Compare All Rows In One Table Against Another Table?

Aug 12, 2009

I've got a table in an SQL server that often has large amounts of data imported into it via an automated process - the problem is that a lot of the data that gets imported is a duplicate of data that is already in there (for example if we have a customer in there called Mr Customer Ltd, a duplicate with a slightly different name could get imported, like Mr.Customer Ltd).

So I am using the Fuzzy Logic class that Wild Bill put in the CodeBank to find names that are similar and then highlight these items. The thing is that the target table that the imported data ends up in has several thousand rows and the table that contains the data to be imported often contains several thousand rows as well, so I'm trying to decide how to do this. Obviously reading both tables into memory is not an option as it will consume too much memory on the client PC that is running this app. So this is what I am doing at the moment:

1. Read the table that contains data to be imported into a DataTable in memory

2. Open a connection to the target table and use the SQLDataReader to start to loop through it

3. In this loop, for each row that the data reader reads I then loop through the entire set of rows in the DataTable and run this fuzzy logic method that compares the account name from the current row in the datatable loop to the account name in the row that the datareader is currently on.(there is also a Thread.Sleep(1) after each row is processed to prevent the process from eating up 100% of the CPU while it runs)

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SQL Server Query Combination - Get Rows From A Table Based On The Value Of A Field In Another Table

Feb 23, 2011

I have a query that I have to run that requires me to get rows from a table based on the value of a field in another table (which I have gotten earlier). I currently have it done like this (simplified).


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Get All The Rows From Master Table And Relevent Row From The Detail Table In MS-SQL?

Feb 17, 2012

I am using MS-SQL and I am trying to write a query which fetches rows from the master table and related rows from the detail table. Now, the thing I want is that it must only fetch the first row from the master table and related field from the detail tables should be blank in that first row, now if there are related rows found in the detail tables, they must be shown in the separate rows. I have been trying using the following query but it is not giving the desired result.


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Convert GridView Table To Html Table But Rows Should Be Columns And Columns Should Be Rows

Aug 18, 2011

I have Dataset ds filled up with values Until now I was displaying values in GridView. Now I want that all the rows should be columns and columns should be rows.I have 2 options: Either 1 I can directly convert grid to columns and display it, or 2 I can convert the GridView to html and then write loops to convert. I was trying the 2nd option but I cant figure out how I should do that.[code]With this code I am still getting same as GridView. Please help me for converting rows to columns and vice versa.

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VS 2008 - Lock Grid Rows To The Number Of Rows In The Data Table?

Jul 27, 2010

when populating a data grid i keep getting a redundant row in the bottom. is there a way to lock grid rows to the number of rows in the data table?

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Compare With Id And Retrieve The Name In A Table

May 31, 2012

I am doing a small program in vb2005 with access database. In that I have a small issue, my database has 3 tables tblbill having vendorid & truckid to compare, tblvendor has vendorid & vendorname, tbltruck has truckid & truckno in these 3 tables i want to retrieve and show the vendorname based on the truckid based search. I have written code for some level and it doesn't work for me.

This is my code

Dim cmd1 As OleDb.OleDbCommand
cmd1 = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select tblVendor.VendorName, tblTruck.TruckID, tblbill.vendorid, tblbill.truckid " & _


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How To Compare Values From Same Table

Jun 8, 2011

I need comparing value from the same table for my final project.
Example :
Table 1 :
Sub Aclass 1
Sub Aclass 2
Sub Aclass 3
Sub Bclass 2
Sub Bclass 3
Sub Bclass 4
Sub Bclass 5
Sub Cclass 6
Sub Cclass 7
Sub Cclass 8

My task is, I need to compare the classes in the subject. Sub A with class 1, class 2, class 3 have to compare with Sub B and Sub C. if classes from Sub A exist in Sub B then the output is 0, if not the output is 1. then Sub A again will compare with Sub C and the rest. After Sub A compare its value with other subject. Sub B will start comparing with all the subject and so on.

Below is the concept.
Sub ASub BSub C
Sub A001
Sub B000
Sub C100
I really don't know to do the loop..

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Add New Table In An Access Database And Copy All Content From An Existing Table To New Table

Aug 30, 2009

I want to add a new table in my accdb and copy the content tfrom an existing table into the new one.
Is there an easy way to do this?

