C# - Connecting To ACCDB Format MS-ACCESS Database Through OLEDB?

Mar 3, 2010

I've recently made another question about connecting to MS-ACCESS database with .NET in C# or VB.NET. It worked just as intended with MDB, but with accdb it caused an exception in

conn.Open();which follows:

Is there another way to do this? My original intention (like stated in the original question) is gathering some (actually, a lot of) fields.

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Connecting Access .accdb Database Into VB 2010 By Coding?

Sep 14, 2011

Previously i used Visual Studio 6 Professional Ed. Now on to 2010 Ultimate.I just want to know how to connect a .accdb (Access 2007 database) in VB 2010 and retrieve/edit/delete records....?

In VB 6.0. i used the code as below to open a .mdb database file....
xyz.mdb contains a table called "pwd" with fields "User" & "pwd"
Public db As Database Public rspwd As Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase("xyz.mdb", False, False, ";pwd=abc") 'To Open Database
Set rspwd = db.OpenRecordset("select * from pwd", dbOpenDynaset) 'To Open a table as a recordset

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Database And It File Format Is Accdb?

Feb 22, 2012

i have a database and it file format is accdb. can i make it as another file format and the only one can read it is my system?if yes it is possible(maybe impossible for me because of lack of knowledge)

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Connect To A .accdb Access Database?

Mar 21, 2012

i want to connect to a .accdb access database. the connection string is:

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:myFoldermyAccess2010file.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;

so if i want to make sure this works on any computer, should i just add the reference to:

Microsoft Office 14.0 Access Database Engine Object Library

is this all i need to do?

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Create New Ms Access Database Mdb / Accdb?

Apr 25, 2010

Does any of you know of a way to create an Ms Access Database (either mdb or accdb) without having to use adox or interop?

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Program Look For A Username In A Access Database(.accdb)?

May 3, 2011

The database is a different file.

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Using VB6 To Open Access 2007 (*.accdb) Database?

Apr 14, 2009

A. A Visual Basic program is developed to read a text file to Access 2003 database using the Data Access Objects (DAO). The following is the DAO command:

Set db = DAO.DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("C:TempMyAccess2003.mdb")

B. The office Access 2003 database (*.mdb) is going to be upgraded to Access 2007 database (*.accdb).

C. The Visual Basic program is revised to read the same text file to Access 2007 database using the same Data Access Objects (DAO), The following is the DAO command:

Set db = DAO.DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("C:TempMyAccess2007.accdb")

D. The following error message occurs when the revised Visual Basic program is executed:

"Run-time error '3343': Unrecognized database format"

I had previously used VB6; I am now using VS2008; What is the best manner to now open the database using the VB code? The code works with the Access 2003 database.

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Change Application Database From Access .accdb To Oracle?

Nov 22, 2011

i have an application with access .accdb as backend.How can i convert the backend to OracleBL (Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)

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VS 2010 Fetch And Add Data To An Access Database (.accdb)

May 7, 2012

How to display data from the database (records) in a vb.net application without a datagrid (i.e in textboxes, and labels) ??

I have used "Add data source and connected my database and also associated the data bindings" but still it doesn't work.

I will attach an image to depict what functionality i'm basically looking for..


I want to populate the highlighted controls from a database.

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VS 2010 Reports - CR9 Does Not Allow To Connect To The New MS Access Database (accdb)

Apr 26, 2012

I just purchased VS 2010 Professional. I was using 2010 Express and i used to use Crystal Reports 9 to create my reports. My problem is that CR9 does not allow me to connect to the new MS Access database (accdb). It only lets me connect to .mdb. I used to use .mdb but i have upgraded to MS Office 2010.


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Seek Records In Access .accdb Database File And Updating Accordingly

Sep 19, 2011

how to seek a record in access (.accdb) file and update.

i have posted a question in below thread how to work with (i mean connect to a access database)....


I could able to navigate through records but, i want to seek a particular record and update accordingly.....

when i used find method i am getting an error as below

"Table doesn't have a primary key."

But my database has a primary key.

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IDE :: Using Server Explorer In VS2010 To Connect To An Access 2007 .accdb Database?

Jan 3, 2011

I am using Server Explorer in VS2010 to connect to an Access 2007 .accdb database. I started getting 'No error message available, result code:E_UNEXPECTED (0x8000FFFF). However, my program runs from Debug and accesses the data.My connection string is Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:MypathDatabase1.accdb. I exited my project and created a new project and tried to add a connection. I could not connect to Access 2007 or Access 2003 databases (.mdb).I had to exit VS2010 and start it again before it started working again.

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Database - Connect To An Access 2007 (accdb) File In Visual Studio 2008?

May 2, 2009

I am working on a project which was made using VB6, and my client wants to change it in VB.NET

i have to configure this projetct on windows vista ultimate..coz i cant go on with Win XP

can some one help me...

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X86 App On Machine With Office X64 Installed Read Xls, Xlsx, Mdb And Accdb Files Using System.Data.OleDb?

Apr 19, 2012

Question: How do I programmatically determine which provider to use (Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 vs Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0) when my app runs as a 32-bit process on a machine with Office x64 installed?

I'm developing a VB.net WinForms app in VS 2010 and targeting both x86 and x64.The app processes data from xls, xlsx, mdb and accdb files using System.Data.OleDb:Dim oConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=...")

The x64 version of the program works as expected. The x86 version works as expected on a system with Office x86.When I run the x86 version on a machine with Office 2010 x64, I get the following exception when trying to open a connection:

The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.I believe this is because I'm running Office 2010 x64 so the x86 data access components are not installed.I can get it to work for Office 2003 files (*.mdb and *.xls) by changing the provider to Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0.

