Connecting 2005 To An Access Database?

Dec 18, 2009

I want to connect to a Access Database I've tried to do it though Data Binding and that doesn't seem to be working so I'm going to have to do this through Code... every book I have tells you how to do it with SQL Server but can't find a example for Access that doesn't involve just using the databinding tool. Writing the queries isn't a issue it's just connecting to the database and then putting that data into a couple of text boxes. Lets say the database is called TestData and the table is ClientInfo and we want to put Date, First, Last into txtBox 1, 2 and 3 respectively when the form loads.

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Connecting To Access Database With VB 2005?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm new to using databases within VB, so bear with me. I've created a couple of extremely simple tables in Access, and I've successfully connected to them in VB. My questions are:1. Is it possible to import the tables' field properties with the table, such as the captions for the columns or the number formats. Those details seemed to have disappeared during the import. Or do I need to set all these properties within VB after the

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[2005] Connecting To Access Query That Has Parameter?

Jan 8, 2009

I have this code to retrieve a record to fill out a tooltip when the user's mouse enters a cell of a datagridview.

Dim dacmt As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim sql As String


This takes way too long for the tooltip to display. So, I created a query in the Access database that takes a parameter of the first field for the record you want.

How do I connect to just the query and send the parameter to it?

I am thinking this might be a quicker way to get the data for the tooltip. But then again, maybe not.

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Connecting To MS-SQL 2005 Database?

Jun 9, 2009

how can I connect to MS-SQL 2005 database which is resides on WEB using VB 6.0 What is the connection string?

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Connecting In Access Database In VB

May 30, 2010

I have a problem in connecting in access database in vb .net.

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Connecting MS Access Database In LAN?

Jan 11, 2010

i want to share my ms access database in other computer using LAN so that they have they same database. it is possible?? or any idea that is easier than this?.. my program is just like this. i created a program called ordering system.. the 1st computer will save the orders of the customer and the 2nd computer will retrieve the orders of the customer..

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Connecting To An Access Database

Oct 8, 2008

I have a program connecting to an Access database. I use ADODB as connection (force of habit, I suppose). The program runs fine on all my machines, but on some of the client machines I get an error on the connection to Access. It is intermittent (sometimes runs without any problems) and happens at different places in the code, but always at the connection with the database. The program connects and closes connections quite a few times during a calculation.

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Connecting To An Access Database .mdb?

May 29, 2010

just a few questions. I have read through a of tutorials and snippets on access database.Connecting, updating, inserting, deleting, etc. My main question is this, I have not yet coded the connection to a database using code such as you all. I have always used the wizard to create my connection, table and view this also add the database to the project. Is it better to code the connection, or use the wizard? I have just started creating a program to feed company keep track of there inventory, right now I have 2 tables (feed, misc) both table contain the same things (code, description, price, and quantity). Any way I am getting off the subject, Write the code to connect to the database or use the wizard?

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Connecting To An Access Database Via Lan

Aug 3, 2011

connecting to an access database via lan

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Connecting To An Access Database?

Aug 19, 2011

I am trying to write an application, that opens up a specific Access database, change the VBA module slightly, then close the database, saving the changes.Now my code works but it doesn't seem to close Access down very well, causing the following errors:Faulting application MSACCESS.EXE, version 12.0.6535.5005, time stamp 0x4bf5c550, faulting module ole32.dll, version 6.0.6002.18277, time stamp 0x4c28d53e, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00047333, process id 0x13e0, application start time 0x01cc5dc3fb9eeb42.

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Connecting To Database In Ms Access?

Aug 15, 2010

When I followed the flow of the program, It seems it can'n connect to my database I created using ms Access... Because of my curiosity, I really need some help to answer my confusions... I have a problem connecting to my database in ms access.... I think their is lacking in my codes.

here is my code.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Utility
Private strConn As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="


1. Private strConn As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" do i need to put something in the data source?? what will I put?

2. strConn &= dbPath.Substring(0, dbPath.Length - 9) & dbName i don't know where "9" come from....

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Connecting To Access Database That Uses Workgroups

Jan 14, 2009

So I downloaded the VB 2008 Express edition. My information is stored in a Access 2000 Database I'll call db1.mdb..After I connect I can't seem to run queries, it says that I don't have read permissions. I think this is because my string doesn't contain my workgroup information. I'll just explain my steps.In the Database Explorer I added a Database connection. I chose Microsoft Access Database File, with the Data Provider being
".Net Framework Data Provider for OLE DB"..I browse to my db1.mdb file. The file itself has no password to it. So I test connection and it is fine. Unfortunately when I try to run a query from the Database Explorer, it says I don't have read permissions.When I normally log into Access I fill in workgroup login info. My connection string doesn't have this information so I'm wondering if that could be the cause.[code]How would I add the workgroup login/password to the conenction string ad is this the possible cause?

