Controls.Add() Fail In BackgroundWorker.DoWork()

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to do the following process in the method of BackgroundWorker.DoWork()

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
For x = 0 To 100


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BackgroundWorker - Calling Procedures From DoWork

Aug 30, 2009

As I teach myself VB, I'm working on using the backgroundworker. Mostly I'd like to use it to update a progress bar. But here the problem I'm running into...

When I use it like this:
Private Sub TestWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TestWorker.DoWork
Dim ListText As String
For Value As Integer = 0 To 100
If TestWorker.CancellationPending Then
[Code] .....

Where GetPlayerNames() is the Sub that really contains a majority of my code, which uses a class library I wrote, and calls other functions, etc. But this just causes the backgroundworker to skip right to the RunWorkerCompleted and executes no code. It seems to me you should be able to call procedures from the DoWork and then pass updates back via the ProgressChanged event. I can't image you need to consolidate all your code into the DoWork.

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Possible To Update UI From BackgroundWorker DoWork Event?

Sep 22, 2010

I have seen others with a similar issue but not quite what I was looking for. In the backgrounderworker class dowork event I create an instance of a new class and call one of it's function. Previously, I had this code in a windows.form.timer tick event and would pass a delegate in as one of the parameters which would allow the function and other functions it calls within the class to call a method on the form to update a datagrid on the GUI. Is there a way to do this within the dowork event? I need this because the function I call from dowork calls other functions and I want each of those functions to log information in the GUI datagrid.

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Set The Label.text With BackgroundWorker Dowork Sub?

Jun 13, 2011

have a formthat hasa BackgroundWorker,on the do_work event i exe an SP:

Dim result As IAsyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery()
Dim rowCount As Integer = cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(result)

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Make The Custom Exception Thrown In BackGroundWorker DoWork Event The Error In RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs?

Oct 6, 2010

Let's say a custom exception is thrown in the DoWork event for a backgroundworker. How do I pass the custom exception to the backgroundworker so that it ends up being the e.Error in the RunWorkedCompletedEventArgs?

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.net - Step Through Controls Fail To See Second Dropdown?

May 22, 2009

I have an table. In several cells I have two dropdown lists. The item selected in each dropdownlist is supposed to be populated from an SQLServer 2005 database. To do this in my code behind I step through the controls in each table cell. The code sees the first dropdown and populates it and then goes to the next cell.


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VB InProject User Controls Fail To Compile

Jun 27, 2011

I had a major program I wrote blow up in my face when tried to create a setup package. Seemed like the more I tried to fix things the worse it got.

Finally I gave up and after renaming the old project folder as "Broken".I started a new project with the original name. Shutting down visual studio.I copied all the forms, modules and user control files to the new project folder and re-launched visual studio. After importing all the existing documents I have three errors left.[code]...

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Backgroundworker Ability To Update Controls

Aug 7, 2011

When it comes to Backgroundworker's, I just make a total mess, even after reading over and over again the Backgroundworker component info on the msdn site... I have a code I would like to run on the form but if I do it with a simple "Public Sub" it will make the form lag, freeze, until the operation is done. So I try to paste the same code into a backgroundworker, and use Runworkerasync, but I get errors stating that the backgroundworker can't access controls on the form.


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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

View 6 Replies

Changing Current Calendar In DoWork Event

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to execute the following line of code within the DoWork event of a BackgroundWorker object: [code]

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DoWork's ReportProgress Not Raising ProgressChanged Until After Loop Is Done

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to get a progress bar to update on my Form while waiting for a process to complete but could not get my progressbar control to update.

First of, I have tried to fix the problem for a day and a half now looking at various codes and examples in the forums but I'm afraid I probably do not have the necessary VB skills yet to troubleshoot my own code. I believe I will be able to eventually fix this after I am done with my VB book

I've attached the relevant part of my code below and the problem is that I can see my DoWork event firing off and changing the time and percentage that I want to pass on to ReportProgress() and the ProgressChanged handler. However, the ProgressChanged handler is not raised until after my Do Loop is done.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents TestWorker As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker


Again, I can see the ProgressChange fire but only after my work (diagnostics) is complete so my progress bar is either 0% or 100%. In Dowork, I can verify that the progtimepercentage variable is indeed changing and ReportProgress is called but ProgressChanged is not being raised until after the job I wanted is done.

