RichTextbox - Current Line Number Changed Event

Feb 7, 2010

How can I do some code when the user changes what line the caret is on? So something like:
sub textbox1_lineindexchanged (byval ....) Handles Textbox1.Lineindexchanged
'do code based on the current line
end sub
I am using a richtextbox, just I always used it so I just call it a textbox.

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Get And Set Current Line In A RichTextBox?

Jan 22, 2011

I know it seems like a simple enough question, but I can't figure out how to get and set the current line of text. Say line 4 is "Hello World", I want to be able to recieve that this says "Hello World" then switch it with something else if need be.

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Change Current Line In Richtextbox?

Jun 15, 2009

is there a way to change the cursor position to the beginning of the another line in a richtextboxfor example, if i'm on the second line, i want code that will transport my cursor position to the beginning of the fourth line, etcfrustrated visual basic user

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Cannot Seem To Find A Caret Position Changed Event On The Normal Richtextbox Control?

Oct 19, 2009

even Word Pad, when you scroll your Caret (the I-beam for browsing through text) through the text, in the font combobox, the font of the text you are browsing through will be displayed, and when you scroll your caret through a different font, the font will be changed. If you're confused, look at attatched picture.

I cannot seem to find a caret position changed event on the normal richtextbox control - and if anyone can show me a custom component with this it would help me a huge amount.So my basic question is how can i replicate the formentioned function in my own VB.NET program.No code is necessary just constructive suggestions, or links to other projects would be welcome. You don't need to quote the forum rules

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Get Current Line And Column Numbers In A RichTextBox In A Winforms Application?

Mar 11, 2010

How do I get the current line and column numbers in a RichTextBox in a Winforms application?

View 3 Replies - ASP, C#, And .Net Retrieve Current Line Number?

Oct 20, 2011

Does ASP, C#, VB.NET have a way to retrieve what line its on in code as its processing commands?


1 <%
2 response.write("Your on line " & retreiveCurrentLineNumber)
3 %>

Output: Your on line 2

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How To Count Line Number In RichTextbox

Nov 2, 2011

I use Fileystemwatcher to watch a certain folder on our network share and wan't to count the lines in a textbox. I have 2 richtextboxes, the first one will display the line number and the second one displays the change/deleted/renamed file. I am able to display the total of lines in a label, but also want to show the line numbers in a richtextbox, but the problem is that it adds the number to the current, it needs to add the number on a new line.

Private Sub textFolderActiviteit_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles textFolderActiviteit.TextChanged
textFolderActiviteit.SelectionStart = textFolderActiviteit.Text.Length
textFolderActiviteit.SelectionLength = 0
[Code] .....

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Line Number Textbox/Richtextbox?

Jun 30, 2010

Well how can I get line numbers for a Textbox/Richtextbox? I also want it so when I click on a line number it will select that entire line?

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RichTextBox.GetLineFromCharIndex Method Returning Wrong Line Number?

Dec 14, 2010

I have an application where I read a text file into a richtextbox and I am searching for an especific string then I should get the line number where the string is located, but I am getting a wrong result. Got to be something with my code and I can't findwhat's wrong.

Dim Index, Line, MaxLine As Integer
Dim FileText As New RichTextBox


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Parse - App - User Copy And Pastes From A Website Into A Richtextbox - Getting Name, Phone Number And That Last Value In The Line

Mar 9, 2012

I'm working on an app in which the user copy and pastes from a website into a richtextbox then the program uses the phone number, name and "match by string" from the richtexbox. What is copied is like an Excel table type thing but all the data is in Column "A". The data isn't tab deliminated. If i split on spaces then that will give incorrect results since some of the pieces of data have spaces in them. It looks like I'm about to do some really nasty ugly coding to get to the values I need. take a look at this snippet of data and tell me of a graceful way of getting the name, phone number and that last value in the line if such coding exists? This is the info I would need to pickup on in the first row of data. SHEKITA LLOYD, (xxx) 956-80, and Non-Payment of premium.

