Converting A Textbox To DateTime?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a textbox that contains a date and I want to convert it to a date type, so I am using Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text) but the result I get is the date plus a time, like this: 07/11/2010 12:00:00 a.m.

What can I do to get only the date part without the time?

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Converting Objects To Datetime?

Nov 3, 2011

I am having a problem converting objects that are dates into actual dates. I'm reading in values from a datatable, and sending them to a JavaScriptSerializer so I can use the values in an open source calendar called fullCalendar.The problem is, the feed from the JavaScriptSerializer contains dates and a boolean value.

My code looks like this:
Dim rows As New List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
Dim row As Dictionary(Of String, Object)


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Converting String Into DateTime Value?

Jun 9, 2011

I have the following string:
How do I turn this into a DateTime Value? I've tried Convert.ToDateTime(s) normally but it keeps yelling that I'm doing things wrong because the string doesn't look like a datetime value.

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Converting A Datetime Of A Specific Format?

May 8, 2011

i have a problem converting a datetime of a specific format , you may notice a colon in between the date and time.

Dim time As DateTime
Dim str As String = "26/02/2009:18:37:58"
time = DateTime.Parse(str, "dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss")

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Converting A String Value To Datetime Datatyp?

Nov 17, 2009

i am developing an application in Vb.Net VS 2005 which accepts an XML and convert its node values in desired data type and assigne them to their corresponding variables. Here i am encountering an exception in converting a string value to datetime datatype:I have a form on which a button is there. On its click event following code get executed: Its code is as under:

sender As


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Converting Datetime From Character String

Mar 5, 2010

I am creating a web page. i have 2 textbox's that I am adding together to give me 1 value. the 1st textbox is using an ajax calendar extendar for the calendar date in MMDDYYYY format and the second textbox is using a HHmmsss format. So if I'm correct both should be in datetime format. Perhaps I'm wrong on the second textbox. I am still realatively new to so bare with me. How do I correct or make sure that my formats are correct. Or what code do I need to change to make sure that it is in the correct format. The SQL table field is in DateTime format.


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Converting String To Proper Datetime Value?

Jun 15, 2009

I have a datareader reading Date feild from the CSV file as string. it retreives the first record as "03/06/2009" successfully. My system datetime format is dd/MM/yyyy when I insert these values to an access table it put 06/03/2009 i.e makes it 6th March 2009 instead of 3rd June 2009 and so on for the values upto 12th June....after that it starts treating the date monthly correctly..

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Error While Converting String To Datetime?

Jun 29, 2009

i have a textbix in which the user is restricted to enter date in the following format "dd/mm/yyyy" .

then in code behind I am calling a stored procedure to which i am passing this date as a datetime parameter but i get an error

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@DateOfApplication", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateOfApplication.Text.Trim)

how I might cast convert this string date into datetime to pass to my stored proc

View 13 Replies - Converting Date String To DateTime Format .net?

Dec 1, 2010

I have this example and it gives me exception "Conversion from string x to dateTime is invalid"

here is my method to validate Datetime. Example Date string : "27/03/1985"

Public Function validateDateColumn(ByRef FieldName As String) As Boolean


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VS 2008 Overflow Occurred While Converting To Datetime?

Nov 23, 2010

Here is the error that is getting thrown:

System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException was unhandled
Message="An overflow occurred while converting to datetime."
Source="SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider"


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Conversion Failed When Converting DateTime From Character String

Feb 11, 2011

I have two datetimepickers on my form to set a start date and end date for a SQL server database query. I am passing these dates with parameters to my query from the .Value of the datetimepickers. When I run the program, the code returns an error of "Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string" I am not converting anything in my code. It is my understanding that the StartDatePicker.Value is already a datetime and does not require conversion.