View 8 Replies

Refresh Table Adapter When I Have A Child Table Attached With Parent Table?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a data table whose one column is related to a column of another table. I have a listbox in a form which shows a column (which is sorted by another column value by ORDER clause) of the parent table and other columns are in textboxes. The child table is represented by a datagrid. When I add a new item in parent table and click save, the newly created item is listed at the bottom of the listbox violating my ORDER clause. When I wrote some codes to fill data again after updating, it shows an error message[code]...

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Compare The Textbox Value With Table Row Value By Using If Condition?

Feb 8, 2010

Using VB.Net and SQL Server

I want to compare the textbox value with table row value by using if condition


If textbox1.text = cmd
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select name from table1", con) Then
cmd = SqlCommand

The above code is showing error in if condition. I don't know how to compare the textbox value with table row value by using if condition.

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Compare Two Dataset And Insert Different Into A Table?

Apr 21, 2010

In myapp, I can create two datasets: [dstServer1] and [dstServer2]. They are coming from two tables which are in two different SQL server: [Order1] (in server1) and [Order2] (in server2). These two tables have the same data structure. How to code to compare two dataset and then insert difference into another table without using linked server?

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Compare A Text Box Value With A Table (store In Sql Server)

Mar 31, 2011

i am working on a web site. i need to validate a text box value with a Column ( in table A, using sql server) .

well, the situation is. When user enter in textbox1 = 45 , before user go to textbox2 , textbox1 check in database if 45 is there. If not give error .

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Compare Two Date Values In Two Different Columns Of A Table?

Sep 21, 2011

My application is in VS2008 coded in have a table with three columns FromDate,Todate and Schedule.FromDate and ToDate will have date values whereas Schedule will have a any of these values(weekly,Monthly,Yearly) In my Form i have given some provision to the user to check the records.

My requirement is The currentdate that is Today's date should be compared with the values of Fromdate and ToDate.First it should be check whether Schedule value is Weekly or Monthly or Yearly.If it is weekly than it should check the record in between fromDate to ToDate with a increment of one week.That means it should first check the first value of fromDate than add 7 days to the value and then again check from fromDate and this should continue till it reaches Todate.


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Compare Two Different Tables Which Are Enlistment And Schedulings Table?

Apr 15, 2012

i need to compare two different tables which are Enlistment and Schedulings Table . in schedulings Table , there was a columnnmae AvailableSlots wherein the AvailableSlots in every sections in every year is recorded.. in Enlistment table, i used to count the number of records that satisfy my query : "Select Count(*) as Total from Enlistment where YearLevels = '" & TextBox4.Text & "' AND Sections = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"Now, i need to know how many slots are taken that satisfies the query.. to know the number of students that can only be enrolled on that particular sections ..

here's my codes :

con = New OleDbConnection("Provider= Microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0; Data Source=|DataDirectory|Enrollment System.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=jhedonghae;")
Dim ewaaa As String = "Select Count(*) as Total from Enlistment where YearLevels = '" & TextBox4.Text & "' AND Sections = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"


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How To Compare Two Date Values In Two Different Columns Of A Table

Sep 21, 2011

My application is in VS2008 coded in have a table with three columns.FromDate,Todate and Schedule.FromDate and ToDate will have date values whereas Schedule will have a any of these values(weekly,Monthly,Yearly)

In my Form i have given some provision to the user to check the records.My requirement is The currentdate that is Today's date should be compared with the values of Fromdate and ToDate.First it should be check whether Schedule value is Weekly or Monthly or Yearly.If it is weekly than it should check the record in between fromDate to ToDate with a increment of one week.That means it should first check the first value of fromDate than add 7 days to the value and then again check from fromDate and this should continue till it reaches Todate.


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Iterate Through Database Table To Compare User Name?

Mar 23, 2010

I am quite new to programming and I want to be able to check whether the user logged on to the system is in a table or not. I am not quite sure how to iterate through a table.

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Compare 2 Sql Tables And Show Data That Are In Table 1 But Not In Table2?

Oct 29, 2009

how to compare 2 sql tables and show data that are in table 1 but not in table2?

Dim strSQLL As String = "Select from ML533 t1 left join portal t2 on t1.[run] = t2.[runNo] where t1.[run] <> t2.[runNo]"
Dim comm As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQLL, conn)
Dim ds1 As DataSet = New DataSet()


i have tried google and other sites.. but still cannot find solution. maybe i post the wrong question. but i manage to do this code. but its only shows only 1 record missing, but its supposed to show 5 records that r missing.

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Compare The Two Data Table Columns And Find Duplicates?

