communicate with this machine and download that file So far I have tried the following

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Module Module1


This gives me "error accessing site an exception occurred during a WebClient request"

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Communications :: How To Check Download / Upload Speed

Nov 7, 2008

Where to start for making a quick routine to check current download/upload speeds? I do have a web server I could download from but need some info on where to start?

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Communications :: WebClient Webpage Login Then Download

Dec 4, 2007

I've been trying for a while to use a method I've found on the net to login to a webpage then download zip files off the page.Here is what I am doing:

strURL = ""
Client = New WebClient()


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Communications :: How ToI Implement Ajax In 2.0 Application

Aug 16, 2008

How can I implement Ajax in 2.0 application.

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Communications :: Make A Chatbox In Application?

Apr 14, 2011

I have an application with many things in it, and I have space left for a chatbox. I also have a server which I will be able to use to run the chatroom on.

My problem is: the code I do not know what codes I need to make a chatbox in my application (normal Windows form).

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Communications :: TCP Request Freezing Application

Nov 4, 2008

I have a Data Acquisition and Control application that controls at 10 Hz and logs at 1 Hz. Both of those timers call a separate. I recently added a feature to the program to request 6 characters from a server for the barometric pressure. (29.206, etc) It works for the most part, but two weeks ago a computer froze, last week another one froze, and two froze this morning. I have not had freezing problems in the nearly three years this program has been running 24/7. Turns out they disconnected the server this morning, so that explains the simultaneous freezes in two test cells. I used a try catch statement, but apparently that wasn't good enough. how I can make this code more robust?


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VS 2010 Cannot Download Application, The Application Is Missing Required Files?

Feb 25, 2011

Every time I compile my application, during install I get the error:Cannot download application, the application is missing required files

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Communications :: Create An Application That Can Receive/send SMS Using GSM Modem

Apr 9, 2010

I have to create an application that can receive/send SMS using GSM Modem.

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Cannot Download Application / Application Is Missing Required Files

Dec 8, 2010

i am new to visual basic and have recently made a quiz with 16 forms. I have built the project but when I attempt to email it (with hotmail) the person at the other end recieves it but then as he recieves it the following message is displayed "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistance."

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Communications :: Application That Perform Actions On A Web Page - Open A Certain Link

Mar 2, 2010

I want to ask how to i do this :

1. Make my application to go to a webpage .

2. Open a certain link .

3. Find & Select an element(mostly element ID or div ID) on a web page like buttons etc.

4. Then extract data from a webpage . Like there's a word for example "Yellow" word in the web page . I need it to find it and copy it then paste into a textbox in my application.

Extra details : I am using Visual Basic 2008.

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Communications :: Send A Command Via RS232 Communications

Jan 26, 2009

I am using VB2008 Express and am curious how to send a command via RS232 communications. The string that I need to send is 02h PON 03h. The start and end bits are 02h and 03h.

How can I convert 02h and 03h to its ascii form. In hyperterminal, I use the sequence {(hold)ALT 0 0 2} on the number pad to send the start bit.

I am using this code currently without the start and end bits


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How To Configure Remoting For LAN

May 17, 2012

Can we configure remoting for the LAN? I studied it halfway but I realised that its for web, but I think it can be possible for LAN too.

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VS 2010 .NET Remoting With VB

Apr 5, 2011

I am creating a client/server application that connects via .NET remoting and I'm using TCP. I have 2 config file for client and server. The config file and the server application runs good. But for the client, it runs even though the server is offline and no port is open listening. I've gone through quite a lot of example and don't really know whats happening. This is my client config file.


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Application Freeze During Download?

Oct 15, 2011

I use these codes to download/upload to my FTP host , they work perfectly but since i have to handles few download/upload , sometimes the application freeze during download

'Upload :
' set up request...
Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _


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Download File Using .net For Web Application

Nov 6, 2009

I has a download button in my web application. When I click the button, it will search for the particular path in my local pc and get the file for the user to download. May I know is it possible to do so using for web application?

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C# - Migrating .Net Remoting From Framework 2 To 4?

Feb 29, 2012

I currently had a .Net Remoting Application running on Framework 2 under IIS. I have to upgrade it to Framework 4 in order to use some new components. I have been able to set everything up and running smootly on Framework 2, but as soon as I change to Framework 4, I get the following exception when I try to call one of the function of my remote object.