Here is some code:
'Define Wages_Query
Dim Wages_Query As String = _
"SELECT [Department], [Operation_NUM], sum(STWag) as [STwag], SUM(OTWag) as [OTWag]," & _
" SUM(Shift_Diff) as [Shift_Diff]," & _
" SUM(COALESCE(STWag,0) + COALESCE(OTWag,0) + COALESCE(Shift_Diff,0)) as [TotalWages]" & _
" FROM dbo.Financial" & _
[Code] .....

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Conversion Failed When Converting Datetime From String Or Out Of Range

May 29, 2012

Mostly got these errors : The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.


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Conversion Failed When Converting From Datetime To Character String

Nov 30, 2010

I'm trying to insert data into a table in my database. I'm using MS Visual Studio 2005 with SQL Express/I get the error message: "Conversion failed when converting from datetime to character string". [code]

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Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime?

Feb 26, 2009

Error converting data type varchar to datetime.rtfI am trying to learn ASP.NET using ASP.NET 1.1 with SQL Server 2000 for the database. I have created a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000 and the procedure to execute the Stored Procedure is in ASP.NET 1.1. The problem is that when I try to save a record, the date field returns the above error. I have ried to use the several solutions on the web without getting one to solve the problem.I am attaching the Stored Procedure as well as the ASP.NET code for some advice. I am also attached a word document containing the two procedures.

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Forms :: Syntax Error Converting DateTime From String

Feb 17, 2010

i am using DateTimePicker code is TextBox2.text=DateTimePicker1.Text.......while changing it correctly dispaly the selected date in textbox......the problem is i want to store the date in my database of field datetime type........when i click the add button it shows "Syntax Error Converting DateTime from String"

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Sql - Error Converting Data Type Nvarchar To Datetime

Sep 2, 2010

Using Server 2000 updating a row via a gridview/sqldatasource

Stored proc:
@ISTag varchar(10),
@PCISTag varchar(10),


I don't understand where else it could be screwing up. I'd love to be able to keep it to a null value if it is one already, I'm just trying to get it to take anything right now and this is where I'm at.

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Sql - Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String

Sep 2, 2010

Getting this error when updating a row via a gridview with a sqldatasource in Server 2000. No matter what input (1/1/2010, blank, etc) I give it I can't seem to get it right.

Code before the input is passed to the sp:

Dim sqldatenull As DateTime
Dim DateVerify As DateTime
sqldatenull = DateTime.MaxValue


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Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String

Nov 18, 2011

Im in the process of building a call loggin system and its finally been put on the server, but i keep getting the above error "Title" the first stage it goes to be authorised and when the authoriser auths updates the table with the date they authorised it. which is fine, the next stage is the Business Analyst where they check all the content of the task and then approve it but for some reason unknown to me it keeps falling over on the .dateAuthorised

My Sql Column to hold the date authorised is a Datetime datatype and im converting a string to a data time within the procedure this is my Code behind page

Dim StatusNew As Integer = 53
Dim CurrentStage As Integer = 51
ITUpdateTaskTable.Add("@spWorkID", Replace(TskNumLab.Text, "LC", ""))


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Converting Date String Starts With Days To DateTime Format?

Dec 1, 2010

I Have this date "27/03/1985" and because it starts with days i can't convert it to datetime.

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Sql Server - Getting Syntax Error Converting From Datetime Character String

Jan 28, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main
Protected WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView


When I debug this, I put the line break on that line and look at the Table Value, which shows 0, but I know that there is data for that time frame.

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VS 2008 : Conversion Failed When Converting Datetime From Character String?

Feb 10, 2011

when saving the "conversion failed when converting datetime from character string" is displayed.

Private Sub BtnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click
Dim cn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)


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Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Expression To Data Type Datetime

Aug 26, 2011

I have a DateTime Picker that I have set Format to "Custom" and CustomFormat to "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"

When the user changes the date time it all works fine and update the table no problem.

If the user does not change the date time I get the error[code]...

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Conversion Errors To A MYSQL Database - Converting A String To A Datetime Format

Jan 5, 2010

I'm having a problem converting a string to a datetime format. the string is depicting an hour, for example 08:00, but in the mysql database it stores that as 2008/00/00 00:00 any idea how to solve this?