Feb 15, 2012

i want to compare the two data table columns and find duplicates for example

autoid ponbr polinenbr quantity
1 0001 10 5
2 0002 12 6


in the above two dataTable i would like to compare the ponbr and polinenbr column and find the duplicates and get the autoid..

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VS 2008 Compare Multiple Database Table Values?

Jun 18, 2009

I have to compare an item value in two tables. these two tables are on different database(same server).

I have succesfully generated sql query to return both table values.

the query runs in sql server without any problem and gives the results.

The same query i used in doesnt gives any result ...

It is resulting with no rows.

Does the connection to multiple databases wont work from

The following classes are used to get the result ...


SqlDataAdapter is showing with no records returned. The same query returns the results in sql server query window...

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Compare Every Record In Excel File And Save To Database Table?

Nov 15, 2011

My query is i want to save record from an excel sheet to my Database Table.

But i dont want to insert the Excel sheet as a whole rather i want to insert the record in my database table Row wise.Inserting the records is not the only thing but my major issue is i want to check and compare the Primary Key column of my Table with the Column in my Excel.

Suppose Table1 is my Sql Database Table,and RegistrationNo is the Primary Key Column.Similarly there is also a column of Registration Number in my Excel Sheet.

Now before inserting each record the RegistrationNo column should be compared.If the a registrationNo in the excel sheet say RegistrationNo 112 is already present in the table then it should not Insert the record and if its not present then it should insert.

Also the other issue is the number of columns in my Database table are more than the number of columns in my excel Sheet.So the columns that are not present in the excel sheet should be set to NULL while inserting the record in the Table.

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Copy A Table To Another Table Without Overwriting The Contents Of The Second Table?

Feb 23, 2010

How do I copy a table to another table without overwriting the contents of the second table?

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Add Rows To A SQL Table With Dim Values As The Value?

Nov 17, 2011

How do i use Variables as the values to insert into the SQL table. I tryed:

Dim cnnConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=" & Application.StartupPath & "DatabaseRecords.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim ImportValuetoSQL As String = 1
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Count Rows In A Table?

Aug 9, 2011

Here is some code that I used to fill up my DataSet.[code]...

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Deleting Rows From A SQL Table?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a table in where I am trying to delete all the rows except for the first. I did manage to come up with the code following:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dtRemoveRows As DataTable =


In review, this code sort of holds the first row and clears the remaining rows. However, when I exit and reopen the program the rows return. So in other words, I want the rows to get permently deleted. I have searched and cannot find a solution to permenly delete all rows without deleting the first row.

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How To Deleting All Rows From A Table In VB

Feb 2, 2012

how to delete all rows from a table in visual basic 2010

Dim CurMembersRow As MembersDataSet.MembersRow
CurMembersRow = CType(CType(Me.MembersBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row, MembersDataSet.MembersRow)

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Take Rows From An Existing Table?

Feb 21, 2012

I need to take rows that I have made from a previous table and somehow reuse them in another table that I am going to make, and I cant figure out how to. Its not necessarily the rows that's tricking me but its what the column name is looking for. Its looking for a string and I don't know how to make it so VB spits out what I want it to.

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Database - Implement A Login System Using LINQ To Compare Information With An Access Table?

Sep 27, 2011

I have been requested to implement a login form into a friend's Visual Basic .NET application. He specifically requested that I should do this using LINQ to compare the input to a table in an Access database. I don't really know why he imposed these restrictions, but who am I to judge? However, the problem is I am not overly familiar with VB .NET, or LINQ.

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Add Rows To Data Table Incrementally?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a bound data table bound to a datagridview. Every time the user clicks on a link to "add" a transaction, it's supposed to write to the register.

It does, but it writes it to the first line, and then overwrites it each additional click. How do I append, autoincrement, sequentially go to the next line?[code]....

View 18 Replies - Iterating Through The Rows Of A Table Using Tableadapters In .net?

Oct 3, 2010

i have a problem. I have database with a tableadpater. i want to get the userid with this tableadapter.

Dim dsGN As New ForumTableAdapters.Message2TableAdapter
Dim dtBetrieb As Data.DataTable = dsGN.GetUserIdFromThisMessage(ConversationID)
For Each objRow As dsGN.Message2Row In dtBetrieb.Rows
mystring = objRow.UserId.ToString

i get the error "dsGN.Message2Row is not defined" The Name ob my table in the database is "Message"

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Dynamic - Dynamically Add Div Table Rows

May 29, 2009

Im a VB.NET beginnger, how I can dynamically add a div table row or how I can loop a section of html?

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