This is a sample of the data:

Producer Code Policy # Insured Name Insured Phone Policy Status
08xx57 350xxx1xxx Cancelled Non-Reinstateable 01/09/2012 Non-Payment of premium;
08xx57 350xxx1xxx SHEKITA LLOYD (xxx) 956-80 Cancelled Non-Reinstateable 11/18/2011 Non-Payment of premium;


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Read Text From A Listbox Line By Line And Put Current Line In A Label?

Jan 16, 2011

how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?

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Force Users To Save Current Record (If Current Record Has Changed) Before Going To Next Record

May 17, 2010

How do I force users to save the current record (if current record has changed) and not let user go to the next record unless the save button is pressed?

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VS 2008 RichTextBox - Determine Lines Have Changed?

Apr 23, 2011

I am working on a way to determine if the lines of a RichTextBox have changed.I currently use this

Dim newhash As Integer = Me.Text.GetHashCode
If newhash <> Me._prevhash Then
Me._prevhash = newhash
Me._lines = MyBase.Lines


But this method has a bad issue: The text property takes a while to "load up" plus getting its hash code adds to it. This code runs every time the Lines are needed (it is a property). So this

For i As Integer = 0 To Lines.Count - 1
Dim line As String = Lines(i)

Takes ages to complete, because for every line it checks if the lines have changed.I am trying to evade using MyBase.Lines too much, since that REALLY takes ages to load.

- I can not use the modified property since it is unreliable (set to true if only a text color changes)

- Can't use the RTF since it changes without the text changing (coloring) and the hash code is slow as well.

- Can't use the TextChanged event, since it is sent after the SelectionChanged event (for some reason)

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WinForms - DataGrid Reset Current Cell To 0 When CheckBox Changed

Jun 13, 2011

Basically I am looking for if I click on my checkbox, it should reset my datagrid column lastseqno to 0. Is it possible?

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Keyup Event - Get The Current Value Of The Current Row And Column

Sep 12, 2011

I have a datagridview having 3 columns (qty,scraft factor,actuall qty). What I want is if the user encode 50 in qty and 2 in scraf factor, actuall qty will automatically computed based on qty multiply by 2. I was using keyup event. Now I am using endedit to get the current value of the current row and column, now the problem is if the amount to be encoded is more than one digit it will not accept because of endedit. What event do I have to used? or any solution with this scenario.


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Word Wrapping - Cannot Select Last Line Of Richtextbox (when A Line Is Wrapped It Becomes Two Lines)

Jul 5, 2009

The following code selects a line ina richtextbox. It works OK expect from one problem:

When a line is biger than the size of the richtextbox, it wraps it. This create a big problem as I can not select the last line of the richtextbox (when a line is wrapped it becomes two lines). When I set wordwrap to off it works just fine

Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.MouseMove



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VS 2010 : RichTextBox Edit Line By Line, Keeping The Formatting?

Jul 7, 2011

I want to loop the lines of my RTB and add a vbTab on each line.How do i do this?

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VS 2008 Reading RichTextBox Line By Line - Splitting It?

Jun 16, 2009

To read any form's text (except RichTextBox) line by line I've always used this splitting

Dim Lines() as String = Split(TextBox1.Text, vbNewLine)MsgBox(Lines(0))This code just works perfectly.But whenever I try this code on a RichTextBox like this:Dim Lines() as String = Split(RichTextBox1.Text, vbNewLine)MsgBox(Lines(0))The message box appears with the whole lines.I think maybe the RichTextBox1.Text() returns another new line character (means not vbNewLine).

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 : Call A Skype Number That Is In A RichTextBox By Clicking On The Number?

Feb 3, 2011

Is it possible to call a Skype number that is in a RichTextBox by clicking on the number?I have links activated in the RTB but phone numbers do not appear as a Skype link.

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Implement Line By Line Scrolling On Richtextbox?

Feb 8, 2011

I am trying to implement line by line scrolling on my richtextbox - Here is the initial code which I think is incomplete and doesnt work.I have VB 2010 Express?

