Create A Code That Can Be Called Apon To Activate But Not Receive Or Send Any Information Through The Program?

Jul 18, 2009

I have been developing a calculator for complex math. (Much more complicated than +,-,/,*, and above your usual scientific calculator)Its works quite well .In past programs I have used "private functions". I know that you give them a value and it returns on back. But what if you dont want to recive or send value? My example for this is a function I am attempting to make called "Autopi".The idea of Autopi is that whenever a mathimatical operation is about to be performed textbox(s) are cheked to see if they contain pi. (3.14 or 3.141) If they test positive Autopi will continue pi to however many places have been specifyed in the program. (Currently 300 places just beacuse i can :) Before the Autopi function does this it chekes to see if variable "pi" = 1. If it does it proceeds if it doesent its job is done

How would I create a code that can be called apon to activate but not recive or send any information through the program.And just to clarify what I mean by that is it will read information out of a textbox and write into it. But it wont actualy recive anything or send anything back from where it was called apon.

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Create A Program To Send And Receive Sms?

Apr 12, 2008

Do you know how to create a program to send and receive sms and call from PC from and or to any devices?

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VB9 Send\receive Ping Information?

Jan 21, 2009

i am trying to ping some terminals and all i could find for code is this

If My.Computer.Network.Ping(IPaddress, 1000) Then
MsgBox(IPaddress & " pinged successfully.")
MsgBox(IPaddress & " request timed out.")
End If

it keeps comming up request timed out message. and i got this from microsoft. instead of a message box i am going to return the response to a listview control but i have to get a successful message first.

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Send And Receive Information From A Client Via Telnet Applciation

Apr 1, 2011

An currently writing a application to send and receive information from a client via telnet. Am using to do this. I can send data great and get data back is ok. So the Problem is in the command window after I telnet in to the server application, when i press the delete key the cursor moves back a character and doesn't delete the character, just over writes it and when I read the bytes in I get the deleted character and the ascii value for the delete key and then the replacement character. I have seen another telnet application that shows the deletion of characters in the Command window.

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Interface And Graphics :: Possibility To Get In Program Information From A Called Program?

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a possibillity to get in a vb program information from a called vb program?For example: Dim id As Integer = Shell("C:program.exe id_1") program.exe is a vb windows form program and must return a value back.

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Communications :: Create An Application That Can Receive/send SMS Using GSM Modem

Apr 9, 2010

I have to create an application that can receive/send SMS using GSM Modem.

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Send And Receive Mails Using Outlook In Program?

Jan 22, 2012

Im using 2003.I Have windows application where we load mails from Outlook where it is very success ful right now. But Now my application is in one ip address( and my Inbox is in (1.33) . How can i load the mails to (.23) ip address? and it should automatically load the mails from the specified folder.

Now my appliaction will ask to pick folder and allow access to 10 minutes(we specify time to access the folder)

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Receive Data From Serialport & Send It To Anthor Pc Running My Program?

Sep 3, 2010

how to recive data from serialport & send it to anthor pc running my program & resend to the same serialport on the other pc?

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Program Not Waiting For Called Code To Execute ?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm writing a program and have run into a bit of a snag. I have the code perform a button click on certain buttons, the reason for this is I have a bunch of buttons that each do something and one that does everything automatically. I suppose I could rewrite everything under that one button but that would essentially double the size of my program, I could use an if statement to catch the fact that the program is in automatic mode but that would be about 15 conditions (not looking forward to writing that statement ;p)

Clicking the buttons is a nice simple, clean solution. The exception being the program performs the click then continues on executing the rest of the code in the actually clicked button while at the same time executing the code called by the code click. Main problem with this is the data that needs to be populated by the code click isn't being populated fast enough for the code in the main button so then there is errors, blank data, program doing nothing. A simple sw timer to delay could work (I know how to make one of those) but the problem with that is the program is executing against a webpage and if the webpage takes a few seconds longer to load then anticipated everything is out of wack again. I'm looking for a simplish way to cause the program to wait for ALL code called by any raised event to finish before proceeding.

i.e. Call Button.clickEvent > Wait for code and subroutines executed by Button.clickEvent to finish > continue with rest of code in button.

Below is the code I'm using so far for the user clicked button.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'Need to wait for all code executed by Button4 and anything it calls to finish
x = 0


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Create A Delegate And Use The Function In Program Called DoStuff()?

Jan 4, 2012

For a class, I have to create a delegate and use the function in my program called DoStuff(). There is an error tht says "Method 'Public Sub DoStuff(stringVal As String)' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub MyDel()'.


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Using Send Keys To Send The Squence Alt W (a Integer Called 'index') Escape

Nov 7, 2010

I am using send keys to send the squence Alt W (a integer called 'index') Escape


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How To Use Timer - Activate A Button To Send Out Msg Automatically

Jun 13, 2009

can any 1 teach me how to use timer in VB.NET. Let's say after i have checked on a check box i would want to activate a button to send out msg automatically.

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Create A Program Which Saves Customer Information For A Business E.g First Name?

May 31, 2010

I am attempting to create a program which saves customer information for a business e.g first name, last name, address etc. but i am having trouble coding the save , new, print, next/previous record buttons.