The input stream is not a valid binary format. The starting contents (in bytes) are: 53-79-73-74-65-6D-2E-52-75-6E-74-69-6D-65-2E-52-65

This bug is not the real bug, it is caused by the fact that the remote object is throwing an exception, and IIS wrap the exception in XML, which throws the BinaryFormatter off.See this for more info on the bug.

This is very unfortunate because I cannot see what is causing the exception, and having never used any Remoting before, I do not have much ideas as to where to start debugging. It seems the Exception is thrown before even stepping in the code because I do a fair amount of logging and none of it seems to be triggering.Basically, I'm looking for some clues or pointer from people that encountered similar problems:

What could be causing the exception when no code has changed besides Compiling from .Net 2 to .Net 4?How can I get the full Exception message that is returned?


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How To Communcate With Remoting Server

Apr 19, 2009

1)i created remoting server now i want to communicate with that

2)if i want to develop a remoting application how i startadil

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VS 2005 Remoting Causes Threading?

Oct 1, 2009

I have a server, listening to Remoting request on TCP channel. When first client was connected, it was able to proceed on the lines of code shown in the picture. When a second client connected, it shows this error

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Application Get Hang After Download Log Complete?

Feb 17, 2010

My application get hang after i download log from hardware unit.Basically hardware protocol is custom design(no modbus).there are huge number of records(minimum 1000) which i have to show in grid at the time of download process takes place i add new rows into grid to show record function works on but after function execution over application gets hang. No process is pending after that function.

Private Sub manikPro_DownloadDataReceive(ByVal packet As String) Handles manikPro.DownloadDataReceive
Dim str As String = ""


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Download File In .net Desktop Application?

Apr 29, 2010

how can I download file form another computer and save it to my computer..

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VS 2008 Getting Application To Download A File

Oct 26, 2010

I got two issues getting my application to download a file. One small and one rather big.The downloader seems to have an issue using the users full download capability while the downloaded size is under 1 MB. As soon as it hits that, it seems to speed up with 10-100 times the previous speed.(Snippet at the end of the post)It seems to have to do with the filesize, which is about 5GB. As soon as my application hits about 1GB it completely locks up. (Without an error message, which I do have built in with a try...catch statement)I actually have to force quit the app to make it stop.It works perfectly fine with a 20MB file.I have the idea it's because of the int64's I use. But I need to use those (afaik) due to the big file size.[code]

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VS 2010 - Create A Download ETA For Their Application?

Sep 5, 2011

Some coding in visual basic 2010. How does one create a download ETA for their application? Here's a picture to show you what I'm trying to achieve.

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VS 2010 Possible To Download Web Image To The Application?

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to download an image from web directly to our application?

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.net Remoting Returns System.BadImageFormatException?

Aug 4, 2011

I am working on a .net remoting project (VS 2008). I have a .dll hosted in IIS 6 windows server 2003 r2.

When i try to test it in internet explorer "http:localhost/hellone/test.rem", it shows the following error

System.BadImageFormatException: The format of the file 'SimpleTest' is invalid.File name: "SimpleTest"
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Boolean isStringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyNa me assemblyRef, Boolean stringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)


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Cross-AppDomain Singleton With Remoting ?

Mar 8, 2011

I have an Addin for MS Excel which needs a singleton to share data amongst modules.Depending on the version of Excel (2003, 2007, 2010), and how Excel was started, it calls my addin from different, unpredictable AppDomains, which prevents the classic singleton approach.Creating a custom AppDomainManager won't work because Excel has already created the AppDomains before the addin is called.

Linking to mscoree to enumerate domains breaks the addin registration process (and I really don't want that anyway); there doesn't seem to be any other way of enumerating, so that isn't an option either.The only solution that I've found is to use remoting. Here's my test rig:

Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
' Remeber to add reference to System.Runtime.Remoting DLL[code].....

Once everything is running, access to the singleton takes ~100µS, which is perfect. I can live with the ~400mS the first time each AppDomain is initialised. The problem is at startup, where the remoting invocation takes ~2.5 seconds.

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Explain Singleton Architecture Of Remoting?

Jun 6, 2011

Explain Singleton architecture of Remoting.

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Make Remoting Cache Object?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm using the following code in a singleton remoting object MBRO. This function is only called on the server side.

''' <summary>
''' Return a cached DataCentricObject


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Remoting With Client Activated Object

Jul 9, 2010

I am trying to switch from a SingleCall Remoting infrastructue to a client activated object infrastructure. But can't get it to work. Probbaly a setting. On the hosting server (a console application) I have:


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