Class RichTextBox1
Inherits RichTextBox
Private Const WM_SCROLL As Short = &H20A


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VS 2008 Delete Line Richtextbox If The Line Only Has One Value

Apr 23, 2010

how to delete a richtextbox line, if the line only has one value. Ex:


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Doing Something Only If Percentage Of Number Has Changed

Feb 12, 2011

I have data coming in to my serial port, which is just a 6 digit number.
textbox1.text = serialport1.readline()
In the textbox_text_changed sub. I need to do something with this number, but only if it has changed by more than 2%. I need the 2% as the number coming in is fluctuating a little bit so I don't want anything triggered if it's less than 2%.

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Add An Event For When A Value Is Changed?

Aug 6, 2009

Is there a way I can add an event for when a value is changed, because, I need to add an OnDisconnected() event that detects when the mobjlistener.Connected value has changed...would I have to do a timer, is there a way I can do an event for getting disonnected?

mobjClient = New TcpClient("IP", 5000)

I would rather not add a timer, I would rather have an event that fires when mobjlistener.Connected changes, but if I can't I will go ahead and use the timer instead.The problem I have that I need to detect when this changes is because sometimes I get disconnected for an unknown reason using the TCP Multi-User Chat, it has handlers for disconnected, but whatever is causing the disconnect, it is just not detecting it, so if I could make it so that it will trigger when this is changed, then I can stop the problem I have once and for all.

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Get Current Word In Richtextbox?

Jun 1, 2012

how to get current word in richtextbox? the word may not be the last word and may not be the first word ...

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.net - FileSystemWatcher Changed Event Not Being Raised?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm working on a Windows Service that watches a few folders for changes, creations, and deletions. It all works well with the exception of one watcher that watches a single file (XML File with Configuration Settings) for minor changes.

I tried taking the Windows Service code and putting it into a simple windows application with start/stop buttons for the filesystem watchers and stepped through it. It never detects the file change of the XML config file. The changes are indeed occurring and the "Date Modified" of the file is updating.

XmlEventReferences = New System.IO.FileSystemWatcher()
XmlEventReferences.Path = "C:XmlReferences"
XmlEventReferences.Filter = "*.xml"


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C# - Window Title Changed Event?

Jan 6, 2012

If a window, for e.g. Firefox, changes its title, from Firefox to Stack Overflow - Firefox then I want my app to record that Firefox changed its title.Is this possible without the use of a hook and loop (EnumWindows)? If can be only done with a hook, which type of hook?

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Capture Event When Value In Datagridview Is Changed?

Apr 2, 2010

I've been searching all over and I'm either not searching for the right words or it just doesn't exist. I've got a datagridview (dgv) on a form with some textboxes that are databound to different fields in the dgv's datasource. I want to capture an event if someone changes a value through one of the databound controls so I can mark the row as modified. I've been going through the dgv events trying to capture something, but I can't find anything that fires when a value is changed. The dgv is read only, so the values can only be changed through the databount textboxes.

How to I know if someone changes a value in the dgv? Is there a setting in the dgv that will tell me if a row is modified?

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Get DataRow That Was Changed In DataBindingComplete Event?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a DataGridView that uses a BindingSource to display my underlying DataTable. When the user makes a change to a row in the DataGridView the BindingSource's DataBindingComplete event fires. I'd like to get the DataTable's DataRow that caused this event. How do I do this?

The code below does not return the correct DataRow. For example, when I Fill my DataTable then change row 200 the Current property still equals 0, which always returns the first row in my DataTable.

Private Sub dgvCurrent_DataBindingComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs) Handles dgvCurrent.DataBindingComplete
If e.ListChangedType = System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType.ItemChanged


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Grid Selection Changed Event

Jul 15, 2009

i have 4-5 forms and contains grid and some coding is done on selectionchanged event of grid. eveything is working fine but one of the form has this soon as i call the form and it fires the selectionchanged of grid before even it fire form load event. i'm not sure why? i try to debugged it step by step, as soon as command is done the control goes to selectionchage event of grid and at the same time it is working fine on rest of the forms.

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Limiting A Text Changed Event?

Jun 11, 2009

I have an number of text boxes and comboboxes on different forms. I have textchanged events which trigger a msgbox if the user enters invalid data(i.e. the number they enter is to big or to small). Is their a simple way to make the program not call the textchanged event when the form is loaded and the boxes get their initial value? Second is their a way to make the textchanged only be triggered when the user enters data not when the program clears the boxes?

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