Would someone be able to link me to a tutorial which explains how to do these?

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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Enter And Receive Information From A Javascript Enabled Website?

Aug 4, 2011

AS in the title i would like my browser to navigate to etc etc Webbrowser1.navigate("")Then in the link box it should paste link in text1.text

Then it would press submit in bottom right corner Then it would grab the generated link that appears in the right-hand-side click it then begin download I would usually know how to do this but this is javascript enabled and is causing errors inside the form webbrowser

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Receive And Send Packets?

Jul 25, 2009

Since a few months I want to learn how to receive and send packets. Since WinSock doesn't work I think it'll be quite hard to get an easy way to do it.

I want to be able to send and get packets as a client. (TCP) I know that I need System.Net.Sockets, and that's quite everything...

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Send And Receive Params?

Jan 11, 2009

I was going over the Screen Saver Tutorial for VB Express 2005 and i Noticed How the Screen Saver app excepts params at startup... and depending on the startup param it will display the screen saver or the options form... lets say that i want to start up a screen saver from my program, how would i send it to the screen saver to display the options form the param is "/p" or something.

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Send And Receive Pictures?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a program that is meant to send and receive pictures. There are two parts, client and server, the server sending pictures, and client receiving.the server needs to send it across the internet, then the client needs to receive and show the image in a picture box.

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Send N Receive Sms Via GSM Mobile?

Jun 18, 2009

how i send and recive sms through GSM like mobils using the AT command. have any api or control for it

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Office Automation :: Called "Freemind" That Is Called A 'mind Mapping' Program?

May 13, 2010

I recently found an awesome tool called "Freemind" that is called a 'mind mapping' program. It's similar to MS Visio but way cooler and more automated.I reeeallly would like to integrate this into a Form, but how?

Has anyone seen or heard of mind mapping inside before? Are there programs out there already that work with or anyone have an example they have seen / built that works?

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Create A Program That Will Send Data Across Network To Another Computer?

Mar 23, 2011

I want to create a program that will send data across my network to another computer. The data will be taken and used as sort of a command for the computer to load a webpage, or whatever I decide to do with it. I was familiar with the winsock control in Vb6.

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.net - Send And Receive A Large Image Using Tcp?

Dec 19, 2010

I need to send and receive a large image between programs running on different machines within the same network.

I've looked at using upd however ran into problems with the size of the packets and
(after breaking the image into smaller pieces to get past this problem) the number of packets needing to be processed all at once - and ultimately packet loss.

I've also thought of sending the image by storing it in a common file folder and receiving it by using file watcher as a trigger. However, this just adds further complexities in setup where common folders don't already exist.

Assuming I'm barking up the right tree looking at tcp, can someone point me to/provide an example of how to send an image file using it ( would be ideal). Also, are there practical limits to tcp package sizes?

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.NET Socket Send & Receive Not Matching?

Feb 29, 2012

I have these following lines to send bytes using socket

Dim server As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
Dim myIp As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("myIP")
Dim ip As New IPEndPoint(myIp, Int32.Parse("myPort"))


As in the code, I am supposed to retrieved "Halo". Instead I keep receiving sth like "[]".

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Asynchronous To Send/receive From A Website?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm using asynchronous to send/receive from a website I want to block the BeginGetRequestStream method which I have done, using

WaitEvent.WaitOne(1000 * 20, false);

the problem is that it blocks the UI, which I thought it did not so it basically works like GetRequestStream which does block the UI.

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Error Tcp Send Receive Application

Jun 2, 2011

I have created an application which listens for strings being sent to my pc from a remote unit. I now need to add the function of sending strings back to the remote unit on a button press. I've searched for ages to find a solution but I'm not knowledgeable enough yet with to solve this solution.

I'm getting the error with the line opensock2 = New IO.StreamWriter(client.GetStream) saying its not connected. So I seem to need to pass the connection from the background worker to the button click, or have it somewhere else in the code to make it accessible. [Code]

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How To Receive N Send Sms W/o Human Interaction

May 30, 2009

as above how to do that man? I will also want to extract the information to be sent from the database. An example of what i am going to do is something like this:


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See How Much Bytes Did An Application Receive And Send

Mar 14, 2010

I didn't found any performance counter that would monitor an process's/thread's network bandwidth and not just that of an ethernet card.

So I could see how much bytes did an application receive and send.

Did I miss something or is there another way?

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Send / Receive Image Via Sockets

Feb 21, 2011

I want to send image from server to client via .net Sockets and assign it to a picturebox. but I got problem in receiving data, it's 'Server' side code:


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Send And Receive An Xml String Asynchronously?

Oct 23, 2010


Now i need to do a few hundred/thousand requests all at the same time or atleast over a short period. I am assuning i need to do this asynchronously. I have looked all over the net and tested various ways to communicate asynchronously and am pretty stumped. None of the examples out there seem to explain how i receive the xml return as a string ("which i will write to file or db")

Does anyone have any working code to do such a process?

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Send And Receive Data Through Sockets?

Dec 3, 2008

I'm completely new to sockets etc.I'm trying to create an app that'll allow someone to send short information messages to several other people with the same app, using the internet and sockets(?)I've tried using code from online, but I'm getting no where.

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