Changing Current Calendar In DoWork Event

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to execute the following line of code within the DoWork event of a BackgroundWorker object: [code]

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Possible To Update UI From BackgroundWorker DoWork Event?

Sep 22, 2010

I have seen others with a similar issue but not quite what I was looking for. In the backgrounderworker class dowork event I create an instance of a new class and call one of it's function. Previously, I had this code in a windows.form.timer tick event and would pass a delegate in as one of the parameters which would allow the function and other functions it calls within the class to call a method on the form to update a datagrid on the GUI. Is there a way to do this within the dowork event? I need this because the function I call from dowork calls other functions and I want each of those functions to log information in the GUI datagrid.

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Use A Delegate To Update Text Of Main Form From DoWork Event Of BackgoundWorker?

Mar 26, 2010

How would you create and use a delegate to update the text of the main form from the DoWork event of a backgoundWorker?

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Make The Custom Exception Thrown In BackGroundWorker DoWork Event The Error In RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs?

Oct 6, 2010

Let's say a custom exception is thrown in the DoWork event for a backgroundworker. How do I pass the custom exception to the backgroundworker so that it ends up being the e.Error in the RunWorkedCompletedEventArgs?

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Month Calendar Appereance Is Not Changing?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a couple of month calendars in my project which I would like to give a different back color and such, but somehow if i change the appearance properties of a Mont Calendar in the property window the Mont Calendar appearance doesn't change.

Is this a common bug with the mont calendars or should I change the properties in the code itself?

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Calendar For The Current Month And Allowing The User To Go Back To Other Months?

Nov 8, 2009

I am writting software for a touch screen (windows CE) as well as a desktop pc (windows XP)I have the software working for both, but the problem I am having is the Calendar.I need a Calendar for the current month, as well as allowing the user to go back to other months.I was going to use the control in called 'MonthCalendar' but when I add it to the form and make the control bigger (as in font) it adds to months when viewed on XP but when I copy the exe to the touch screen it only shows the 1 month like its ment to.Is there a better Calendar control I can use or does anyone know how to make it so that it only shows 1 month in the 'MonthCalendar' control?I am using 2008

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Keyup Event - Get The Current Value Of The Current Row And Column

Sep 12, 2011

I have a datagridview having 3 columns (qty,scraft factor,actuall qty). What I want is if the user encode 50 in qty and 2 in scraf factor, actuall qty will automatically computed based on qty multiply by 2. I was using keyup event. Now I am using endedit to get the current value of the current row and column, now the problem is if the amount to be encoded is more than one digit it will not accept because of endedit. What event do I have to used? or any solution with this scenario.


View 1 Replies Event Calendar Display Date Range

Feb 15, 2012

I have a calender which highlights the selected date from the database. It currently highlights the start date only...I would like it to highlight the range of dates (start date - send date)[code]I think the query and where statement used is not pulling through the correct information but not entirely sure where or how to correct it ...

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Event Calendar Display Date Range?

May 2, 2009

I have a calender which highlights the selected date from the database. It currently highlights the start date only...I would like it to highlight the range of dates (start date - send date)

My current code as follows:
Function GetCurrentMonthData(ByVal startdate As DateTime, _
ByVal enddate As DateTime) As DataSet


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Make An Application Which Has A Feature Of An Event Calendar?

Apr 18, 2009

I'm trying to make an application which has a feature of an event calendar. I am quite familiar with the MonthCalendar tool in the toolbox, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I would like to make a calendar that somewhat resembles 'iCal' in Mac OS X. If any of you use Microsoft Groove Workspaces, the calendar in that is very close to what I'm thinking of. I want the user to be able to double click the day and add new events which will show the title of the events in that day on the calendar when the events are saved. Also i would like to have the user be able to make recurring events. Is this even possible with Visual Basic '08?

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VS 2010 - Month Calendar And MouseOver Event

Jun 15, 2011

I am using a monthcalendar control and I want to use a mouse over event. Basically when the user hovers over a date I want to be able to display that date in a label or something is that possible?