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VS 2008 : Blocking In DoWork() While Waiting For Another Thread To Finish?

May 6, 2009

In my DoWork() function I register with our sip server. Then I have to wait for a response back. However, the response I get is received in another event. However, before I am able to check the flag in the DoWork() the DoWork() has all ready finished and the response comes after.

I am trying to find a way to wait in the DoWork() until I get a response in the Diagnotic event. I have a global flag that is set in that event that I have to check in the DoWork().I was thinking of maybe blocking in the DoWork() until the other event is finished. Maybe using a join.

' Do work in background worker
'Will return less than 8 if there are no error message from the library
If (Not Me.bgwProcessLogin.CancellationPending) Then
' Register and wait for response


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Use A Delegate To Update Text Of Main Form From DoWork Event Of BackgoundWorker?

Mar 26, 2010

How would you create and use a delegate to update the text of the main form from the DoWork event of a backgoundWorker?

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Backgroundworker Inside Another Backgroundworker?

Apr 2, 2012

i'm in the need to start a backgroundworker inside another one.Now...The first one BGW starts a for cycle, and inside this one there is the second BGW that has to upload an image to a server.The trouble is that, the progress event and the complete event of the internal BGW are never called.

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BGW In One Class And The Long Process For The BGW (DoWork) In Another Class Or Module?

Nov 16, 2009

I' ve got a short question concerning BackgroundWorker.Is it possible to have the main code for the BGW in one class and the long process for the BGW (DoWork) in another class or module?

I couldn't find anything helpful on the internet.Here is my code - DoWork in a separate class doesn't work:


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Fail To Get Procees Name

Jun 7, 2011

I wan to create a program that can get the application name.i can start the program but cant get the program name[code]...

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Why Does The Assignment Fail

Jun 5, 2012

Concerning this code... Dim i1 As Integer = Nothing


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.net - TableAdapter Update Fail?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a VB windows Form project that connects to several DataTables in an Access DB. On my form I have several textboxes, comboboxes and datetimepickers that are bound to those sources. With one table in particular when I try to update the tableadapter after editing one of the textboxes the update method fails. No exceptions are thrown, but the update method returns a zero value and the data is not updated. The update will work when just the comboboxes or datetimepickers are edited, but as soon as a textbox is edited also, update will not work.

Other DataTables within the project are set up in the same manner but are not having update issues. I can't figure out what about this one particular table is causing an issue. Can anyone give me any thoughts on where or what to troubleshoot?

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.net - Why Does The Read Of StandardOut Fail Here

May 26, 2009

I am currently trying to write a little wrapper around post-review to automatically post however this function fails when it comes to Dim results As String = sOut.ReadToEnd() and I can;t suss out why,

Edit: It doesn't produce an error it just seems to go into ReadToEnd() never to return

Function postReview() As String
Dim psi As ProcessStartInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe")
psi.UseShellExecute = False


Further Info: The actual command is working as I can see it posting to Review Board. But it just seems to get stuck in a loop while waiting on the Stream to complete. I have tried with Read and Readline with no luck?

View 3 Replies - Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex = Value Fail?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a dropdown list that I am binding to a datatable. Here is the code I am using to do it:[code].....

Unfortunately, the line ddlBuildAddr.SelectedIndex = addressId is failing. Looking at this line through the debugger, the SelectedIndex goes to -1, while addressId goes to 2. What gives? Why would the assignment operator flatout not work?

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Assert.Fail Within A Try Block?

Jun 23, 2011

My understanding of was that if the line is executed, the test will fail.owever, I have found an instance where the is executed, but the test passes.If the Assert.Fail statement is within a try block, the test will ALWAYS pass, even if the code execution executes the For example, the following test will always pass, even if the sub fails to throw an exception.