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Connecting Access Database With Two Tables?

Jul 23, 2011

I am using visual studio 2010 with vb environment, I am connecting to a microsoft access database with 2 tables, one table per form, i can add a record and save it no problem, but when I update a existing record i receive the error, this happens on both tables, i am using the standard navigation buttons on the forms.

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Connecting To A Access 2007 Database?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm trying to connect to a access 2007 database with VB 9 and am having some problems.

I went to Data and then selected add new datasource.

Then I clicked on database and selected Next.

I click on new connection, change the datasource to access database file and then click ok.

It doesn't give me a browser box so I can choose where my access database file is. All it shows me is a connection string label and a text box to the right of it. I tried entering the full path to my accdb file in that connection string box and also just the name of the file itself since it's in the same directory but get the error message "format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0."

Also, when I click on test connection, it always says succeeded even though no database has been selected.

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Connecting To A MS Access Database Through A Function?

Jan 27, 2010

This is my function:

Public Function DBConnection(ByVal path As String)
' This function makes the database connection and returns the object
' to reference it.


As you can see, I want to initialize a database connection and return it so I can use it in my forms. This function is in a module and my variables are as follows:

Public cn As OleDbConnection
Public cmd As OleDbCommand
Public dr As OleDbDataReader

But I'm not sure how I can use this in my forms, do I just call the function DBConnection and then proceed with my SQL statements? Also, I need some opinions. My application relies on a MS Access database. Is it better to initialize the connection on Form_Load and then close the connection when the user closes the program, or open and close the connections as the queries are run? I'm planning to use some database queries on multiple forms hence the reason I was putting it into a module, but I'm not 100% on how I should proceed with this.

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Connecting To MS Access Database From .net Form?

Jun 15, 2009

Joined: 20 minutes ago Posts: 1 I am not a student, but had some experience with VB 2005 in MS visual studio while in school a while back. I have recently just decided to get back into learning some coding and downloaded the MS Visual Basic 2008 Express addition, and i believe this is the right forum, not

My question is how to open a connection through code to an access database.From what I remember you have to initialize the variables before the functions up top and then open the connection string somewhere. Can someone provide some basic code to open the connection between the form and the database. I am just starting out again and want to basically just populate a combo box by clicking a button, from a table in access with 5 colors.


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Connecting VB 2010 To An Access Database?

Jun 11, 2012

i am having a issue with my database connection. I have connected the database itself without much issue but i want to be able to edit, add and eventually delete from the atabase using Visual basic interface. This is for an A Level computing course that i teach, i remember a long time ago when i did the course this was fairly simple to do however i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it at the moment.

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Connecting Vb Forms To Access Database?

Sep 24, 2007

I am using Vb 2005 Express and am creating forms that need to access some MS ACCESS database.Now,I got the code(m thinking its right) but adding a reference from Project Menu is my problem.I simply need to select ADODB from the Reference list but i don't have it as an option.

Dim Conn as new ADODB.Connection
Dim Rec as new ADODB.Recordset
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=Projecttables.mdb"


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DB/Reporting :: Connecting To An Access Database?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to query an access database, but my query results only display the first cell of the query results.

For example, if I select 3 columns, 5 rows, only Column 1 Row 1 is displayed. Someone mentioned something about EOF but I can't find EOF code for OleDB. Should I be using another type of connection?;

Private Sub btnGetReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetReport.Click
Dim StartDate, EndDate As Date


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Connecting To A Access Database Via Account Name And Password?

May 9, 2009

I'm trying to use two different methods of connecting to a database to edit data, the declaration below is working:

Dim rsConn As ADODB.Connection
rsConn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
& Application.StartupPath & "VFMS_DB.mdb;" _
& "Jet OLEDB:System Database=Security.mdw", "Ads", "1234")

but now I want to do the same thing with the declaration below but I keep getting the message "Not a valid account name or password.

Dim conn As OleDbConnection
conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
& Application.StartupPath & "VFMS_DB.mdb;" _
& "Jet OLEDB:System Database=Security.mdw;Database Account=Ads;Database Password=1234;")

I pretty sure it's because of this ;Database Account=Ads;Database Password=1234; not being correct. I tried ;User ID=Ads;Database Password=1234; and also to make it look like the first statement but neither worked.

