Convert Infix Expression To Prefix And Infix?

Aug 17, 2009

Convert infix expression to prefix and infix using visual basic 2008

/*Infix to Prefix And Postfix*/
/*Roll No:2102*/


How do I convert infix expression to prefix and infix using visual basic 2008?

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Convert VB6 Expression Into .Net?

Nov 29, 2011

The code you posted while similar to VB6 has method and syntax that is very similar to Crystal Reports Scripting Language


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.net - Convert C# Lambda Expression To VB?

Mar 23, 2012

In looking at Fuzzy Date Time Picker Control in C# .NET? Piotr Czaapla's answer to that question is exactly what I need. unfortunately, I'm a VB.NET guy and I'm not that familiar with lambda expresions, so my attempts to convert the code have resulted in hours of misplaced parenthesis and banging my head with a brick.

Any chance some bi-lingual wizard could convert the C# code to for me?


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Convert C# Lambda += Expression To VB?

Feb 15, 2011

How should the following C# code be converted to VB.Net? I have tried several code converters and none produce correct results.


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Convert Linq.expression From C# To VB?

Mar 30, 2010

public Expression<Func<Something, bool>> OnSomethings()
// Code here

I had a view guesses, looked on msdn, but there are no examples matching the way that that is used.

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Convert LINQ Query Expression From C# To VB?

Mar 10, 2009

I have the following C# LINQ query expression:


how to convert this to VB.NET?

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C# - Convert This Anonymous Method / Lambda Expression Across?

Feb 23, 2010

How would you convert this to VB (using .NET 4.0 / VS2010) ?

bw.DoWork += (o, args) =>
Code Here

I thought maybe like this:

AddHandler bw.DoWork,
Function(o, args)[code]....

But it says Function does not return a value on all code paths.

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Can't Convert Integer To String In Constant Expression

Mar 26, 2010

I'd like to understand why one type can't be converted to another type inside a constant expression.

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Convert Lambda Expression In OrderBy Predicate From C#

Apr 24, 2012

I've got the following to sort entities by their job position. The desired order ist defined in another array. In C# this code works:[code]However I will have to convert this to I read the equivalent would be something like the following:[code]This does not compile, gives me "Expression expected" right after the Function(x). What am I doing wrong?

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Regex - Regular Expression To Convert Ul To Textformat And Back, With A Different Attribute Value For First Tag ?

Apr 1, 2010

This is a related to a previous question I have asked here, see the link below for a brief description as to why I am trying to do this.Regular expression from font to span (size and colour) and back (VB.NET).Basically I need a regex replace function (or if this can be done in pure VB then that's fine) to convert all ul tags in a string to textindent tags, with a different attribute value for the first textindent tag.For example:

<li>This is some text</li>
<li>This is some more text</li>[code].....

Basically I want the first ul tag to have no indenting, but all nested ul tags to have an indent of 20.

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Regular Expression To Find Characters In A String And Convert Them To A Number

Sep 2, 2010

I may have a string for example potato in a application. I want to find all the occurrences of o and convert them to 0, so the desired out is: p0tat0.I know it can be done by the provided string operations but I need a regular expression in my scenario.

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Get A 2 Digit Prefix That Increments?

Jul 18, 2009

i need a 2 digit prefix that increments. 1 - 99.. after reaching 99 it will be 100, that what im supposed to trap. if must be a0 - a9, after then b0-b9 ...... z0-z9.

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.net - Concatenate Tag Attribute Value Using Razor And A Prefix

Jun 16, 2011

How do I do this in Razor (VB.NET):


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Adding A Prefix To SoapHeader Namespace?

Jun 16, 2006

add a prefix to the SoapHeader Namespace.

The XML would look like this
<aaa:TocHeader aaa:role="ADMIN" aaa:locale="en-US" aaa:softwareName="TOC" aaa:softwareId="aaaaaaaaaaa" xsdVersion="1.0" xmlns:aaa="">


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Code For Listboxes - What Their Prefix Is (btn, Text)

Sep 28, 2009

I need to find out about listboxes. Everything about listboxes. I need to know what code is needed for listboxes, and what their prefix is (btn, txt, etc...). I believe that I am using VB 2008.

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Force A Prefix Of Namespace On Xmlattribute?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to force a prefix of the namespace on xmlattribute - Here is how i have defined the class[code]...

