Consuming Apache-AXIS Web Service In Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 22, 2010

code in Visual Studio 2010 how to consume a Apache-AXIS web service with a username and password .

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Restart Service Like Apache Through Command Line?

Jan 2, 2011

restart service like apache through command line or once in a while apache in my computer hang and I just got to restart that.

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Secondary Xlvalue Axis And Title In Visual Basic 2010

Nov 30, 2011

I have below Visual Basic 2010 code to draw a chart using Excel then export to picture. I am not able to create the seondary value axis. i keep getting error "failed to call COM component". The problem is coming from the bolded section. However, why i remove it the chart comes with secondary axis but problem i need to set an axis title which i am not able to do so. what is the correct way to create a secondary axis and title in Excel.Interop?


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Web Service Working In Visual Studio But Not In IIS 5.1

Jan 26, 2012

Public Function storeFile(ByVal intSRID As Integer) As Byte()
Dim engine As New AccessEngine.DBEngine
Dim db As AccessEngine.Database = engine.OpenDatabase(DBFile)


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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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C# - Add A Service Reference In Visual Studio, Through The Interface?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm currently trying to call a WCF service dynamically See here, therefore, I'm trying to understand what happens behind, when I add a service reference by the GUI of Visual Studio... What's generated..? An object is created and an implicit reference is created...

Are the references contained in a specific container, a sort of pool?

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VS 2008 Visual Studio Service Pack

Mar 3, 2010

I want to check the service pack of my vs2008 but i find this:where is the service pack version gone How to check the service pack of my vs2008?

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Create A Web Service Reference Manually In Visual Studio?

Apr 23, 2009

how to create a web service reference manually in visual studio. I do not want to use the "add reference" already contained in the ide.

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Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack1 Installation

Jan 29, 2010

when i try to install VS2008 sp1 which is downloaded from , i got error "The application or DLL E:vs90sp1sqmapi.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."


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C# - SocketException When Consuming Web Service?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a webservice being consumed in the WinForm application. I generated a web service wrapper and invoked a web service method asynchronously. I get following exception in my result completed event handler (the event is raised from within the web service wrapper class).

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details.
---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server


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Consuming WCF Service In VB Application?

Jun 14, 2012

I have just started to check WCF services so have created a sample WCF service application with two methods IService

public interface IService1


But when am trying to execute the button click am getting the TimeOut Exception.

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Consuming Web Service From Console App?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a web app that contains web methods. I want to invoke one of those methods from a console app. I am new at this but I wrote a console app, added a service reference and tried to code invoking it. If my web method is called "Transmit", I expected to see Transmit in the namespace I specified but instead I see "TransmitRequest", "TranmsitRequestBody", "TransmitResponse" and "TransmitResponseBody".What are these things?Have I done something wrong?How do I invoke the web method in the web app from the console app?

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Unable To Debug Web Service Project In Visual Studio 2008

May 19, 2009

I've been assigned a web app written in VB using 2003. I am trying to configure the source on my localhost (VStudio 2008) so I can explore and learn about the current app (before I begin any real changes) and I cannot get debugging working for the web service project(s).

Symptom 1: "Unable to automatically step into the server. The remote procedure could not be debugged. This usually indicates that debugging has not been enabled on the server. See help for more information". This happens when I try to F11 (stepInto) the proxy class which invokes my actual web method.

Symptom 2: Pre-setting a breakpoint in my .asmx file code on the statement that will be invoked does not work (i.e. the debugger simply doesn't stop). Having described the situation, here's how my VStudio Solution is configured: Service1 - project created from the VB - WEB - ASP.NET Web Service Application template; this Service1 project contains my main .asmx source code I want to debug. Web.config for this project contains compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true"


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Consuming WCF Hosted As Windows Service?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a WCF Service (with installer) that I have built and installed in Windows Services. Opened up Admin Tools, Services, and started the service without a problem. So now I'm beginning a new project (a simple Windows forms app). I want to consume my new WCF, but have no idea how. I can't seem to add a reference / add a service reference to it.

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Consuming Web Service With Base64 Authentication?

Dec 6, 2011

I need to call a web service from .Net and the web service is authenticted through Base64 authentication.I tried with Web service proxy and it is failed.