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Changing Current URL In WebBrowser On Button Press?

Jun 4, 2011

So like this. Textbox1 has this text [URL]. I want it on a button press it will change any urls
With Http://www .
To http://m .
At the end after button press it will be [URL]

Also I need it on button press to change the current url in the webbrowser1
From: [URL]
To: [URL]

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VS 2005 Changing Datagridview Values Within The Current Row?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a grid bound to a datatable. The grid has two boolean fields. What I want to happen is, when the user checks one field (or perhaps I change that field's value in code), I want to automatically uncheck the other field. I tried the following code, and it gives me the results I'm looking for, but only after the user leaves the row. I want it to happen when the user clicks on the cell.

Private Sub ComparisonGrid_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles ComparisonGrid.CellValueChanged
If e.RowIndex > -1 Then
If e.ColumnIndex = Me.FirstUseColumn.Index Then


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Create ImageButton Click Event Triggers Calendar Popup?

May 12, 2008

I am writing a web page, on this web page there is a txtStart and txtEnd. Next to them I have Calendar ImageButtons. I would like to code it so when the ImageButton is clicked a calendar popup appears and when they select a date on the popup it goes away and the date is populated into the txt. Format MM/DD/YYYY. Can anyone help me? I have been looking online for hours now and only find solutions for C# users or for a seperate page all together. I am writing my code in VB and I cannot make new pages. Here is my web page code:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="PSInventoryRelease.aspx.vb" Inherits="DigeControlCenter.PSInventoryRelease" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="TC" %>


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Select The Event At Date 24 It Would Automatically Add Two Events At The Calendar At The Dates 17 And 10

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to make a reminder, but i can't figure out one thing. Anybody out there knows how? I would like my reminder to have a function when you select one date it automaticaly adds 2 reminders up to the day of the event. For example if you select the event at date 24 it would automatically add two events at the calendar at the dates 17 and 10.

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What Event Is Triggered When Selected Date Of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar Is Clicked Again

Apr 15, 2010

if a new value of Calendar is selected, it would trigger .SelectionChanged event, but what if same selected value is clicked again? How should i identify it uniquely?

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Data Management - Changing Current Database System, MS Access 2007 Front End And MS SQL Server 2005 Backend

May 8, 2012

We are thinking about changing our current database system, MS Access 2007 front end and MS SQL Server 2005 backend to using a higher level language such as Visual Basic .Net. I wonder if this is the BEST solution for data management? Currently, among others, we have two big database programs that handle more than two hundred users and it's crashed often. That's the reason we think about changing to something that can handle these database programs effectively preferably using MS technology such as .Net.

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Calendar Control - Add Text To A Specific Day Of The Calendar?

Dec 30, 2011

using the calendar from the webfor tools, NOT CALENDAR EXTENDER, and my question is, is there a way to add text to a specific day of the calendar, for example, that i want to click on the number where its shows 29 of the month december, then it shows me a texbox or anything that takes data from my, and i type anything in there, like an event or something, then i click on a button to save my entry, and next time i visit my page i see that day that i clicked on changed its color and shows my text when i hoover the mouse on top of it,

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DataGridView: Catch Event When It's Row Became The Current Row?

May 11, 2009

I just want to know if there any equivalent event (ADO. NET VS 2008) event as in MS ACCESS Form's OnCurrent Event.The reason is I like to make some calculations based on some data bound controls with current datarow data when user clicked a row in DataGridView (or by using bindingNavigator). I've tried with DatagridView's RowEnter event. But some Data bound controls are not yet reflect the data of current datarow when that evet was fired.

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Object Scope - Lose The Object In Selected Date Change Event In Calendar

Oct 18, 2010

If I declare my object at the beggining of my page class, and instantiate it in a dropdownlist selected_index change event. Shouldn't this object be available thru out the entire page and also persist thru a postback? I lose the object in my selected date change event in my calendar.


