Convert Code To Class Function?

Mar 6, 2010

I am new to and would like to be able to convert the following code to it's own function - either inside the current module or better yet in a seperate class.This code currently runs in the KEYPRESS event and ensures only numbers, decimal point, 2 decimals etc. are entered and not letters. Works exactly how I want it but would now like it in a function.I need this code in numerous text box controls but I would rather just call it somehow with a function.

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Convert Code C# To VB - Function References?

Mar 31, 2009

I have some C# code I'm trying to convert to VB.NET. There are some external dependencies I'm referencing in each project. The C# line is

TWriteFileCommand writeFile = (TWriteFileCommand)CommunicationLink.CreateCommand(TOPKernel.TCommand.CommandType.WriteFile);

I don't really understand what the TWriteFileCommand in parathesis after the equal sign is for in that statement. When I try to do it in VB.NET, I keep getting errors because I can't get a reference to the CreateCommand function. The closest I've gotten is this:

Dim MyAppBase As OPSupport.App.AppBase
Dim writeFile As TWriteFileCommand
writeFile = MyAppBase.CommunicationLink.CreateCommand(TOPKernel.TCommand.CommandType.WriteFile)

However, I have a green underline after the equal sign @ MyAppBase that flags an error "Variable MyAppBase is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime."What am I missing? Why in the C# code is the instance fine and what do I need to get the equivalent instance in VB.NET?

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Convert Program Source Code To Its Class Library?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a program that belongs to vb windows form application and i want to make the program in vb class library[code]...

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Function - Convert C# Code - Compiler Complains That DataBound Can Not Be Called Directly

Jan 11, 2011

I've been having trouble converting the following fairly straight forward c# code into 4.0, which I understand has anonymous delegates. I just havn't been able to figure it out yet.

_combo.DataBound += (sender, args) =>
var item = _combo.FindItemByValue(values[0].ToString());
if (item != null)


I have tried the following

_combo.DataBound += Function(sender, args)
Dim item = _combo.FindItemByValue(values(0).ToString())
If item IsNot Nothing Then

But the compiler complains that DataBound can not be called directly, but has to be called with RaiseEvents

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Easier To Convert C# Asynchronous Socket Code Into .net Than Convert .net Code To C#?

Dec 8, 2009

my project was intially mandated to be done in c#.however a large contributor to the project wrote much of the business logic, which he knows well, in difficult would it be to convert the following c# code into


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VS 2010 : Convert A DLL Function Call Which Has The Callback Function Routine Called Within The DLL Function Call?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to convert a DLL function call which has the Callback function routine called within the DLL function call.The DLL function call signature is like this:

typedef void *HANDLE;


how to convert this DLL call to VB.NET and also how to create the callback function and send it as parameter to this function

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Convert From Base Class To Inherited Class?

Jun 2, 2009

I understand that inherited classes can't be converted from base classes. But is there any way to write a conversion sub, so that the base class gets assigned to MyBase, then extra properties are added?[code]...

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Function For Converting A String That Contains A Class Into A Class?

Feb 21, 2009

Whats the function for converting a string that contains a class, into a class?for example

Public Class Desk
Public GetVar=1
End Class
Dim T = "Desk"
Dim Furniture = New T

What do I have to do to T to make it into a class from a string?

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Convert Class To Sibling Class?

Jun 6, 2011

I've got a class hierarchy similar to the following: Animal is abstract, Dog and cat inherit from animal.

Is there a best practice for converting / casting a dog to a cat? Of course there may be dog specific properties that won't fit in a cat, but they share several properties that they inherit from animal. Just curious what people think. I'm thinking reflection could come into play, but I wasn't sure if anyone had experience with this.

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Add / Implement An Interface To An Existing Class Without Changing Code Anywhere That Call The Class And Functions

Mar 1, 2010

I need to create unit testing project for my current website. The currentw ebsite si written in VB. All unit testing examples are using interface to create mock object. My current VB class does not implment any interface. Can I add interface and implement it to my current class and functions without affecting or changing codes to any pages in my website that call the functions? For examples my current class is like:


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How To Assign A Different Reference To A Class Instance From Inside The Class Code

Jan 18, 2011

my proble is the following: I have a class MyClass and another class Modifier, which has a method ModifyMyClass(ByRef mc as MyClass) that receives a MyClass instance as ByRef parameter to modify it. A smell of the code is:


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Convert Excel 2007 Macro Code To Correct VB 2008 Code?

May 26, 2010

i recorded the following macro in excel 2007:


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Execute VB Code Behind Function Before Javascript Function?

Jun 14, 2012

Possible Duplicate:

calling ASP function from javascript
okay running this code :
<script type="text/javascript">


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VS 2010 Convert VB6 Code To VB2010 Code From "The Most Amazing VB6 Code Ever" Thread?

Jul 19, 2011

This code was posted in Chit Chat and everyone is saying how great it is. I just have Visual Studio 2010 and no familiarity with VB6 so I thought it would be good to convert the code to Visual Basic 2010.


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Can't Access Class From Code-behind. Class Is App_Code Folder?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a very simple class that is located within my App_Code folder in my VS2008 web application project. I am trying to instantiate an instance of this class from my code-behind file. Intellisense does not seem to be seeing my class and I am not sure why. I am using VB.NET which I am admittedly not that familiar with as compared to C#. Perhaps I am missing something. I would bet it has something to do with something I am missing in VB.NET.Here is my simple class (for testing):


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Convert Wia1 Code To Wia2 Code To Use It Under Windows 7?