How do I figure out which provider to use when running as a 32-bit process on a machine with Office x64 installed?Ideally, I'd like a function:If ProviderIsAvailableFor("Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0") Then

Else If ProviderIsAvailableFor("Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0") Then

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VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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Ms Access Database And OleDb?

Apr 18, 2010

I have an Access table ("Titles") which is connected to VB.Net using OleDb. The connection variable is conTitles.Some of the column in the table are 'No' and 'Status'.

In the Form, I have a textbox (txtTitleNo) and a button (BtnReserve).I want to put a number in the textbox, and then when I click the button, I want the 'Status' column with the corresponding number to be changed to 'Reserved'.


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Create Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 5, 2011

do you Create Database in MS Access Using Oledb in vb.net?

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Drop A Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to drop an MS Access Database using Oledb in VB.Net?

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Get Data From Access Database Using Oledb

Jul 19, 2010

i am developing a project on "sigmoid investment solution" where i have a form where i have to enter all the recent BUY/SELL of shares. and after inserting each record i need a BUY AVG and a SELL AVG. i am using oledb connection to connect to a access database. i want to use the following sql command SELECT AVG(Price_field) FROM table_name WHERE buy_sell="BUY"..i want this result to display on a text box in the form. What is the code to connect to data base executing the query and displaying the result in a textbox.

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How To Connect An Access Database Without Using OLEDB

Oct 13, 2010

I wonder is there another way to connect,edit access database with out using OLEDB command.I want to insert,delete data from access table without using oledb.

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Update Access Database Via OleDB From DataGridView?

Sep 2, 2010

I have been scouring these forums and the internet in general as well as doing a lot of reading, all to no avail. I can not seem to successfully update the Access database from an edited DataGridView. I am trying to use Stored Procedures that are in the Access database and work fine therein. The DGV is filled in properly. I have tried an ever-increasing number of variants to update the database (Private Sub BtnUpdate...) without success. [cod]e....

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Connecting In Access Database In VB

May 30, 2010

I have a problem in connecting in access database in vb .net.

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Connecting MS Access Database In LAN?

Jan 11, 2010

i want to share my ms access database in other computer using LAN so that they have they same database. it is possible?? or any idea that is easier than this?.. my program is just like this. i created a program called ordering system.. the 1st computer will save the orders of the customer and the 2nd computer will retrieve the orders of the customer..

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Connecting To An Access Database

Oct 8, 2008

I have a VB.net program connecting to an Access database. I use ADODB as connection (force of habit, I suppose). The program runs fine on all my machines, but on some of the client machines I get an error on the connection to Access. It is intermittent (sometimes runs without any problems) and happens at different places in the code, but always at the connection with the database. The program connects and closes connections quite a few times during a calculation.

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Connecting To An Access Database .mdb?

May 29, 2010

just a few questions. I have read through a of tutorials and snippets on access database.Connecting, updating, inserting, deleting, etc. My main question is this, I have not yet coded the connection to a database using code such as you all. I have always used the wizard to create my connection, table and view this also add the database to the project. Is it better to code the connection, or use the wizard? I have just started creating a program to feed company keep track of there inventory, right now I have 2 tables (feed, misc) both table contain the same things (code, description, price, and quantity). Any way I am getting off the subject, Write the code to connect to the database or use the wizard?

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Connecting To An Access Database Via Lan

Aug 3, 2011

connecting to an access database via lan

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Connecting To An Access Database?

Aug 19, 2011

I am trying to write an application, that opens up a specific Access database, change the VBA module slightly, then close the database, saving the changes.Now my code works but it doesn't seem to close Access down very well, causing the following errors:Faulting application MSACCESS.EXE, version 12.0.6535.5005, time stamp 0x4bf5c550, faulting module ole32.dll, version 6.0.6002.18277, time stamp 0x4c28d53e, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00047333, process id 0x13e0, application start time 0x01cc5dc3fb9eeb42.

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Connecting To Database In Ms Access?

Aug 15, 2010

When I followed the flow of the program, It seems it can'n connect to my database I created using ms Access... Because of my curiosity, I really need some help to answer my confusions... I have a problem connecting to my database in ms access.... I think their is lacking in my codes.

here is my code.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Utility
Private strConn As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="


1. Private strConn As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" do i need to put something in the data source?? what will I put?

2. strConn &= dbPath.Substring(0, dbPath.Length - 9) & dbName i don't know where "9" come from....

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Loop Until Last Record .Net, OLEDB, Access Database, Bindingnavigator?

Apr 24, 2009

If (Tech_TextBox.Text <> "9999") Then
If File.Exists(ExportFolder + "" + Tech_TextBox.Text + ".pdf") Then
txtRouted.Text = txtRouted.Text + vbLf + Tech_TextBox.Text
myFileName = (ExportFolder + "" + Tech_TextBox.Text + ".pdf")
If cbPDFPrint.Checked Then
Dim MyProcess As New Process


I have created an auto emailer to distribute our work routes for my colleagues. Problem is I made it easy for the management team to update the list. List is ordered by Tech Number, First name, Last name, Email address.

I have coded this in VB.NET 2008 using Database sources and drag-n-drop the table on the form. I let VB do most of the coding of the connection and text boxes. (IE If (Tech_TextBox.Text <> "9999") Then)What I would like to do, instead of using a bogus tech number as an exit. I need an 'IF Then" or 'DO UNTIL' after last record.

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Populate Listbox From Access Database Using Oledb Datareader

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to populate a listbox from an access database. It is a scheduling database. First my users pick a room they would like to add an event to, then a date. after the date is selected, id like the listbox to populate with meeting titles corresponding to the date they selected. The code so far looks like this:


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