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Read Each Line In A Richtext Box And Prefix With A 0?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a 3 richtext boxs where I add each line together and output to a textbox, all is working great. But the problem I am seeing is that I paste the contents from a spreadsheet which strips off the leading 0 (zero) from a 9 digit number into the 1st RTB.What I require is that I need to read each line in the 1st RTB and if the digits are = 8 then prefix them with a 0 (zero).

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RegEx Match A Number Without A Prefix Tag?

Apr 6, 2009

1 <span class='Txt9Gray'>Decisions ( </span> I'm trying to grab the '1' from this string. Before the '1' is another span, but I can't use that as a marker because it can change from page to page. Is there any regex expression that can simply grab the '1'.

The word 'Decisions' will always exist. That's my main way to find this line. Here's what I have been trying to no avail:


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Unable To Understand Prefix And Postfix?

Aug 6, 2011

Are you familiar with prefix and postfix? I just wonder how to solve it especially if the expression is too long.

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Remove Prefix From All File Titles In A Directory

Sep 16, 2011

Ok so im new to the forums and welcome any advice :)I am currently encoding my media library using handbrake and find that it places the encode number followed by a "-" before each title..I would like to remove the number and dash using VB..[code]

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Does BeginSendTo Prefix A Message With A 4 Byte Integer Of The Size

Dec 16, 2010

I inherited a project that includes a dialog between two applications. One in native C++ the other in VB.NET. The protocol is such that the first 4 bytes (32 bits) of the message encodes the size. However the VB.NET side never sets these first four bytes, however it does use the .net method BeginSendTo, which accepts an argument for size. Does the BeginSendTo method automatically add the size to the beginning of the message in the form of a 4 byte int?

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Convert A List Linq Expression To Defined List Class?

May 26, 2012

y have this class

Private Class MyClass
Public Property propertyOne() as String
Public Property propertyTwo() as String


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Sql - Remove Characters From The Prefix Table And Make Sure Only From The Start Of String Are Removed

Mar 25, 2011

I need to be able to strip the following prefixes from product codes as you see I have included a simple query while yes the below shows me the cm im not wanting i cant use replace as it code replace any instance of cm the prefixes are held in the supplire table cross refer with the products table

prefixes are not always two chrachters for example can be TOW

SELECT * , left(prod.productcode, LEN(sup.prefix)) AS MyTrimmedColumn
FROM MSLStore1_Products prod ,supplier sup
WHERE prod.suppid = 9039 AND prod.SgpID = 171


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VS 2010 - Make A Program That Generate 3 Codes To A Word Document And Adding A Prefix

Oct 2, 2010

I want to make a program that generate 3 codes to a word document and adding a prefix before each code

TextBox1.Text = 355855026164242
TextBox2.Text = 40324003
TextBox3.Text = 58458844

Want these codes to go to document like this:

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Convert A String (EG: "x^2") To An Expression ( EG: X^2)?

Apr 20, 2009

I want to convert a string variable into an expression to be evaluate within code. Can this be done?

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Delegate 'System.Threading.ThreadStart' Requires An 'AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression As The Only Argument To Its Constructor?

Jan 23, 2010

I got this Error. below is my code.

GenerateTheList is function.Need help
Private Sub buttGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttGenerate.Click
Dim thread1 As New Thread(New ThreadStart(GenerateTheList))
End Sub

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Code To Put In An Expression To Add Database Columns In A Row And Display It In The Expression Column

Mar 21, 2010

While looking in the dataset designer for a database table I am doing in visual basic 2008 I found a line for expressions under the property menu for a specific column. I need to know the code that I would put in this expression line so that this column adds up the numbers I input into three other columns and displays that number in the column. I need it to automatically calculate this for each row in the database table.

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DataColumn.Expression: How To Use A User Defined Function In Expression

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to write following expression on a datacolumn. But it results in error:Replicate('*', nLevel) + NameWhere: Replicate() is a user defined function (in a module). nLevel and Name are two other columns in same data table.

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Expression Parsing Using FLEE And Custom Expression Context

Jun 12, 2012

I am using Flee to build a formula builder. It works great but the only problem I'm facing is that Flee doesn't understand Generic Methods I guess. I have a function called IIf declared in the expression context I'm using. [code]How can I work around this. I mean cannot , in sense, write all possible overloads of the function of all .net primitive types. What approach should I take.

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C# - Solve This Error "Cannot Convert Lambda Expression To Type 'string' Because It Is Not A Delegate Type"

Jun 12, 2010

. I get this error: "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type" - keyword select become underlined in blue


Above code should displays drop list of employees first name and last name in a combo box

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