Communications :: Create An Application That Can Receive/send SMS Using GSM Modem

Apr 9, 2010

I have to create an application that can receive/send SMS using GSM Modem.

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Send/Receive SMS With D-Link GSM-Modem?

Feb 8, 2012

I want to write a Solution with VB.Net for Receive "Users" requests and Send specified information to

them with SMS.I use D-Link GSM-Modem (Model:DWM-156).

This model/type of GSM-Modem, has embeded Driver and a Application for Sending/Receiving SMS.on it, and also we can attach MicroSD to the Device. 1-Send/Receive with GSM-Modem and D-Link's application :

when i attach GSM-Modem to USB port, D-Link' app , run automatically , then I heared noises on my Speaker, like when turn on a Mobile. I think this Signals "Hand Shake" with My GSM-Network.


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Communications :: SEND/RECEIVE Data From Serial, CPU Speed?

Nov 9, 2009

I need to send data via serial and wait for and answer (VB.NET).Right now i'm doing it this way:SerialPort1.Write(sel & Chr(13))Thread.Sleep(50)aaa = SerialPort1.ReadExisting()If i do not thread.sleep, i get nothing, i supose it's because the machine is too fast.

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Communications :: [2008] Socket Programming - Receive / Send?

Mar 6, 2009

I realize this is a broad question, but how do I recieve / send packets. I know what packets I need to send and what Im going to recieve, but I dont know how to send / recieve them.

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Communications :: Used To Assemble And Send Raw Packet / Receive Response Packets?

Sep 14, 2008

What Visual Basic code can be used to assemble and send a raw packet, and receive response packets? I looked on MSDN and I couldn't find any documentation for anything used to send a packet.

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Serial Port Communications - AT Commands - Send And Receive Data

Apr 12, 2009

I have a USB modem that can detect caller ID and can detect dialled digits when special AT commands activated, How to send and receive data. The sent data will be the AT command such as AT+VCID-1 to activate the caller ID, the received data will be caller ID information and the digits dialed. I'm new to prgramming and using Visual Basic 2008 Express.

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Communications :: Socket Behaviour - Created A Client That Can Send And Receive Data Via TCP Sockets

Aug 26, 2010

I have created a Client that can send and receive data via TCP sockets. The objects stored on the serverside are the *exact* same object used for the client. They use the same send and receive protocols.

Now, when i send a string from the server to the client , it does precisely what it should do. However when I send a string to the server.... I do receive the string as an equal length of NULL characters. I run the server and client locally.

Basicly what can influence the behaviour between two completely identical objects performing the exact same task? I wonder if there is some socketflag issue if the TCPlistener.accept function returns a completely different setup then the one I R used to.

(if it is of any interest, the send protocol is asynchronious)

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Send SMS Via GSM Modem From .net Application?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to send SMS Via GSM Modem from application I write code But it is not working .

Here is Code below :

Public Class Form1
Private SMSEngine As SMSCOMMS
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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Create A Program To Send And Receive Sms?

Apr 12, 2008

Do you know how to create a program to send and receive sms and call from PC from and or to any devices?

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Error Tcp Send Receive Application

Jun 2, 2011

I have created an application which listens for strings being sent to my pc from a remote unit. I now need to add the function of sending strings back to the remote unit on a button press. I've searched for ages to find a solution but I'm not knowledgeable enough yet with to solve this solution.

I'm getting the error with the line opensock2 = New IO.StreamWriter(client.GetStream) saying its not connected. So I seem to need to pass the connection from the background worker to the button click, or have it somewhere else in the code to make it accessible. [Code]

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See How Much Bytes Did An Application Receive And Send

Mar 14, 2010

I didn't found any performance counter that would monitor an process's/thread's network bandwidth and not just that of an ethernet card.

So I could see how much bytes did an application receive and send.

Did I miss something or is there another way?

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Send And Receive SMS Through .NET Windows Application?

Sep 24, 2008

How can send and receive SMS through VB.NET windows Application...

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Receive Msg From GSM Modem?

Nov 5, 2009

Imports System
Imports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1


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Receive SMS Using GSM Modem?

Sep 15, 2009

I am working on a program to poll SMSes automatically, i am using the serialPort_DataReceived event to detect any SMSes coming through the serialPort

Private Sub serialPort_DataReceived( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) _
Handles serialPort.DataReceived

but the message i received does not contains the full information, may i know that if there is any other received data event that can be used to receive data coming through the serial port which can better receive data from a gsm modem?

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Application For Exam. Client Server. Receive And Send Data?

Sep 21, 2011

In our project we've decided to put an exam generator using and after generate you can send it to client computer/students. *server computer/teacher will the one who will use exam generator and send it to the client computer/student*student will recieve it and then send it back again to the server computer/teacher*teachers will going to generate an exam depends on the type of exam, so i think im going to make it a wizard type environment

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Create A Code That Can Be Called Apon To Activate But Not Receive Or Send Any Information Through The Program?