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Convert Algorithm From C# To .NET Fail?

May 30, 2011

I'm trying to convert the following algorithm from C# to VB.NET and the VB.NET I have is not producing the same results as my C# algorithm, can someone tell me where I've gone wrong in my conversion?

public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
List<T[]> result = new List<T[]>();


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Datatables And Xml Reading - Fail

Jan 7, 2010

I am working on a mdi project and I have a few different xml files that I need to read in and I would really like to use multiple datatables, but only one dataset. I have always struggled to get a datatable.readxml(filename) call to work without an invalidoperationexception b/c of the schema stuff. I don't understand it very well and in the past my workaround was just to make another dataset. I am trying to avoid doing that from now on. I have written a routine called readxml which will take a xml file name, xml schema file name, and a datatable name and return to you a populated datatable..but I can't get it to work.

Here is my call to the read xml method (comes from my main mdi form class during form load)

Dim dt As DataTable = globals.xml.readxml("SqlConnectionString.xml", "SqlConnectionString.xsd", "sqlConnection")

Here is my readxml routine, I will post two versions of what I tried attempt #1: use a string of raw xml and a xmlreader


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Dns Test Fail On Correct Dns

May 13, 2011

I do an dns test before i send mail to ensure i dont get errors.But there is a problem, when i try to send an email to an adress xxxxx@eco-log.sei get an error from the dns function. when i try to delete the "-" in the mail adress it first i tohught it was because of the "-", but i made an email at and it works like a charm, what could be the problem then? It is 100% sure that "" is an existing email/dns.The error message im getting is "No such known source"(freely translated)

Heres the dns check code:

Public Function testDNS(ByVal dnsstring As String) As Boolean
Dim email As String = dnsstring
Dim host As String() = email.Split("@")
Dim hostName As String = host(1)


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FAIL SAFE Way Of Getting A Favicon?

Oct 3, 2009

I have this protocol for getting a favicon: (I stole it from Thomas Maxwell, and adapted it, but still)

Public Shared Function GetFaviconSilent(ByVal IconURL As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oIcon As Icon


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Fail To Insert Into Access

Jun 22, 2010

[code]did anyone know what wrong with my code..i've fail to insert in table USERID in access..actually,i've use the same code to insert before this and it succeed..

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.net - Fail To Bind Accdb To Combobox In Wpf?

Oct 8, 2011

I have binded the accdb to combobox but it can not bind the data currently, it can only bind the first character of first record of the table for example, if the records are:

the combobox will display


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Apostrophe Causing SQL UPDATE To Fail?

Dec 7, 2011

I am having an issue with the SQLCommand query update handling apostrophes. I have a gridview that accepts edited text which might have apostrophes and other such accent characters.The UPDATE keeps throwing errors on the apostrophes in the text entered causing the SQL UPDATE to fail.

Here is the code:
Dim lbl1 As Label = GridView3.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).FindControl("Label1")
IDVal = lbl1.Text


View 3 Replies - Fail To Load Values In Textboxes?

Apr 16, 2009

I have textboxes which is placed inside accordian (ajax control).In pageload event i have written the code to load values in textboxes. But onload event one error is coming as object not set to instance of a object. Values are not coming in textboxes.
Then i tried to initialize controls in textboxes .Then the error cleared. But
Values are not coming in textboxes. What may be the reason for this?

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C# - Does WellKnownSidType Fail To Convert To Sid/account Sometimes

Feb 18, 2011

Question: I'm looking up the account name and SID for each WellKnownSidType enum member as shown below.

Why does it fail sometimes?And why does it sometimes fail in converting the WellKnownSidType to a sid?As far as I understand it, only the conversion from sid to accountname should sometimes fail, and even that only when the account isn't local and not in the domain.

For example, when translating the enum LogonIdsSid to a SID, i get:
Bekannte SIDs des Typs LogonIdsSid können nicht erstellt werden.
(Known SIDs of type LogonIdsSid cannot be created.)


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