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Visual Studio 2008 - Create A Service To Execute An Exe After One Screen Opens In Different Exe

Apr 22, 2011

My question maybe not be very clear, but I just want to know how this process is called or references needed to create something similar, so I can investigate on my own ( but if you have code is welcome.Basically I have 2 desktop programs ( A and B). For A, I do not have the source code, for B I do.What I need is to create some service/program that after a screen pops up from program A, automatically runs B. IN other words, capture the moment a specific screen is shown in A and execute B.

My real life scenario is that I have a very basic POS where I can't collect customer demographics ( zip code, etc), so I created a second application to capture that but my cashiers are always forgetting to run the program and I need to find a way to run it after a screen is shown ( let's say the "Change Due" in the POS, so they don't forget to run it.

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Consuming Web Service Returned Date/time?

Sep 23, 2009

I have an interesting issue that a client reported It turns out that the desktop application they are using is changing the times returned by the web service to their local time so it looks like the data is off. We're in UTC-5 while they're in UTC-8 so 8:00 AM is returned to the GUI as 5:00 AM which is causing confusion. I've done this riddiculousness to get around it for now:

Dim intOffset As Integer = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours
'Substract 1 if we're in daylight savings mode


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Download Xsd Specifications From A Web Service And Automatic Converting (serialize) These Schemes To Classes (visual Studio - .net)?

Aug 8, 2011

I want to download xsd specifications from a web service and automatic converting (serialize) these schemas to classes (visual studio - If the organization that is responsible for the xsd schemas alter them in a way that only my class corresponding to the xsd have to be altered (not the rest of my code) I would like to automatic update my xsd corresponding class.

I use vs2010. What I want to do is: call a web service where I can send in an input parameter to the service which specifies the xsd I want to retrieve (the service is GetShemaDefenition and returns an object with the schema specification in a string property of the object). I den have to read the xsd string from the string property and convert this to a class representation of this xsd specification. Is it possible to do this automatically? I have done this manually by using xsd.exe. If the owner organization of the xsd has altered the xsd specification, I have to test if there is a new specification, and if there is I have to build a new class representation of this xsd? Is it possible to do what I want? And how would I know if it has been a big change in the xsd which also affect other parts of my code, not just the class representation of the xsd?

Update:I use one web service where one of the properties is a string. The string is an XML inside a CDATA block. The organization which provides the web service will not pares the xml inside the CDATA block but instead forward this to another organization that will use the xml data. The organization which uses the xml data specifies the xsd schem that I have to follow to generate my xml correct. This is the xsd schema I can get from another web service. I don't really understand what I can do with this xsd file from the web service. What can I do with it and why do I want to download it from the web service, when I can't use it automatically? Because I have to manually do the changes when the xsd changes I can easily download the xsd schema from the organization's home page and make the new class with xsd.exe.

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Java - Consuming Web Service Written For Glassfish: SoapHeaderException?

Feb 25, 2012

Wrote a 'webservice' with Netbeans wizard, runs on glassfish. I added a reference using the wsdl to my .NET client, VB if it makes any difference.The issue is a SoapHeaderException.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: com/mysql/jdbc/Connection
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(
SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream,
Boolean asyncCall)


I've tried writing the string in a soap envelope, but still receive the same message. So passing a string is kaputt, as it should be; why would the WS know to parse a string, and simply instantiating and calling the method from the object as if it were local isn't working the way I think it does.

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Java - Using Certificates In A Client-application Consuming A Web Service

Sep 16, 2010

I am implementing a VB.NET desktop application which consumes a web service.

The web service implemented in Java and I currently using Tomcat on my localhost to host the web service.

The web service requires secure communication with the client and so I have followed instructions that outlined how to use Java's keytool.exe to create two .jks keystores (one for the client and one for the server) and then create two .cer certificates (one for the client and one for the server)

I have placed the keystores and certificates generate into the directory where the web service is expecting them (according to the instructions)

I have installed the certificates into TrustedPeople and have attempted to use the certificate by setting the ClientCredentials.ClientCertificates property like this:

myServiceProxy.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.SetCertificate(storeLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.TrustedPeople, X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, "name")

I keep getting the following error message when I try to call any method:

An error was discovered processing the <wsse:Security> header

My problem is that I don't know how to use this in the VB.NET client application that is consuming the web service. I could be doing this completely wrong.

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Populate Combo Box By Consuming Web Service Returning A Dataset?