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Create Log-In Page Connecting Access Database?

Dec 5, 2008

I'm doing my work in VB express 2008. I'm trying to connect it to my access 2007 Database, so a user can log in with ther username and password, if they are using valid username/password.

I've connected my Access 2007 database using Data Source window: data->show data sources->add new data source.
Is this the correct way to connect database for my Log-In page? [code]...

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Difficulty Connecting To Remote MS Access Database On LAN?

Jun 6, 2011

I am currently developing in Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic) and I have no problem reading, editing, saving, etc. to a 2007 Access database that is stored locally using the following code:

Dim NotifyDS As New DataSet()
Dim NotifyCon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
NotifyCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|DataSettings.accdb"

Ultimately I am going to be installing this program in my office on multiple computers, but would only like to have one "server" program where the database is installed. All of the other computers will have access to this one database over the LAN. For some reason I am unable to access this remote database file over my LAN. I have tried all sorts of things (including a username and password for the server computer),


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Drop Down Lists Connecting To An Access Database?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a couple drop down lists connecting to an Access database. I can get the first drop down list to populate with the departments I have listed under "dept" in my access file. After someone selected a "dept" i want the second drop down list to populate with the names ("name"). Right now the second dropdown list is showing up but isn't poplulating. What am I doing wrong?!? I would like to include a third dropdown list for another selection with a button to then show things from the specific selections. Right now, I just need to figure out how to populate a list upon another lists' selections.

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Tools For LAN Connecting To Access Database To The Other Computer?

Sep 3, 2011

Can you give me some tools for LAN. I have a Program and im using SQL database and i wll access to other Computer. Im Using Visual Basic 2010.

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VS 2008 - Connecting To 2010 Access Database

Dec 2, 2010

Having a bit of a problem connecting to a 2010 access database. Im using the following connection string which works fine for earlier versions of access. Can anyone give me a pointer to where im going wrong. [Code]

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C# - Connecting To ACCDB Format MS-ACCESS Database Through OLEDB?

Mar 3, 2010

I've recently made another question about connecting to MS-ACCESS database with .NET in C# or VB.NET. It worked just as intended with MDB, but with accdb it caused an exception in

conn.Open();which follows:

Is there another way to do this? My original intention (like stated in the original question) is gathering some (actually, a lot of) fields.

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Connecting Access .accdb Database Into VB 2010 By Coding?

Sep 14, 2011

Previously i used Visual Studio 6 Professional Ed. Now on to 2010 Ultimate.I just want to know how to connect a .accdb (Access 2007 database) in VB 2010 and retrieve/edit/delete records....?

In VB 6.0. i used the code as below to open a .mdb database file....
xyz.mdb contains a table called "pwd" with fields "User" & "pwd"
Public db As Database Public rspwd As Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase("xyz.mdb", False, False, ";pwd=abc") 'To Open Database
Set rspwd = db.OpenRecordset("select * from pwd", dbOpenDynaset) 'To Open a table as a recordset

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Connecting To An Access Database From VB 2008 Express Edition

Sep 30, 2010

Microsoft Access 2007 A Students.mdb database file Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. I was informed that one can connect to Access files with ease from the Express Edition and most of the tutorials on the internet also show this however I am encountering a problem.

I open Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Start a new project, with a form, and then click on the Data window, and add new data sources from the Data menu.

I click on database. The problem starts with the data connection. I click New Connection Change the Data Source from Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 to Microsoft Access Database File and instead of then leading back to the other window (as happens on the tutorials for me to browse for the mdb file). Another window pops up asking me to Add a Connection.

It has the data source listed as Access and asks for a Connection String under the misc section. I type in


When I click on Ok I get this error: Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0.

The Test connection button works and says connection success whether the Connection String field is empty or not but when I click OK it still gives me the same error. So I can't leave it blank either

So basically I can't connect to the Access database since I can't change the connection type and it won't just let me browse and add the file anyway.

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Connecting Password Protected MS Access Database From Visual Studio 2008

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using an MS Access database which has password (database password, not a workgroup or smth). I'm using 13 characters - with no special signs- only letters. When I try to open the DB from access it works fine, but when I try to run my Windows Form application from Visual Studio Connection String, I get a message that "Not a valid password".


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Error Connecting Password Protected Access Database To Crystal Reports

Apr 10, 2012

How do I open my Crystal Report in VB code (RPT files) on password-protected Access 2007 database? Ever since I protected my database with password, my Crystal Report generates an error.

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