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TextBox To Display Datetime?

Mar 28, 2009

I am trying to display the day pulled from a datetimepicker menu. I have no problem displaying the day in the textbox using a button and this [code]...

The problem I am having is I don't want to have to press a button. I just want the day to always be displayed. For example, If the default value is now() from the datetimepicker, I want the textbox to display only the day portion (Sat) but not have to press any button to activate it. When the user changes the datetimepicker to tomorrow or whenever, as soon as the new date has been selected, I would like the textbox to display the new day value for the date selected.

I am using VB.Net 2005, and I am new to programming so the easier the better.. I'm currently in school learning VB and want to try to make a program that my friends and I can utilize at work.

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Retrieve DateTime From MySQL As String And Put Them In A Textbox

Jun 10, 2011

I have this question about how to retrieve a column with DateTime from MySQL as String and put the data in a textbox. [code]I want to use this to cross reference with other table in other database, but to do that i need to copy the data into a textbox as string or a datetimepicker as datetime.

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.net - Comparing A Date Value Taken From Textbox With The Datetime Value Stored In The Database?

Aug 25, 2011

Actually I have datetime value stored in the database. What I am taking from the textbox is a time value. I want to extract those results from the database which are between the given time value....To be more concise, my application is a booking system for a sports club and provides an option to view alreaady made bookings.. Here i offer two options either to view all bookings for a specific game or to filter bookings. In filter bookings one option is to filter through date and time...Date option is running okay but problem lies in time part...I provide two times but unable to view bookings between them...

My code is:

Dim prmtimefrom As New SqlParameter("@booking_time", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmtimefrom.Value = TextBox3.Text
Dim prmtimeto As New SqlParameter("@booking_tim", SqlDbType.DateTime)


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Validation Command - Update Datetime Textbox Instead Of Numeric

Aug 2, 2010

I have the following validation which works fine for numeric textbox i.e., txtprojstart, however I want to update it for datetime textbox instead of numeric... See code below


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Compare Forms Textbox.text Value Formatted As Longdate Into Sql Server Datetime Column?

Apr 6, 2010

Im trying to retrieve some rows from sql server having datetime column that matches the given value of the textbox in a form. The tables datetime column name is "DepDateDepositDate" and the textbox.text was formatted as longdate eg("Tuesday, April 06, 2010") I have this code below but it seems its not retrieving the data that i wanted.

Dim daBnkBok = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From DepositRef Where Convert(varchar,DepDateDepositDate, 112) = '" & Convert.ToDateTime(clsGlobals.BankBook.bbDepDate.Text).Date & "' ", bbcons)

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Converting The Name Input From The Format Of (Last, First) Within The Same Textbox?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm doing some homework for my VB class where I have to write a program that creates an invoice for a customer. I'm having an issue with converting the name input from the format of (Last, First) within the same textbox to (First Last) in a listbox via a function. I have done everything but dealing with the strings and I'm at a loss. I'm also having to create an invoice number with the first two letters of the last name and also the last four numbers of the zip code in an address line such as City, State, Zip. Manipulating these strings is killing me.Below is the code that I have written, manipulation of the strings must be in one function for each the invoice and the and the name issue....

=Dim custinvoicenum As String
Private Sub btnProcess_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcess.Click
Dim custname As String 'Name of customer[code]......

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Converting Textbox String - Application That Has 2 Textboxes And A Button

Jan 10, 2010

Basically I have an application that has 2 textboxes and a button. What I am trying to do is when the button is clicked, it takes an entered string from box one (which is validated to only accept numbers) adds 235 to it then converts it to hex and finally reverse the string and sets textbox two equal to that value. Note that the final string has to be eight digits so the string may needed to be padded with zeros before the string is reversed. With that said how could I go about doing this? Also I do plan to add 2 more textboxes and another button to undo this process but I am thinking if I can figure out do it one way writing the code to undo the process shouldn't be too hard.

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