Jul 18, 2011

Dim wiaManager As WiaClass = Nothing ' WIA manager COM object
Dim wiaDevs As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA devices collection COM object
Dim wiaRoot As ItemClass = Nothing ' WIA root device COM object
Dim wiaPics As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA collection COM object[code]....

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Programing Code For VB - Code For The Days In The GetDay Function

Jul 3, 2011

This is my first time writeing a program and i am stuck. i am just looking for were i should go next. i can't figure out how to write in code for the days in the getDay function.

Write a program that computes the cost of a long-distance call. The cost of the call is determined according to the following rate schedule:

a. Any call started between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, is billed at a rate of $0.30 per minute.

b. Any call started before 7:00 A.M. or after 9:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, is billed at a rate of $0.15 per minute.

c. Any call started on a Saturday or Sunday is billed at a rate of $0.10 per minute.

The inputs will consist of (1) the day of the week, (2) the start/end time of the call, and (3) the length of the call in minutes. The output will be the cost of the call. Input will come from the user and outputs will be displayed via the console window.

Module program1

Sub Main()
Dim day As String
day = GetDay()


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Restricted Textbox Code (Specifically, Building A Class Library With Code)?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently found this code (provided for third party use on another VB site), however,ll of my attempts to insert it into a class library have failed.I open a new class library and past the code in, and immediately get several errors pertaining to how certain objects can't be found. I find it it is crucial to use this code, unless someone can suggest to me another example of existing code that will do the same thing: make a restricted textbox who imputs can be restricted, that can handle pasting, shortcuts, text property setting, and script-entered text.

Option Strict On
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class RestrictedTextBox


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Datagridview Code Convert To Listbox Code

Mar 15, 2011

I had the following code:[code]How can I convert this code to listbox code? Because the above code is using datagridview but I would like to change it to listbox.

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Convert Function From VB6 To .NET?

Mar 10, 2009

In VB6 there was a function called String$. Is there an equivalent of this in .NET?I am trying to convert this function from VB6 to VB.NET

VB6 Private Function ByteOrder(ByVal vNumb As Variant, ByVal vByte As Variant) As String
Dim bLeft As Byte Dim sNumb As String


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Convert PHP Function To VB?

Jan 31, 2012

only code I can find after several hours of searching is a PHP function. Although I can more or less see what's happening, I'm not able to convert everything. The main problem is the "temp_getBytes" function. I don't know how to convert that.I already have the file as a byte array, because it was decrypted, so I'm writing the byte array to a memory stream in order to work with the data. I've added a bunch of question marks where I'm having a problem converting the code.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


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Convert This Function To C#?

May 25, 2010

I need to convert this function to C#.
Public Function GetAppGUID(ByVal sectionId As String) As String

Dim hexString As String = Nothing
Dim i As Integer[code].....

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App - Added The Form Class Code And The Designer Code

May 25, 2009

I've been working on a project the last couple of day with the help of a lot of you out there. I've more or less finished the design of the interfase, but there are stange this happening with the form. I can say much about what is wrong because I dont understand it, but I would like to. I have added the form Class code and the Designer Code, is that enough or is more required? Theres a msgbox that popup in the form Load event which I placed there to see what I could learn about the GraphicsBuffer.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphics
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext


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BindingSource With Convert Function

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using a SQL Server database and a bindingsource, and i want to filter a numeric field in order to, for instance, when I write 1, the grid shows all the rows in which that field begins whith 1 (1,10,14...). In order to do this, I have to convert the field to varchar, but VB shows an error message when using cast or convert functions. I have this sentence in my


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Convert C# Delegate Function?

Oct 2, 2011

Here there's an old question about this code.

xmpp.OnLogin += delegate(object o)


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Convert C# Lambda Function To .net?

Oct 6, 2011

I have this function that maps a IDataReader to a class. It is obviously written in C#. My co-worker wants to use the same method in his code, but he is writing in Basically I am having difficulty rewriting this due to the Lambda expressions used in C#. He is running .Net 3.5.


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Convert Callback Function From C++ To .Net?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm trying to convert C++ API to VB.Net, but this function is too hard and i don't know how make it work.

Here is the API doc for this function:

void RemoteDllSetReceiver(void *inst, on_received_buffer_t received_buf_cb);

Sets a callback function to receive notifications from the DLL. The prototype of the callback is:

typedef bool (*on_received_buffer_t)(void* inst, const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int size);

Where inst is the pointer originally passed to RemoteDllSetReceiver buffer & size contain the notification text as defined in the Remote Protocol. Note: notifications may arrive in different threads (e.g. network, timer, audio).

I can't imagine what i mus do with on_received_buffer_t, must it be a delegate? Like you can read, this functions returns notifications from the DLL like connection status, user id...

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Convert Left() Function Into C#?

Jan 20, 2012

I have some vb code i would find it helpful if someone was able to convert it to c# for me. I dont really know what the left function does?[code]...

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VS 2008 Function To Convert 8.5% To .085?

May 4, 2010

Looking for the function to convert 8.5% to .085

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Convert C# Class To VB?

Jun 21, 2010

i convert this class

public class Position
#region initialization
// position stuff


but i get ERRORS my main problem is the readonly properties at the method clone examples Error1Property 'Latitude_Sexagesimal' is 'ReadOnly'.and so on ....whats the difference between those classes?how can i make functional my class written in VB ?

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