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BackgroundWorker - Calling Procedures From DoWork

Aug 30, 2009

As I teach myself VB, I'm working on using the backgroundworker. Mostly I'd like to use it to update a progress bar. But here the problem I'm running into...

When I use it like this:
Private Sub TestWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles TestWorker.DoWork
Dim ListText As String
For Value As Integer = 0 To 100
If TestWorker.CancellationPending Then
[Code] .....

Where GetPlayerNames() is the Sub that really contains a majority of my code, which uses a class library I wrote, and calls other functions, etc. But this just causes the backgroundworker to skip right to the RunWorkerCompleted and executes no code. It seems to me you should be able to call procedures from the DoWork and then pass updates back via the ProgressChanged event. I can't image you need to consolidate all your code into the DoWork.

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Controls.Add() Fail In BackgroundWorker.DoWork()

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to do the following process in the method of BackgroundWorker.DoWork()

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
For x = 0 To 100


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Set The Label.text With BackgroundWorker Dowork Sub?

Jun 13, 2011

have a formthat hasa BackgroundWorker,on the do_work event i exe an SP:

Dim result As IAsyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery()
Dim rowCount As Integer = cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(result)

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Button Click Event And Current Thread?

Jan 18, 2012

I have a processing in a do loop. In variois points within the loop I check if the variable "bCancel" is true. If so then I exit the loop and terminate the treatment. When I click the "Cancel" button, I set the variable "bCancel" to true. Basic stuff, but I would like to know how the click event is ran while my current thread is busy looping? I've found a reference to a "Gui thread" on the net but Its not very clear is this thread in inside windows or the .NET frameworks?

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How To Get Current Row Index At PreRender Event Of GridView

Nov 6, 2011

I would like to get the index of the current row at the PreRender event.
Protected Sub GridView1_PreRender(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.PreRender
Dim idx as integer =...
End Sub

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Capture Window Changing Event?

Apr 18, 2012

how can I capture the event, if the user f.e. changes from ie to ms word?

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DoWork's ReportProgress Not Raising ProgressChanged Until After Loop Is Done

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to get a progress bar to update on my Form while waiting for a process to complete but could not get my progressbar control to update.

First of, I have tried to fix the problem for a day and a half now looking at various codes and examples in the forums but I'm afraid I probably do not have the necessary VB skills yet to troubleshoot my own code. I believe I will be able to eventually fix this after I am done with my VB book

I've attached the relevant part of my code below and the problem is that I can see my DoWork event firing off and changing the time and percentage that I want to pass on to ReportProgress() and the ProgressChanged handler. However, the ProgressChanged handler is not raised until after my Do Loop is done.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents TestWorker As System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker


Again, I can see the ProgressChange fire but only after my work (diagnostics) is complete so my progress bar is either 0% or 100%. In Dowork, I can verify that the progtimepercentage variable is indeed changing and ReportProgress is called but ProgressChanged is not being raised until after the job I wanted is done.

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RichTextbox - Current Line Number Changed Event

Feb 7, 2010

How can I do some code when the user changes what line the caret is on? So something like:
sub textbox1_lineindexchanged (byval ....) Handles Textbox1.Lineindexchanged
'do code based on the current line
end sub
I am using a richtextbox, just I always used it so I just call it a textbox.

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.net 2008 DatagridView - Changing What Triggers An Add Row Event?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a datagridview which is populated from the SelectionChangeCommitted event of the combobox. The datagridview contains both bound and unbound data columns (see below).

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Changing Mousedown Event Background Image?

Feb 26, 2011

i am trying to create an application like a media player....Say i got an option which changes the background image of the form,like skin or something!now i want to change the mouse events when that background image is active on the form... lemme give u an example of a code...

Private Sub FireToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FireToolStripMenuItem.Click
Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Fire
TrackBar1.BackColor = Color.Yellow
End Sub

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