Feb 3, 2012

I am trying to populate a combo list box with the results of a web service. The web service returns a dataset with two columns. I want to display column one to the user and capture column two with the user selection of an item from the combox.right now I can display the first column and capture the selection.Not sure how to add the connection of column two, to the combo box and capture the selection

Code so far....
myDataSet1 = proxy3.listSuppLang()
Dim x As Integer


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Type Being Passed Through Web Service Not Being Recognized By Consuming Code

Mar 22, 2012

I am creating an XML web service that passes an array of custom types. In my consuming code I am referencing the code as a web reference which I have given the namespace MYWS. Now in code I am trying to assign the results of my web service call to an array of my type like so..[code]When I do this the complier complains, saying: "Value of 1 dimensional array of my.namespace.MyClass cannot be converted to 1 dimensional array of my. namespace. MYWS.MyClass because my.namespace.MYSW.MyClass is not derived from my.namespace.MyClass"Now I understand the message, the thing is they are the same class. The class is declared in my calling code by the web service references a dll from that project. How do I tell the compiler that these are the same type?

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Fix 'Conversion From SOAP Failed' Fault While Consuming Mainframe Web Service

Mar 23, 2012

I'm currently working on a VB. Net web service calling another web service running in the mainframe. I was provided with the WSDL file and I generated a proxy class using wsdl.exe. Upon attempting to invoke the method of the mainframe web service using the proxy class, I encountered an exception saying "Conversion from SOAP failed" coming from a line of code in the generated proxy class.

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.net - Which Version Of Visual Studio 2010 Contains Visual Basic SharePoint Templates

Aug 5, 2011

Does anybody know which version of Visual Studio 2010 contains the full set of Visual Basic SharePoint Templates? I am about to embark on a project to create Visual Web Parts to be used in a SharePoint report.

At the moment I am using Visual Studio 2008 and even though the WSPBuilder is installed none of the relevant SharePoint templates are present.Having searched SO and the web, most advise to install the templates via the Visual Studio command prompt: devenv /installvstemplates

Alas the Visual Studio command prompt is also missing from my VS2008 installation.So, the question remains: which version of VS2010 contains what I need for pain-free SharePoint development? There is a rather large price different between VS2010 Professional and VS2010 Premium, so can anyone tell me if the cheaper version (VS2010 Professional) contains all the Sharepoint templates?

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IDE :: Adding References In Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (Visual Basic)?

Nov 25, 2009

I am just wondering how I can add Direct X references to Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. I cant find them in the .NET reference list, or the reference list, or anywhere. I downloaded the Direct X SDK for August 2009, but I can not add the .dll files to the reference list. Is there anything I can do to add them? I need the references for programming reasons.

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Use OpenGL In Visual Studio 2010 In Visual Basic Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to use "OpenGL" in my project. Is it possible to associate it with "Visual Basic" application developed in Visual Studio 2010? If yes then how can we do it.

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Convert Visual Basic 2010 To Visual Studio Pro 2010?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a project in visual basic 2010 and want to convert it to visual studio 2010 so I don't have to chose the "open with" every time. Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

View 4 Replies - Force Visual Studio 2010 To Use Visual Basic 10?

Mar 9, 2012

To reproduce the error I'm getting:Create a new Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET web site in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 2.0Type "Public Property Test As String" Observe "Visual Basic 9.0 does not support auto-implemented properties." error Visual Studio 2010 is happy to use VB 10 against .NET 2.0-targeted Windows Forms applications, this only appears to be an issue with ASP.NET.Is there a way to force Visual Studio 2010 to use VB 10 when targeting .NET 2.0?

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Build 64-bit Visual Basic.NET In Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 6, 2010

have just overlooked something somewhere...I am writing VB.NET stuff in VS2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. It seems to build by default for a 32-bit target, how to I tell it to make a 64-bit executable?

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.net - .NET XML Web Service, Consuming Class Not Able To Access Web Service Class?

Mar 21, 2012

I am creating a simple XML web service and have run into something I can't quite explain.My web service class has the following structure :

Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel


Invoking my method using the built in VS web service test harness works fine. I created another project, in another solution, to test consuming the web service. I added a web reference to my project and set it so I could reference my web service by using "localWS". Then in the page load event of my consuming class I tried to instantiate an object of my web service:

Dim srv As New localWS.MyWS

But there was no "MyWS" type found. There is however a localWS.MyWSSoapClient class. When I use it I can invoke my web methods. My question is, why can't I create a straight up version of MyWS class? In the tutorials I'v read, and in the book I have, example consuming classes for .NET XML web services can instantiate objects of the web service class they are consuming. As a further test I added a new web form to my web service project and from there I was able to instantiate a MyWS class.

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