Jul 18, 2009

I have been developing a calculator for complex math. (Much more complicated than +,-,/,*, and above your usual scientific calculator)Its works quite well .In past programs I have used "private functions". I know that you give them a value and it returns on back. But what if you dont want to recive or send value? My example for this is a function I am attempting to make called "Autopi".The idea of Autopi is that whenever a mathimatical operation is about to be performed textbox(s) are cheked to see if they contain pi. (3.14 or 3.141) If they test positive Autopi will continue pi to however many places have been specifyed in the program. (Currently 300 places just beacuse i can :) Before the Autopi function does this it chekes to see if variable "pi" = 1. If it does it proceeds if it doesent its job is done

How would I create a code that can be called apon to activate but not recive or send any information through the program.And just to clarify what I mean by that is it will read information out of a textbox and write into it. But it wont actualy recive anything or send anything back from where it was called apon.

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Receive Incoming SMS Messages Via Gsm Modem In Program?

Jul 21, 2009

I am working on an assignment whereby i am requested to receive incoming messages via a gsm modem, i have tried to do so by writing at commands to the serial port where the gsm modem is connected to but there's one specific line which gives me error when i tried writing it to the serial port, (AT+CMGL= "ALL") which returns me an error: CMS ERROR: 305 which means Invalid Text mode parameter The following is the codes i have done up to so far, can anyone tell me what is the correct way to write this specific line to the serial port or is there any other methods that is able to do the same thing?[code]...

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Communications :: Use A Socket Connection On Vb To Communicate With PC Without Using GSM Modem And SIM Card?

Apr 1, 2009

I would like to know can we use a socket connection on vb to communicate with PC without using GSM modem and SIM card.for example, like sendin a simple text msg to the PC and it will reply back the result back to me the result.

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Communications :: Serial Port Communication Via Null Modem Cable?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a app running on one computer, displaying text into 2 texboxes or labels.I need to see the two values in two sperate textboxes or labels from the two labels on another computer via a null modem serial adapter.

1st computer.



straight forward right?

2nd computer to read the data

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
dim s as new string = serialport1.readline()
label1.text = s

This is what I was thinking;

serialport.writeline(label1.text & label2.text

This would send the two values over the serial port. How would I seperate the two values and display them in two different texboxes?cannot use them together)Am I on the right path at all? Or using the serialport.writeline method won't work at all....

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Receive Data From Serial Port Link To Itegno Modem W3800

Sep 17, 2009

I am wondering is there any code to get the text reply from the modem? I am using the itegno W3800 modem. I have used the below method so far but apparently VB.NET windows form doesnt see the incoming data. The message box comes out empty. But when i try the same method with the TMAS Siemens GSM modem, VB.NET can see the incoming data and display out the data string.

here is the code that i have written:

serialPort.Write("AT" & vbCrLf) 'set command message format to text mode(1)
receiveddata = serialPort.ReadExisting()
it works for the TMAS gsm modem.

The baud rate for the TMAS GSM modem is 9600 and the baud rate for the itegno modem is 115200.

For the itegno modem, the data is sort of like stuck at the serial port as after every time i pressed on the button for example "AT"

this "AT" command gets "stuck" at the serialport and run only when i have connected through the serial port in hyper terminal.

I am thinking is it the baud rate for 115200 is too fast for VB to handle? And also is there any way to solve this problem?

i have to revert back to the itegno modem for use for my project at the end of the day.

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Communications :: Send A Command Via RS232 Communications

Jan 26, 2009

I am using VB2008 Express and am curious how to send a command via RS232 communications. The string that I need to send is 02h PON 03h. The start and end bits are 02h and 03h.

How can I convert 02h and 03h to its ascii form. In hyperterminal, I use the sequence {(hold)ALT 0 0 2} on the number pad to send the start bit.

I am using this code currently without the start and end bits


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Communications :: Receive Hex Data On Serial Port?

Jan 5, 2009

I am trying to recieve HEX data from a seriall device. Code is as below . but the required output is not correct. Some chracter code are not correct even in decimal. like for 80 i recieved 3F and for c0 also. for example i recived a string .

10 02 3F 00 10 03 3F 61

but in actual data should be

10 02 80 00 10 03 c0 61

Public Sub DataSeriallReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort.DataReceived
Dim buff As String


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Communications :: Receive Text From Serial Port

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to receive data from the serial port and display onto a text box in my gui in vb. I'm using xp pro sp2 and vb 2008 exp.What i've done so far:

- I'm able to send data successfully (tested) to the serial port
- I can dispaly what data is being sent (tested)

Steps taken:

- I have looked around on this forum for something similar to what I have but no similar posts are here
- Will look into MSDN help shortly
- Will also try some vb books I have lying around. But the problem is most of the vb books deal with sql server and database stuff and not really interfacing to hardware.

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Send SMS Using Modem?

May 11, 2012

I am trying to implement automated sms(Short Msg ) system.I implemented sms receiving part.but I could't send a sms as reply.

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Send Sms Via GPRS Modem With .net?

Jul 7, 2009

I need to send sms via GPRS Modem with

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Make A Program To Send Sms Using Gsm Modem?

Jan 28, 2011

I want to make a program to send sms using gsm modem .. but i don't know how can i start .

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Send / Rcv Msgs Using GSM Modem RS232

Mar 20, 2012

I am using a GSM modem RS232 where a sim is inserted. I want to write a VB.NET application so that i can send or rcv messages using the modem. How to proceed for same?

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Send Sms By Using Asus T500 Modem?

Feb 12, 2011

I want to send sms using my application by using my Asuse T500 GSM Modem.

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Send Image From Computer Connected To GSM Modem To A Mobile

Jul 29, 2009

how to use at commands in and how to send image from computer connected to GSM modem to a mobile using

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